cyanis-art · 28 days
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Neji and Hinata resting after a hard workout
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cyanis-art · 6 months
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NejiHina Week 2023
Day 3: dating
I made this art with all my love and affection for my wonderful and incredible friend Ray, who left us three years ago. She was an admirer of seals and dedicated herself to her fun arts and stories with them. Then I wanted to make this drawing of Neji and Hinata having a date in a seal aquarium. 🦭✨💜
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cyanis-art · 6 months
i'll bring back the goods
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NejiHina Week 2023 hosted by @nejihinata AO3 Link Summary: On the eves of their coming of age ceremonies, Neji and Hinata have choices to make. Rating: G - general audiences cw: animal death (hunting) wc: Photo by zerotake
The first rays of the sun had yet to cross the horizon by the time Hinata was up, dressed, and sneaking out of the house. There was barely enough light for her to find Neji beyond the tree line in the forest surrounding the town.
“Good morning, Hinata.”
The twisting of her stomach and racing of her heart that marked each interaction with Neji had gotten worse when he agreed, after much convincing, to call her by name. She could not temper the accompanying smile as she returned his greeting.
“Good morning, Neji.” His expression did not stretch as wide but she recognized the softening of his eyes. Grateful for the blushing dawn light that blended with her face, Hinata wrapped her arms around herself and glanced away, catching sight of the weapons at Neji’s feet. “Did you bring…”
He started and tore his eyes from her to pick up one bow and quiver from the two leaning against a tree. “Yes, this one is for you. It’s my old one so it’s broken in already, and a good size for you.”
Hinata held them in her arms, staring at the nicked and polished wood and ran a finger along the sleek feather edges. “Thank you, Neji.” Her voice was as far away as her eyes and he stepped aside to strap on his own quiver. When she was ready, he helped her put on hers, then they were off, walking further into the woods.
“We’ll try rabbits today. They’re fast but live in groups and are small, so if your hit lacks power, it should be enough to take them out. Plus, I know a good spot for them.”
More of the forest revealed itself as the sun breached the skyline. Surer in her steps where the path bloomed with light, Hinata followed close at Neji’s side, pointing out the plant life she recognized from textbooks, and craning her neck to watch the twittering birds. He listened and offered his own advice on recognizing the cloved tracks of deer in the muck and the jagged claws of bears on trunks of trees. When the conversation lulled for some time, Hinata spoke up.
“Thank you, again, for bringing me out here. I’m glad I get to do this at least once.” She held out her hand and watched her fingers skim the drooping tips of the high grass they waded through. Head down, she missed Neji’s twisted expression as he glanced at her.
“Then we should make the most of it, shouldn’t we?”He stopped and threw an arm out to keep Hinata from continuing into the clearing. When she looked up at him, he motioned for them to crouch along the tree line until he found suitable deadfall to hide behind. Neji fixed one of her hands around the worn leather grip and the middle fingers of the other along the string. He let her practice the motion of pulling it taught and nudged her elbow up or down until he was satisfied with its position and her follow through. Pulling an arrow from her quiver, Hinata notched it herself and blushed when Neji commended her, then flipped it to the other side of the string.
“See them, there? To the left.”
Hinata nodded and brought the bow up with the shaft resting on the side of her gloved hand. The head laid flat and its sharp end trained on a group of animals shuffling around the underbrush.
“Keep both eyes open. Pick one and watch it until you can tell where it’s going to go, when it will stop. Take a deep breath… and let go.”
The arrow sailed through the air and landed with a thud. The rabbits kicked up dirt as they tore across the other side of the clearing and disturbed a flock of birds that ascended as one dark cloud into the clear sky. Flexing her stiff fingers, Hinata jumped up and jogged to the rabbit which she held out to Neji as he drew beside her.
“I did it!”
His smile sent a pleasurable rent through her stomach. “Congratulations. Now, time for breakfast.”
They worked together on skinning the animal and spitting it over a fire. Hinata was watching it cook when Neji, drying his hands with a quick shake, came back from the stream they had moved closer to. He sat beside her and offered to take over turning the food.
“Your rite of reign is soon, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” Hinata watched the shadows of heat dancing across Neji’s face but he did not meet her eye. “Father says I cannot put it off any longer. It will be at the next full moon.”
Both turned to the waning shade of the moon hovering over the tops of the trees. He hummed and the crackle of the fire filled the quiet. When they deemed the rabbit cooked, they moved the spit to let it cool. Hinata tore off a leg when she continued, answering the question Neji could not embolden himself to ask, “I’m still not sure who I will choose to marry after my rites. There are no eligible men who have had theirs, and I know so few who have earned their mark of mastery and fewer still I have any fondness for.”
“You know Kou and I know you’re fond of him.”
“I do, and I am.” She nodded and began to eat. “Do you know when yours is?” Hinata took her turn to avoid Neji’s gaze and concentrated on picking at her food.
“No.” At his pause, she stole a glance from the corner of her eye to watch the thoughtful thinning of his lips. “I’ve put word in that I’m ready but Gai-sensei has not yet heard from the Hokage on when it will be. I doubt they have enough people to justify holding a ceremony yet.”
“I see.”
They finished the meal in silence and put out the fire before continuing the hunt. After a handful of attempts, Hinata felled a second rabbit and almost a third until her fingers throbbed against the stiff string and sent the arrow tumbling through the air. They laughed as it landed steps away with a dull thump into the earth. She decided she was done and they moved onto the bigger game Neji was tasked with bringing home. He led them to the nearest grazing spot, and, some distance away, Hinata watched in awe as he snuck up on a herd of deer, nocked an arrow, and struck a stag in one swift motion. She came running up behind him when the animal let out its last heavy breath under the pressure of Neji’s blade. Its bulbous gaze settled on her and shone a dark reflection of their pitying faces.
“Neji.” Though she was still sick with nerves, determination began to burn through them as Hinata stared back at that open eye. It flared when he looked up at her and she let it speak before overthinking seized her again. “I was waiting… until you took your mark of mastery. I’ve chosen, it’s you, of course, it’s you.”
She stepped back when Neji shot up, but he followed until he could put his arms around her and rest their foreheads against each other’s. He lowered his eyes and loosed a shaky breath that danced over her lips.
“I will speak to Gai-sensei as soon as we return to the village.” Neji shook his head and watched with heavy lids as his thumb traced her jaw. “I will hold my own ceremony tonight and force the Hokage to accept it, if I have to.”
They met halfway, knocking teeth in their excitement that prevailed the pain. They did not count the seconds but when they parted, the sun shined directly overhead and they leaned on each other to catch their breaths. It took great effort that failed several times against languid kisses and loving caresses until they found the self control to part. Gathering their weapons, which Hinata carried, and respective kills, the two headed home in the direction of Konohagakure. Neither could hide the wide smiles that flourished from the giddiness of their shared confessions. It was when the gates to the village came into view that Neji’s expression dropped and he ran ahead, pace undisturbed by his large carry.
“Gai-sensei!”Hinata caught up to them as Gai greeted his pupil with his usual gusto. “Neji, my boy, I see you’re taking my advice and embracing your youth with an early morning hunt! It keeps the body spry and well fed. And you’ve recruited others! Good morning, Hinata!”
She bowed and Neji ignored Gai’s erratic poses. “Gai-sensei, about my mark of mastery—“
“Oh, yes? Did someone already tell you?” Gai’s face withered until he noticed the expectant look on both of theirs. Perking up again, he shoved a fist into the air. “Good, only a teacher should get the joy of informing his student of these things! Prepare yourself, Neji, for your mark of mastery to take place on the next new moon!”
Hinata gasped and put one hand over her mouth. Neji stared at his teacher who blinked at both of them.
“Is that…ok?"
Gai watched in surprise as a grin unweighed down by his usual gentility split Neji’s face into a mask of joy. “Yes, it’s perfect.”
“Perfect!” Gai gave a thumbs up and then grabbed Neji by the shoulders to bring him into lockstep. “Please, forgive us, Hinata, as we now have much to prepare! The new moon is not far off!”
Face soft in its own smile, Hinata waved to Neji who shot her an apologetic look as he was dragged away. She would have preferred taking the rest of the day to explore their newfound feelings, but with the promise of their choice in each other, she had gained the motivation to prepare for her rite of reign. And she knew, when they both had completed their coming of age ceremonies and entered into ritual union, they would have the rest of their lives to spend together.
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cyanis-art · 8 months
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Titan Trio
Initially I planned this one for the warriors week, but failed to finish it on time. I really needed to draw them in full height to show this incredible height difference
if you like my art you can support me by tipping or getting a highres of the art on Boosty, link is in bio
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cyanis-art · 8 months
Let’s gooo
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We are glad to announce the prompts list for NejiHina Week 2023!
Commissioned art by @/nat_sca on Instagram.
Thanks specially to @oivsyo for the permission given to use the clothing design.
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cyanis-art · 8 months
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A short NejiHina comic
The story behind it: Hinata has always taken her training very seriously and Neji knows how important it is to her. He helps her on her path to self-improvement and never allows himself to distract her or take their training lightly. However, when the training is over, he can give free rein to his feelings.
And a bonus!
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Hanabi had two goals - to embarrass Hinata and annoy Neji and both were accomplished, hehe
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cyanis-art · 8 months
I don’t have enough words to describe how happy and grateful having such great friends like Sei. You’re precious, girl. I’ll continue rooting for your success 💜
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Kiss on the forehead is NejiHina signature love language 🍁
This art was drawn as a b-day gift for my dear friend @cyanis-art
who is a wonderful person and who has supported me from the very beginning of my artistic journey! 💜
Did Hinata's outfit redisign and Neji's costume design.
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You can also see these outfits on this commission art drawn for me by amazing Snow124
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cyanis-art · 9 months
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☯️ It’s almost time! 📣
Neji and Hinata are training to do their best performance at the NejiHina Week 2023!
You can send prompts as sentence starters, a color (or a palette), an AU, a word or whatever you think that fits in our event. Feel free to send us the asks!
We are going to receive prompts/themes until October 31st.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Please here on tumblr send them through the ask box only. It is better for us to gather all the suggestions.
Reblogs are very appreciated!
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cyanis-art · 9 months
To me, this is the decree. Period.
But DID she really have to name her children after him?
Both of them???!
Darling girl, I'm like your husband's boyfriend, I don't get over anything ever
And I'm certainly not over the life of the death of your keeper
He was born first but at the same time was born for you, he fell in love at the mature age of 4yo, he never even got a chance... And he tried to rebel, he spent 9 years to hate you, and the worst thing he could call you after putting so much work was "too gentle". Thanks to your now husband, he accepted his fate, he became your teacher, your shadow, your shield and then died for you because he knew, he would never have you and if you had just let that sit there
If you had let him go
Well, who the fuck I'm lying to 🤣 I'd not be over this whole shitshow even if she hadn't named the kids she had with another man after HIM
BOTH of them, goddammit 🤣😭
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cyanis-art · 9 months
Wow! WOW!! Neji in the protective mood! I’m so weak for this
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-Ho, ho. so you were here, Hyuuga princess. You could evade us once but not twice. Is he your reinforcement? Another kid?- laughs*
-*Whispering* Dont panic, Hinata-sama. I'll take care of them
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cyanis-art · 10 months
If nejihina did not have a single evidence of anything I would never be here in this fandom.
And Ju always come with the truth wonderfully written. I remember when we had this conversation about this for the first time and I go crazy lol
But DID she really have to name her children after him?
Both of them???!
Darling girl, I'm like your husband's boyfriend, I don't get over anything ever
And I'm certainly not over the life of the death of your keeper
He was born first but at the same time was born for you, he fell in love at the mature age of 4yo, he never even got a chance... And he tried to rebel, he spent 9 years to hate you, and the worst thing he could call you after putting so much work was "too gentle". Thanks to your now husband, he accepted his fate, he became your teacher, your shadow, your shield and then died for you because he knew, he would never have you and if you had just let that sit there
If you had let him go
Well, who the fuck I'm lying to 🤣 I'd not be over this whole shitshow even if she hadn't named the kids she had with another man after HIM
BOTH of them, goddammit 🤣😭
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cyanis-art · 1 year
Epic and powerful!!!
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Hinata takes revenge on Toneri for hurting Hanabi. The Last only in Mafia AU
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cyanis-art · 1 year
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cyanis-art · 1 year
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Sunny day
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cyanis-art · 1 year
@selinascatnip ela super desenharia essa história 🥰
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Perfectly Comfy
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cyanis-art · 1 year
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[Neji Week; day 5] G R O W T H ✘
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cyanis-art · 1 year
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I missed drawing this *tender and affectionate* relationship XD
Pose reference belongs to kibbitzer ;)
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