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(1/19/2020) Eeek it’s been a hot minute with tons of new changes; I left the VA, started a new job at the local Uni, sent in articles for incorporation for a non-profit, lost a baby, drank loads of wine, planned a trip, took a trip, planned 50 more trips. Will try to update this more often to better catalog our adventures and memories.
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A is a very hands on garden helper and our oranges this year are nothing short of perfection.
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We just recently came back from a trip to Arizona over winter break and are currently planning a getaway to Tulum. I’m so excited for a traditional, easy beach vacation.
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This week I’m headed to San Diego for a CAOHC certification course. Destin, Florida is up next month for another CAOHC certification.
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My last day as an audiologist with the Department of Veterans Affairs was on May 31 (2019). Turns out May 31 has signified the end of a chapter before; I taught my last German class at Arizona State on the same day in 2011. It’s been an absolute honor serving our veterans and I’m sad to not see my fantastic coworkers on a daily basis. Super excited about the next chapter, however. Until then, 2 months of travel with toddler (gulp)!
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My last day as an audiologist with the Department of Veterans Affairs was on May 31 (2019). I’ve loved my time at the VA and found it an absolute joy (most of the time) to serve our veterans. As sad as I am to see this chapter close, I’m beyond thrilled to see what the next chapter brings. Until then, two months of funemployment (and travel)!
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Well, this is embarrassing. So much for doing a weekly recap! Things have been wildly busy. The husband took a job in Palo Alto and we have been planning our two month (!) trip to Poland. Baby still isn’t walking but has become a master gardener and ramen eater. We’ve been frequenting a revolving sushi bar new to the Sacramento area since speedy food makes for a happier dining experience with our now very demanding and opinionated toddler. I got a new point and shoot camera for our trip (Panasonic LUMIX Lx100 II) and a new 85mm 1.8 lens for my Nikon. Can’t wait to really put both to the test. So far, we plan on visiting Krakow, Tallinn, Warsaw, Poznań, Berlin, and Gdańsk. I’m trying to figure out how to add Wrocław in the mix since the medieval centers in these Polish towns are ridiculously cute. We’re also toying with the idea of a quick jaunt down to Malta or Croatia. 🤷‍♀️
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Baby’s first birthday and birthday party have come and gone. She’s been in a terrible mood all week and seems to have brightened up a bit today. Aunt and cousin from Poland came to visit with my mom and we had adventures to Bogle, the Crocker, Jelly Belly and other Sacramento sites. Finally managed to snap a picture of baby with her favorite stuffed animal, Bobo, by confining them to the bouncer contraption. I just realized that tumblr doesn’t tag the date to posts, or does it? (2.21.2019)
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Another week whizzed by! Baby is cruising and pulling herself up to stand pretty easily now. We went to the library, hung out at home, went out for tacos and finalized the menu for her 1st birthday party. I made a proof of concept rainbow layer cake using boxed cake mix and canned frosting and it tastes more horrible than I remember it tasting. Will try again this weekend with food dyes made from, well, food and cake from scratch.
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Whoops! Not sure how the past Sunday got away from me as it is now Wednesday! Baby is crawling super well now and loves her new found freedom. I took her with me for a haircut (her first official!) so she could have some fringes trimmed. I’ve been working on capturing the mundane moments at home using window light and got some captures that I find are very painterly. We visited Empire Mine last Tuesday and it’s a beautiful estate; definitely coming back in the spring when everything is green and lush for some more photos. Impromptu shoots at Gunther’s and Costco didn’t go so well; it was too crowded at Gunther’s (perfect weather Sunday afternoon, go figure) and I’m still not comfortable with my new wide angle lens. Something about the down-the-aisle compositions wasn’t working for me. Will try again another day!
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We did our weekly trip to Costco; it’s been pouring all weekend and there’s no better place to get your steps in. I played a bit with the framing here as I’m trying to get better with visual story telling.
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We’re finally crawling well and baby has been non-stop since she figured this out.
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Baby made a friend at Track 7; she got a two dollar bill for her college fund from Mark, her new honorary grandpa.
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Fun at daycare this week involved making judgmental faces while other kids butchered the fine art of xylophone playing.
Last but not least, I had a great interview for an international product trainer position in Switzerland. The husband and I are both beyond excited at the prospect of moving to Switzerland if I get this job and have been daydreaming ever since. I also put in my notice at work on Friday. 2019 is looking like another year of major changes and milestones.
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I can’t believe another week has come and gone! I trudged my way through work and seemed to have an onslaught of “difficult” patients. Combined with some uninspired lunches it made for a subpar week. We did get rewarded with a beautiful rainbow after some much needed rainfall. On the weekend, we picked up our Bogle wine club package (a Malbec and Pinot Noir with grapes from the El Dorado and Russian River areas, respectively) and had friends over for Chinese hotpot, which seemed to be a great hit with everyone. I nearly forgot about taking the baby to Safeway and her puking all over in the frozen food section and in the car seat on the way home; I guess I repress those semi-traumatic events very efficiently!
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I decided that I would start a weekly recap every Sunday of our general ongoings. We put the baby to bed and rang in the New Year with a bottle of Iron Horse while watching the ball drop in New York. The baby had a cold but seemed to recover in time for a quick jaunt up north to see some snow (her first); we were aiming to make it to Lake Tahoe but she was non-compliant so we cut our losses and pulled off near Donner Lake instead. To say that she loved the snow is an understatement.
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