cyanideyvonne · 4 years
i feel like completely redoing my tumblr....deleting and starting over haha
not like anyones gna read this
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cyanideyvonne · 4 years
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cyanideyvonne · 4 years
My theory is that elves see themselves as some sort of ‘god species’? It has been an integral factor of the book that the elves are ‘superior and intellectually advanced’ over humans, and we have seen them do some eyebrow-raising and morally wrong actions that make us wonder if the elves are really as superior as they seem to be. These topics Ms Messenger either has briefly skimmed over, of refused to mention at all, despite there being many instances for her to do so. Don’t get me wrong, I am an enormous fan of the series, but when reading the book, I do have my own concerns...
1. Children: It has been emphasized throughout the entire book that elves are against ‘violence’, and from how the elves have described how it is like it is somewhat safe to assume that elves are incapable of entertaining the notion of abortion. However, that also doesn't stop them from doing some really shady things - from how we see Quan and Mai Song parent it has proven that it is morally acceptable for elves to fake being pregnant and that society does not really bother with the ‘elf’ until they have been born. On the topic of an unwanted child, I feel (personal theory here) that the elves would sell/smuggle the children away to some undisclosed location where they would never have to see them away. (Again) Based on the Song’s parenting, it is obvious that not all elves truly care for the emotional wellbeing of their child and is more focused on physical wellbeing. (Alden had no problem knocking Sophie out against her own will, and although he apologised, it doesn’t change the fact that he did). Many of the adults have shown behaviour that benefits mostly themselves, as the guilt kicks in only after they have acted, and there are many ways of tricking oneself into not feeling guilty. (Such as convincing yourself that the child is better off without you as you would be such a terrible parent.)
2. Period cramps: they have a potion for everything and anything, honestly I wouldn't be surprised. (What I think is a very possible reason if Shannon mentions it in the book? superior Elvin genetics. because of course, one has to emphasize how they are better than humans.)
3. Similarities between elves and human: my own theory is that both species were once the same race, but due to millennia of segregation and evolution where one specific group ostracized another group due to physical disparity (ahem blue eyes, single child per birth, talents?), it eventually fragmented into two very different species. The first group stayed in (wherever that landmass is in the Pacific Ocean) with the rest of the ‘intelligent species’ to become the species known as elves whilst keeping all their technology to themselves, while the second group were forced out to break new ground on earth for survival. The societal difference between these two groups as time went on is also supported by the fact that the main difference between humans and elves that we see are in terms of society. As humans, we ourselves have been doing this to our peers through colonization and apartheid. Why wouldn’t it have happened before? Throughout the book, elves have shown to look down on humans due to some very ‘normal’ traits, yet when the same things happen to them, they pretend that it doesn’t happen. Not to mention how elves have a tendency for ostracizing those who break the mould, such as the Talentless and the Exiled. Very suspicious...
4. Elves are generally wary and mistrustful of human things, whether it be music or food, so a negative reaction towards medicine that they have been taught to be wary of being given to ‘one of their own’ is really not that surprising. All in all, it boils down to the xenophobia that elves have for humankind.
5. Humans being a threat: I’m not quite sure how to explain this but the aptest example that I can give is the story in the Bible where Man tries to build a tower to reach Heaven. (I’m not Christian so forgive me if I get this wrong) At first, God was like “Nah, it’s fine. It won’t happen.” Until they get really close, then God went “OH THIS IS N O T F I N E” Elves essentially see themselves as gods compared to humanity, so I think at first elves didn't really care much about humans, feeling like - Ah, they’ll probably end up killing each other first. But when they didn't, their reaction probably was OH SHIT WE SCREWED UP LET’S IGNORE THAT MISTAKE THAT WE MADE. So honestly? I feel that the elves were more embarrassed to make such a miscalculation in their plans instead of truly feeling betrayed.
6. Climate change: In the books (as far I can remember) climate change has not been addressed by anybody, which leads us to the assumption that like many other secretive things that the Council has been covering up, climate change is one of them. Why? My theory is that they believe that it is only humans who are involved in the causation of climate change, a mindset similar to extreme vegans who enjoy forcing their opinions at everyone (no offence.) Therefore, they feel that they are on a plane of existence so far above humanity that they would not be affected by climate change.
7. Overpopulation: Like 1), elves have a tendency of covering up their mistakes and hiding them. there is also a real possibility that the Elvin civilization stretches deep into the ground...Also, the perspective that we have in the book is from a more elitist point of view, and that there are many more layers of Elvin civilization that we haven't been exposed to. Also, if every single teenager fits into one school, the birth rate must be painfully low. Another theory that I have is that birth control runs in their taps or something. (In all honesty? I think Shannon just didn’t realise.)
8. Hiding from humans: fancy superior Elvin technology and magic. They probably have some fancy whirring gizmo and overworked elves. Also, humans do tend to see what they believe in...
9. Culture: As an art student, I feel that the mediums of art that display cultural heritage are very emotional forms of human expression. Such expressiveness is scarcely seen in the societal framework of Elvin society, in which boundary lines are drawn between families with forcefields. It has been proven that music exists in the Elvin world, but it is music highly different from the music that Sophie listens to, and it shows the difference in society between Elves and humans. (And between running for her life and saving everyone else’s, I don't really think that Sophie has the time to stop and look at the art around her.) In all honesty, I don’t think most Elves are fun enough to create art. They’re pretty boring really. Definitely, artists are seen in the Songs and Juliene Dizznee, but these are rare and few between.
10. Customs: They definitely have weddings, but I think this is something that we should wait and see.
11. Same-sex couples: They definitely exist. I feel that general society would look down on these couples, but not due to their sexual orientation, but for the fact that they decide to remain unmatched in the system and choose their own partner for the sake of themselves. It has been shown that Elves don’t really care much for one’s personality (Lord Cassius), but one’s actions in conforming to the expected stereotypes of being an elf of a certain age and status. By choosing a partner not through the typical Elvin way, these people are not adhering the status quo that Elvin society hold in such high regard. 
12: Elves being on different parts of the gender spectrum: I feel that they would exist, that there are potions available to support these people through their changes and to generally help them accept themselves and Slurps and Burps. However, I feel that they would also be treated similarly to the Talentless - acknowledging that these people exist but not really feeling comfortable around them or respecting them as equals - mainly because I think that some people find it difficult to wrap their head around that. (Really confident about the Slurps and Burps one but not so about the other one - mainly because elves are so different from us in their discrimination it’s quite hard to tell; maybe they don’t care. Maybe it’s similar to 12. Who knows...)
13. Disabilities: Locked. Self-exiled, scorned and rejected by society. We’ve seen what happened to the Ruewens. But then again there is definitely help available for those with physical disabilities especially in a species that prides itself so much over physical appearance.
I'm so sorry it’s all so negative!! I really truly love this series and it just kinda got away with me...
Some thoughts I have about the elves
+ Soo, the elves don’t have birthdays, instead they count their age from their “inception date” which is basically when the elf sperm met the elf egg right? And from that moment, they’re considered to be an elf. Are the elves pro-life? What happens when an elf doesn’t want a baby? Adoption rarely happens so does that mean an elf has to keep a child and raise it no matter if they wanted the kid or not? Seems a bit sus and kind of concerning 
+ Do elves get period cramps? They don’t experience pain from labor so how about periods? Humans seem to have very similar parts for making babies as elves (seeing as sophie’s mom was capable of carrying sophie’s embryo and forming her into a perfectly normal elf) 
+ Why are elves and humans so similar? Elves basically seem to be super-powered humans, so how did humans and elves become different? 
+ If elves behave and have similar needs to humans, what was the big deal about human medicine being used on Sophie? In general, it doesn’t seem to hurt humans, so what makes elves different? 
+ How was the humans betraying the elves such a big problem if the elves are so “vastly superior” How come the elves decided to leave most of the world to humans if they should be able to easily defeat them? Do humans have some sort of supressed abilities that pose a threat to the other sentient species? 
+ WHY HAVEN’T ELVES HELPED WITH CLIMATE CHANGE? This is a huge issue that would affect them too, so why aren’t they paying attention? This seems like something they should address. 
+ Why doesn’t the elven world seem to struggle with overpopulation? Humans struggle with this, and we are not essentially immortal. Elves rarely die, so why are they able to all live in huge mansions? Do elves get sent to space or something? 
+ What hides the Lost Cities from the humans? What measures do they have in place to prevent humans from seeing and entering their cities?
+ Why do elves not make music? What kind of culture do they have? So they read books, see plays, make art? 
+ What are elven customs? How do they celebrate weddings, and inception days, and other things like that? 
+ If matchmaking is in part to produce kids, how are same-sex couples treated?  Do they exist? (if they don’t exist, that REALLY sends a warning sign, considering elves are the “superior race”) 
+ Do gender-fluid, agender elves, and other elves on the gender specturm exist? 
+ Are there trans elves? How are they viewed/treated?
+ Do elves have mental illnesses like depression?
+ Are there disabled elves? 
Feel free to add more questions, this was all I could think of at the moment, but I’m sure there’s more.
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
MCR got back together - and then I realized I wasn’t dreaming.
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
Why feel guilty for napping!!!!! Like if ur body is tired let it lie down and rest!!!! This is officially a pro-nap blog.
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
okay so I've been seeing a lot of tam and linh being secretly good at music esp on @xylianeo​‘s page (which makes kinda sense but listen--)
They GAVE UP on music. So like whenever someone asks Tam to play a musical instrument he’s like - ‘Nah, I haven't practised for ages I’ll sound terrible are you kidding me we lived in the middle of nowhere trying to survive without the help of our disgrace of parents. how would I have even PRACTICED we used to be talented for sure but PRACTICE. It’ll be so insulting towards the instrument if I messed up.’ or like when they ask Linh to sing something she’s like ‘Bruh. I can't even carry a tune when I'm too busy carrying this teenage hormone-fueled angst fest on MY back. I ain’t got the time to practice.’
also tam’s the singer and a bassoon player. linh played the cello. they both refuse to touch a piano.
But when they hear someone messing up they just grab their ears and scream. Cuz YOU’RE SHREDDING THE INSTRUMENT U IMBECILE RESPECT THE MUSIC 
also linh likes rap. not mumble rap but old-sch hiphop. also she likes rock and roll just because her parents hate it. 
tam is secretly a 70s jazz guy who REALLY likes adele and whitney houston and no he doesn't like emo-pop that much why do u ask. 
both of them bond with sophie over their shared love of theatre music. they also think that too much synthesizer is TOO MUCH. 
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
Mama didn’t raise a quitter but she did raise a homosexual and and an idiot
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
Breath of the Wild: You can not even interact with the dog.
Super Mario Odyssey: You can not pet the dog.
LUIGI’S MANSION 3: You can pet the ghost dog and Luigi says ‘PUPPY!’
the best brother keeps on winning
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
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Here’s one of the commissions I did of Dex and Sophie ! We really need more of their friendship
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
guilty as charged.
I post for the bitches that used to get in trouble for reading under the desk during class in elementary school
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
the exam.
The invigilators stalk the hallways up and down, circling vultures always wary for that one 'what if'.
They don't see what is right in front of them.
Hands shake as another cup of coffee is downed the night before. That much caffeine is never good for the soul, but it's the only way.
The paper shakes as yet another one is handed up. The fate is set in stone. It sinks in the chest.
It's strange how the multitudes of life's small coincidences add up to the life that people go through, how time is fluid, yet we experience it linearly. It is not similar to how humanity has always been?
Unnervingly persistent on the straight and narrow, never looking back. Protesting when changes have been suggested, yet in the end, take the prestige as their own.
The human race has grown so distrusting of each other, easily throwing accusations and misplacing trust. But that is our nature, no? To take and take and take and never give. Humans are born and taught to be selfish, because 'that is the way nature works'.
What they don't see, is how even the fiercest tiger will die, the decaying body given to the smallest of micro-organisms. But human? We burn and destroy and build unforgiving towers of concrete, imprisoning our own through social standing and background and regulation.
Fuck conformity. Were exams not designed to differentiate between the different talents in children? Is it not to design the best method of learning for the child?
Why has it changed now, that a simple examination is looked up to with such reverence? We have deemed it with the ability to shape our livelihoods and futures, stopping at nothing to achieve good results for a single written paper. The ones who don't are met with disdain and ostracization.
The flesh of our brethren is used as the building blocks for our success.
The clock ticks as the invigilators count the papers. The urge to bolt feels animalistic, the windows casting shadows of bars on children. Bars of society's grip. Bars of affluence.
Bars that keep them trapped until they start making bars of their own. For others. Again and again, the cycle is repeated.
"You may leave." The students rush out chattering, frantically swapping answers like it would've killed them otherwise. Would it change anything?
(There are things of lesser value that people died over.)
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
reblog to pet the sad cat        __      />  フ      |   _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
Charities/organisations to avoid:
PETA: They’d rather spend their money on publicity campaigns than on the animals in their care. PETA killed 73.8% of the animals in their care in 2015 (x)
FCKH8: Is a for-profit company that exploits oppressed groups for money. They’re also wildly uninformed, and spread misogyny, cissexism and bi/panphobia, as well as stealing their posts/designs (x)
Autism Speaks: They spend most of their money on researching a way to eliminate autism, heighten the stigma against autism and don’t have a single autistic person on their board (x)
Please support other, better charities, and feel free to add any others you can think of to this.
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cyanideyvonne · 5 years
one round/action in D&D is 6 seconds so anything you could accomplish during a vine you could do during your turn
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cyanideyvonne · 6 years
UPDATE: I tried telling my brother(who’s kinda homophobic but is the only one in my fam who knows abt my orientation) and he just ignored me to watch NBA videos.
Fuck this shit.
Well, so yesterday I asked my parents on their thoughts about legalising gay sex in Singapore.
Their response: Well, we’re not saying anything against it, we’re just not encouraging it. It limits the survival of the human race, you see, and gay sex increases their chances of getting STIs. I mean, we do have gay/lesb friends, but can you imagine what wld happen if a gay couple adopts a boy what will happen to him what if they abuse him?
They apparently think that it’s acceptable to force members of the LGBTQ+ community into unwanted relationships ‘for the sake of the survival of the human race’.
This is why I haven’t came out to them yet. I broke down three times in the damn house with them around. It’s not like I’m hiding my sexual orientation, they’re just blind.
I’m sorry I just. I feel so exhausted rn.
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cyanideyvonne · 6 years
Well, so yesterday I asked my parents on their thoughts about legalising gay sex in Singapore.
Their response: Well, we’re not saying anything against it, we’re just not encouraging it. It limits the survival of the human race, you see, and gay sex increases their chances of getting STIs. I mean, we do have gay/lesb friends, but can you imagine what wld happen if a gay couple adopts a boy what will happen to him what if they abuse him?
They apparently think that it’s acceptable to force members of the LGBTQ+ community into unwanted relationships ‘for the sake of the survival of the human race’.
This is why I haven’t came out to them yet. I broke down three times in the damn house with them around. It’s not like I’m hiding my sexual orientation, they’re just blind.
I’m sorry I just. I feel so exhausted rn.
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