cynical665 · 4 years
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cynical665 · 4 years
Megaman Legends Review - 1
Megaman Legends Review
Megaman was always a series that no matter what year it was, it stayed in 2D, with the exception of the Megaman X series. Even powerful consoles like the PS4, Xbox One X and Nintendo Switch, Classic Megaman refuses to go 3D and it should stay that way. However if we go back to the PS1 we see two attempts of 3D Megaman under the name of Megaman Legends. Now on my quest to play every Megaman Game I came across a small retro store that sells...well retro games. And I saw Megaman Legends there, I didn’t know what was so special about it but I just needed it..I didn’t buy it, I didn’t have a PS1. A week later I came back and got an N64 along with Megaman 64 and Pokemon Snap. This was the first time I ever had an experience with the N64 other than emulation. Since this is my first N64 Game I figured that I’d give my thoughts on it while I play it. Just a reminder that I’m playing Megaman 64 however I’m going to be calling it Megaman Legends from now on, it just sounds better than the 64 Disease that spread to every N64 Game. (Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Starfox 64, Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards, Donkey Kong 64, Harvest Moon 64 and Wave Race 64 to name some.)
The Beginning
We start off with a narration of the world we’re in right now, it tells us that the world is basically covered in water, people are forced to search the vast ocean to find ancient technology, Quantum Refractors. These refractors are in ruins underground patches of land. The people who look and search for the refractors are called ‘Diggers.’ Originally the only jobs for the Diggers were to find refractors for civilization but legends were told of a legendary treasure known as ‘Mother Lode.’ The Mother Lode is supposedly extremely powerful, so powerful that it can get rid of the fear of running out of regular refractors and provide so much power the world will never run out of energy. Then the narrator for some reason asks what the true motives of the Diggers really are.
Then we’re greeted with the most ominous music of all time with someone from a radio talking to Megaman, seemingly with the transmission cutting out. Megaman actually finds a refractor with the person over the radio saying that they’ll finally be able to make some money for the refractor? Seems a bit..Greedy, I guess that’s the smallest hunch to what the narrator said about the motives of Diggers. After taking the refractor the pedestal it was on starts to sink with everything shaking with three weird eyeball things being forced out of the wall. Seeing the doors starting to close Megaman books it out of there and barely making it out. Megaman tells the girl that he’s alright however she says that she’s picking up some readings of a ‘Reaverbot’ and to get out of there. Already? Seems kinda funny to start us where the mission ends and with some powerful bot around us. HM, It’s almost like that bot isn’t going to be a big threat or something. And before we end up moving more than 2 feet Ms.Tutorial stops us dead in our tracks to tell us that there’s...a reaverbot somewhere and if we can see it? I beg your pardon, WOMAN? And why is the scariest music playing at the beginning of a Megaman Game? It’s alright cause the game tells us that we fire with the Button and press Z+R to lock onto enemies. We can also use L+R to lock onto enemies along with moving with the D-Pad, but I’ll get into that later. One nitpick is that when you finish reading Instructions and asks if you wanna read them again, they put Yes as the first option. Why? Why should I have to read more then once? It’s nothing huge but it annoys me a bit. Some enemy’s shoot out of a wall but they’re really weak so like 3 shots can kill them. Megaman, Link called he wants his rupees back. And weird ass squares that have a glowy thing inside.
The Controls
To put it simply Megaman controls just the way you think Classic Megaman would control in 3D. The Camera is very janky at the first parts though, however after leaving the ruins I found the Camera Controls to be alright. However it isn’t controlled by the C-Buttons, it’s controlled by L, R & Z with L & R both going left. This concept works fine on N64 but I’d hate to see it being played on a PS1, Since the PS1 Controller doesn’t have an analog stick and just the D-Pad. Tutorial Woman tells us to go right and well, I dunno where else to go. Woman asks us if we see a door anywhere and I’m stuck. Why am I stuck? Now we’re told that to open doors we use the Down C-Button to open doors and investigate items. Basically it’s our interact button, a bit strange. The game has its own strange auto-lock feature but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. We continue and already know how to jump with A, however it’s a bit weird. Megaman’s normal jump doesn’t go that high up so for even basic platforms we hold onto the edge of them and have to jump on them.
The Reaverbot
Woman tells us that she found a Reaverbot real close by and tells us it’s above us. It’s a total joke as long as you stay far away it can’t hurt you.
The Beginning (Continuation)
We go on a bit further and find some chests, damn this game is a bit similar to another game, I can’t put my finger on it though. In one chest there’s a Power Raiser that’s simple enough, a part for our buster gun that makes it more powerful. However in the other one we’re given some ‘Zenny.’ Zenny is basically this game's version of currency, think of Bolts from the Classic Megaman Games or Rupees from Legend of Zelda. After getting those Woman tells us that she found a huge blip in front of us. What is a Blip? A Blip is an unexpected, minor, and typically temporary deviation from a general trend or a short high-pitched sound made by an electronic device, well I don’t hear anything and the first definition doesn’t make sense so….-Woman starts to cut off and we learn that her name was Roll the entire time. Wow, like Roll from Classic Megaman? Not some fake out like Alia from X? Actual Roll? Sounds cool, but we gotta get outta here if we want to see or even hear her cause she’s losing us from the horrible transmission. Then we fight some big robot that’s also supposed to be a Reaverbot? I guess? How many Reaverbot models are there? So far all of them look different and vary in strength. Well we actually fight a somewhat difficult boss..is what I would be saying if Megaman dies in 3 Hits. This boss is piss easy, I just ran around him over and over again while he would try to hit me and miss by 5 miles. After Megaman gives the bot the mean look the bot powers down and Megaman leaves, bUt Uh Oh LoOkS LiKe ThE BoT hAs OtHeR pLaNs!1  However, before the bot can do anything Megaman pulls a suicide squad and jumps off the buliding saying sayonara to the Reaverbot, but Roll with quite a large ship actually catches Megaman and they go off.
The Voice Acting & Sound Quality
Hear me out, I’m not one to complain about Voice Acting and Sound Quality on such an Old Console like the N64 but jesus christ, even when I’m in a dead quiet room I just can’t understand what these characters say, I have to go on Youtube to find a Longplay of Megaman Legends (PS1) to understand what they’re saying. Everything just sounds too..pixelated? I don’t know how to describe it but on PS1 it sounds great and I can understand what they’re saying but why? The N64 version came after the PS1 version, is it because Megaman 64 is on a cartridge and not a CD? That is the reason isn’t it? God damn it
The First Cutscene Alright, after panning over a 2D image with a 3D Model of a Ship Megaman thanks Roll, and jesus christ Roll in this game is just so sweet. She’s easily one of the best characters, after telling Megaman she had engine problems he replies saying that it’s alright and then winks? What are you doing Megaman, what does that mean? She’s your sister for christ sake. Then Megaman says one of the best lines I ever heard in Gaming History “Don’t worry we’ll find it someday (The Mother Lode)..And your parents too.”
Now we’re introduced to some old guy in our ship, who is our grandfather. But we aren’t told who he is in the game until way later. Happened with Roll and now our own Grandfather? I don’t even know what his name is. They never say it, Megaman and Roll just call him Gramps. But this brings up the question, whose Grandfather is this? Roll is still looking for her parents so that means Megaman isn’t related to Roll, from the way Megaman said “Find your parents” then who is this guy? I might be looking too deep into it, but it still confuses me. Oh yea and the ship is crashing, that’s a thing too. We crash into some patch of land somewhere with the ship all busted up. Not by mentioning his name but by reading the text boxes myself, with voices over it, I’ve learned that the  grandfathers’ name is Barrel. Barrel tells us to look around for some kind of town or city somewhere. There’s also some monkey called Data that acts as a saving point, recharge health and I assume recharge weapon energy if the game even has them. I’m sure they do, it is a Megaman Game after all. How convenient, there’s a sign saying “To Town” with an arrow pointing up. But before we go further we see a police car go to our ship! Here if you don’t talk to the right person first, dialogue repeats. We can also kick when we can’t shoot our buster. After walking a bit we see the city with a huge broken border that I know we didn’t do, what the hell happened there?
Now we enter the Shopping Center of Kattlelox called the Apple Market, and yes. This is infact where AVGN found Megaman reading some “Dirty Magazines” and yes, Megaman reads porn. The absolute mad lad, there’s also ‘Jetlag Bakery.’ After pissing around the Market we enter the Junk Store with a woman saying that her husband went into some ruins in front of the Border. After going there and killing some enemies we find the guy and he books it out of there. We can keep on going but why would we? I have no reason to, let’s just go back to the Junk Store, the woman thanks us by giving us her broken down support car, lame. But not so lame because it’s very helpful later on. And we see some really cute looking Lego guys who say they’re waiting for Ms. Tron. Oh, you mean the Smash Bros Spirit? Also it’s only now that I realize that Megaman sounds like a woman, didn’t know if they’d actually do that for the American release: I know in Japan it’s actually really common for women to voice young boys in things like anime. Think of Ash from Pokemon, in his earlier regions. Now with the support car we can now change our weapons, save, recharge our life, our energy, and enhance and make our weapons even better. However I didn’t know this my first time around it actually took me 4 hours to realize that. With the support car finished Roll gives us our first special weapon in the name of Splash Mines, what are they? Exactly what they sound like. After leaving the car we’re given our own pass to walk around Kattletox however not one that allows us to go anywhere because of a security risk. Apparently there’s some pirates coming to Kattletox. Roll is worried for Barrel so we go to see if he’s safe. Some kids, that we have to sneak up on, say that some girl is actually a pirate in the city. Here we meet a woman talking to the little lego bots which are called Servbots. One funny thing I found out about the city is that you can actually get hit by cars and lose some heath but you can get some health back from some vending machines everywhere. The actual city is pretty small but not small enough where you can’t not get lost. We enter city hall where Barrel is talking to the mayor of Kattlelox, Amelia. She tells us that she knows the reports of the pirates. After leaving City Hall we see the same woman who was talking to the Servbots being chased by a dog, which is kinda funny cause she was a bit rude earlier.
The Game’s Comedy
The game is filled with tiny funny jokes like this, so many little things that would make a 5 year old shit their pants laughing just makes me feel all giddy inside. Also don’t forget you can get hit by cars.
After going after the woman and the dog we politely tell the dog to go off itself and it just gives up. After helping the woman she just runs away telling us to mind our own business. We go back to roll to tell her Barrel is fine. But she points out that there were strange looking ships flying by. Then some go to the city with some things sounding like they’re being blasted. This worries Roll imessly and she figures out that the pirates are actually terrorizing the city, the pirates are actual terrorists. Roll runs into the city to make sure barrel is alright. The police tells Roll that we can’t go through cause it’s really dangerous, and us being Heroic Megaman we say we gotta stop the pirates. And the police just lets us go without even moving their hands. We see some giant mechs look at a door with all of them staring at us one at a time. And it turns out the Servbots are apart of the Pirates with 3 of them right in front of us. And I think it’s safe to assume that the woman we saved from the dog is actually the Miss Tron the Servebots are talking about. And here we start with our first mission!
We are the 3 Bonnes Brothers!
For this fight we’re supposed to get a key from the 3 Brothers and their mechs. They each go around the city passing it to each other and each mech has their own little perk. The red one is the most powerful out of all, the yellow one is one of endurance so it has more health and the blue one is the fastest. This boss fight is pretty hard for my first time so I died every now and then. Since I didn’t know that upgrade were a thing in this game. And ahh, it’s so nice to beat them. Oh, what’s this? The Servbots run somewhere screaming “Miss Troooon!” and I was right! Woman is Tron! And she’s gonna teach us? Oh..wait no! I barely have any health Tron! HAVE MERCY! SPARE ME, SPARE ME!
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cynical665 · 4 years
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cynical665 · 5 years
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Here’s the full photo of Crashsune!
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cynical665 · 5 years
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Here’s a WIP (Work In Progress) of Some FanArt I’m currently working on!
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cynical665 · 5 years
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cynical665 · 5 years
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Never go on Twitter, LOL
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cynical665 · 5 years
Hehe, long time no see. I’ve been inactive recently because I’m working on a supped up version of the Sonic Adventure Retrospective. After that I’ll do the Classic Sonic Games (Including Sonic Mania)
But in between those two I’ll be talking about what I think of two certain movies, with a large contrast between the two. I’ll be watching Joker and the Sonic Movie. Once I watch both of them I’ll give my opinion on what I think of them.
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cynical665 · 5 years
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Photos by しろうとスミ@SirouTouge
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cynical665 · 5 years
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Piers is a cuddle addict, you can’t change my mind
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cynical665 · 5 years
Sonic Adventure DX Retrospective
Sonic Adventure was Sega's way of brining their beloved Mascot into the 3rd Dimension. Since 1996 The Nintendo 64 was cleaning the floor of what it is to have great games with Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64. Sega was the first ever competitor in the 16-Bit Era against Nintendo with their Sega Genesis and Sonic The Hedgehog. 2D Games were now becoming Obsolete with consoles like the N64. Sega did try to make a 3D Sonic Game that was canceled called Sonic X-Treme. They canceled it because it was becoming more and more difficult to develop and even people like Yuji Naka, Head of Sonic Team, saying that it wouldn't be a good idea. They did try to put Sonic in 3D with the Sega Saturn with Sonic R and Sonic 3D Blast. But those two weren't seen a true 3D Sonic Games, along with that the Sega Saturn died out. But Sega wasn't down yet, with the Release of the Sega Dreamcast on 1999 and it's Launch Title, A True 3D Sonic Game, Sonic Adventure.
Sonic Adventure was seen as the First True 3D Sonic Game. The last Sonic Game was Sonic 3 & Knuckles in which you can play as 3 Characters, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles 'Tails' Prower, and Knuckles the Echidna. Not only are they also playable here in Sonic Adventure, each with completely different Stories and Gameplay styles, but also 3 Extra Characters: Amy Rose, introduces in the Sega CD Exclusive Ad-on Game Sonic CD, Big the Cat, a Brand New character, and E-102 Gamma, A Robot created by Dr.Eggman within a Series called the E-Series. Everyone has their own different Gameplay style going from Highspeed Action, A Third Person Shooter, A Hot & Cold Gameplay, all the way to Fishing. In the beginning of the Game we can only play as Sonic, but as soon as we finish Sonic's Story we can play as all the Characters. Let's go back and see all the gameplay to see if the game still holds up. I'll be playing the Steam Port of Sonic Adventure, so it'll be Sonic Adventure DX Directors Cut Version. With that out of the way, let's see what the game has to offer, years later.
Sonic hasn't changed much ever since 2D Times. He still has his Highspeed action, maybe too Highspeed. Sometimes bugs and glitches will creep their way into Sonic's Levels due to him just being too fast for the game to handle. Even in the first level Emerald Coast there's a large loop before a segment where whales chase you, where a side of the path pulls you in and you fall through the floor. This is one of the major flaws the game has. Major Bugs are in the game, all of which I've experienced have negatively impacted me. However these Bugs only affected me in Levels like the mentioned Emerald Coast, Red Mountain, and The Final Egg. Obviously it's only those 3 Levels, but I'm not going to put it down because it's only those 3. Sonic's Gameplay, as mentioned, is Highspeed Action filled with Levels that have nice Transactions like in the Classic Games. What I mean by that is like each part of the Level is like an Act in the Old Games. For example, In Speed Highway: Act 1 is on top of Buildings under the Night Sky going from Road to Road, Act 2 is running down a Tall Building being chased by Police Robots, then Act 3 is the Moring of that same city with Traffic more active then ever. Most Levels are like this for Sonic, however not for the rest of the Characters. Others get Exclusive Levels or Experience small portions of other Levels. But why is Sonic running around Beaches, Mountains, Cities, And Final Egg's? Well this time Eggman has awakened a Beast called Chaos. Eggman is trying to get all the 7 Chaos Emeralds to make Chaos Perfect Chaos, and with that he'll take over the world. Pretty Simple Plot for The Story, so simple In fact they could've made a 2D Sonic Game with just Sonic's Story and Level's and it would be a pretty Solid Game. Through out the game we keep on fighting Chaos, in different forms because we keep failing to get the Chaos Emeralds. After Chaos becomes strong enough Eggman goes into his brand new Flying Ship called The Egg Carrier. Once we got on board the Egg Carrier we go through the actual ship with a level called The Sky Deck. Besides the Hilarious entrance into the Sky Deck there's not much wrong about this stage. Though Gravity & Platforming are a bit wonky here and don't normally work to your advantage, and the level will take some Trial and Error to get through. However I only went through this with the Jet Section where the Floor Crumbles down. The Camera just didn't want to move and I couldn't get out. After that we're inside the Ship, then we go outside. What was the point of that? Why did we go back outside? Why couldn't we just go around that same area we went inside the Sky Deck? What was the point of that Entire Level? Whatever, after we go outside Eggman sends out E-102 Gamma. We defeat him, then Amy says that we shouldn't actually kill Gamma. We follow then we fight Chaos again, Then we reach our Final Level, The Final Egg. This level is a perfect Final Level, challenging what you already know and your skills. After a really well designed Final Level we fight Sonic's Final Boss, The Egg Viper. Before this I had so many lives with Sonic, here the Egg Viper is filled with inconveniences. The Homing Attack just refuses to lock onto Eggman, Eggman's Attacks seem to always hit if you aren't constantly running. But finally, we've beaten Sonic's Story.
Tails shares the same most of the same stages as Sonic. This brings up one major flaw in Sonic Adventure DX, The Main Trio: Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles Go through the same stages but with slightly different gameplay styles. The gameplay style for Tails is the same thing as Sonic 2, where you just follow Sonic. But instead of just following Sonic, you're racing him: Trying to get to the Goal first. The story itself is the same with Sonic, Stop Eggman. But this time Tails finally learns that Sonic isn't always going to be with him and becomes more brave, something that is definitely missing in modern games. What happened when Tails want a coward, yes He IS 8 Years Old but that doesn't mean anything. He's faced much more then literal Water walking up to him. He's faced Dr. Eggman in Space. This is something about Tails that just disappeared after Sonic Colors, for no real reason. But this is where everything started for Tails, in my eyes. One other thing is Repetition.
There's a Game Mode where we go on The Tornado, Tail's Plane, and we fight against the Egg Carrier. Since Sonic AND Tails are in the level, we have to do it twice. This level comes up twice and it's so boring.
Whatever, We race Sonic and at one point we're split apart from him. During that time Sonic defeats Chaos, and out of desperation Eggman fires a Giant Missle at the city. We defeat Eggman, as brave as Tails ever was, and we save the City. And that's the end of Tails' Story
Knuckles is just chilling on Angel Island and Chaos appears out of the Master Emerald, a bunch of pieces broke flew away. Knuckles has a sort of Hot & Cold Gameplay style, The closer you get to a Master Emerald Piece the Louder the Radar (That's exclusive to Knuckles' Levels) and you do that through the some parts of Sonic's Stages that actually have platforming. This leads to something I really don't like about Sonic Adventure DX.
~Character Development
The Characters, except E-102 Gamma & Tails, Are so Bland! They're actual bricks, they have a personality for one half and they keep it for the rest of the game. Gamma and Tails are the only one who I feel actually evolves while everyone else stays the exact same. Sonic just wants to stop Eggman and doesn't really change, Knuckles is just a Moron and only pays attention to what's in front of him, & Big just wants his Frog back. However Amy grows as a Character slowly over time, while Tails and Gamma sorta just get their Personalities in a Single Thought. After, I think its the first or second stage, Knuckles Finds Eggman and chases after him. And since Eggman doesn't have an Emerald Piece Knuckles sorta just leaves him go, DESPITE Eggman having a Chaos Emerald and even showing Knuckles he has it. Knuckles is so Idiotic that he trusts Eggman when he pulls the Sonic 3 & Knuckles Plot and says Sonic is after the Master Emerald.
So we fight Sonic, then insanely Fight Chaos 4....AGAIN. Uggghhh, and we just fought Chaos 3 before this! Why? Other then this, nothing interesting happens in Knuckles Story. It feels like a Rushed Game Mode, but it doesn't make it Not Fun. It's still alright but it could be improved on.
Amy Rose is just walking around Station Square and a Bird flies up to her with a Robot, E-100 Alpha, chasing the bird. Amy runs into a restaurant and the Robot leaves for no reason. After that we try to find that sweet Sonic Booty. We head over to Twinkle Park and play around in there. We get caught by E-100 Alpha and we're inside the end of the story, Well that Escalated Quickly. We get trapped and E-102 Gamma is sent to get the bird from us. Instead of giving it to Gamma, we give Gamma a Speech about how he should be good and stop Eggman instead of helping him. We're sent free, we get off the Egg Carrier, we get back on and we fight the Final Boss for Amy, Zero (E-100 Alpha). It seems like I just breezed by this, and it's not because it's 11:09 PM while I'm writing this, it's because of how short the stories become after Knuckles. Amy is just 3 Levels and then the Boss. Also there are no other bosses, just Alpha. Amy's Story just proves that they wanted the game to be longer, she doesn't even get any exclusive levels, just old ones with a robot chasing you.
~Useless Stories
After Knuckles The stories become obsolete and futile. Amy, Big, and E-102 Gamma (as much as I hate to say it for Gamma) are just there to pan out the time of the game. They, Themselves, have nothing wrong with them, It's their Gameplay Style just stretches the game out due to how Slow, Unfair, Unfinished, and Boring the Levels are. If they were optional to reach the final story I wouldn't care about them and push them aside, but the fact that they are "key" factors in the game's plot and NEED to be finished to reach the End is just asinine.
Big the Cat has nothing to do with the story, all we do when playing Big is fishing. We need to fish other fishes to weigh enough to even think if catching froggy. There's actually nothing, the closest to the plot is that Froggy ate a Chaos Emerald and we want him back. We also fight Chaos 6. I've never felt more lost and bored in a video game in my life.
-E-102 Gamma
E-102 Gamma is the Prototype Version of The Eggman and Tails' Levels in Sonic Adventure 2. E-102, In My Opinion, is the best Gameplay style for The Level Design. But what's the difference between E-102 and the others? Well, first if all, E-102 is a Third Person Shooter where you mark enemies and shoot them down. One major difference is that now we have a Time Limit, the more things we shoot, target, and combo the more time you get. This opens up opportunities where you can finish a stage Minutes over the Clock or just barely scrap through a boss. But who is E-102 Gamma? E-102 is one of Eggman's Creations, in a Series called the E-Series. There's E-100 Alpha, E-101 Beta, E-102 Gamma, E-103 Delta, E-104 Epsilon, and E-105 Zeta. All of these efforts were put into the complete product shown off in Sonic Hero's called E-123 Omega. It's a disappointment that E-102 Gamma never came back, but I feel like his story explains why he never came back. You see, his story is alot more 'Emotional' then the other stories, well as Emotional as a Sonic Game can be. But enough about that, let's go to the first stage. Strange, we're in the last story and we have a tutorial stage. Here it shows off The Clock Gimmick and how Gamma Controls. After that Eggman pins us against our Older Brother, E-101 Beta. Instead of having a Machine Gun for a hand he has..Cannons? I don't know what to call those. We beat Beta and here it shows how Cruel and Heartless Eggman is, Since we beat Beta, he has no use for him so he was going to just throw him away. Beta stands in front of him like a crying puppy and Eggman say's he'll be allowed, but only for parts. This shows that, since Beta was the first, that the other robots having feelings and free will to disobey Eggman. It's sorta like a little view on what Gamma's story is all about. After that we are on board the Egg Carrier, along with E-103 Delta, E-104 Epsilon, and E-105 Zeta. Eggman tells us to go find Froggy, the Frog Big the Cat has been chasing for so long. We go over to Emerald Coast, get to the Half Point of the Stage, Find Froggy, and Go Back on The Egg Carrier. Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta are arguing over who has the real Froggy and Eggman calls them all useless. Eggman comes across us and sees we have the real Froggy. After that everyone is captured by a beam of light. E-104 Epsilon looks at us, in like a "Oh, don't leave me way" in shows and other media, and disappears. Eggman tells us to go to Amy, captured in cage, We're forced through another door and see E-101 Beta being..repaired? But he lost, isn't he supposed to be dead? Well, it isn't answered. We go through the right room and see amy refusing to give the bird to us, the bird flies towards us and Gamma gets a grip on himself. But why there? The bird was right in front of him, why give upon your objective? Whatever, now we're sent to go an top of the Egg Carrier and fight Sonic. Once we defeat Sonic, Amy stops us and tells us to ditch Eggman to do good things: Like save the birds. Gamma realizes what the others are doing so we go off and try to "Rescue", killing the others, and stop Eggman's Plans. But why does Eggman want the Bird? It's never said why, does he just want them just because? Once we go off, we defeat Delta and Epsilon, so onwards we go back to the Egg Carrier to get E-105 Zeta. He's a lot more different here, instead of just being a Robot he's now an entire Machine, most likely powering the Egg Carrier. This one was Heart-Thrusting for me because no matter what I always came at the last 10 Seconds or Less. But it's pretty easy, just tense. But there it is, we've finished everyone off. Or have we? It's final boss time. Here, we are against the final one of the E-Series. E-101 Beta, but he isn't a Beta now. He's now E-101 mk ll, mk is known as Mark. This boss is pretty Mediocre, but the Music. OOOO The Music it's so good. The boss consists of Dodging mk II, waiting for him to charge right at you, then hitting you. But why can't we just spam shoot him? Well because he takes that bullet and tosses it away, this is the only boss you cannot spam, and 2 Minutes to fight him is a good amount of time. This. Boss. Is. Difficult. One of the few difficult bosses in the game infact, the best one I would say. But once we defeat E-101 mk II, he does what the rest do and blows up. With that, Gamma doesn't have a purpose anymore, so just like his brethren he blows up, all the birds are now free and that ends all the stories of Sonic Adventure DX.
This part of the Retrospective will talk about the final boss of Sonic Adventure DX, You have been warned.
-Super Sonic
The Final Story is about Chaos Betraying Eggman and Destroying the City of Station Square. The Spirit of the Last of the Echidna Tribe, Tikal, appears and tells us that we need the 7 Chaos Emeralds because it turns out that Chaos only used the Negative Energy of the Chaos Emeralds and We can use the Positive Energy. We turn into Super Sonic and Finish Off Perfect Chaos. The Gameplay of this is just going forward corridors of Water, boarded off by Destroyed Buildings. We run into him, dodging projectiles, and keeping our speed along with our rings. We do this with Good Music, Open Your Heart which is alright. It's short, It's sweet, and even if you don't like it's gone very quickly. We defeat Chaos and he goes up into the...Sky? With Tikal, and the City is saved, under Rubble and an Ocean of Water.
Does Sonic Adventure DX still hold up today? God No, not even Half of the Game is Great, it's Mediocre. But I grew up with this game, so for me I don't care how bad this game is I still love it. I'd only recommended this game if you want to pass the time. But to just play it for fun, I'd only play Sonic's, Knuckles, and E-102 Gamma's Story.
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cynical665 · 5 years
Megaman 11 Review
Megaman has always been a game that I never really thought of playing but never really did because it just didn't seem like a game I'd like, but with Megaman 11 I got in like a Strange Family on Christmas. And with the multiple Difficulty Settings I felt like I was allowed without the Game Pushing me back with it's notorious Difficulty. This being my First ever playing of a Megaman Game, I decided to play on the Newcomer and even then the game was sorta hard with some levels, most likely because this is the first time I've ever played Megaman.
{WARNING} This review shows talks about The Mini Bosses, Stages, and Bosses in the Entire Game. You have been Warned
-Block Man Block Man is one of the best forms of showing all the options and wealth of Abilities you already have without beating the other Bosses. Not only do you have the Power Gear and Speed Gear, but you also have the Regular Mega Buster but you also have Rush Coil to get certain collectables that would be out of reach, just by that one inch. But This is one of the Things with Megaman, With every good thing a bad thing happens. Block Man's Level Design is brilliant and shows what to expect in the Future but with the Mini Boss it's so different from any other boss that it doesn't teach anything. But besides that We go to the First Boss and Holy Shit it doesn't feel like the First Boss. This feels like the 2nd Phase of Calamity Ganon of BoTW. Why does he go so big, Yes he is using the Power Gear but why does it matter if it doesn't show an actual representation of what it does and even then why is there no real force saying like "Hey Use the Power Gear to Finish the Fight Quicker" or "Hey use the Speed Gear to Get past the Objects being thrown at you!" The First Time fought Block Man I barely used the Power Gear. But the First Phase and The Last Phase feels like a Good Fight, however the 2nd Phase is Shit. And the Power Up you get OOOOOOOO it feels so Over powered when you first get it, even with the Power Gear it feels like something I shouldn't have or that I should have at the end of the game. -Acid Man Acid Man is just a Mediocre Stage, Terrible Boss, and a Shit Powerup. Like Holy Shit this Powerup is absolute Garbage, you basically always need to use the Speed Gear when using because Megaman puts up a shield before shooting, you'd think this is good but he's Vulnerable when the animation of him putting up the shield is playing, and even then the actual firing is slow and doesn't do a lot of damage without the Power Gear, And the Speed Gear needs to be Active so then You won't get hit! Why Give me the option to protect myself if I die before I can use the Ability? That Makes no fucking sense! And it doesn't help Acid Man because His stage is so Creative and Introduced in such a good way, but Why am I playing it if the Payout if Absolute Trash? And you don't even know the Powerup before you get beat Acid Man, Which If you play on Casual or Higher, it just feels like a Chore. And the Actual Stage Design is just filled to the brim with NES Era Horse Shit, even when playing on Newcomer. In Casual hitting Spikes is just a Cheap 1 Hit Kill. And Finally the Boss Battle...Who Made this? I'm Being Fucking Serious Who Made this? This Boss, is so Fucking Shit, His Attacks always hit if you aren't using Speed Gear, And he even uses Speed Gear Himself for his 2nd Phase and it's so Hard to Dodge, Acid Man is just NES Shit that I fucking Hate, you know when you're playing Mega Man and you think "This Stinks" THAT'S ACID MAN...jeez Fuck You Acid Man. -Blast Man Blast Man doesn't feel like he should be in a Mega Man game, he feels like he should be in a Universal Ride, like actually in a god damn ride. However his stage is sorta good with Powerups like Block Man are really effective on this stage and can be breezed by really quickly with Block Man's Powerup with the Power Gear. Even the Mini Boss feels like a Ride because IT IS ONE, HOLY CRAP THEY KNEW! Jesus that was an Amazing Mini Boss teaching you how to use the Speed Gear Effectively. Now to Blast Man, His Boss Fight is, Forgettable. I had to look up Blast Man on YouTube because I just didn't remember how his Fight went. However, his Powerup is anything but Forgettable. The regular Firing is just Useless and I've never used it without the Power Gear, and Jesus the Powerup with the Power Gear, It's amazing and is really useful for Future Bosses. Great Boss Fight, Ok Powerup, and an Alright Stage. -Bounce Man Bounce Man is such a strange thing, or man. It isn't even a man it's voiced by a Woman which is kinda Funny. But as Much as I want to call a woman strange but it's not because of that. The Stage is so different from anything else in this Game, this feels like what the game should've been. Block Man could've been a basic stage, Blast Man could've been Fast and Pushing you around with Explosives and then you could have the same experience with the Mini Boss and Blast Man Himself and Vise Versa with the other Bosses. The entire stage is filled with Balloons and you're forced to bounce on it, everything except the Boss..place? I don't Know. But God, Bounce Man's Powerup is one of the best in the game next to Block Man. Without this Powerup a lot of the Bosses wouldn't be as easy as they are. And Bounce Man has the weakness of one the worst attacks in the Game, Impact Man's Powerup. But other then that Bounce Man has an Annoying Stage but It can be Fun in some aspects but it can also feel like a Chore, same thing with the Mini Boss as well but nothing much to say in that Category. -Tundra Man Tundra Man has a Pretty Basic Stage, nothing much to say there although throughout the Adventure I'd normally barely use the Speed Gear NOW I use it way too much where I find myself slipping all the time into Pits. Good thing I played on Newcomer cause if I played on something harder (I am Currently in a Playthrough of Casual Mode, this Message for even Harder Difficulties) then I'd go fucking insane and through this game in the trash. I vividly remember the Mini Boss and Jesus, Why is Fire Weak against Ice? People complain about how shit the "Rock, Paper, Scissor" Mechanic is in Megaman games but HOLY SHIT, I just find it amazing that this Ice is the same Ice that makes Reggieice from Pokemon. And Jesus H. Christ! I LOVE Tundra Man's Personality! It reminds me of MTT from Undertale: So Elegant, So Fashionable, His Spinning Moves are the Moves of GODS. I wanna see Tundra Man again in later Megaman Games. -Impact Man Impact Man is really forgettable and very Frustrating your first boss fight with him. But after the first fight, He can be dealt with easily. The Mini Boss is just Piss, Mid way through my (Casual) Playthrough I defeated it in almost a Second because of Block Man's Powerup along with the Power Gear. And the Actual stage is like playing a Sonic 1 Water Stage, Mess up once: Go ALL the way back to the Bottom. Just An Annoying Man and I don't know why he's even a boss here. -Torch Man Torch Man is a Sick, Practical, and Horrible Joke made by the Nazi's, If you say this is a Good Stage and it teaches something, then you are Super Hitler Satan. The stage is just one big Chase. The Mini Boss is just the Fire Bird from Sonic Unleashed and The actual Fight is just PISS. And Torch Man looks like a JoJo Reject. Fuck Torch Man. -Fuse Man Fuse man is one of those Characters you sorta look at and say "Oh Shit." Just from a Glance of His Face you know it's gonna be serious. And Serious it is, The Stage looks like a  Batman Anime Intro: Dark, Serious, Gloomy, THUNDER! Great Stuff. Fuse Man's Stage actually feels like a Modern Megaman Stage, while the others feel like their a Grandfather hung over by too much NES Horseshit Crack, Fuse man always Looks, Sounds, and Plays like Something New, Thank You Capcom, Very Cool. The Mini Boss is...Meh, Don't feel like I should really say anything about it for some reason. Though What I will say, Is that the Speed Gear was Very Useful (When Replaying In Classic Mode) when I didn't understand the pattern. The Actual Boss fight with Fuse Man was something Brand New, Using the Speed Gear and it shows a very clear Demonstration of what the Speed Gear can do. And even using the Speed Gear yourself is the way you can clearly counter him. And it's overall just a very Fun and Different Boss Fight that feels like what all the bosses should've been.
-Misc. Everything that isn't already in the main game is extremely Boring and Very Forgettable. After playing the game for the first time I went to the Extra Modes and even going to the shop is very Forgettable and through my first playthrough I didn't even know it was a thing. It should've been somethin said through cutscenes or something ________________________________________________________________ {SPOILERS} This Part of Review shows off the Entire Last Part of The Game.
-Final Levels All the levels in Gear Fortress, The Final Stage Selection, is really just a Mini Boss Collection with the Iconic Yellow Devil and some weird Tentacle Monster. After that, We get to my Favorite part of the Game. Here you get to fight Every Single Man In The GAME. You get EVERYONE! Block Man, Acid Man, Blast man, Bounce Man, Tundra Man, Impact Man, Torch Man, and Fuse Man. Here you just know the Weaknesses of Everybody. Tundra Man Freezes Torch Man, Bounce Man's Stage is filled with Balloons, Impact Man has Drills for Hands, So it'd make Since Impact Man beats him. I love it when Video Games do this, Right before everything ends, You get to see all the faces that tried so hard to defeat you, and you body them once more. -Final Boss The Final Boss is Dr.Wily, how surprising for a Megaman Game. And here Dr.Wily has 2 Phases, and He seems so serious. He brings out a God Damn Helicopter Indoors, What the Hell Wily. Here Multiple Powerups that would normally seem useless are very good here. Blast Man's, Impact Man's, Fuse Man's, Hell even Acid Man's Powerup can be very useful in this boss fight. Both Speed Gear and Power Gear are used basically the entire Boss Fight. The 2nd Phase is VERY Serious, Here Dr.Wily doesn't plan on losing. Here he uses Both the Speed Gear and the Power Gear at the same. Most Powerups are used Here with Tundra Man's, Fuse Man's, Block Man's, Torch Man's, and Bounce Man's Powerup can be used for so long here. Finally Defeating Dr.Wily he talks about a Plan B, which is just him pleading. Dr.Wily gets away and Every Robot Master is Found. And there Megaman 11 ends. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
-Final Rating Megaman 11 is a great Megaman Game, especially for my First Megaman Game. Though however when Megaman 11 feels annoying, feels repetitive, feels rage inducing, feels boring, feels bad it REALLY feels like all of those things. Though when having Fun, the Game feels very Fun and Addictive.
Megaman 11 Is A 7/10
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heres some concepts of the babies as a bonus:
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part 2 of the baby hop and leon series!
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I wanted to do some pokemon ship art but then Piers come to my mind and well yeah
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give him a break……..he’s like the only one with shoelaces
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