cyogiro · 4 years
The Real Nature
2 The Real Nature The Real Nature that emerges in relation to Persona refers to the fundamental assembly, structure, and mechanism of existing things. It becomes the basis for nature to move and work. There are various things in the world of nature, and everyone has their own way Humans, animals, plants, and so on, from very simple things to infinitely complicated creatures are lined up in a very cluttered manner, and they all seem to live differently. But at their root, they are only repeating the same physical and scientific reactions.
Looking at the theory of physics and chemistry about matter and life, as well as the theory of evolution and biology about inheritance, this nature is one. It is much easier to think that what was originally one, but different things came out due to the difference in the direction of evolution. Of course, this is the evolution of human nature. According to the teachings of faith, personality is a life given directly by God, not by the evolution of nature. However, the character also lives based on the natural nature of human beings. In this way, this natural world of nature has evolved from the lower part to the human nature, taking one direction under one order. It was rising like the tide was rising.
Therefore, human nature is basically the same as nature. There must be no misunderstanding about the theory of evolution, whether it is for or against it. Considering the basis that biology brings up, it seems unlikely that evolution is contrary to the progress of the Bible and church. Rather, he praises God's work of creation in a fully satisfactory manner as a natural science. But this already belongs to creationism.
This nature has proceeded to the true nature of human beings. Then, for the first time, I was able to open my eyes and take a look around, and sincerely appreciate the work of God's creation. In the pre-human stage, natural nature is ultimately confined to me. The only substance does not yet have its own way of life. When it becomes a living body, it takes in what is necessary for its own life from its close vicinity to itself. To do so, I will work around myself. They are limited to the scope of my life.
It's just the instinctive way of life of each race. However, human nature is different. With the power of his reason and will, he was able to exceed himself as much as possible and to see the whole place of his life as he was. This is the form of nature that a person, as a personality, needs to live in a life of handing over himself to God and his neighbors. For the first time in the natural nature of human beings, this nature was opened to the outside world, that is, toward God, endlessly.
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cyogiro · 4 years
Bright enough to illuminate your surroundings
Bright enough to illuminate your surroundings
People are confused about what they can do a little more than they can understand. In the end, I tried to kill Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by cruising it. However, the power that has brought this world to this extent while silently enduring its terrible treatment is the power of darkness that cannot be directly understood by people. It may be better for a person to call ignorance or stupidity, rather than calling the everyday understanding that he knows, light. Then, no matter what happens in the world of people, I take it quietly, and immediately without deciding whether it is good or evil, I said, "Same as good or bad. It must be called light and power, the endless silence that keeps everything warm and warm as well."
When written in this way, it may be said that it is a misunderstanding of text and is merely a skill of expression. But not so. It's a bit loud to say that, depending on what you take. Some people get it. There is no need to think about where it came from and who it belongs to. You can use it because it exists. What is more difficult to say is that it is a technique of writing or expressing a sentence. I think this is a rather embarrassing way of thinking. If you only take what people can see, they are in the air. The earth is the same, and the universe itself is floating. In the same way, people's lives are only known in front of them. It is surrounded by the darkness of being invisible or invisible, and being supported by it. Otherwise, people's lives and society's activities cannot progress.
It's like the earth orbiting the sun, balancing the attractive and centrifugal forces of the sun. But how is the sun being supported? What are centrifugal force and centripetal force? Then, there is an infinite universe around it.
After all, the earth is also supported by others in this universe. In the same way, human beings and their surroundings, which are slightly visible, are also supported and supported by unseen and unseen places that spread infinitely outside them. The fact that a person is alive, which is nothing in this everyday life, is supported by the infinite darkness of the surroundings, and under the influence of it, we move on and on. You can't just look at this as a twill in a sentence or a technique of expression. This is the raw reality.
Let's summarize this a little. Understanding is only one relationship. It is that people have a very simple relationship with the things around them that are involved. Whether it is useful or harmful to the people's lives, this is the center of understanding.
The farther you go from your daily life, the more difficult it becomes to understand things. If it is completely separated from human life, the thread of understanding will be cut off. I'm too far away to know anything beyond the universe. One thing that is too far to understand is one's own person and those around him. It has nothing to do with their daily eating and drinking. It's so far away from the scene of my life that I can't help living without having to think about such things. Then, I think that "I knew" only by seeing the mechanism of the life mechanism in which one lives as an organism consisting of the mind and body while interacting with the surrounding world centered on food, clothing, and shelter. However, just by "knowing" that, I still have no idea what kind of person I am living in, or what kind of world of clothing, food, and shelter is alive. The darkness that "doesn't understand" begins there, and it spreads and deepens far into the future.
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cyogiro · 4 years
Brightness enough to illuminate your surroundings
2. Brightness enough to illuminate your surroundings
In everyday life, people think a lot to live. Thus, if one's life is all about working and eating, then the understanding from the two previous points is sufficient. There is a desk and a pen here and I am there. On top of that, causality, contradiction rate, and a few mathematical formulas and theorems. With this alone, a person can live a full life while thinking. After that, it is possible to open up the way of life while looking around. But with regard to the obvious, self-evident dream, it's the end of the story when one asks what it is and why.
A book is not a pen, as is a pen not a lamp. You can tell at a glance. It's wrong to think about that. No one thinks or needs to think anymore. However, from this point of view, a big illusion is born in the thoughts of people. What is clear in this world is really only clear about the sense and comprehension of a person. So to speak, it gives a clear stimulus to the mechanism by which a person lives, and certainly feels it. Taking it seriously, the relationship between the sensory organs of human beings and the world that stimulates them is just a good comparison. It can't explain anything more than that, the two things that scramble, the people and the world around them.
This world is designed for people to interact with each other. Humans use this world as their home, and freely use everything in it. I take it for granted. This world also provides enough material to move and satisfy the functioning of the heart and body of carrot. Humans will also work in this world and develop them for their convenience. Humans and this world are meshed with each other, like gears. But this too is really only a matter of seeing the exact meshing relationships between them. Nothing is clear about this, either of which each one is as such. Of course, if you say that the mechanism of life just needs to be carried well, you don't have to think about that.
If it is just a living thing, physicochemical reactions between substances will only occur smoothly. I don't need anything more. But only humans are different. That is not enough. If you don't understand what it means to live, you will feel meaningless loneliness, lose your purpose in life, and lose your patience. Then, what on earth are human beings and this world as such? When I get to this point, I run into something I can't say anything about.
"It is not that it is not, but it is," that is, the world of existence and existence. There are people and the world.
"It can't be said that it is not, and it can only be said to be."
However, it is impossible to grasp what this existence itself is. If this is combined with the life of a person, the person can say various things immediately. They are big or small, red and yellow, delicious or funny, and so forth. However, if we take it out of our scrutiny with our daily lives, we will be vaguely unable to say anything. However, in reality, people encounter God in this world of existence.
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cyogiro · 4 years
God is the Afflatus
God is the Afflatus
God is the Afflatus for this world. To explain this, we must first consider two things.
(1) That people can understand something.
(2) I don't know. Man receives existence from God and lives to be saved from God. This is because I want to think about exactly what this means.
1 to understand
It is halfway for a person to know something. What we understand is just a matter of organizing what seemed complicated at first, from the relationship with what is simpler and clearer, to a little organizing.
I will explain a, which I do not understand, from the relationship with b, which I know a little. Explanation Then, on the other hand, is he familiar with b? In this way, b will be described from c and c will be described from d. But this can't last forever. When the last z comes, there is nothing to explain z itself. z itself is clearer than anything else, so I could explain them and make them easier to understand.
But who is z himself? An easier and clearer way to explain it is not found in this world. As such z, there are two kinds of things. One is a fact that appears directly in a person's life, and it is understood if it confirms it. The other is self-evident, which is clear in itself, like the formula of mathematics and the principle of philosophy. The first is a direct fact, such as having a desk here and writing what you have a pen. The second one is like the framework or structure of the existence that assembles this world as a principle or an official. When it is said that something is understood to the person, it is brought to the place where it is clear of these two, and one understanding is made up on it. However, this last thing itself is clear and self-evident, but it is not understood any more. There is no explanation why it is so.
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cyogiro · 4 years
Freedom to choose the god as Afflatus
2. Freedom to choose the god as Afflatus   
・Regarding the freedom to choose God as a revelation of God in a broad sense in Jesus Christ, I would like to first think concretely about what freedom and love from human beings toward God are.  
 ・If God were one of many things, you could take God from it and throw away the others.   But the Absolute God is not the one who is in line with the others. Then, what kind of person is God? Here comes the figure of God as Afflatus. 
 ・In theology, the word Afflatus is used for God. Afflatus refers to the whole of God's revelation in Jesus Christ. Especially the passion at the heart of Christ, death and resurrection on the cross, are the center of Afflatus.  
 ・There is a foolish and dirty cross that goes to the bottom of the world, and the glow of God's glory of resurrection. This mysterious fact, the church calls Afflatus. There are two ways of thinking about this God's Afflatus. 
 (1) The reason why Afflatus does not understand is that people's understanding is insufficient on this ground. If you receive the grace of God and enter heaven, you will be able to understand anything at that time. The mystery of God's Afflatus disappears when you go to heaven. 
 (2) Human beings have only limited abilities. Only God is the absolute, infinite. Even if we go to heaven, we cannot understand all of god's infiniteness with our infinite abilities. 
  It is then impossible to determine which of these two ideas is right and which is wrong. Both have a real point. But of these two, the second one more generally and more certainly shows human well-being in heaven than the first. Then, the difference in "understanding in the present world" of how a person receives his or her life in this world appears depending on which one is considered. From the first way of thinking, if people go to heaven, all will be solved and all mysteries will disappear. However, for the person who thinks in this way, the world where there are many contradictions and it is hard to be convinced is only an unpleasant place with only suffering and little joy.  On the contrary, when viewed from the second side, the contradiction and suffering of this world cannot be said to be boring. 
  No, on the contrary, in this contradiction, the world is a forerunner of heaven. There is no contradiction by the providence of God. No coincidence. One cannot overlook God or know to be exhausted. No matter how deeply a person captures God with his limited power, God is beyond that limitlessly. You can defeat yourself to that god. This is the joy of salvation. Moreover, God has already given people unconvincing contradictions from this world. God has already given to people from the world an endless amount of human understanding. This depends on how the suffering and contradictions of this world are matched with the providence of the loving God. The Bible teaches God's absolute providence for this world. You can't doubt this. 
 "Two sparrows are sold for one ass. And without your father's permission, none of them will fall to the ground. And even your head hair, everyone is counted." (Matthew10;29-30) Then, there is no chance in the world that happens by chance or by humans. There is a causal relationship with the movement of the world. But that is not all in the world. Both the suffering and the contradiction of this world approach people through various causal relationships. But at the end, deep inside every causal relationship in the world, there is a providence in which God, who is the love, gradually gives oneself a person that far exceeds the human understanding. Of course, there are many unfavorable things on earth, such as bad faith, bad luck, stupidity, lies, and lust. Needless to say, there are many unfavorable things on the ground, such as human malice, ingenuity, stupidity, lies, and lust.  
 But they are not the last explanation of the course of the world. How can God forgive if the world can be managed only by malice and ingenuity? Are you trying to torment people? Is God doing nothing and laughing when people are stupid and bad? Or is it punishing people? But looking at Jesus Christ, the Son of God, it doesn't seem like that. It is God's true feeling that if he suffers, he will suffer instead. As he felt, Christ died on the cross to save others. God doesn't look at people but thinks that bad people should be punished and suffer. People to those whom believing in Jesus Christ thus is in a place of the light and hope which seems to be nothing but contradiction, darkness, and despair and have not yet believed. 
 And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, my soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Nevertheless” (Matthew3;16-17) 
 When a person who believes in Christ desires God and asks more, he bears his cross and tries to follow the way of the cross of the Lord until the end. The key to such faith, hope, and love lies in the fact that God is an absolute person who has infinitely exceeded the human understanding. There is a limit to human power. No matter how hard you try, you know very little about God. God is so numerous that no one can understand it. It is an afflatus or Afflatus itself, which is unknown to people, completely unknown to them, incomprehensible and unconvincing. This person, almost unknown to each person, is directly seen in heaven. In the mysterious and incomprehensible darkness, can one still beat all of himself? Or do you refuse the contradiction just because you are not satisfied? Heaven and hell are separated here. Indeed, that God is Afflatus for this world is too important for understanding life in this world and thinking about His love. 
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cyogiro · 4 years
Freedom to get out of God and go to God
Freedom to get out of God and go to God  
 Freedom is not just about choosing. If a person lives only in this world and can be happy 
Without being related to God, the story is different. At a time when people are free to choose 
what they want from as many as they can and do what they like. I can’t think of any other 
Freedom. However, people are not only living in their own world. Also, just living in yourself 
does not make you happy. You cannot be happy unless you live with God and love him.  
A person who is loved by God and loves God in his neighbors. Such human beings are more than just playing. Various things are lined up in this world. Since the items are lined up, it is quite natural that you can choose from them as you like. Whether or not this is done, people 
decide it as they want. Then, you can call it the name Freedom. 
 But the truth is that human freedom is determined in the relationship of love with God. 
From here comes that people do their best to love God. What does this all mean? Am I 
weighing the human beings and God in the world and saying that they love God more 
than anything else? There are misconceptions about loving God above all. God created this world around people. There is a limit to the world in which it has been built. Limited people cannot live by themselves, apart from God. This does not mean that humans and their world are humble or incomplete. On the contrary it means that happiness of the world in that we can only live under the love of God. 
  But on the other hand, such a reality makes it hard to think about the relationship between God and man. God is absolutely eternity. In the limited time and space of this world, we cannot think of eternal and absolute people. There's another complex thing on it. For all things in this world cannot be seen from God. The moment you leave from God will disappear. For these two things, human liberty must be fundamentally reconsidered. 
 (1) Human freedom is explained by saying that any of the many possibilities can be chosen 
as you like. However, it is not the one that the explanation is attached only by that. Indeed, when it is not possible to fly anywhere like the bird in the bird cage, a wide heaven and earth of freedom seems very attractive.  
But can humans be infinitely happy if they have unlimited freedom of choice and do anything they want? When it comes to faith, it seems that one chooses God, just so like believing in the Christian Lord, not a Buddhist guru. 
    But when you think about it, people are not choosing God. Only this one can be selected 
for a person. The things in this world are limited. All are similar or choose. I don’t think it depend on which one is taken and which one is thrown away, and that alone will determine the final happiness and unhappiness of the person who chooses. 
Of course, If we regard human beings as just living things, there will be a difference between being excellent and being an older, depending on the selection method. It is  
a choice of what to include and what not to include in your life. 
there will of course a little big gap there. However, it is a living thing, and it is very different from a personality. According to the teachings of faith, people are not just living things, Personality. A person can receive God's love and love him. After all the choice of what is under this world is nothing but the way of life as a human being. It is a little vague that if you choose from many, you will be happy and your dignity will be protected, and if you will not choose, your personality will be ignored. 
It doesn’t that you don’t have to choose. I think that only the selection is all that really matters. I would like to clarify whether there is no freedom unless I can choose more. 
 (2)  let's first consider the relationship between a person's choice and God. In general, God:  It is easy to think of God as one of them by lining them up with the people and things of this world in their dimensions. It is the way of life of ordinary people that they remember God in the meantime, because there are many things that people can do. But I don't think this is very right. God is beyond the dimensions of the world. It is not good to imagine God in some limited form, even if it is only in an idea. However, when a person imagines something or thinks, it can think only in a limited form. If you don't separate them, you can't think clearly. It is not possible to imagine it if it is not the one distinguished from the outside one. But God has no limit. In some cases, it is not convenient for people to think or imagine. 
 Of course, this world is not God. God and this world must be clearly distinguished. However, this distinction is of a little special nature. The premise is that one can be independent of the other without the other. But the relationship between God and this world is not so easy. It is theoretically not difficult to distinguish God from the world. There are some difficult points from theology. For we cannot afford not to think of the natural nature of The Son Jesuit as a person in God. But even if this is put in, in theory, God absolutely exists even without this world. It is easy to distinguish God from this world. 
     On the contrary, it is very difficult to distinguish this world from God. The world cannot continue to exist if we leave God. In other words, this world cannot be independent from God. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine the "world" separated from God, even in the case of thinking. Of course, this world is not God. However, if you try to see only this world in distinction from God, nothing really remains. Without God, the world will vanish. This is strange and weird thing. The relationship between God and this world is quite different from that of this world to God. I cannot think of this in the same way and easily separate it between them. Given these special circumstances, we must reconsider the position of God in the consciousness of people from two aspects. 
  (1) God is not one of many things. Usually God is considered in human consciousness as one individual, along with many things on earth, and distinguished from it. God is not the one who can show that, this, and that. Still, people tend to think that they compare God with the world in their hearts, and then choose God. But this idea is not correct. If we can put some things side by side and look at each other, we can pick one of them and say this instead. However, it is not possible to choose it from a special relation between them in the case of God and this world. Even if it is said that it chooses, it is only to take out the word "God" only in the head from a lot of words outside. The word God is one of the ordinary words. But God himself cannot be one of those things in the world. There is an illusion here. Here is an illusion.  
 Of course, it is a persona of the Trinity, and God is an individual gentleman in this sense, too. The relationship from God to this world and, on the contrary, from this world to God are completely different. This is called the ratio of existence (analogia). It is not possible to think about this in the same way, and to separate it easily between them. When we say that there is no limit, people feel like they have already learned something about God. However, this is only to think about something like the limit in the warm, and to deny "limit" that something ends logically in the head. In other words, something goes on endlessly, and it reminds me of the continuation. And, it is thought that it was understood that it is absolutely infinite. However, such an understanding is far from the true appearance of God. After all, one cannot think of the true form of an absolute infinite God in his heart. 
       This kind of thing might seem very roundabout and confusing. Some say that faith is Muchmore simple and that you don't need to think hard about anything. However, it becomes complicated by all means when it tries to live man's freedom and love seriously. You can't run away. To live with God as all of us, and to love our neighbors like ourselves, we must be free. And, the freedom which thinks only vaguely thinks as if it is possible to choose anything as it likes. That's not really the case. There is not much difference in what and how it decided in this world even if it is said that it is able to choose. It might not be so different so that it is not different to the other even if it goes out of a narrow basket if it makes it to the bird of the cage, and it flies to the place where it wants to go anywhere. From here, true freedom is a walk towards God, so to speak, touches the core of freedom. 
 What I want here is a kind of outlook about choosing. Whether you can choose or not, the world is not much different. It's just a difference in degree. There might be a person who thinks that it is angry when such a thing is done. In theory, however, it is not different to leave early whether you can choose or not. The size of the range that can be chosen does not determine the size of freedom. But then, what does real freedom mean? 
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cyogiro · 4 years
Without the divine revelation in Jesus Christ, the true freedom of human beings may end, or even be unknown. Christ's personal freedom, then, is not about choosing things as you like. It is the relationship of love in the Holy Spirit between the Father and the Son. Christ's character as a person is drawn into the relationship of love, and God's self-reliance lies in living the life together. Where that life is fully manifested in Christ's human nature, it is the death on the cross and the resurrection of the third day. This has nothing to do with choosing. From now on, I would like to examine this true freedom in a little more detail.
Human Nature and Freedom
Human nature and freedom
One of the central problems of Christ theory is the self-reliance of God. The Son of God took his human nature and made it his own. Then, in order to understand Jesus of Nazareth, you must know three things. The three Persona of God, the nature of God, the nature of man. Of these three, I think that human nature is best understood. Moreover, if you go one step further and think about what you are as a human being, almost nothing is clear. However, in order to understand Jesus Christ, I would like to clarify a little about the true nature of a person, that is, what it means to be a person. If it’s not clear, I don’t know much about the god who became a person. Of course, The Incarnation is God’s Mysterium. It’s never completely understood. However, because it is a genius, it does not mean that you don’t have to understand anything. So from now on, I would like to think a little about the natural nature of humans. First of all, it is necessary to abandon the feeling that I know what a human being is because I am also a human being. Microcosm, a thinking reed, After all human being is only a social animal originally ,and it consents in its own way. However, this alone explains the person when God becomes a person. It is useless to do. It is free to be a clue to explain the natural nature of human beings. However, it seems that this person also knows without having to worry. Freedom is a choice, and I think I should decide for myself. But the truth is that the relationship between this choice and freedom is less clear than you might think. Real freedom cannot be understood only by observing humans from inside and outside. In fact, Jesus Christ’s way of being as a person was shown in the Bible and in the flow of the church, so that it was only when he could think of true freedom.
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cyogiro · 4 years
Human Nature and Freedom
Human nature and freedom
One of the central problems of Christ theory is the self-reliance of God. The Son of God took his human nature and made it his own. Then, in order to understand Jesus of Nazareth, you must know three things. The three Persona of God, the nature of God, the nature of man. Of these three, I think that human nature is best understood. Moreover, if you go one step further and think about what you are as a human being, almost nothing is clear. However, in order to understand Jesus Christ, I would like to clarify a little about the true nature of a person, that is, what it means to be a person. If it's not clear, I don't know much about the god who became a person. Of course, The Incarnation is God's Mysterium. It's never completely understood. However, because it is a genius, it does not mean that you don't have to understand anything. So from now on, I would like to think a little about the natural nature of humans. First of all, it is necessary to abandon the feeling that I know what a human being is because I am also a human being. Microcosm, a thinking reed, After all human being is only a social animal originally ,and it consents in its own way. However, this alone explains the person when God becomes a person. It is useless to do. It is free to be a clue to explain the natural nature of human beings. However, it seems that this person also knows without having to worry. Freedom is a choice, and I think I should decide for myself. But the truth is that the relationship between this choice and freedom is less clear than you might think. Real freedom cannot be understood only by observing humans from inside and outside. In fact, Jesus Christ's way of being as a person was shown in the Bible and in the flow of the church, so that it was only when he could think of true freedom.
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cyogiro · 4 years
Church after Pentecost
Church after Pentecost   
 First, the title "Church after Pentecost". This comes from the overall assembly of Acts. This whole is the breadth of the Church as the work of the Holy Spirit, coming from one point, the Pentecost. In the first half, Petro was the main focus, and in the second half, Paul was the main focus. But Acts isn't Petro or Paul. In fact, he is the Holy Spirit himself, who works on the apostles and defeats all oppositions and difficulties, and promotes the mission more and more powerfully. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and witnesses Christ, the Son of God. So, it is none other than Christ, the Son of God, who really stands at the center of Acts and appears in its entirety. In this sense, Acts has a lot to do with The Christ Theory.  
 Historically, Acts do not convey the true picture of the Primitive Church. In particular, it is not a good resource for learning about the activities of Petro and Paul. Rather, it better reflects the way the church was written during the period of its writing, from 90 to 100 AD. The reasons are as follows.  (1) In Acts, the elder of the church comes out. ``I handed it to Barnabas and Saul and delivered it to the elders'' (Acts 11;30).  '' I also appointed elders for them in each church'' (14;23).  The apostles prayed and placed their hands on them (6;6). Then it becomes clear that the elders were appointed to each church, and that the appointment was "putting their hands on them." However  It's unclear if the elders were appointed by the "put hands" ceremony at the church when Paul and Barnabas were active. Therefore it seems that Acts isn't about the days of Paul and Barnabas.  
 (2)  When writing Acts, the author certainly used old material from the church about activities such as Petro and Paul. This is reflected in the unusual alternation of personal pronouns. Until then, I wrote "them" in the third person, and suddenly switched to "we" in the first person for no reason. This seems to be a copy of the material whose subject is the first person as it was. The author must have been able to turn this into a third person. One mystery is why you didn't do that (Acts 16;10-17, 20;5-15, 21;1-18, 27;1-28, 27-16). In other words, the author uses the material, but not in the way it is today. So, I suppose I was trying to write something more, rather than telling as accurately as possible the era of Petro and Paul. 
 (3) Paul is active in the second half of the Acts. But I don't think Paul was the same Paul who wrote to Rome and the Corinthians. Paul in Acts is miraculous, eloquent, circumcised by Timoteo, proud of being Pharisees, and his mission is Judea-like. Writing to the churches of Rome and the Corinthians, Paul has a different look.  
  The attitude towards dispensation is also completely different. For these reasons, I don't think the author of Luke knew the true Paul. He also didn't have any solid material about Paul. I'm very doubtful if the author had ever read Paul's letter or not. Therefore, based on Acts, we cannot know exactly about the apostle Paul. Nor did the author himself want to write about Paul's activities. When it comes to Paul's work, he's trying to say something more. 
 (4) Acts includes Petro and Paul sermons. Taken together, it's a third of the total Acts.  Petro's story...1;6-22 2;14-36 38-39 3;12-26 4;8-12 5;29-32 10;34-43 11;4-17 15; 7-11  Paul's story...13;16-41 14;15-17 17;22-31 20;18-35 22;1-21 24;10-21 26;1-23 27;21-26 28;17-20.  Comparing each of these tough stories, weirdly the same story. There is no distinction between Petro's story and Paul's story. Instead, the content is slightly different for a jew and a stranger, depending on who you talk to. But still, the whole story is the same. It can be said that it is a fixed format. This format, or assembling the story, is not from the days of Petro or Paul. It was commonly used later in the author's own time and was familiar to everyone. After all, here again, Petro and Paul preached. That is not the problem. The author tries to use the names Petro and Paul to reiterate what is really important to the church at the end of the first century. When reading Acts, don't forget this.   
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cyogiro · 4 years
Meaning of Ascension
Meaning of ascension   As we have seen, Jesus Christ's ascension is closely tied to two things. One is the resurrection, and the other is Christ being raised to the right of Heavenly Father and taking the seat of glory. To separate from these two things and just think of ascension is at least in the Bible  It's off the line. But here I'm curious about the 40 days that Luke's author suddenly brought in when he wrote Acts. Why was the Ascension of the Lord staggered 40 days after the day of the resurrection?  I would like to think about the reason for this.  
     If we look at the Luke Gospel and the Book of Acts as a series, there is a long path leading to one. First, the Luke Gospel describes the life of Lord Jesus as a journey. This journey has three stages. 1) Inside Galilee. 2) The road to suffering until suffering from suffering 3) The way of suffering itself to death on the cross. This is one step, but simultaneously represents two movements. One is a movement that shows a voice from heaven when the Lord is baptized by John the Washer. "You are my dear one, my heart's worth" (Luke 3; 22). This is an ascending movement from bottom to top, receiving the glory and honor of the Son from the Father. However, the process of glory itself is, in fact, a downward movement, which suddenly drops to suffering and death on the cross. Luke's Gospel makes these two seemingly inconsistent movements a journey. The ascending movement ends with a resurrection and ascension that receives glory as the Son of God. In this sense as well, the Gospel says resurrection and ascension are on the same day, and in terms of meaning they are not so different. 
   But then, did Lord Jesus' earthly journey end when he took the right seat of Heavenly Father at the time of the resurrection?  Actually, it's not over yet. The author of Luke wrote Acts as a continuation of the Gospel. And so, these Acts also show another movement different from the Gospel. So the whole Acts is the work of Lord Jesus, who sits to the right of the Father. It is expressed as a powerful movement of the spirit, in which Christ's salvation spreads throughout the world by the work of the Apostles' Church. Let's take a closer look at this movement. Acts are divided into two parts. Some describe the work of the apostle Petro (from the beginning to chapter 12). The other half describes the role of the apostle Paul. The church that centers on these two apostles is based on the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus Christ. All of that is the work of the Spirit, and ultimately the work of the Lord Jesus, who sent the Holy Spirit. Working and summarizing this movement, it first starts from a gathering of 12 apostles in Jerusalem. 
  There are various oppositions and difficulties, conflicts within the church, misunderstandings, and persecution from the outside. Faith spreads without losing it. The word of God finally enters the center of the world, Rome, and then spreads throughout the world. This spreading movement had already been announced since the beginning of Acts. "But when the Holy Spirit falls upon you, you will be empowered and will be my witnesses to Jerusalem, the whole of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts of the Apostles1; 8). This is not about the apostles. The work of the Spirit of the Lord, which works through the apostles to the ends of the earth, is being carried out. " 
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cyogiro · 4 years
The problem     Luke's authors set two different dates for the ascension of Lord Jesus christ. So even the early church fathers began to think about the date of the ascension. Once again in the 4th century, the resurrection settled on the 40th day. But in modern times this has become a problem again. Since the date of the ascension is not clear, it is now considered that the Ascension of the Lord is not a fact but a mere narrative. In other words, it wasn't originally the ascension of christ, but at first I thought that the resurrection of the Lord was on the right side of the Father, and later it was christ's victory over this world. It came to be expressed in the form of ascension. Two problems overlap here.     First, the date of Christ ascension. Which is true? Next, about the ascension itself. Perhaps it was true that the lord had risen to heaven before his disciples and disappeared into the clouds, or the lord was resurrected and raised to the right of the father. The question is, is it just a concrete explanation of the facts of faith?       First, let's consider the meaning of "climb to heaven." With the exception of the very early ones, almost all apostles have the saying, "Go up to heaven and sit to the right of god almighty father." Here are two things. Ascending to heaven, then to the glory and power of the father as god. The problem is "go up to heaven."  
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cyogiro · 4 years
Ascension of Jesus Christ
Chapter 8 Ascension of Jesus Christ  One Ascension-the teaching of the church  Jesus Christ went up to the right of Heavenly Father after the ascension. That's what the church believes in. This already appears in the very beginning of the Apostles Creed. But there is only one place in the Bible that details Christ's ascension. This is the beginning of the Book of Acts. "When he finished saying, Jesus was lifted to heaven in front of them, and he was greeted by the clouds and disappeared" (Acts 1; 3-12). First of all, I would like to think about the circumstances at that time, from where these sentences in the Book of Acts came out. That's all, what the disciples really saw that Jesus Christ went up to the Lord ascending to heaven. But, let's think a little more about whether or not I can really say that.  
 It seems that Christ's ascension was not initially included in the church's Apostles Creed. A very old form of Apostles Creed remains in the Bible. There is nothing about ascension there. "Christ ... was obedient, low-humoured, dead to death, and even to the death of the cross, so God raised him up and gave him a name better than all its names" (Philippi2: 8-9). "God has rejuvenated this Jesus, and we are all witnesses, so Jesus was lifted to the right of God" (Acts 2 32-33, 2 36, 5-10). According to these passages, Jesus was "raised to the right of God" shortly after the resurrection. In other words, the appearance period of 40 days and the ascension are missing. The sentence "Ascend to heaven" in the Apostles Creed is also very old. But the earliest Apostles Creed didn't have this. Apostles at the beginning  It was very short. There were five things in a simple sentence.  The father, the child, and the Holy Spirit. The fourth is the church. Finally, either the forgiveness of sin or the resurrection of the physical body. With this, there are five. Then the Church kept the correct teachings about faith, and gradually added a list of faiths that could not be yielded in the battle to find out the mistake. The present Apostles are much longer than the beginning. 
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cyogiro · 4 years
Faith to make all the people disciples by doing
d   Faith to make all the people disciples by doing (2nd) 
   (2) The other is the overall meaning of suffering and death in Lord Jesus. The Son of God became a man and walked the path of suffering to the salvation of the world. This walk seems to have ended with the resurrection and ascension. But it didn't end there. If it all ends with the Ascension of the Lord, Acts of the Apostles is superfluous. The church doesn't just continue its religious business, as requested by Jesus Christ. The church, with Paul, intends to "do whatever it takes for the Gospel." I sincerely think that if you don't spread the gospel, it will be a disaster for you. The church is not "an employer who throws sheep away when the wolf comes and runs away" (John10; 22).   
The relationship between Lord Jesus and the Church is not like an employer or just a delegate. The Lord of the Resurrection appeared to his disciples and sent them to the whole world. But the disciples are not just agents of Christ. In order to clarify the circumstances during this period, we can give two sentences from the Bible. 
  ① First of all, Mathhew, Luke type. "The one who accepts you accepts me. The one who accepts me accepts the one who sent me" (Mathhew 10; 40). Luke is flipping this over. "Whatever rejects you rejects me, and what rejects me rejects the one who sent me" (Luke 10; 16). This series is concrete and easy to understand. But trying to see the relationship between Christ and his disciples, which is essential, is a bit unsatisfactory.   
② On the other hand, the sentences of the second series have the sound of the Trinity theory. '' Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you '' (John20: 21) 
 From such sentences, unlike the ones of Mathhew and Luke, the details are not clear. But the content is much deeper. The relationship between the Father and the Son as the life of the Trinity God is as it is  It is said to be the relationship between Jesus and his disciples.  
 Taken together, these two series of texts reveal a deep relationship between Lord Jesus and the Church. The support of the Son of God is not completed by its resurrection and ascension.  
             It will not be completed until it is spread to the whole world and all human beings by the work of the church. This is because the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the same as the relationship between the Son, Christ, and the church centered on his disciples.   
The church does not do the job it is asked to do, just to make Jesus' heart its own. Even if you were not asked, for the church, "If you don't spread the gospel, it's a disaster for me."  
Paul From such sentences, unlike the ones of Mathhew and Luke, the details are not clear. But the content is much deeper. The relationship between the Father and the Son as the life of the Trinity God is as it is  It is said to be the relationship between Jesus and his disciples. Taken together, these two series of texts reveal a deep relationship between Lord Jesus and the Church. The support of the Son of God is not completed by its resurrection and ascension. It will not be completed until it is spread to the whole world and all human beings by the work of the church. This is because the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the same as the relationship between the Son, Christ, and the church centered on his disciples.  The church does not do the job it is asked to do, just to make Jesus' heart its own. Even if you were not asked, for the church, "If you don't spread the gospel, it's a disaster for me."  "I'm not willing to do it myself," Paul says. It doesn't mean to me that I'm told that I don't care, either. If you don't, you'll be noisy later, It's not because you get paid. It's another thing that's moving Paul. Jesus Christ's life as a son of God is a trinity of "send,or being sent”, also. 
" It is in the place. Being righteous and becoming the son of God is nothing but being sent to preach the gospel. In other words, "do anything for the gospel" is the very life of Christ, the son of God. If you don't do it, it's a work. Because you will reject the life you have received as the son of God. Thus, missionary work cannot be considered to the church as merely the work Christ asked. Thinking, that is, a person is not sent first to receive the grace of being a child of God and then to share the grace that he received with the people. 
          The grace of being a child of God, the grace of righteousness, is nothing more than being sent out for the salvation of people. The grace of being a child of God, the grace of righteousness, is nothing more than being sent out for the salvation of people. This is because the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is just that. Of course, if you live only with God and your neighbors, you may worry that you will be gone. The wound of the original sin aches. But the life of the Trinity God just fills up with what he gives. The church also presents itself to the salvation of its neighbors and lives there for the first time as a child of God. 
 Paul says, "Die in the flesh world and live in the spirit world." This is, like the Son Christ lived, living above God and his neighbors first, out of the thought of the flesh trapped inside me, that I would lose myself if I gave myself away. It is nothing but going to the life of the spirit. This conversion from fleshly thoughts to spiritual life is happening among the disciples who experienced the manifestation of Christ's resurrection.   
Paul's conversion is the same. Paul's first goal was to work hard and be successful. To do that, I intended to "do whatever I wanted." The Paul changed to say, "I will do anything" to preach the gospel, not for myself. What has changed Paul so much, it's just that dead people come alive 
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cyogiro · 4 years
Faith to make all the people disciples by doing
  d   Faith to make all the people disciples by doing 
Here is another thing about the resurrection experience of the disciples. To tell the truth, this experience has not been completed as it is yet. It is still to be completed from now on. Matthew, Luke, and John's Gospel all relate to the emergence of the Lord's Resurrection, where the Lord sends his disciples all over the world. "Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you." (John20;21) 
I've seen Christ's appearance and the calling of his disciples as one thing, and what is relevant to each other. This calling is not like asking for a job. If you want to work, resurrection and calling are separate things, and that's not to say. It appears for a moment, and another important work comes to ask for regards while seeing the face. However, the calling of the Apostle is not such. 
The disciples who looked at the Lord of the Resurrection came to know that was not yet complete in the reality of salvation that they saw shortly after.  
It is the love of God that the Apostles themselves must lead people to faith in the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and be realized and fulfilled in their faith. 
God's love to save all is on fire. The Apostles saw that they were called as special workers for their love. There are two things in this offer. 
  (1) Paul says that his teaching was directly revealed by Lord Jesus. "If I don't spread the gospel, I'm bothered" (1 Corinthians 9:16). I wonder if Paul is willing to proclaim the gospel from himself, not so much. "When I preach the gospel, I'm not proud of it because I can't help it .... If you do it, you will be rewarded. However, that is the task entrusted to me. " What is important here is not whether Paul is advanced or not. Paul is not thinking about himself here either. "I will do anything for the sake of the Gospel," he says. In other words, there must have been some revelations Paul received that made him feel "do anything for the good of the Gospel." It's more than just giving it away to people because I've had a good time. That's just a kind of favor. He says "do anything" for the Gospel, or "worship for me" otherwise. What made Paul feel that way and really survive. This was in the revelation Paul received. The same is true of the disciples who had the appearance of the Christ resurrection. Immediately after that, there was something in Christ that they couldn't help working for themselves, leading people all over the world to the God of salvation, and drawing them into their love. 
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cyogiro · 4 years
Christ of Resurrection Seen by His Disciples
No matter how I look at it End.  A life that was not understood by anyone, was abandoned, laughed and ended on the cross. In the meantime, "many disciples have left and are no longer acting with Jesus" (John 6; 66).  From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.  The powerless and sad fate that was eventually erased by the antipathy of the people in the Temple of Jerusalem. It might still be saved in the mood if it says whether it is sacrificed or it dedicates the life.  However, it was not able to be said that for the time being.  There is no definite aim. Even more, the cross of Jesus is dying.  However, the disciples were able to see in the figure of the Lord of the resurrection that this was all accepted by Heavenly Father. This is the victory that was shining on the resurrected Christ. " The disciples come to do not spare oneself afterwards. Don't worry about what's going on or what we can do. But again, there is nothing to be proud of. The personal name of who did what it was and what it was gone disappeared, followed only by Christ's church. Each of them pour his life into the mission given by the Lord and sent by the church. So instead of the disciples standing up for themselves, Christ's church  In the death of the resurrection, the disciples saw what could be alive and killed by the mission of. There is nothing regrettable for the kingdom of God, that is, for God and his neighbors. On the contrary, it was "lost my soul" to spare for my neighbors. . It was the same when I saw Christ outside Dimashq's gate. This is often seen in Paul's letters.  Such an experience is not understood only if it is not a person who really took charge of it. Paul writes a letter and tells him the faith that comes from his experience, trying to make him understand. However, there is a frustrating thing that " I cannot describe it as I think ". It is frustrating not to be able to understand the situation that I saw as it is. It is explained in detail. But that's not all about the letters. Even if it is called a resurrection, it is not the only salvation of people and the world that comes out in a form that can be seen and touched by hand. Salvation is the completion of this world. The completion of this world was completed in the spirit of the love of the Son Jesus and the Father in the Passion of the Lord Jesus and the death on the cross, and in Jesus all the humankind of the whole world was accepted into the love. Where it is. The disciples saw this completion in the Lord of the Resurrection.  From now on, when we think of the times of the Apostles, we tend to imagine the early church that burned with love and enthusiasm. But the church that comes out in Paul's letter is not so easy. The Early Church, as a group of humans, could not avoid contradictions and conflicts between humans. There was also persecution. There was a feeling of hopeless failure and a sense of emptiness approaching.  "People will drive you out of the synagogue. And the time will come when you think that everyone who kills you serves God .... I I told you these things so that when their time came, I would remind them of what I said about them (John 16; 1-4).    1) These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.  2) They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.  3)) And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.  4) But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.    Why is John's Gospel telling these words of the Lord? It was because of the need for it at the end of the first century. This directly refers to persecution. But that's not all. It also refers to the void of life that people always feel deep in their hearts. I can't do it if my life ends like this. I believe in God, so there might be something better.  Against this feeling, the Gospel encourages us to do our best to the end. You're not alone, you're not abandoned, the Lord knows everything, never dead. "When that time comes, remember what I said about them."  But where is the guarantee that it will not lose its meaninglessness and still lose?  That is the foolishness of the cross, in which God became a person and disappeared in the pain of meaninglessness from the world's point of view. God did not pass on any one of the prophets to the death of the cross as his agent. He became a person himself and survived his life as a person until the death of the cross. In other words, Jesus Christ's cross is the only guarantee that what comes from this world's neighbors is nonsensical. In other words, God himself received all the things that seem to be meaningless in this world as the treatment from the surroundings.  The paradox of God's life, in which it is impossible to say that it lives only when it dies in the void. The disciples saw this in the Lord of the Resurrection and experienced it directly. It is also that I have seen the bottom of the world.  God is the end of the world. I can't go deeper than that. All the things that come to the point of hitting God are halfway. Most of the happiness of this world is called pleasure in some sense after all. It's like an excited state of nerves. Depending on what causes that stimulus, what makes you happy will make a difference. However, no matter what the stimulus is, the fact that it causes the reaction of satisfaction does not change much. Such happiness is not yet the final depth of this world. It is halfway. However, on the contrary, some people think that they are great because they do not seek such happiness. This is still halfway. As long as people are standing in this halfway spot, they wonder if there are still better things besides what they have now. "Should I still wait for someone else?" (Luke 7; 20). This was the mess of John the Washer. Everyone has more or less the same hesitation. If you think about it, billions of people live on this earth. Everyone peeks around them, overlooks something good, and lives with a frustrating feeling that they may be losing. There are many billions. It is unavoidable to compare them with each other and to consider whether they are good or bad. It's much better for everyone to do what they have right now, as much as possible. 
That is the only way humanity can live. But at that time, people can't stand what they are doing, what they have right now. I feel impatient that I have better things and better roles. It is a hesitation in this world. 
The world was created from God. But this world is not God. There is a limit. There is no change in that half way. Everyone's halfway through, so no matter which one you try, there's not much difference. God took the closest one of them. Moreover, no matter how you think of suffering and death on the cross, at least 
That is not what Jesus Christ, the Son of God given to us from the side of the world, that is, from God and our neighbors. The Lord received it as it was, without leaving it all. Thus when Jesus Christ collapsed on the cross, the whole of Jesus was presented to Heavenly Father, who received it. What the disciples saw in the Lord of the Resurrection is the reality of this love. But the disciples see another thing on it. The decisive fact that the world is accepted and received from God in its own right, in its neighbours. It is an extension of the genius of self-esteem that in the Lord Jesus, one of the human natures born in the world was totally accepted by the Son of God, Persona. In order for a person to be saved, he must enter into this extensional connection. There is no other way for a person to be accepted from God than to believe in Jesus Christ and be baptized, and to take part in the body and blood that were passed in his suffering. Christ wasn't just a model for other people. It's not just that Christ follows Christ hard and does his best for his neighbor, and that God can show it. The relationship of love between God and man is accomplished and perfected in the Lord Jesus. It wasn't that Jesus did it first, although others could have done it. What the human being could not do as a result of the original sin was fulfilled when Christ's human nature became completely that of the Son of God. This fulfillment manifested itself in the life and death of Jesus the Savior as one life in the world. Lord Jesus Life and Death, Passion and Death on the Cross. This is by no means an unfortunate consequence. The Bible repeatedly teaches that this should have been the case. No one can be saved more than to take part in this dead life of suffering. In order to participate in this divine life, we must believe in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and be willing to take part in its suffering and death. People no longer live for themselves as long as they participate in this salvation. The only thing left is to die and live for God and neighbors. In other words, if one really wants to live, he has to die for Jesus Christ by faith and baptism, and only live to that death. As Paul says, there is nothing that believes in Jesus and cannot be saved. The saved person no longer lives for himself. If you live, you only have to die. The only way to live is to live with God and neighbors. The life of Christ, the Son of God, continues to live in each person. One just has to leave him there. Indeed, the disciples were allowed to see the reality of this life in the resurrected Lord. In Christ's death and resurrection, God revealed the last meaning of this world and life and was revealed to his disciples.
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cyogiro · 4 years
About the Resurrection
Five; About the resurrection Let's reconsider what has been done so far in relation to the resurrection. Then, when we summarize the revival, there are roughly four things to consider. a. Salvation and resurrection of people When we talk about Catholic principles, we first talk about the soul and body of a person, and later on the story of the resurrection. Think about immortality of the soul first, and later it will be about the resurrection. This is unavoidable for the convenience of the story, and nothing special. However, such an order brings up one unfavorable idea of ​​the resurrection. First of all, people are creatures that combine the soul and body. Next time comes to die and the soul and body are separated. Finally, if all goes well, the soul and body are brought together again. It is the resurrection of the body. This is a very convenient way to think of a resurrection. May be useful to explain. But then, can we really think of the resurrection by thinking this way? This is a bit suspicious. Is the resurrection just another re-match of soul and body? In that case, Lazarus would come to life again. But Lazarus's is not a resurrection. Of course, the body at the time of the resurrection is different from before. It must be better than before. Along with that, the spiritual aspect becomes very good. However, this improvement in material and spiritual living conditions is not what the Bible calls salvation or resurrection. Nor is it the kingdom of God. ‥ This must be reconsidered from a completely different perspective. Heaven or salvation means that a person hands his whole body to God and his neighbor, and God receives it in Jesus Christ. This has little to do with the death and separation of the soul and body, or the refitting of the body again. Believing in the resurrection of the body is a way to oppose the error of the Plato-Mani system of thinking that the body is lowly and thinking of salvation only by the spirit. It's not just the resurrection that brings the mind and body together. It is not salvation, as Plato says, that a person is freed from a humble body and becomes only a spirit and a spirit. But to the contrary, it is not just salvation that the soul and body are once again combined into one human being. Due to the instincts of biological self-preservation, people are very afraid of death. It sounds a lot nicer that the body comes back to life again. It may be really appreciated. However, in this world, there are many ways to live like springs. In addition, when it comes to resurrection, some people feel that they have been saved from their struggling lives and are reborn as fairy tales or dream tales. None of these are Bible teachings. ‥ Then, what exactly does the great joy and brilliance of the resurrection point to? Is it just that the people who were all hurt, tormented and died, revived again with the eyes of those who hurt themselves? Do you want to come back to life again and get revenge on the person who previously suffered from you? But that is completely lacking in the resurrection of Christ. After all, is it happy that the body just comes to life again? But for that alone, the radiance of the Lord's resurrection is a little too great. So, in the end, what does Christ's resurrection victory mean? Resurrection means that the entire human being is totally saved. The resurrection of the Lord is the perfection of love, in which the Lord Jesus generously handed himself all to the Passion, which is the will of the Heavenly Father, and it was accepted from the Father as it was. No matter how good a person is, no one accepts himself, and because he is the only one forever, he is an unfortunate existence confined within his narrow self. Someone is regretful and clings to himself. A person cannot be saved unless he separates himself from it and passes it to God and his neighbor. If you give yourself to your neighbor, it will be accepted by Jesus Christ. This is the revival of the true meaning. Just reviving again is not enough to call it a revival.
"For those who have been celebrated by my father, come and receive the Kingdom that has been prepared for you from the beginning. For I was an hungred, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty , and you gave me drink: You let me eat when I was hungry, drink when I was dry ... because I was sick and asked when I was in prison "(Matthew25 ; 34-40).
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cyogiro · 4 years
The Incarntion of Mysteriyum
 The Incarnation of Mysteriyum
Since the Son of God came to this world, the partition between God and this world has disappeared.Jesus Christ is the center of this world.This evolving world is a great step made from God.It is a normal journey toward Christ. Human nature Emerging from this step.So this world entered the final stage.Human nature combined with God in Christ, it will never leave.From the beginning, this whole world was created to be God's in Jesus Christ's human nature.From the beginning, we have been pursuing the grace of God. Originally there were no two separate worlds. From the beginning it was built in Christ to be one. God gave it to the world with grace. In this world, the god that gives us is passed into the free heart of a person. This step is called the history of salvation. This took a definite form, and God and man were brought together under Christ's persona, and the salvation of the world was completed. It's the incarnation of mysteriyum. So Christ's human mind doesn't have the feeling that a precious God scoops a humble man. On the contrary, devoting all of his own to God, which the Son of God he accepted it as it was. Jesus himself as a person, he has no choice but to participate in such a great grace. It does not come out. So, in the word of the Lord, jesus's own self does not come out oddly. 
"'The one who believes in me does not believe in me. He believes in the one who sent me. And the one who sees me sees the one who sent me.' (John 12; 44- 45) .This is also a sentence, "It is weird that a person who believes in me does not believe in me. However, behind this, I can feel the feeling of Jesus himself who never thought of himself. In his heart, there was only his father and the salvation of the world. Jesus did not look back on him at all, but dedicated and handed it all to his father and neighbors. It was accepted by Heavenly Father as it was. This is the completion of salvation.
 In this way, how was Jesus aware of the end, in which he handed himself over and left only Heavenly Father and his neighbor instead?. This is the teaching of “Kingdom of God”. "Time is full, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1; 15). The kingdom of God was first realized within Jesus. Everything as a person was entirely dedicated to God and neighbors. It's hard to believe that Christ as such a kingdom of God separated himself from the people around him and was conscious of himself as a single person.
In fact, no such words of the Lord that are conscious of oneself are found in the Gospels. The thoughts and feelings of the Lord's people are all hung on the mission of the kingdom of God. The salvation mission of the kingdom of God was all about Jesus as a person. The kingdom of God is not somewhere separated from the Lord Jesus. In Jesus himself, it refers to the reality that the human nature of the world has finally crossed the frame of myself and completely belongs to Logos, the son of God. The kingdom of God began in Lord Jesus. One can be saved as long as he participates in the kingdom of God in this Christ.
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