cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Dawn began, the monsters entering their hibernation cycle and the combatants using the down time to rest. Sion fought for hours with nary a rest; her vampiric stamina allowed her to move days at a time without much of a break. However, even a half inhuman body needs a break sometimes, especially after strenuous exercise.
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The alchemist sipped on one of the few blood packs she had been able to grab from her hut before all this began as she took the time to look over herself. For a few days of fighting, she’d been pretty well off. There were a few wounds that could do with some patching up, but nothing that would hinder her. The new intake of blood would help.
Suddenly, she heard a noise coming from the entrance of the room she was in. She pointed Barrel Replica towards the entryway, her mouth still on the blood pack. Drones shouldn’t be moving, but perhaps something had changed... Best dispatch it quickly, lest more problems arise.
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Polarizing emotions came from the responses given by the two she saved, but both seemed to undermine the fact that she had just saved them both from a gruesome (and quite embarrassing) injury, best case scenario.
Just as the white-haired man voiced his complaints, a wolf charged forward at the group. Without any hesitation, Sion once again pulled out her pistol and shot the beast between the eyes. As if to add insult to injury, she slammed her foot onto its neck, the connection making a disgusting crack. 
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『As I have been the one  felling many of the drones and beasts that wish to rip you to shreds while you’ve all been single-mindedly chipping away at the larger target, I believe I can fend for myself.』 Sion stared intently at the armored man.  『Once again, had you been more aware of your surroundings, perhaps you would have realized that.』
@sardonicstripling -> @tensecondtrigger
     Nero followed whatever battle was directly in front of him, finding his way to Sector 004. His goal for the moment was to directly charge at the biggest monster present and hack into it until it died. Anything that got in his way would be indiscriminately cut down.
     –Not a plan really worthy of any tactical commendation, but he wasn’t one for that fancy business.
     Red Queen drawn and revved, the two fought as a fiery hurricane–spinning slashing, bashing. There was no pause in his offensive push as he tore a path through the enemy’s ranks. Eventually, he found himself face-to-face with the big bad boss itself, and began to tear into it alongside the others that’d shown up. 
     As he fought, however, he–
                                                  “What’re freaks like you even doing here? 
                        “Monsters, all of you!!”
                                        “Just die and get out of our home already!!”
     That moment of flinching hesitation brought by the unexpected voices had nearly cost him, had he not been yanked from under the giant foot crashing down. Shaking his head, he’d refocus before getting to his feet and revving Red Queen once more. No time to get distracted by pissy ghosts throwing temper tantrums.
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“Yeah yeah, got that already!” He cuts himself short, grabbing a charging drone and using it to knock a surrounding group of the beasts away from the newly positioned trio. “Would sure be a helluva lot easier without the backup dancers crashing the party–!”
@tensecondtrigger -> @cuttingsync
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Send me questions about my character's series
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
According to all of Sion’s calculations, these beasts should have killed them all already. The combination of giant monsters and countless drones should have overwhelmed the citizens in an instant. However, they were resilient.
Sion chastised herself for thinking of everyone as separate from her. She moved alone, but they all fought towards a common goal. Sion had her own reasons: her death would mean the death of someone very important to her, and she wouldn’t allow that to happen. And if that meant relying on total strangers, then so be it.
At the moment, however, it was a stranger relying on her. A boy crumpled on the ground, beaten and broken, caught her eye. He reached out, his expression pleading for help, towards a drone. The robotic enemy immediately noticed him and moved closer. Sion didn’t need any calculations to figure out how this would end if she left it alone. Sion quickly threw her whip at their direction.
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Moving him would possibly hurt him further, so she grabbed the drone’s leg and tripped it. She was there in an instant, placing a fatal bullet into its head. The beast roared out, immediately aware of Sion’s presence. She’d moved too close to it, and she could feel the crazed words of the NPCs filling her mind. She quickly pushed it to an unoccupied partition of her mind before crouching near the boy.
『Hold onto me. I can get you away.』
I’m nearly dead please help
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“Ow..!” Kana screamed as the beast managed to land a hit on him. Repeatedly, the beast attacks and Kana could not land a single blow towards it. Maybe if he had a stronger weapon to use, he shook his head as his mindless thoughts came to him. Was he to give up now? His mind filled with thoughts of the NPCs hatred for him, Kana grabbed his head in pain as the beast lands yet another blow on him. How many wounds was there on his body? He grabbed his dragonstone tightly but he was too filled with thoughts to transform yet.
He was in a daze as he noticed someone, someone to help? Or maybe it’s another beast? He lift hands towards them and whispered, “H..Help..please” He beg, he didn’t want to die! At least not before finding his mother. Please let this person be a help!
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Sion hadn’t meant to shoot to kill. A new gun, weighted differently than her Barrel Replica, and the immediate danger of the situation would have been her excuse. Of course, Sion had no plans to apologize for her actions. 
Even with her eye blown out, the girl still stood. In fact, it seemed to do nothing but inconvenience her for a few minutes. Sion sniffed the air: the scent of human blood was muddled by something more... artificial? It wasn’t the same as what was coming out of the man. 
Not that Sion needed more evidence that the one standing before her wasn’t a normal student.
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『I assessed the situation with the minuscule amount of time I had. I needn’t rely on my future sight to see where this would end. In my eyes, the victim is the man standing behind me, and I will not apologize for saving a life. Besides...』Sion took another sniff, recoiling a bit.
『I highly doubt a man man who has soiled himself in fear would ever attack you again.』   
It wasn’t the sudden sensation of pain that stopped Ryoko. She skidded to a stop and clutched at her right eye, feeling the warm slickness of blood ooze between her fingers. Her vision was entirely blacked out on her right; not that it stopped her from fully ‘seeing’ the area in front of her. It wasn’t much of a detriment at all, but the shock of it was enough for her to stand still and register her surroundings.
She didn’t need to perform a full scan of the area after all. Another lump of lead struck her in the left shoulder and another whizzed past her left ear. The smile left her face as she gazed at the shooter. A thin line formed under her nose.
“That’s a funny thing to say after shooting someone. Someone could have died.”
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She eyed the gun, then turned her eyes to the rest of the purple-toned girl. Was she new? Or maybe she was just someone who worked for one of those groups that always seemed to spring up like weeds. Either way, Ryoko had the same words to say to her.
“You do understand the gravity of the situation, right? Do you even know who you’re standing in front of? That man and his partners attacked me without any aggravation on my part. What I did,” she said, swishing her knife back and forth to shake some blood off, “was simply self-defense. You can’t be that thick-headed to not see who the real victim here is.”
She finally dropped her hand from her face and crossed her arms. The blood coating half of her face had splashed onto her bangs, almost turning it a shade of dark purple. Her face remained as stony as ever, even as the white of her uniform continued to be stained with red.
“I hope you have a good answer.”
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
❝ if anyone needs me i will be laying face down on the ocean floor ❞
『You needn’t sulk at my skepticism of your so-called “demonic” blood.』
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『...However, if you do somehow survive being submerged under the sea for a long period of time, I would be more open to your claims... 』
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
❝ we let the bodies hit the floor then what? next we’ll have bodies hitting walls, roofs, you name it, bodies will be hitting it ❞
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『Indeed, such an epidemic would be quite alarming. Something with the power to toss bodies around like that mustn’t be left to its own devices.』
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
@wolfpupy twitter ask meme
❝ its all fun and games until its not that anymore ❞
❝ i grow more powerful every day and by powerful i mean sad ❞
❝ only the good die young? phew good thing that i am so incredibly awful ❞
❝ if theres one thing i dont know about its everything ❞
❝ heres some general life advice, when the sun hits the ground find somewhere to hide ❞
❝ surfs up. hail satan ❞
❝ after 13 long years congress approved a bill that will finally let the bodies hit the floor ❞
❝ hey kids, i know youre struggling right now but im here to tell you, everything gets worse forever ❞
❝ in a way aren’t we all responsible for my actions ❞
❝ some say love is a river, me i say things that make sense ❞
❝ if your newborn baby has a full head of hair that means it is a business baby and is ready to enter the world of finance ❞
❝ i may be dumb as hell but i am also insanely stupid ❞
❝ take every thing you own and throw it into the ocean who cares ❞
❝ you know the old saying, boys will be trash ❞
❝ one of these days i will float up off into damn space and no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa ❞
❝ if i could shoot anything with a gun i would probably shoot another gun, the hunter become the hunted ❞
❝ lets forget about the bodies for a second. what do you really want to let hit the floor? your feelings perhaps? ❞
❝ i’ve seen a lot of things in my time, which i blame on me leaving my eyes open. things got a lot better once i decided to just close them ❞
❝ learning from mistakes is for people who recognise that they make mistakes. i dont give a shit ❞
❝ there are few things in life that can’t be achieved with occult dark magic ❞
❝ how to predict the future: think of the worst possible thing that could happen ❞
❝ halloween is forever bitch ❞
❝ who are the real criminals, me who does the crimes or the people who hurt my feelings all the time ❞
❝ looks like things are always happening once again ❞
❝ i am going to lay completely still on the forest floor until either things start going my way or i disintegrate into nothing ❞
❝ im sure im going to ruffle some feathers with this but given the choice between good times and bad times i would like to have the good times ❞
❝ the best way to solve problems is to create more problems until you are dead ❞
❝ tired of people always telling me go to hospital and that i’ve lost a lot of blood, its my severe head injury not yours stay out of it ❞
❝ i hit the hay all day mother fucker. 24 hour sleep cycle. if you awake you a fake. its bed time bitch ❞
❝ i hope one day i will find love, or a cool looking leaf. either one ❞
❝ piles of uneaten candy will signal im dead ❞
❝ the hairless rat is not a new species, merely a result of my failed scam of shaving rats and selling the hair back to them at a high price ❞
❝ we let the bodies hit the floor then what? next we’ll have bodies hitting walls, roofs, you name it, bodies will be hitting it ❞
❝ sometimes the people that hurt us the most are the ones swinging big knives around while screaming and trying to cut us ❞
❝ yeah yeah blame the guy whos dna matches with the dna found at the crime scene. surprise surprise ❞
❝ for as long as i can remember i have been able to remember things, maybe even before that ❞
❝ yeah i looked both ways before crossing the street, i looked both ‘handsome’ and ‘radiant’, too bad i got hit by that car ❞
❝ stop living in a dream world and start living in the regular nightmare world all of the rest of us live in ❞
❝ blood moon, very cool to see. and whats the sun doing again? the same regular thing for the millionth time? what a load of worthless trash ❞
❝ if existing for an amount of time has taught me anything its that i have no idea whats going on ❞
❝ hurled my bible at the paper boy and knocked him off his bike with the real news ❞
❝ i’ll go in whatever direction the wind takes me, and if i am too heavy for wind to move me around i will probably just lay down and die here ❞
❝ i’ve said it before and i will say it again, i think people should give me hundreds of dollars and feel good about doing it ❞
❝ wow, i’ve never thought about it like that before. and i never will. i’ve already forgotten what you said, good bye forever ❞
❝ stop being so defensive i am just trying to hit you with weapons ❞
❝ dont betray me and act surprised when i get revenge on you, thats the number one consequence of betraying me. everyone knows it. even babies ❞
❝ blood is just nature’s red water that flys out when you make a mistake. relax and enjoy the experience for once ❞
❝ reached the limit of what you can do with imagination? why not try occult dark magic ❞
❝ if anyone needs me i will be laying face down on the ocean floor ❞
❝ its time to forget the mistakes of the past and start making the mistakes of the future ❞
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
『I see...』
Such a harsh reaction. Even Sion couldn’t have calculated such a reaction from a man who not only helped her, but would also go out of his way to continue with the womanizer attitude during a situation like this. Reiku was full of surprises, it seemed.
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『Bad with blood...』 Definitely not. The exact opposite would be closer to the truth: she needed blood to survive, and since arriving, she hadn’t the chance to drink from a safer source. Just a little was enough, but in this situation, Sion could feel her vampiric side trying to take over.
『I do not particularly enjoy being around it. Violence begets more violence, but if you deem it necessary, I will not stop you. You know more about the circumstances surrounding the state of affairs than I do.』 But even through the hunger pangs, Sion will keep watch and intervene if necessary.
“Not anymore they do not,” he said as seemed to be precise in his shooting. Although he did leave behind a couple of people, it was hard to discern what was his judgment as to who was a target and who wasn’t.
Actually, he could recall clearly those people and he could remember who he had witnessed before that were attacking other people. They certainly are cowering now that there was a bigger threat.
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“Of course, I’m only shooting the ones that I’ve seen before. You know, ganging up on someone weaker and using their newfound abilities to even kill others. Why should I care if they are harmless now? Of course, that’s only because they only hunt those weaker than themselves,” he was without mercy as long as one was deemed a target, or have assaulted someone before. Male, female, young, old, he did not discriminate at all.
“Are you not good with blood? I did not expect that of you.”
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Alchemists were not fighters. Sion had experience, yes, but that was meant for humanoid opponents in a one-on-one battle. Shooting a giant monster made of the souls of countless other beings, even with her original equipment returned to her, would be like chipping away at a brick wall with a plastic spoon. As such, she concentrated her energy on the smaller enemies.
Sector 004 is where her battles led her. She stayed close to the towering enemy, picking off the countless drones and wolves that attempted to interrupt the combatants dealing with the much larger mess. Alternating between Etherlite for the soulless drones and Barrel Replica for the wolves, she was dealing with them without much trouble.
As she fought, her eyes scanned the battlefield, every unoccupied partition in her mind running calculations on what the enemies would do next. A pair of men focused on the head caught her eye, as did the beast’s sudden jerk of a leg. Lightspeed calculations in her head immediately brought her to a conclusion of the next train of events. Without delay, she threw her whip towards them, wrapping them both together, and pulled them towards her right as the beast kicked the empty space they used to occupy.
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『Be aware of your surroundings,』 she said as Etherlite returned to her,   『lest you wish to be nothing more than guts under the beast’s claws.』
@sardonicstripling -> @tensecondtrigger
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
The hostilities wouldn’t end there. Before the boy could realize it, a woman stood before him, a gun was pointed straight at his heart. Sion’s gaze was sharp enough to cut through the boy, but the gun was a more tangible threat. 
The boy may be an enemy, and he may be much more than he seems. Best to be on guard.
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『I am giving you a chance. Are you hostile? A one word answer will suffice.』
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“I’ve been attacked by complete strangers almost eight  times now. I wonder why everybody’s suddenly so hostile towards each other?”
He was still strruggling to fully comprehend just what was transpiring around him. And with good reason, given he had quite literally been dropped right into the middle of this upon arriving in the city. All he could truly do was keep moving and hope to avoid any other incidents.
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
As usual, Reiku continued the sweet talk. The probability of him returning to that playboy attitude was so high, Sion needn’t waist processes to predict it. However, the situation in which he spouted out these sweet compliments did not match with what was happening around them.
Sion kept her eyes away from the carnage. Her mind reeled, inspecting the gun in his hand. The bullets were definitely not physical, not with how they were tearing apart those bodies, leaving their carcasses a bloody mess. The air filled with the smell of blood, keep your mind off of it, how does he summon that gun, keep your mind on something else, but you’re so hungry so very hungry—
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『...No. I am not hungry. I do request you keep the bloodshed to a minimum. Not all of them seemed to want to hurt us.』 They had no chance to consider it, from how quickly Reiku dispatched them.
“Chalk it up to the scientists, babe. Leave it to them to mess things up,” he led her through the alleyways in hopes of avoiding the currently powered NPC’s that sought to hunt down the subjects, aka them.
When they were confronted by a group, he extended a hand out and summoned one of his spirits by invoking their name. “Miranda.”
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The gun materialized in his hand and he wasted no time in charging it with his own mana and firing at the NPC’s with deadly accurately. He spared no quarters and the first volley caused the death of five NPC’s already while the others sought cover.
He started to pull Sion towards another way as the barrel of the gun recharged by spinning a reloading mechanism similar to a revolver’s although it only needs to be charged with mana.
“This isn’t exactly how I planned a date. Say, would you like anything for dinner?”
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
The smell of blood filled the air in the city.
What was happening now could be considered a war, but perhaps it would be closer to truth to call it a massacre. There were sides, of course, but death was skewed more towards the NPCs. 
Should the battle be for a good cause, such as self-defense, there would be no problem. She, too, had blood on her hands, but those were usually of vampires whose existence was a blight on humanity. However, the scene she came upon had no reason for the cruelty. 
Sion quickly drew her pistol and shot at the assailant. Unlike the useless B.B. gun assigned to her when she first arrived, the gun she scavenged from the carnage could deal real damage. It wasn’t the Barrel Replica, but it would do.
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Whether she hit the blue-haired girl or not was of no importance at the moment. She ran towards the man, continually shooting at the teenage. Finally, she stopped, keeping the barrel pointed at the girl as she looked upon the man. His terrified face was enough to explain the entire situation. She looked back at the girl.
『Lower your weapon. Your opponent can no longer harm you.』
This didn’t turn out to be such a good idea in the end.
Of course, Ryoko was thinking in the shoes of the trembling man before her, who was currently nursing a slash on his left side. Blood stained the grey fabric of his shirt a dull scarlet, but she hadn’t delivered a fatal blow. The cut was barely an inch deep and hadn’t punctured any major organs. He would make it with a disinfected bandaging and some rest.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t planning on allowing that to happen.
“What exactly did you think you would accomplish by harming me? That by killing me or scaring me, it would teach others to not abuse the common folk?” the blue-haired girl went, tapping her bloodied knife against an open palm. “If anything, you’re just adding to the fire that seems to burn eternally here. Because even if all of you super-humans somehow managed to get us all to kowtow to you, then what? What?”
When all she received was a whimper and a few strangled words in return, the tip of the knife went to her index finger instead.
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“That’s right. The scientists would have eventually brought in a whole new group of normal mortal subjects, and you would have treated them like your slaves. They would hate you over time and we’d be right back here in this very moment. It’s all a vicious cycle- one that only I have had the insight to see. But… I can understand the circumstances. After all, you’re only human.”
Ryoko walked forward, stepping over bits of broken asphalt, burnt plant-life, and drops of dried magma.   
“Really, I shouldn’t expect much else from this city or its inhabitants. But I always yearn for more,” she went, stepping over half of a bisected corpse. “Maybe next time? Well, anyway, it was wonderful to learn about the city’s side of this new conflict and observe your new abilities! I can always appreciate a new addition to my archives. So…”
She waited five more seconds for him to crawl away before she suddenly rushed toward him, never changing tone or expression.
“This is goodbye for now!”
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Oh, Sion had been caught. From the interaction they had before, she was expecting a comment on her looks in order to fluster her yet again. The man named Reiku Tohno was quite the womanizer, and people like that didn’t bold well for the alchemist.
That’s why she was caught off guard when he grabbed her hand and led her away, speaking seriously all the while. She had calculated such an outcome, but only with a small margin of success. Once she was about her wits, Sion still gave no resistance to the gesture. She knew very little of the situation at hand, but she could easily discern its severity.
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『I wish we could have met in a more peaceful situation. I have only arrived here again recently, so I am not entirely informed of the current incident. The citizens here are angry at those who are not human, but why?』
Despite what happened with the White Fang, there are those still going on with their petty war. In particular, many humans and NPC’s were banding together. It’s a bit amusing how they think that there is strength in their numbers when trying to face off someone with abilities.
Most of them were trying to aim for the weaker ability users or symphatizers. They avoided the magic wing since he erected a very effective and effiient barrier. So he decided to intercept these groups on the streets.
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“Oi, you! I know you,” he remembered encountering this woman before. He was not sure if she was human but he was certain that she was not average. He quickly walked up to her to try and grab her hand and lead her out of that area.
“It’s dangerous here, we need to go.”
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
[oh would you look at that its an event]
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[i know i still have a starter to write but hey who wants to plot? I’d like Sion to get some allies (or even enemies), and to possibly get a weapon that she could actually use to defend herself? She’s pretty limited but she can still fight all the same.]
[no cap since its plotting, I’ll probably send you a message asking for/suggesting ideas. alternatively, feel reach out to me on twitter]
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
Once again, Sion returned to this city. It was quite interesting, how she couldn’t remember her time here in the past before returning. It wasn’t surprising, with how they can tamper with her own abilities. That was a much more difficult hoop than just altering some memories.
The alchemist walked around the city, making a mental note of the city’s social situation. It seemed that there were some tensions between those deemed as “human” and “non-human”. As one who lived on the edge of both, it would be better to keep quiet on the topic.
As she moved past a certain part of the city, she suddenly noticed someone familiar in the distance. She craned her head forward, trying to remember exactly who this was.
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It was when the man made eye contact with her that she finally remembered who he was. And at that moment, she thought that it may have not been a good idea to follow that curious impulse.
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cuttingsync-blog ¡ 8 years
[aaaaaaaaah here we go, starter call, capping at 3]
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[And let’s try uncapped for any UNIBs (I dont remember if there are any UNIBs still around) and any sort of Type-Moon muses. I might cap (or the starters will be shorter) if it becomes too much for me]
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