cynicismandtwee · 5 years
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haha um
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cynicismandtwee · 5 years
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I’m afraid we’ll always be a book with the end pages ripped out.
— Madisen Kuhn, Does Time Truly Heal All Wounds?
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cynicismandtwee · 5 years
I’m pretty sure you’re the one that doesn’t understand right now because this post is talking about the absence of “stuff”..
How can you have a vacuum with the complete absence of matter next to an atmosphere containing matter, without a barrier stopping the absence of matter from no longer being an absence of matter as it has now combined with the atmosphere????
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cynicismandtwee · 5 years
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from: pinterest
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cynicismandtwee · 5 years
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cynicismandtwee · 6 years
Shoutout to the people who:
-have symptoms that aren’t visible to others
-are able to function even while in extreme pain
-hide their illness well
-who don’t “seem sick”
-who have flareups at night or other times when no one else sees
-fight a daily battle that others can’t see
-feel like they’re making too big of a deal out of their illness because “it could be worse!”
I see you out there, I feel you, you’re awesome.
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cynicismandtwee · 6 years
Ate half a pack of biscuits tonight coz I’m pissed off at my “mates”.....
I’ll never learn.
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cynicismandtwee · 6 years
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Ok, so this is the beginning of MY big fat diary. Since gaining weight from steroid use, anxiety and depression, the above photo has been my motto. But today, I decided to change it. So this is going to be my brutally honest diary of progress of my weight loss. Because I will lose it. So.. I’ll begin by sharing my weight. Yes. You read that right. I am a woman and I will tell you what I weigh. Why not? I’m not embarrassed by it... partially because I know I must lose weight and partially because I wonder why is a stigma. I weigh 20 stone 3.6 lbs. and I don’t know what that is in kg or just lbs. convert it yourself if you’re interested. I am 5’8”. I’ve always “carried” weight quite well. I’m an hourglass shape naturally when I’m not so round. I have an enormous ass that men love and I hate trying to squeeze into bottoms. But I do love my ass really. I don’t have classic body dysmorphia because i am really fat.. but it’s taken till now to realise how fat I’ve gotten. It was after I saw a photo of myself and realised that the mirror in my hallway is slightly concave and has been REALLY working wonders for my confidence as I stroll around looking like the Michelin man in leggings. Sometimes I wanna punch people in the face when they say they’re fat and they’re not. People should say “they’re fat for themselves” rather than fat. Being fat is the morbid obesity I have. I’m finishing this here for now because day one actually started ok. I was good. You’ll learn more about me each time I post if you wanna follow it. If no one reads it, it’ll just be a monologue for me to reflect on when I have lost enough weight to be healthy. Maybe that will be in five years. Maybe a year or two. I dunno. I’ve got fuck loads to lose and hopefully enough motivation to get me through. Wish me luck!
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
Yup. Laterz!
Sympathy is only for the able.
People only care that you are sick as long as you are going to get better. Once they find out it is a forever thing, their sympathy suddenly has an expiration date.
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
This is my life.
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
😂 this has happened so many times
When someone tells you tumeric will cure your RA
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
So cute 😍
People: "Get well soon!"
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
After hearing "You're too young to be this sick" for the 10,000th time:
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
"Exercise would help you."
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
People: "Get well soon!"
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cynicismandtwee · 7 years
Yes Bill. Just YES.
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