cute52 · 7 years
Bad Boy! Bae Jinyoung
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masterlist can be found (here)
genre(s): bad boy! au collab with: @pinksausageduo a/n: an early (?) birthday present for the lovely @whatabrightplace 💖 happy birthday tina and merry christmas everyon :) a christmas fic will be up in a bit while I answer some ask game!
“Watching over you from afar is the only way to possess you without getting hurt.”
Jinyoung is your typical bad boy, clad in a black leather jacket and black combat boots
He has a helix piercing in his right ear which he usually wears a cross earring on it
People shiver when they found out he’s Bae Jinyoung
The one is known to be the best fighter in his school and single-handedly defeated 10 of the best fighters in school
His school uniform is always messily worn and he drives a motorbike to school
Has a permanent smirk on his face which some people low key find hot but are also high key scared of him
A rule in school is that when Bae Jinyoung sleeps, nobody should attempt to wake him up or prepare to receive a punch on their face
It’s not that he’s angry - he just has a resting bitch face which makes him look intimidating
Sometimes, it leads to bigger problems - like fights
People think he’s ignoring them or being plain rude so they try to start a fight with him
They think he looks very weak but one hit on his body (if they can even get close) will make them immediately regret their decision
Under the bundles of long sleeves and hoodies, is an extremely toned body with well-defined muscles
But regardless, Jinyoung is very agile due to his body frame and the amount of training he puts in hence he easily overpowers them
He never start fights - he ends them
Other than that, he doesn’t make much noise in class and he is usually sleeping at the back with his hoodie shielding him
There aren’t any notes in his backpack but his grades are decent enough to make sure he doesn’t get held back a year
But the teachers don’t even dare to call out on him since he is rumoured to be in touch with the mafia
Especially when he skips school and they thought he is involved in a gang fight
In reality, he is just at the cyber cafe, playing Overwatch with his best friend, Daehwi since they are trying to skip the pep rally
You had been walking home from the bus stop when you heard a groan coming from the alley
Your first reaction was to run away but listening closely and peeking from afar, there was definitely only one person
Someone who was heavily injured could obviously do you no harm
Hesitantly, you made your way and gasped when you saw who it was
He may have a purplish blue bruise on his left eyes and a busted lip but you didn’t need to be a genius for you to recognize it was your classmate, Jinyoung
You had been his seatmate at the start of the year but both of you barely interacted, safe for the occasional ‘here you go’ and 'thank you’
“My house is just around the corner, let me clean you up.”
Jinyoung carried himself out and limped away from you and you could hear him muttering 'screw off’
But once you see him stumble over a rock, you are just like 'nope not happening fam’ and your hands are already on his shoulder
He unwillingly put his hands on you and if only the sky wasn’t so dark
You did notice he was blushing and the tips of his ears were red
Cleaning his wounds didn’t take much time since you learned first aid when you were younger
Most of his injuries were also just bruises or scratches, nothing too serious to the extent that he needed to go to the hospital
Thankfully, both your parents and older brother were out or you would’ve been facing a wall of questions for bringing a bleeding boy home
Jinyoung grumbled along the way saying that you better not tell anyone what you see or else …….
You are like 'yeah yeah’ and he shuts up immediately when you rubbed alcohol on his wounds cause that stuff HURTS
Other than that, he was really quiet throughout the entire process and only peek to meet your irises once in a while
But only because he hated himself for showing such an uncool side of him in front of you,
After you were done, you offered him to stay for dinner since you were already planning to cook for yourself and it was a hassle to have leftovers
Much to your surprise, he said yes
While preparing for dinner, small talks automatically came up since you were in awe of his cooking skills
For a teenage boy, he was definitely much better than you that lead you to asked him how did he acquire such a skill
During the dinner, he opened up to you  that he knows that he comes off a rude, but that’s just on the surface
You two eventually bonded over the same interest, especially when he found out you played the same video games as you were influenced by your older brother
It didn’t take you long to see past Jinyoung as the scary, moody person and just someone who is passionate about what he does
A person who is not intimidating nor scary,,,,,,, and really likes cooking lmao
Ever since that night, you hang out with him a lot especially on the rooftop after school when you don’t have anything on
Jinyoung genuinely enjoys your company and how you are willing to give him a chance
He doesn’t call you his friend directly but it’s cute when you find recipes book under your desk because you know it’s him
Or a carton of chocolate milk with a sandwich from the convenience store because he is the only person who knows you hate the plain taste of milk
Sometimes black sticky notes written with white pens because he must still keep up with the image of a ‘bad boy’ LOL
It makes you look forward to seeing what he will surprise you the next day and his presence became something you learned to appreciate and even crave
People don’t avoid you but they generally treat you a lot careful seeing how they didn’t dare to mess with you as became associated with Jinyoung
You two actually game together at times and it’s amusing to see how worked up he gets over a game when people like to call him emotionless
The only possible thing that scares you away was his loud laughter that the entire population of Seoul could possibly hear when he manages to beat an opponent in a video game
Since you two share the same free period, he sits next to you in the library
You love the fact that everyone doesn’t dare to speak near Jinyoung in fear he will be angry since he is sleeping
So you can do your homework in a quiet environment bcs it’s always really noisy most of the time
He actually does it on purpose even if he’s not sleepy solely so he can see that smile of yours when you proudly tell him you are finished with your assignment
Plus you have more time to be with him anyways
You never noticed your feelings for him that were slowly creeping up
It was in the library when you had been really annoyed
Your teacher had accused you of not being able to answer a question, going as far as to claim that your grades were dropping as you were hanging around with Jinyoung
You were furious not because she had attacked you verbally in front of class, but had insulted Jinyoung without even giving him a chance
He may not do his homework nor participate in any group activities, but he could easily solve any of the maths questions you struggle with
“How many times have i told you not to make that face?”
“A sour expression like that doesn’t suit you at all.”
His eyes narrowed slightly as a smirk played on his lips
“Just keep that foolish smile on your face as always okay?”
It may be just a sentence but it was enough for you to look at him …. in another’s perspective
However you were anxious, what if you were just overthinking?
Bad boys like him mess around with feelings all the time, you wouldn’t be an exception
But it was another day when everything was revealed,,,,, you saw him having his head buried in his arms so you assumed he was sleeping
You took the chance to pat his head,,,, it was an oddly weird thing to do but it just looked….. soft, for the lack of a better word
Damn, Jinyoung’s heart practically melted because that was the first physical contact you two actually had
“Continue doing that.”
It took you by surprise when you saw him awake and glancing at you but what snatched your attention was his intense gaze
All you can think was that he’s beautiful, and his thoughts aren’t far from yours in regards to you
“Wha-what do you mean? I wasn’t doing anything.”
You muttered defensively, suddenly shy and not willing to take responsibility for your action
Jinyoung sighed before gently taking your wrist and looking into your eyes
“Stop messing around. I like that like how I like you.”
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cute52 · 7 years
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| Title: Emerald. [Bae Jinyoung x female Reader]   
 Genre: angst, fluff;  dragon shapeshifter! au
 Series: The Dragon’s Starry Eyes, two: Bae Jinyoung. 
 Previous story: One, Yoon Jisung (some details aren’t included in every scenario, I recommend reading this series in order)
 Summary: Would you love me any differently if you knew I’m a monster?
 Warning: mention of loneliness  
 Word Count: 3k (i got a bit too excited, my apologies!) 
 Note: Merry Christmas everyone. I know it has been a hard week for many people, but stay strong and remember healing takes time -for me, writing helps, for you, I hope (even if it is just a tiny, tiny bit) reading this can help. This is the longest scenario I’ve written here so far, I hope you like it and please feel free to tell me how was it. Pictures aren’t mine (as I always say), but I made the crappy moodboard lol. |
Emerald: love, rebirth.
I am going insane and I don’t know what to do with all this noise. I lay here but I can’t seem to find any rest, there’s no solution and I’m alone. How can you tell me you love me with that expression, when I’ve been abandoned as if my mere existence was wrong so many times before? I just know you’re what my soul craved for when I was in complete darkness. Please… I don’t wanna be alone.    
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