cyberlifefortune · 4 years
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Mun VS Muse! 
Tagged by: @dpdsresident-homosexual
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
“I have a feeling you’d be one of the many trying to convince me that I needed it, if you’d been around before I got them,” Alex teased. He didn’t want to talk about the implication that he’d ignored most of his friends during that period in his life.
He was a little surprised to receive his food, since he hadn’t been paying attention to it at all, but smiled and thanked Connor as the moved over to a bench. “I do these little tests with Jayson. Basically we just hold our arms out in front of each other and I try to stay in line with his. If I’m alone, I just paint. Big strokes help the movement.”
The question made him pause for moment- it had been a while since someone had asked him about the feeling in his prosthetic. “.. Usually, I can,” he admitted. “I like to keep the sensors on when I’m off work, just because I can’t stand not being able to feel my cat’s fur or how hot my coffee is. But I tend to turn it off when I go into work, so I’m not hindered by it.”
He decided not to mention that he’s been so focused on work lately, that he hasn’t turned them on in over a week. “It’s really easy, so it’s not a hassle to turn them on or off.” He reached up to his right shoulder as he spoke, moving past the jacket and shirt to click something, causing his arm to whir for half a second before falling silent again.
“It honestly makes no difference to me, the only thing that really separates it from my left arm is that it’s way more sensitive.” Just like all his other prosthetics, for which he rarely turned the sensors on. They were.. too sensitive, in certain regards.
Connor smiles softly. “It is out of concern, of course. I’m sure if I had slumped back into the days where I had been fresh off the line at Cyber Life you would have questioned me. It’s concern. Love.” he nods in finality as he forks at the tomatoes in his salad, pleased by its color against the purples of the cabbage. 
“That is quite relaxing... Those large, smooth movements. In the brief time I was able to stay with Marcus- he really did show quite a range of motions that I wouldn’t have made myself with out seeing him do it with such a purpose.” Connor admits. His mind for a moment pictures the coin moving over his fingers, flicking between his hands and the final test of it between his fingers. Rapid movement; his field.  “I understand that sensitivity you speak about... The updates with Cyber Life... between you and I... Don’t tell the others. Everything is a lot more sensitive... Skin to skin contact is alright but having it peeled away and connecting; I can hardly stand it. It’s like my knees buckle or my components surge into overdrive....”
Watching him turn the sensors on, Connor perks. “An external control! How wonderful and convenient! I have seen pictures of your cat! I like cats too! We cannot have one unfortunately. I’m not sure if it is because Sumo would eat it, accidentally eat it while trying to kiss it or simply because the cat would have a heart attack seeing a big animal like him... but I have already been told not to bring home any more cats. Animals. Not to bring home more animals.” He corrects himself. 
Kiss-Kiss Boom!
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
“Uh huh.” 
Who the hell taught him how to be a smart ass? Once he finds out he’s gonna kick their goddamn ass!
Hank mulled over it. Fuck. It was him. 
“Don’t you talk to me like I’m some cheap date,” the lieutenant growled. “Keep that shit in your mouth and in your damn pants. Jesus Christ.” 
There’s a minute smile on his lips when Hank fires back. “I’ll do my best to keep my pants up and my fingers clean~” It was easy to pick up when Hank so easily laid it out; it helped build Connors ‘library’ of colorful choice words and phrasing. 
“I do learn from my surroundings, though.” 
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
“Connor, when the fuck did you mutate into a million clones??? JFC.”
@313248317 @anderson-residence @cyberlifefortune @deviated-detective @deviatiions @deviant-by-design @intxlligxntdxsign @negotiiator @pathdiverted @rk800isalive @rksent @robobiitch @syntheticisolation
“Well, honestly, Hank, it wasn’t mutation! You see, when Cyberlife gets a little happy, and proud of themselves, and tech meets parts- many Connors are created. By pros. Procreated.” He raises a brow suggestively at him. 
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
Thisorthat meme
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or autumn
silver or gold
pop or alternative classical
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or eclairs
typerwritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera and ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party
Tagged: @creation-is-chaos
Tagging any one that hasn’t done it yet; I’m always late to the party
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
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Mun vs muse 
Tagged by: @adreamoftimeslost
Tagging: Any one that hasn’t done it or hasn’t done both mun and/or muse yet- I’m always late to the party.
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
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5eyes mun/muse maker
Tagged by: @adreamoftimeslost
Tagging: Any one that hasn’t done it yet; mun and/or muse- I’m usually late to the party
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
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Chibify your muse! 
Tagged by @creation-is-chaos
Tagging any muses/muns that haven’t gotten to do it yet!
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
That smile, the one that reaches his eyes, would forever be Alexander’s favourite. It was the most human gesture he’d seen Connor give and he could only hope to coax it out more often. Maybe he’d have the chance, if they actually managed to hang out more.
He seemed surprised at the mention of his arm, gaze flickering to the momentary white on his right hand before the faux skin covered it again. “I feel ghost pains all the time,” he admitted, with a slight shrug. “It’s like reliving the crash all over again. I take meds for it now- I just kinda ignored it before the revolution.”
That was a tough time for him. He was already struggling with the loss of his dad and his best friend, only to be dropped by Kamski as well and thrown into a world that hated his only joy left in life. He took the pain as a reminder that he was alive and moving on. But a newly freed Jayson convinced him it was unhealthy.
“I kinda like being a prototype human though,” he added with a laugh, to hopefully ease the topic away from something more serious. “And yeah, I have to constantly re-calibrate the damn thing, and taking a bullet puts me in the hospital for even longer to get it fixed, it’s still a great asset. Plus, it’s nice to have an arm that can’t feel pain.”
His eyes follow Alex’s, his arm already near completely covered by flesh tone again. “I am glad you are taking medication to control those hallucinations and pains...” Connor adds, his brow knit softly in concern. Both hands reach up for their food as he listens to the other. 
“What is it that you favor?” Connor hands Alex his lunch as they head for the benches. “Do you have a preferred method for calibration? I, for a very long time, thought that perhaps my method was wrong for my line. It seemed to annoy every one that I worked with at the time.” He tilts his head. 
“You really can’t feel your prosthetic?” He wonders if that had been a choice or a side affect of the medication Alex took. It was different to him; being unable to feel it, though it wasn’t all that long ago that he’d fully awakened from his state of ‘being’ into this new found freedom post revolution.  It was nice to just feel; he couldn’t imagine suddenly going with out it again. “It must be difficult ten fold having been born with the ability to feel and sense it... I Don’t know how my mind would process it if I lost feeling in my body again...” 
Kiss-Kiss Boom!
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
Previous || @cyberlifefortune​
Hank shook his head slightly as he got back into the car as the RK800 model did and turned on the music, turning it down a little so he could have a conversation with Connor and actually hear him. “It’s been fine I guess. That other model creeps me out though. Can’t fucking stand him.” The thing creeped him out alright, made him only try to compare him to Connor and that never worked out well for him, so he just kept as far away from him as possible. “Android cases have been coming in more as well, shits getting predictable now. Can’t say anything else really.” His days have been very much the same in levels of work and even his time out of work, drinking and catching the game on television so there wasn’t much to say.
“Knock yourself out.” He didn’t really care about whatever the upgrades were or how it would affect anything, to him the android beside him was just Connor no matter what he got done to him. However, Hank didn’t know what to talk about so this might as well be the conversation topic and it would be something to occupy the silence, aside from the music, as he drove. The human began the drive back, keeping an eye on the road as he waited on the RK800 to start talking in that goofy voice of his.
“I’m glad you can see differences in us.” he chirps, happy and excited that Hank could tell him from another android. His tone turns serious, again, however, at the mention of the spike in incidences. “... Yes. I saw the charts. I’m disappointed in how some androids and humans are taking it. The riots will help no one... I have noticed, however, with many of the androids it’s been abuse or stress that seems to trigger the software instability.” 
With Hank giving little insight into what he’d been up to it was easy for Connor to insert what he thought it might be; just that. Watching the latest game on the television, drinking and perhaps, much to Connors disdain, playing certain games at home alone. 
“My hard and software have been upgraded to better serve the DPD and Cyberlife in field. Processing and thought mapping have been amped up which will help me make faster decisions in our line of work and perhaps even help to make better decisions long term. To keep the moral settings you have helped instill into me, I have been allowed to retain a number of your preferences- and many others have been taken into account; such as sleep. I’m sure you’ll be happy to know you won’t catch me petting Sumo wide awake for days at a time, anymore, Hank! I will power down at bed time and will resume when it is necessary. Updates will be transferred to me via the new RK900 that has been issued to the SWAT team- so you’ll no longer have to take me to the Cyberlife hub for repairs... Conrad will be the one you take me to if I need updates... returning, however, if I am destroyed will be much more difficult. You will be issued an RK900 model series.” Connor falls some what silent here. He knows fear, now. Knows the sensation of death and all that it brings. 
“And I can eat with you, now! Not just taste evidence but eat and drink. Just like you, Hank!” He tries to lighten the mood. 
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
CC smiled. “Yeah, you’re gonna have to let me know if I blend in or not. I can even do a little runway walk if it helps,” he teased. Once his options were laid out he took off his combat boots and stripped off his pants and shirt. He still wore his boxers though so he really didn’t think much of it as he tried on the sweatpants and one of the hoodies. CC figured the more he was covered the better. He could even get away with wearing a beanie to further cover the spot where his LED had been since it was getting colder out.
“How’s this look? The pants too tight?” If they were he could throw on the looser fitting shorts. That would probably fit better until he could go get something more his own size. “I think the sweatshirt fits ok but I’ll leave that up to you.” He was a pretty low maintenance android when it came down to it. CC was pretty go with the flow.
Connor opens his mouth to protest but already the soldier android is stripping down and pulling on the proffered articles. “...” his cheeks tint slightly pink as he watches the other seem that much more human. 
“... The pants are rather tight on you- I hadn’t expected to have such difference in our hip measurements either...” He admits, though Connor is aware he’s not designed for inner city ‘tasks’. 
Holding out the shorts to him, Connor puts the pants away, none of them will be fitting CC. As he lays out the board shorts, he plucks a few spare beanies from the dresser. “I’ve a few options- you can choose a couple for yourself since humans would change them more often than we would...” He muses, thinking about how often he’s seen Hank change and the others at the DPD on weekends. 
“I think these are fine; though you might want to walk to see how they fit on you-- perhaps crouch down and move about. The sweat shirt is nice and it covers loose enough you could carry around some of your supplies. I’ll be sure to take some extra fluid from work for you... And if you could send me regular reports for your status- I could get you parts... likely. If no one suspects my harboring...” he thinks about it now; if CC has any damaged components- where would they get the parts? How? 
Holding out his hand, Connor offers to connect, his skin receding to reveal the plate under it as he waits.  “I’ll give you necessary contacts if you need to find me... places to avoid and places that are a little more android friendly in case you find yourself looking to network.” 
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
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Pixelate your Muse(and mun cause it was cute to play with)
Tagged by @ruthlessnessisyourdesire
Tagging any one that hasn’t done their muse and/or mun yet :3 I’m always late to the party
0 notes
cyberlifefortune · 4 years
CC immediately scanned the house as he entered. It looked pretty nice. Lots of things to look at, but he could do that later when he had a chance. At the order, he turned and shut the front door behind him before following obediently after Connor. He did take a moment to look over the large Saint Bernard though. That must be Sumo. The name was quite fitting. He looked so cute! Though CC was careful not to startle him or anything. The android made sure to offer his hand for the dog to smell if he wanted to as well. He was a stranger after all, even though Connor had brought him in.
Following him to the room, he made sure to leave the door open so that poor Sumo wouldn’t be left out if he wanted to join them. “I can wear whatever you think is best,” he offered, giving Connor permission to dress him as he pleased.
Connor raises his brows playfully at the other. “You’re really going to let me judge? You clearly haven’t seen what the Lieutenant wears and what my civilian clothes look like!” He laughs as he opens the closet and rummages for a moment. Before too long he’s found sweat pants, shorts, a few hoodies and some tanks and tees. “....All of these are clothes when I take walks with Hank and Sumo... I suppose they might be large enough to fit you? the rest.... you might be too big for... You’re built quite a bit differently from me.” 
Holding out the tank and sweats to him in each hand he offers them over, lifting them higher only when Sumo walks by, avoiding a sleep-slobbery jowl. “Try them on and see how they sit on you- if you don’t like either piece we can keep trying...” Part of Connor is excited to see the other in different clothes, especially civilian wear. The boots were a non issue; combat boots hadn’t really gone out of human-style....ever. 
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
Alex had to think for a moment to find his answer to the question, trying to remember the day. “I knew she was just doing what she was programmed,” he finally replied. “She knew my name without me telling her, and spoke in a rather mechanical tone. Her body was so lifelike and human, but everything else was so android. It fooled others, but never me. I always see the difference.”
He looked back up at Connor, offering a small smile. “Except with you,” he admitted. “I genuinely thought you were human the first time I saw your face. It took me a moment to notice the LED. Cyberlife did an amazing job on you, but you’re doing even better yourself. Honestly, if you took the LED out, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”
He gained that look of concern again, reaching out to gently grab Connor’s hand and run his own thumb over the knuckles. “I know. It sucks but it’s just the way that it is. But paying with finger prints sucks anyway, I constantly have to remind myself that I can’t use my right hand anymore. And it’s more securing to have it on you, don’t you think?”
“Mechanical... clinical. Yes... That hollow tone and formality. I can understand it- the programming- our voices and tones aren’t as melodic as yours or in another language...” Connor thinks for a moment more. “But I have heard humans with a tone and manner similar to ours. I suppose it is more common in Androids.” 
The smile he’s offered he returns, his own lips curving upwards into a comfortable position that minutely apples his cheeks, his eyes reciprocating his own genuine joy at the compliment. “Thank you. I’m aware of how mechanical I seemed then, too. Though, at the time I was far from aware of it. It is nice to look back and see, as you call it, growth.” 
His hand rests lightly in Alex’s as they speak, the warmth in his hands on Connor’s is comforting, soothing in a way he cannot explain. Even as his systems scan the living appendage for it’s pulse, rate and general information, it scans, too, Alex’s prosthetic. Schematics dance over his vision and it’s all easily ignored, information he never asked for but his body is meant to scan on purpose. His thumb softly slides along his companion’s, feeling the grooves of his finger prints, the fine grooves of his knuckle.
“I agree... It isn’t something important- not like an arm or limb, but a curiosity. I understand some people feel ghost pains of their lost appendages... But if you did not tell me and I did not touch your arm, I would never have known or guessed that you would have a prosthetic mechanized arm.” 
Kiss-Kiss Boom!
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
Lost... alone... unwanted... unnamed... abandoned... forgotten. Such is the petrifying fate of the Myling children; children born to poverty-stricken women. Children who are abandoned or killed, their remains hidden, forgotten by time. Their souls are fated to forever roam this Earth, searching for their bodies, their names, the love they never had the chance to experience. Mylingar cries can be heard, mournfully echoing from deep within the misty woods, luring travellers into to investigate. The deeper they venture into the unforgiving branches, the further from civilisation they strayed, the faster they approached their deaths. The myling would attach themselves to the traveller's back, demanding that they are carried to the graveyard so they can rest in hallowed ground. With every step the ill-fated traveller takes, the heavier the myling becomes until the traveller collapses into the soil from exhaustion. If they cannot regain their footing and make it to the graveyard... the myling will kill them in a fit of rage. You are perceptive and often childish, these are the traits that connects the Myling to you. Your body may mature but your mind remains youthful. Growing up never held any appeal towards you, especially since the adult life seems too complicated. If it were up to you, you could remain a child forever. Free from commitment, constraint and responsibilities, living life to have fun. Just be careful what you wish for.
Wishes have a peculiar way of coming true...
Tagged by: Snagged from another dash Tagging: any one that hasn’t yet done it for their muse or themselves.
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
“I have to admit, he used to be my favourite drug. I didn’t… love him, per se, but I cared more than I should have. I definitely could stand living with him and I probably still could if I tried.”
He tilted his head just a little at that, his eyebrows furrowed again. When he couldn’t remember the event, he just shrugged. “Well, i’m sure you’ll get plenty of time to see me out of work soon.”
Alex was moving into the line with Connor before he fully processed what the other was saying, but almost seemed to scoff when he did. “I could see it in Elijah. His ambition, his drive to see his dreams to completion- I fully expected him to be the one to do something like that. My robots.. they were never androids. I was a little obsessed with the idea of seeing what was inside them even when they were alive. I would never be able to create something so human-like. But I was excited. I couldn’t wait, and he eventually just had to give in and let me see Chloe before she was done. I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy as I was in that moment any time other than the end of the revolution.”
One thing he decided not to touch on was the work force problems. He watched first hand how angry and depressed people got when they lost their job to an android and were unable to find new ones. He was never angry himself, seeing as he had far more important things to worry about, but he understood it. Sometimes he sympathized with it. But he’d never admit that, especially not to an android detective who could easily replace him, if Cyberlife were still in business. 
“Such a gentleman,” Alex teased upon finally noticing the wallet, prepared to pay for it himself. “I love seeing the things you do that make you so human. It’s nice to watch you grow past your programming.” He was glad to focus on something else.
“I’m rather excited to see you outside of work like that. I’m not often taken out for drinks, yet, but I believe it could just be that every one still thinks I’m not much for drinking. I do enjoy the taste of it!”  As he listens, he tries to detect how Alex feels about it, the emotional side of him was fascinating, really, all of him was, but in particular, emotions stir Connor. Hearing about the differences in the two roommates was nice; to see where it all began, but it was nice to see how Alex started his path, too. 
“When you first saw her- did you feel as though she were alive? Or just ‘running’? I’m curious, your answer, what ever it is wont’ offend me, you’ve my word. I just, it’s not often people are willing to answer me so openly...” 
They make their order as he pays their tabs. Off to the side, they continue to talk while they wait for their orders. 
“I like to think it’s always been in us...” he chuckles softly, happy. “Besides, I think it’s a little fun to pay for things the traditional way. Android transfers are nice, I feel them a little differently than you would shaking hands with some one, but it’s all so regular. I just wish I could pay for something using my own finger prints.”  He rubs the smooth pad of his thumb against the side knuckle of his index. 
Kiss-Kiss Boom!
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cyberlifefortune · 4 years
He appreciated Connor’s understanding of the situation. Maybe another time he would be willing to talk about it but, right now, he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. It already haunted him enough for the time being.
CC couldn’t help the smile that made it’s way to his face at hearing Connor say he was ‘fetching’. “I am supposed to look intimidating, but I don’t like being that way. No one talks to you when you look like you have a chip on your shoulder. I like talking to people and I like being friendly. Though I’m stern when I have to be. I’m a soldier after all. I wouldn’t have made it this far if I acted that way all the time.” Hence the aggression at being chased. Sometimes his soldier programing just kicked in. He walked close to Connor as they made their way down the street, making sure to map out the way so he would remember.
“I don’t want to burden him by being there,” CC offered. 
“The Lieutenant calls me goofy- I suppose it’s why it’s easy to talk with me? looking at Conrad gives me a glimpse into a more stern type of man, but... I think I’m happy enough to be easy to talk to.”  He agrees with the other, thrilled to walk side by side with him until they come up to the house, as he unlocks the door he smiles at the snuffling at the crack of the door as it opens. “Sumo~ Good guarding! Best Guarding.” gently pushing his nose back into the house so he can open the door and walk inside with his companion he shakes his head. 
“Dont’ worry. Hank is out today- He’s seeing to a family member.” Patting Sumo’s head he motions with his hand. “Close the door, please, and follow me. I can take you to the room I am using. I don’t have many clothes- but the bigger stuff should fit! It’s okay if Sumo comes in- we are roomies.” 
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