cyberjaiee · 2 years
Hi omg I literally didn’t open tumblr for a week that’s new for me.
Anyhoo babes thank you for your input but my question was that if every assumption becomes truth, if I assume I manifest without shifting and manifestation and revisions is just me customising my reality without shifting, will that be true? thanks again love
i haven't open tumblr in a minute either so i understand !!
+ yea ofc it wld come true !!
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
how are you gonna say “there are infinite realities” and then “not Harry Potter world, that’s lucid dreaming”…how do you not hear the contradiction
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
if you're perceiving delays then you're dwelling in the 3D.
in the 4D all creation is instant.
the 4D is the only place you should be looking to for confirmation.
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
sorry for the wait, working on a huge post rn.
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
hi! im manifesting a house but im not so sure as to how i’m supposed to act like i already have it, any tips/examples?
yes ofc !!
first, if you haven't heard neville goddard's most popular and more referenced success story on his trip to barbados, i suggest reading it here !!
remember living in the end is not completely necessary but if i were to do it, i would do it by literally affirming along with everything i usually do - like brushing my teeth : it's great how quickly i'm getting used to living in this new house.
when you go to sleep, mayb close your eyes and KNOW that when you open them, you will see the room in your house because that's what always happens.
know the when you walk to the kitchen it will be the kitchen in your new home. never be discouraged by the 3d because it is nothing but a projection of your 4d ( imagination ). edit on the computer ( your 4d ), since what is on the computer is what is projected out. don't look dumb trying to tap on the projection ( the 3d ) just for nothing to happen.
don't worry about negative thoughts, they're just thoughts and there's no need to categorize them and put them on a pedestal.
hope this helps, if u need more feel free to ask anytime.
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
I don’t want to shift reality to manifest and I don’t want to shift consciousness to another reality to shift.
hmm ok !! wtv u want <3
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
Lmao why do you sound so hesitant “umhh yeah ig”
, ofcourse it’s possible anon, anything is possible.
i wasn't hesitant i just didn't understand why they were against shifting to manifest, that's why i asked. of course anything is possible as long as you assume it into being, shit, if u wanted u can just assume that u don't have to fully assume that you have what you're manifesting in order to get it.
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
If I believe (like you also mentioned in your post) that my external reality/my original reality, shapes, moulds and modifies itself through my thoughts and my assumptions without shifting, and it gets customised by my thoughts and my desires( no matter how big or small )appear in my reality without shifting. (Also that I don’t shift every second and I only shift when I want to), will all these beliefs of mine become facts if I persist in them or just simple believe in them, will they become truth? <3
uhm.. yea ig. may i ask why you don't want to shift ?? i think u may be confused as to what shifting is
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
guys idk what to post next, please explode my asks box
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
yesss exactly !!
I’ve decided to start over from 0 I have 0 assumptions and I’m remaking them as I go along. I’m not changing anything about my past other than the few things that I want and that’s that. As for my present and my future I will live my life not fearing my thoughts. I’ll share more about my routine one day.
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
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millie and watermelon
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
i was jst talking to a friend about how i'm lowk jst gonna restart my journey. i think the best thing to do when you begin over complicating things, overconsuming, and start constantly wavering is to just take a step back and look at the law and how simple it truly is. YOU make the rules, wanna reset them ?? hell yea u fucking can.
I’ve decided to start over from 0 I have 0 assumptions and I’m remaking them as I go along. I’m not changing anything about my past other than the few things that I want and that’s that. As for my present and my future I will live my life not fearing my thoughts. I’ll share more about my routine one day.
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
the two main types of realities in manifesting
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🌑┊𝟑𝐃 — 𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
what is the 3D?
The 3D in simple terms is just your physical reality; the reality where all of your senses are physically present. The 3D reality is just a reflection of the 4D reality + the 3D mirrors your 4D reality. The 3D basically shows you your current assumptions, which is all completely malleable.
how do we change the 3D?
You change your 4D and persist. That’s it. Remember, the 3D is only a reflection of your 4D. The 3D isn’t the enemy.
something I wanna address: the phrases: “ignore your 3D” and “the 3D is fake” etc. is something I personally think is a bit harmful. Do not actually ignore your 3D. The 3D IS real. Instead, acknowledge your 3D but KNOW it WILL and CAN change! however, if ignoring and finding the 3D fake is helpful for you, by all means, do what you personally find is best! ♡
🌑┊𝟒𝐃 — 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
what is the 4D?
The 4D in simple terms is just your imaginative reality; your mental reality; your mind. Your thoughts, assumptions, etc. reside in the 4D. The 4D is just as real as the 3D.
how do we rearrange the 4D?
Change your thoughts to align with you having whatever you desire. Persist in those new thoughts. This then leads to your assumptions changing. Persist in those new assumptions, which finally leads to a desired 3D IF you persist.
🌑┊𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 — 𝐓𝐋𝐃𝐑
4D → | mirror | → 3D
Your 3D is always malleable no matter what
The 3D isn’t your enemy, it only reflects your 4D
Relating to the last point, circumstances do not matter
Persisting is essential
The 3D may also be known as the shadow of the 4D
change your thoughts, persist → change your assumptions, persist → your desire manifests in the 3D
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
omg ur speaking facts + ty ! it does seem that we have a lot of the same interests, that's awesome lmao. i've never seen a caribbean bakery around here so i'm sure you'll succeed especially for it's uniqueness. honestly adding caribbean twists to traditional cakes sounds super cool. i'm a sucker for cake pops so this whole idea is appealing to me 😭
Stuck between multiple careers damn
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
OMG YES bridgerton is a great example i love it smm, i agree it can be boring unless u have other things to do !! i've made plans to own a bakery a while ago but life got in the way LOL wld u have it only be like a small business or something huge like auntie annes ?? ( sry i dont even know bakeries like that ) i think i wld do commentary kind of like dangelo wallace and also hasan abi ?? if yk who those ppl are lmao,, i wld def do criminal law ! it's interesting to me and i already have experience so
Stuck between multiple careers damn
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
mayb i shld try that !! tyy
i be trying so hard to use sats but like what's bedtime if it's not daydreaming abt me w him ?? or daydreaming abt me going on peaceful grocery strolls outside ??
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