cursesthousand · 1 year
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Hello!! So I’ve decided to move Senju back to this blog in an attempt to become more active with her, and after realizing she’s still one of my strongest muses for the TR fandom in general. With that said - it’s been a while, but feel free to like this post for a starter if you’re interested!
I’ll still be continuing the ongoing threads from my multi when possible, so don’t worry about that. But I’d love to start some fresh threads, even if we’ve already got something ongoing! <3
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cursesthousand · 1 year
As the self-deprecating words leave Takemichi’s mouth, Senju finds herself briefly surprised. It didn’t even occur to her that he might blame himself, because to her, his selflessness and strength is so obvious. It’s self-evident in everything he does, so how can he not see it?
She wants to comfort him, to tell him that yes, he really did save her - but for some reason, once more, her throat closes around the words. She doesn’t know why. Maybe she just doesn’t know what to say - and she hates herself for it. Instead-
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“I don’t know.” she answers honestly, with a sad smile on her face. There’s silence for a moment. It feels like she’s given up on everything - on all her goals, all her ambitions... it’s the end of Kawaragi Senju. But she feels too ashamed to tell him that now.
Besides... he’d probably think it was his fault even more. Suddenly desperate for Takemichi to stop blaming himself, she adds-
“I don’t regret it, though. It was worth it. Besides, I couldn’t even defeat South... so what right do I have to lead Brahman, anyway?”
cont. from here ! ⭐ @revengesworn
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beneath the fog in his mind and beyond the numbness in his body, takemichi looks at senju and feels grief. they had known each other so briefly, and he mourns time  ( as he always seemed to do, all these years )  that they could have spent together but didn't. he wishes they could've gone on another rollercoaster ride where after she'd have to pat his back while he bent over a dirty trashcan trying not to vomit, and then be dragged to a food stall to try festival snacks he wouldn't have had the courage to try by himself. he wishes they'd gone to karaoke after school, and he'd clap along to her hogging the microphone, then embarrass himself trying to hit a high note. he wishes he could've introduced her to his friends, so that she would not be alone in this dark corner of the world anymore. he'd wanted to get to know her better, without this burden counting down their seconds, without this responsibility cutting their time short. if he had been smarter, stronger, more prepared, less carefree, then she and draken both... 
what could've been was not to be. what should've been would never be, now. if senju walks out of this door and out of his life completely, he would not blame her decision, and he would not chase after her. at least she was kind enough to say goodbye, and that was much more than what takemichi deserved.
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‘ did i really?  ’   he does not mean to defy her, but the simple truth was that mikey's fists could've closed takemichi's eyes forever and only then takemichi would never get the chance to fuck things up again. maybe that should've been the solution from the start.
what would usually bring him to tears is only an affirmation that keeps him in this strange, steady calm, as if it was someone else speaking for him, as if it did not hurt to move his mouth enough to talk. he's fine. he doesn't know what has senju so worried, when she's got other problems that no doubt weigh her mind.  he looks at her sympathetically, a small frown pulling at his brows, and reaches out to place a comforting hand above hers as he says,   ‘ i... heard about brahman, too. that you had to disband it so mikey-kun would let me go. i'm so sorry, senju, i know you worked really hard to get to where you were... i can't imagine how devastated you felt. what are you going to do now...?  ’   
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cursesthousand · 1 year
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                                       “Then... wanna start fighting here?”
Independent headcanon-based Senju Kawaragi from Tokyo Revengers, written by Meri. Mutuals-only, contains potentially triggering content. If you’re interested in interacting, please consider giving this post a like or reblog, and thank you so much!
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cursesthousand · 1 year
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Hello!! So I’ve decided to move Senju back to this blog in an attempt to become more active with her, and after realizing she’s still one of my strongest muses for the TR fandom in general. With that said - it’s been a while, but feel free to like this post for a starter if you’re interested!
I’ll still be continuing the ongoing threads from my multi when possible, so don’t worry about that. But I’d love to start some fresh threads, even if we’ve already got something ongoing! <3
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cursesthousand · 1 year
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cursesthousand · 2 years
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cursesthousand · 2 years
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How do you all like my spicy new starter call banner... is it good................ i do not know how to Graphic ;w;
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cursesthousand · 2 years
When Senju spots the other boy, just visible through the gloom of the darkness... she immediately tenses up, ready for a fight. Her heart is pounding in her chest, and though she doesn’t want to admit it... she’s afraid, if even only a little.
But it’s fine. She’s strong. She knows how to protect herself, certainly if it’s just one lone stranger who looks her age anyway- but, as she gets a better look at him... Senju suddenly realizes that this is someone she might know. Or well, it’s more like she’s heard of him.
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“You’re... from Toman, right?”
@mcmoryfound​ ( starter for chifuyu! )
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cursesthousand · 2 years
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I think it’s sometimes forgotten considering her often childish personality but... Senju can actually be pretty damn rude. And intimidating. Like she’s straight up fearless and ready to throw down whenever.
I really want to see more of this side of her at some point...
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cursesthousand · 2 years
thinking about senju and draken...
like most of the time i think about senju dynamics i like i go to the my main ones like senju and sanzu, senju and takemichi, senju and mikey, senju and hakkai... and i do adore those, but
maybe i’m biased because they’re my faves but i love the idea of draken and senju getting to know each other better!! they both have someone in KMG they respectively want to save, who’s fallen into darkness and who they want to bring back to their sides, and I wonder if they could bond over that?? who knows...
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cursesthousand · 2 years
if you see me changing my url 10394 times until i find something i’m happy with… i’m so sorry :’)
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cursesthousand · 2 years
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still working on replies atm, but in the meantime, like this post for a senju starter!
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cursesthousand · 2 years
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“So you want to stop Mikey...”
Senju quickly finds that she’s reassessing the image of Draken in her mind. The other founders may not care, but Draken, if he really can’t sit around idly while his former Commander goes around causing trouble for those around him... then maybe he’s the kind of person she wants in Brahman, after all.
She can’t help but respect his sense of doing what’s right, even when it must be hard for him as the person who was once closest to Mikey. And... she’s a little curious, too. It may have just been rumors, but Senju recalls having heard that Mikey had calmed down after getting to know Draken, as if his presence alone was enough to settle the darkness inside him... what kind of a person must Draken be, to be able to do that?
“Alright. I’ll accept you as a member of Brahman.” It’s a simple, quick decision, and she hasn’t talked to Takeomi about it yet, but in the end, she’s the leader of Brahman, not him. “Our goals align. If you’re prepared to take down Mikey, then you’ll be a great asset to our team.”
@captivemuses​ ( continued from here! )
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cursesthousand · 2 years
if you see me changing my url 10394 times until i find something i’m happy with... i’m so sorry :’)
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cursesthousand · 2 years
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“You’re so corny, Hanagaki!”
Senju laughs, unable to help teasing him a little, but... in reality, she’s impressed. And after a moment, her face softens into a wistful smile as she thinks about his words.
“You really care about Mikey, huh?” she muses. It’s funny, the things Hanagaki says about him. Because... this Mikey Takemichi loves is the same Mikey who hurt Haruchiyo so badly, and now he’s turned on all of his friends too. Senju doesn’t understand what he sees in him at all, and she probably never will... but if Hanagaki sees something in Mikey, maybe there really is hope for all of them. It’s Senju’s fault that Mikey changed, after all.
“I’ll support you. So I’m sure you can do it. ...I’m glad you joined Brahman, Hanagaki.”
@protectivemuses​ ( continued from here! )
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cursesthousand · 2 years
For a split second, Sanzu is transported back to their childhood upon hearing her address him as “Haru-nii.” Something inside of him stirs, perhaps something that might resemble love, but it’s met with an instant repulsion and a visceral desire to shove that feeling down deep. Fuck that. The sneer on his face falters for a mid-second, a mild degree of surprise evident upon his features before they harden once more - lips downturned in displeasure. 
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“… You can’t or you fucking won’t?” He spits, shaking his head as he lowers the pipe and seems to contemplate its weight in his hands. Anger builds in his tone with each word passing through his lips, the volume only seeming to increase to displace anything mildly resembling a tremble. In less than a heartbeat, his grip is adjusting and he’s closing the distance between them - swinging the pipe right into her side to deliver a heavy blow.
“I don’t need your god damn pity. Stop sniffling and show me a good proper fight, because I sure as hell won’t go easy on you if that’s what you’re thinking.” 
Senju resists the urge to bite her lip as her face twists, holding back tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. She’s aware she must look pathetic - she is pathetic. And she’s very much aware of Haruchiyo’s anger, the tension thick in the air between them... before suddenly, the pipe is slamming into her side, and she only knows pain.
It hurts. Fuck, it hurts. Senju stumbles and barely manages not to fall, clutching her hand with her side and recoiling from the blow instinctively. Her whole body is tense, and suddenly, she holds herself as if she’s preparing for a fight, but... in spite of that, she stands still, unmoving. She simply stares at Haruchiyo, unable to bring herself to make even a single move.
She deserves this.
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“Haru-nii... I’m really sorry. I never apologized for what I did that day... when I lied to Mikey... but I know I hurt you. I regret it so much...”
Now the tears have started to fall. She’s wanted to say these words for so long, but never has - perhaps out of fear for how Haruchiyo would react. It’s another symptom of her cowardice; a reflection of the kind of person she is... Now, though, as she speaks them, all she can think about is how they’ll never be enough.
“I’m so sorry.”
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cursesthousand · 2 years
TAKE HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH !                                                                                                                                                     ( you don’t DESERVE to mourn. )
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