cuyh · 5 months
another rant
A lot of people are upset of a certain writer on here because she writes ‘dark’ fan fiction. A lot of people who are calling her out are so ignorant. I will say, I hate her as much as the next person. Truly, I do. I don’t like the things she writes about. So I blocked her. (It’s so easy guys. I swear🤗) But I will never deny that she is autistic, a victim of SA, has had an ED, struggles with mental health, ect.. some people on here are downright rude about her trauma. Saying she isn’t this and isn’t that. That she’s a sicko. I don’t think some of you understand the psychology behind trauma and how it can affect people in their sex lives. I know people who have been SA’d/r@ped, and how they have a kink for it. A kink can’t be controlled. I don’t agree with those kinks. I think they’re disgusting. I’m not into them. But I’m not going out of my way to whine and complain about others business like a weirdo. So many of you reach so far to try and make her seem horrible. She’s traumatised. But she has an outlet for it. With people who have gone through the same thing. I don’t read her stuff. I’ve blocked her. I find things that she has written gross and unchecked. Such as:
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(Screenshot from another post) That makes me so unbelievably angry. But I’m not stalking her like some delusional goodie two shoes. There are going to be things you don’t like on the internet. When will you guys learn this? Go on Twitter ffs. RE as a whole has r@pe in it. I don’t understand why people are trying to make it some sunshine and rainbows. If you don’t like it, block. Simple. Open your journal and be mad in there. Not on here.
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cuyh · 9 months
a little rant about discourse rn
TW// rape, pedophilia, incest. necrophilia mentioned?
why is there so much rape/incest/pedophile fanfics within the resident evil community? and with the amount of people i've seen defending themselves or their favorite writers is so concerning to. it's so disgusting to see things like 'leon would rape his little sister, snuff her by accident, then continue to use her dead body for weeks on end as she rots' how out of touch with reality are you? this isn't 'dark content' or 'taboo topics' you guys sound like pedophile and rapist apologists. seeing grown ass adults writing about leon raping a minor is so jarring and disgusting. you see that as something you can defend? you all seem like porn-addicted zombies. the second hand embarrassment i get backhanded with when i see people defending this stuff leaves a red, bruising mark. rape, pedophilia, and incest are real. they're traumatic events and it's not something to find arousing. it's such out of touch behavior coming from grown adults. could very well be the same adults you walk past out in public. i've blocked a lot of writers and such. i just wanted to come on here and say whats been on my mind because it's honestly been eating away at me for a few days.
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