cysries · 5 years
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Qu’est-ce que tu regardes petit renard?
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cysries · 5 years
The bees and wasps now recognise me as the person who gives them water. Which sounds cool but it means everytime I go outside they harass me until I fill up the waterer. On the bright side, I no longer have to fear wasps as they just buzz around me non-threateningly now.
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cysries · 5 years
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the follow up
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cysries · 5 years
Marvel Movies ranked by if there are trains in them
Iron Man- 0/10. No trains. 
The Incredible Hulk- 1/10. No trains, but a verbal reference to the subway.
Iron Man 2- -100/10. No trains, negative 100 points for a cameo by train-hater Elon Musk
Thor- 0/10. No trains in space :(
Captain America: The First Avenger- 7/10. Cool train heist scene, and monorails go by at the World’s Fair
The Avengers- 3/10. A freight train goes by at the beginning. Cap tells the police to get people into the subway, giving hope for more train content that goes unfulfilled. The only scene of Cap riding the subway was deleted.
Iron Man 3- 0/10. No trains.
Thor: The Dark World- 10/10 THOR RIDES THE TRAIN
Captain America: The Winter Soldier- 0/10. No trains.
Guardians of the Galaxy- 0/10. Still no trains in space :(
Avengers: Age of Ultron- 6/10. Okay action scene involving stopping a train. 
Ant-Man- 9/10. Fight scene involving Thomas the Tank Engine!!!!
Captain America: Civil War- 1/10. Cap and Sharon meet next to high-speed rail tracks but no trains go by. 
Doctor Strange- 6/10. Subways go flying by in the mirror dimension!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2- 0/10. Still no trains in space :(
Spiderman: Homecoming- 10/10! Peter “Numtot” Parker rides on the train several times and also crashes a car for good measure
Thor: Ragnarok: 0/10. Someone better get some trains in space real soon 
Black Panther: 7/10. Cool Wakandan tram goes down the street, and the finale involves a vibranium train!
Avengers: Infinity War: 6/10. Cap emerges from behind a moving train!!
Ant-Man and the Wasp: 0/10. No trains.
Captain Marvel: 11/10 THERE ARE TRAINS IN SPACE!!! TRAINS IN SPACE!!! THERE ARE FINALLY TRAINS IN SPACE!!!! also she rides a train on earth too!!! Carol Danvers: queen of public transportation and my heart
Avengers: Endgame: 0/10. No trains.
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cysries · 5 years
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This is the best thing I’ve ever read in my whole goddamn life.
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cysries · 5 years
everyone who reads this post will get some big spicy joy within 24 large minutes (hours)
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cysries · 5 years
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cysries · 5 years
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This is so wholesome
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cysries · 5 years
any noun can become a verb if you don’t care enough
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cysries · 5 years
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cysries · 5 years
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恰克飞鸟one          -          http://www.zcool.com.cn/u/570672
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cysries · 5 years
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cysries · 5 years
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So I saw this tweet and all that came to mind was the men who came up with those terms who probably lived in terrible fear that an unmarried woman might reach the ancient age of thirty and ascend to True Royalty, then proceed to dethrone the current rulers and become the rightful Queen of the land. 
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cysries · 5 years
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cysries · 5 years
I would like to thank my roomba for finding that one sock I’d lost under the couch, and then repeatedly headbutting my foot while chewing on it. 
Thank you little dude. 
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cysries · 5 years
Spotify: [on shuffle]
Me: then fucking act like it
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cysries · 5 years
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Late Night Luka Doodle  ☆
Tried to paint as fast as possible lolol Why ? I don’t know x’D Sometimes I do stuff like that haha x’D He took me 2 hours and that’s like the speed of light for me x’D haha pls excuse the messiness & mistakes m(_ _)m someday I’ll take my time and draw a good picture of him (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
And I remembered that I used to record speedpaints xD haha So if you want to see the doodle action of him, check out my youtube channel ksmile1313 🤗💕
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