cutestbabyboyv-blog · 6 years
Kooktae - Taehyung wants affection:
taehyung: *moves closer to jeongguk, trying to be subtle*
jeongguk: *doesn’t notice and continues watching the movie*
taehyung: *lays his head on jeongguk’s shoulder*
jeonggguk: *notices but doesn’t do anything*
taehyung: *pouts, turning off the TV and climbing on jeongguk’s lap, nuzzling his face into the other’s neck. Placing his butt on jeongguk’s crotch*
jeongguk: *notices what he’s doing and smiles, placing his hands on taehyung’s waist. Pressing kisses all over his face and grinds onto the other gently* could’ve just said you wanted attention, babyboy.
taehyung: *blushes* s-shouldn’t have been ignoring me, stupid.
(my first post on here. oof it’s bad.)
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cutestbabyboyv-blog · 6 years
Taehyung in Jungkook’s Eyes:
-man baby
-his stars
-his world.
0 notes
cutestbabyboyv-blog · 6 years
Kooktae - Taehyung wants affection:
taehyung: *moves closer to jeongguk, trying to be subtle*
jeongguk: *doesn’t notice and continues watching the movie*
taehyung: *lays his head on jeongguk’s shoulder*
jeonggguk: *notices but doesn’t do anything*
taehyung: *pouts, turning off the TV and climbing on jeongguk’s lap, nuzzling his face into the other’s neck. Placing his butt on jeongguk’s crotch*
jeongguk: *notices what he’s doing and smiles, placing his hands on taehyung’s waist. Pressing kisses all over his face and grinds onto the other gently* could’ve just said you wanted attention, babyboy.
taehyung: *blushes* s-shouldn’t have been ignoring me, stupid.
(my first post on here. oof it’s bad.)
15 notes · View notes