curseddallonweekes · 3 years
hey y'all, its me again 😎
has it been years now since i deleted this blog? time flies. anyways yes this is the real cursed dallon weekes and ive come to reclaim the url although ive sadly lost my old iconic pfp
i just wanted to make a statement 4 the few people who may still wonder abt me n such and describe my experience with running this blog
when i first started i really did not expect it to blow up and to have the influence on the fandom that i did. i just wanted to share funny photos of dallon weekes who was my at the time favorite musician. but i was also a bit young and stupid, to put it bluntly. i believe i was 13 or 14 when i ran this blog 😬. several things i did have not aged well, which is why im a bit glad i made the decision to delete it initially. i was a bit obsessive and treated the members of idkhow and p!atd more as fictional characters rather than people, as evident by that awful cursed brallon blog, and i hope it could at least serve an example as to what not to do in such situations.
i also hurt people's feelings/crossed lines unintentionally sometimes in my immature cluelessness (made memes out of photos that were important to them and other similar things) which i know i have likely apologized for but im still truly sorry.
although i should not have had my platform, it was still very fun while it lasted and i am glad to have brought joy to others with my shenanigans. it always brought a smile to my face when i would post an image and soon after id see it everywhere on instagram and such. things just inevitably fell apart when i grew too ambitious, realized my mistakes, and had been going through a lot irl.
at some point i will try to upload some old videos i never got to publish to my youtube channel for you all.
as for everything else, cursed dallon weekes shall remain a ghost of the past. i am open to answering any questions tho and i hope everyone is doing well ❤ peace
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