cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
(( Do to holidays and school work I was off a little bit longer than I wanted to be. It was totally unplanned -____- Anyways I should be on later on tonight to continue where I left off with the other rps. I'm sowwieeeessss. Don't hate me plz.
I love you guys.))
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Sleepiness is overcoming me
(( Ok guise, I am incredibly drained. So I think I shall hop off here for a bit, and see if my brain recharges. If not, then Imma go to sleep. Whichever happens, I will make sure to reply promptly to my rp's I currently have going on with Cyril.
On that note:
I love you all. It's great to be back. I missed you. Ahsjhasdjsdjkdjsj GOOD NIGHT.))
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
sebastianthebreton replied to your post: “…Well. Someone’s certainly beefed up some.”
“Ah, you were at sea?” Sebastian raised an eyebrow as he smirked, folding his arms over his chest. “For… Four months, I think? Long voyage indeed.”
Cyril gave a quick huff in response. "I was only supposed ta be gone a MONTH." He grumbled.
"Hit a big patch of ice, some of which tore into the ship," He began to explain, "Hadda make repairs an' wait for some of the ice ta melt, so no further damage could occur."
"So yea' four whole months." He repeated gruffly.
"But it is nice to be back."
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Cyril gave the stranger's question some consideration in his mind. It was a bit shady to accept the help of a stranger, out in the woods, at NIGHT, but Cyril didn't really have much of an option. At least the payment wouldn't matter. Cyril had earned 15,000 from his prolonged adventure, most of it being expenses for being out much longer than intended.
"I suppo-" Cyril's words fell dead silent in his throat, as his ruby eyes came up to finally meet this 'stranger'. The Dunmer's eyes widened with surprise, and his body stood still, almost if paralyzed. The carefully arranged bundle of letters fell to the ground with a soft thud.
Cyril's heart began beating rapidly, so much so, that his ribs began to ache from all the pounding. Once he regained some small movement, Cyril blinked several times, then wiped away at his eyes. He was trying to make sure that what he was seeing wasn't a mirage or some sort of sick and twisted trick.
"A-Abaddon?" Cyril's voice cracked.
Return [Abaddon and Cyril]
Dammit, that voice! He knew it, but from where? This great, tall Dunmer didn’t look like anyone he knew, at least from the back, but… he knew he knew that voice. It was beginning to frustrate him.
“I do.” He answered back, his own cool tone much the same as always. “Do you need a guide?” It would grant him a chance to inquire about this elf, and that would hopefully help end this irritating nagging feeling in the back of his skull. A Dunmer… a Dunmer…. he just couldn’t recall!
He glanced only briefly to the stack of letters, not really sparing more than a second to look, and not reading the name written across the top. He was more interested in this strange mer.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
"...Well. Someone's certainly beefed up some."
Cyril gave a small grin.  He recognized that voice, even that body, but that night had been so long ago. Sebastian.  " Well..ah there's not much ta do on a ship." He replied, blushing slightly, still having the memories rush through his head.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
For as big and strong as Cyril looked, it didn't take much to startle him. His muscles twitched and Cyril gave a jump. The newly opened mead, much to his disdain, ended up splattering all over his legs and chest. Thankfully none of the errant drops had reached his stack of letters. Cyril let out a sigh of relief as he stood up and raked his hands across the now wet parts of his body, trying to push the droplets off.
"By Azura, ya startled the Oblivion out of me." Cyril gasped. He gave his head a shake, trying to regain his composure. At least if the stranger was going to be threatening he had his great sword sheathed upon his back, though being in his leisure armor he was at a disadvantage on his defense. Cyril's whole chest was majorly exposed, and now to top it off, sticky with mead.
"Do ya happen to know a way outta these damned woods?" Cyril still hadn't let his eyes dart to the stranger, as he was now currently more worried about his letters, and he quickly gathered them into his arms. To Cyril they were almost as precious in value as the coins he had gathered from working aboard the cargo ship.
It was one of the few things that kept him connected in some small way to Abaddon, even though the gods only knew where he could be now.
Return [Abaddon and Cyril]
That voice… did he know it? He felt like he knew it. That voice, that voice… a male voice. Heavy accent…. Dunmer? Maybe… the shadow of the figure he’d seen was large, though, bulky. He wasn’t sure he knew anyone that looked like that. Hmm..
He crept closer as they returned to sitting against the tree, and didn’t stop until he was right behind them. The Muffle spell was still active, and he didn’t need to worry about breathing too loudly, so he simply looked around the trunk of the tree. 
It was a Dunmer. Very large, with black hair. He didn’t recognize him, but his voice was so familiar… maybe he could get him talking? It would give him away, but he supposed that it was the only way to figure out who this person was.
“Excuse me.” He said softly from behind the mer. “Are you… lost?”
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Cyril raised himself off of the ground and whirled around to the tree he had been sitting underneath, and cocked a fist back. He gave a grunt, ready to expect the oncoming pain, as he launched his fist forwards. He stopped a few inches short of his intended target, only crunching some deadened bark instead.
"Punching thin's here has never done me no good." Cyril gave a defeated sigh, as the memories of the fiasco at the inn, and the time he had ran off flickered briefly through his brain. He once again slumped against the base of the tree, pulling a worn leather pack off of his back.
It was filled with a few rations of food, a potion or two, and most importantly: Mead. Cyril grasped a mead bottle out, and popped the cork off with ease. A yearning to drown out the pain filled his body as the sweet alcoholic aroma wafted through the crisp nights air.
A tear silently creeped out of Cyril's ruby red eyes, as he took a long and heavy drink from the bottle.
Return [Abaddon and Cyril]
He heard something, then, that distracted him from staring out at the sky. A voice, and a heartbeat. A few feet away, maybe more. He couldn’t make out exactly what they said or what they sounded like, but he knew it was only one. Maybe he could quench his thirst? He doubted it would be too hard.
So he moved towards it, casting Muffle on his feet to silence his steps and keeping his sharp eyes alert and focused on where he heard the heartbeat from. It was a normal rate, so the person was not worried or anxious, or in any heightened or lessened state. Good, it made them easier to take by surprise.
He stopped a few trees away, and listened again.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Admittedly, wondering into a dense forest at night time may have not been Cyril's brightest idea. It had been months since he had been in Skyrim, and he couldn't navigate with any amount even close to what he had been able to before. Cyril let out a grunt of frustration as his body slid down next to a tree.
"Grea' I get home, an the firs' thin' I do is get lost." Cyril grumbled to himself. He let out a soft sigh as he glanced over at the rather large stack of letters; one for everyday he had been gone. Cyril gently ran his thumb along the outlines of the scrawling of Abaddon's name.
He could picture the lithe Imperial in his mind now, scowling at him of all things, his violet eyes showing a muted rage. Cyril's heartbeat quickened in his chest as he let out a pained sob. "I....I didn' mean to be gone so long." He whispered, almost to the tree's themselves.
Cyril had felt loneliness before, but that was before Abaddon, and Sabrin. Before he had anything to lose. This was different, a deep kind of pain, that ached through every muscle fiber and bone. It was heart wrenching.
Return [Abaddon and Cyril]
The road Abaddon was traveling was adjacent to a forest, but he wasn’t worried about anything coming out of it and taking him by surprise. He could hear the faint heartbeats of creatures nearby. Nothing radical, but he knew there were two large animals, probably elk, around here somewhere. A fox too, maybe. He wasn’t sure, just that it was a small, quick beat. Arwin, he knew, could detect heartbeats much more strongly, and from much farther away. He assumed that would come to him in time.
He did pause, though, to look up at the sky. Abaddon thought it was funny, actually, how he’d rarely bothered to look at the sky before now. He didn’t know the constellations just from looking, but he liked the moons, and on a clear night like tonight, he could see them high up in the sky.
Perhaps it was something he could learn. He had the time, anyway. He had time now, as it was just barely past sunset. He decided that he might as well lean against the nearest tree and just try and memorize the stars.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Four damned months. Roughly, three months longer than the whole trip was supposed to be. Cyril had boarded a cargo ship headed from Skyrim to the Imperial city in Cyrodiil, FOUR MONTHS AGO. The whole idea still had Cyril seething as his shaking legs finally stood once more upon solid grounds. Cyril looked to be an almost entirely different mer, as most of his time aboard the Ysmir had been spent trying to find outlets for his boredom.
This lead to more muscle mass and a more toned Cyril, with thick black messy hair adorning the top of his head, two pierced ears with hoops made out of silver, and a freshly painted right side of his cool grey skin. Cyril sighed as his hand clenched around a stack of letters, some of which were slightly water stained, maybe from a mixture of tears and sea spray.
Scrawled across in his hectic and messy handwriting was ' Abaddon ' in large loopy, semi cursive letters. " 'Ow in Oblivion am I gonna find him now?" Cyril cursed to himself.
After being gone away for so long, who knows where Abaddon could've moved off to? Or.....who he had been with? That thought made Cyril's muscles clench with tension and his ears give a twitch. He quickly shook the thought from his head as he pocketed the large sum of coins he had been paid, and headed off to the nearby woods adjacent to the river they had docked upon, eager to find the nearest town, and any word of his long lost lover.
Return [Abaddon and Cyril]
It was a clear night, a cold night, and Abaddon felt like wandering. He didn’t mind so much the weather, the temperature had less of an effect now than it ever had, and he merely walked along the road. He wasn’t particularly thirsty, but he wouldn’t mind feeding if he came across an opportunity. 
The parts of his skin that showed, his face and hands, were reflected pale by the moonlight, and if one saw him from a distance, he would resemble a spectre more than a human. Well, he reasoned with himself, he wasn’t a human. Not anymore.
It was also a chance to think, without having to push Thavrin off of him. What being a vampire meant, and how he would deal with it if Arwin and he ever separated. He didn’t foresee that ever being a choice he would make, but one never knew…
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you have amazing RP partners.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
To all roleplayers I roleplay with:
If I didn’t reply:
I probably missed it.
I’m still working on it.
Tumblr is rude and deleted my reply or your reply.
If you ever want to roleplay:
Pop me a message and we can plot.
I don’t bite.. not that hard anyways c;.
Never be afraid to ask me for a starter.
Random notes:
You are kind.
You are important.
You are smart.
I love you all <3.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
vomit / no way / don’t ship / ok / fucking cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / flawless / ship forever / i will ship them in hell
put a ship in my ask
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
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(( And finally Sabrin 2.0))
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
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(( Cyril 2.0, also coming from being 4 months out at sea, hence HAIR.))
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
I'm bacccckkkk!
* Cue ominous music*
Ok, as you guys know I have been gone for about four months or so. I will get to the exact reasons in another post, but the main reason I wanted to write this is to let you know thatCYRIL AND SABRIN ARE BACK!Though they are getting a complete revamp they are still going to contain the same base values and character etc.
Thanks for all of the people who are following who put up with this long absence. I love you all, and can't wait to get back into the swing of things and starting rping with all of you once more.
Thanks for being an awesome community.
You win the internetz.
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cyril-and-sabrin-blog · 12 years
Sabrin nearly shot out of her skin at hearing Abaddon's cool voice. Well,it looked like she had found them after all. Sabrin just gave a growl as she dragged the hulking sword around the log before laying it to the ground. Sabrin carefully eyed over Cyril, finding him to be just that, asleep.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Sabrin sprawled back and leaned into the log. " So what are we staying here for the night?" Sabrin wheezed.
She was still quite unsure of how she felt about Abaddon, or what their talking terms were, so she definitely wasn't going to be the chatty type this morning. Especially seeing as she had missed out on a night's worth of rest, walked a couple miles, and had to drag a damn sword the whole way.
"Did he just pass out?"
Past to Present
Abaddon didn’t respond, as Cyril was already asleep as the words left his lips. He just kept feeling the sensation of the sun on his face. It wasn’t harsh, it rarely was in Skyrim, and although the sun never really reached the peak of the sky, it did it’s job well enough, he imagined. 
He was surprised, ever so mildly, to hear Sabrin shout from not so far away. In fact, she sounded quite close. He blinked as something bumped against the other side of the tree trunk, and then rolled his eyes. 
“Took you long enough.” He muttered easily. “And be quiet, Cyril is asleep for the moment.”.
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