curuniel · 21 hours
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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curuniel · 2 days
Performance of the waiata Bohemian Rhapsody.  sung in Māori by Hātea Kapa Haka
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curuniel · 3 days
Not to sound like a 90s shallow prep, but how you dress can affect your self esteem, and putting energy into wearing things you actively like and projecting an ideal of yourself through fashion instead of seeing clothes as things you have to put on out of obligation helps.
It also can give you a sense of control over your appearance that you otherwise wouldn’t have lmao
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curuniel · 3 days
“The seeds for that score [in Cowboy Bebop] were sown in middle school and high school when I was a member of the brass band. I’m not sure how it is nowadays, but back then all the songs kids were taught weren’t at all cool, so I made and performed originals. But a part of me was always frustrated because I couldn’t understand why everybody else was content playing the uncool music. I wanted to play brass music that shook your soul, made your blood boil, and made you lose it.”
“This yearning became “Tank!” which was the opening theme. I wanted to make music which would light a fire in me when I played it. Also, when I was “convenient” during my university years, I transcribed a lot of black music. After I began to grasp and understand rhythm I thought, “How is it that they play the drums the same way, but the rhythm is so different between black people and white people?” So I took a trip to New Orleans to listen to jazz and funk.”
You went to America while attending university?
“Yes. I went coast to coast on a Greyhound bus. I didn’t have money to stay in hotels, so I usually slept on the bus. It was something that was possible because I was young at the time. [laughs] There was a person playing a banjo on the street in Los Angeles, which I thought was cool but I began to notice as I kept moving East the groove of street musicians would swing harder. There were kids the age of high school students playing fantastic funk grooves on just one snare drum. It was through this trip I learned that even within a genre there are differences in the style. This was really exciting for me. I learned that the beat is a form of language.”
- Yoko Kanno, Akihiro Tomita Interview, Red Bull Music Academy, November 2014.
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curuniel · 3 days
simply cannot ever resist what i call the little mermaid or the tin man or the pinnochio plot, the one about a character who is either inhuman or human but outside in some way, constantly searching for whatever it is that they consider to be the quintessential proof of humanity, preoccupied by it so deeply that they fail to realize the proof is in the act and fact of the search itself
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curuniel · 3 days
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🌗 Into Tartarus // Out of Tartarus 🔥
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curuniel · 4 days
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curuniel · 4 days
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curuniel · 5 days
some random redemption arcs that aren’t just ‘zuko, but a little to the left’
I’m evil but all my evil friends betrayed me and I’ve decided that the best revenge is to ruin their evil plans. Yes, this means I’m a “good guy” or whatever. No, I don’t like it any more than you do.
I was evil but all my evil friends betrayed me and now I’m going to latch onto the first person who shows me kindness. If that happens to be the protagonist, I am totally fine with realigning my morality to match theirs.
I never wanted to do what I did, and now the biggest obstacle to me switching sides is convincing me that I’m not a living weapon.
Well as long as you’re imprisoning me in this magic amulet I might as well give you pointers on your technique. I mean come on if you all die I might be stuck here for millennia! It’s not because I like you and don’t want you to die. Nuh uh.
Look, I legit thought that being evil was going to be my best option to get this important thing done, but, uh, that didn’t pan out. Help?
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curuniel · 5 days
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curuniel · 5 days
You see it's quite simple: if they call the earth Gaia, it's fantasy. If they call it Terra, that's sci-fi
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curuniel · 6 days
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Close enough welcome back cover of alecto the ninth
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curuniel · 6 days
everyone keeps talking about old man yaoi. who is he
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curuniel · 6 days
you can no longer choke the life from a planet and stuff its soul into a barbie doll body and keep her as your bodyguard for 200 years and then lock her in a freezer because your friends think she has bad vibes. because of woke
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curuniel · 7 days
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curuniel · 7 days
okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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curuniel · 8 days
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