d-man-howl · 11 years
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Enough with the weird wolf talk!
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d-man-howl · 11 years
Age, gender, height, eye and hair color, then tell me what your favorite something (hobby, class, music, etc) and what kind of date you want me to take you on. 
Describe yourself on anon and I'll say if I'd date you.
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d-man-howl · 11 years
gods, you are Kenzi aren't you? haha
d-man-howl replied to your post: //
what happened? are you alright?
better now. thanks for asking D :) 
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d-man-howl · 11 years
If he were any one else, any human, Dyson would've thought she was insane. But he knew things, and therefore knew better. Add the look in her eyes and he was sold. Her wording and lack of definition of the demon set him back. And her fear. She was human, he was sure of that now. But had powers as if she were something else. The wolf shifter didn't give up hope. His old friend had countless books, there had to be something on the 'demon giving humans strange abilities' subject. 
The look in her eyes showed something else - how tired the poor girl was. So Dyson turned and began making them both a pot of coffee. "I'm sorry, that must be rough." And he was, humans weren't meant to have powers. To get something like that, especially with fire, without wanting it or knowing how to control it had to be terribly difficult to deal with. Glancing back at her briefly, he grabbed his largest mug for her. "An old friend of mine has a lot of knowledge about a lot of things, I'm sure he'll be able to find something about your demon power problem."
After filling both of their mugs, he set Rens in front of her. "We'll go see him after you've rested a bit." 
Ring of Fire / Dyson and Ren
She was silent the rest of the ride, her mind whirling with the idea of someone being able to help with her freak show shit. When they reached his place, she nearly let out a laugh at how similar their decor - or lack there of - was. But she sat on the kitchen stool and kept her eyes on him.
Leaning in and resting her elbows on the counter as well, she took a breath before replying. “Well you can probably guess fire. Sometimes I get this..heat. It starts in my veins, and then my whole body feels like it’s on the sun. Then things around me start to burn.” She ran a hand through her hair, a habit she had when she felt self-conscious. “I ‘got’ them from a demon.” Her eyes locked with his, knowing it sounded crazy but wanting him to believe the truth. 
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d-man-howl · 11 years
At her drink choice and courtesy, the wolf shifter gave another half smile and a nod of thanks at the old bartender. Giving a glance back at the rest of the bar for reference, he shook his head. "This is the safest place in town. Anywhere else, I'd sleep with an eye open and a weapon under your pillow." He wasn't exaggerating, any hotel - or worse, motel - in town was in the words of his favorite human: skeezy. He'd worked too many homicide cases out of the inns in town. 
Dyson couldn't let this newcomer stay anywhere like that. With only one other place in mind, he tossed back his second glass of whiskey before turning to face her fully. "I've got room at my place. That's the safest place for you to stay." His old friend gave him a sideways look from behind the bar, but Dyson ignored it. He knew his words were true, and he definitely didn't want to have to find her killer later. 
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d-man-howl · 11 years
AU List - Message me if you'd like to do one of these with me.
high school au
online relationship au
best friends au
teacher au
camping au
kidnapped au
abusive relationship au
long distance au
bad meets good au
stranded au
friend zoned au  - eventually they will fall for each other?
best friends bf/gf au
celebrity/fan au
roommates au
friends with benefits au
road trip au
childhood friends au
reunited au
the new guy/girl au
pen pal au
omegle/skype sex au
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d-man-howl · 11 years
Dyson gave a puff he classified as laughter and looked over at the woman beside him. "You too, huh?" Raising a hand at Trick he gave a nod to mean he'd pay for her drink. Giving another glance around the tavern, he saw hungry lustful looks being aimed at the new comer and let his eyes flash golden, guessing from the looks of her that this woman wouldn't want to be accousted. The other fae instantly turned away at seeing his wolf flare. 
Focusing back on his new drinking partner, he gave a lazy have smile and raised his glass of whiskey. "To a better night." Throwing back the drink, he pushed the empty glass forward before leaning against the bar. "Dyson."
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d-man-howl · 11 years
Send me a symbol
☑ - I want to RP  ✾ - I want to RP smut ♥  - I want to RP a relationship  ☄ - I want to RP an AU ❂ - I want to RP angst 
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d-man-howl · 11 years
It had been a long case. Some psychotic human went on a killing spree and was surprisingly talented when it came to covering his tracks. Eventually, thank gods, he’d left a shirt behind, tucked under the bed, and the shifter’s sense of smell had caught the trail. But it had been stressful, and tiresome, and all Dyson wanted was to have a few drinks and relax at the Dal. 
After leaving his badge and gun at his loft, the wolf headed to the fae bar. He left his car behind and walked instead. Sometimes, it was exactly what he needed - to take the time and enjoy some fresh air. Clear his head. His mind wandered, thinking about who he would bump into at the Dal. He wouldn’t mind every one in their ragtag gang to be there, he quite enjoyed their company. But at the same time, he silently prayed there would only be a few to share companionship with tonight. Maybe even someone new. 
Dyson shook his head as the familiar building came into view. Pushing through the door, then through the regular crowd, he took a seat at the bar. With a smile at his old friend, he ordered a shot of whiskey and a beer before giving a glance around.
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d-man-howl · 11 years
I had no idea my theme was all messed up. So I'm working to fix it right now - it's probably going to be really minimalistic, but it'll work.  
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d-man-howl · 11 years
iamthefirechild replied to your post: (OOC update)
*tries to lick Dyson*
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d-man-howl · 11 years
It had been a long case. Some psychotic human went on a killing spree and was surprisingly talented when it came to covering his tracks. Eventually, thank gods, he'd left a shirt behind, tucked under the bed, and the shifter's sense of smell had caught the trail. But it had been stressful, and tiresome, and all Dyson wanted was to have a few drinks and relax at the Dal. 
After leaving his badge and gun at his loft, the wolf headed to the fae bar. He left his car behind and walked instead. Sometimes, it was exactly what he needed - to take the time and enjoy some fresh air. Clear his head. His mind wandered, thinking about who he would bump into at the Dal. He wouldn't mind every one in their ragtag gang to be there, he quite enjoyed their company. But at the same time, he silently prayed there would only be a few to share companionship with tonight. Maybe even someone new. 
Dyson shook his head as the familiar building came into view. Pushing through the door, then through the regular crowd, he took a seat at the bar. With a smile at his old friend, he ordered a shot of whiskey and a beer before giving a glance around.
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d-man-howl · 11 years
Spending time with this crazy little human.
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d-man-howl · 11 years
(OOC update)
I want to apologize, my muse seems to have run off. Once he comes back I'll be posting an open starter for all my followers. 
Thank you for your patience.
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d-man-howl · 11 years
Reblog And See What People Want From You!
1. A baby 2. A second chance 3. Sex 4. Kiss 5. Friendship 6. To chill 7. To cuddle 8. A long term relationship 9. A good laugh 10. An apology 11. A hug 12. Be my bitch 13. Be my sex buddy 14. Simply to be mine 15. MY BED. NO CLOTHES. NOW.
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d-man-howl · 11 years
The wolfman made sure his passenger was safely in before driving away from the forest. He took a breath, exhaling through his nose before glancing over at the girl beside him. "Because you need help, and I know someone who can give you that." He hoped.."For now, just know that I'm a friend." Dyson could tell she was curious. From the look of her, she wasn't used to being handed help so easily. But he couldn't tell her everything, not yet. He needed more time, more information. 
The drive, with his speed, was swift back to his loft. Once they parked, he helped her out and again lead her to their destination. After locking the door behind them, he sat her down on a stool in the kitchen. If he had one, he would've sat her on something comfortable like a couch. But a kitchen stool was all he could offer that wasn't his bed and he didn't want to give her the wrong impression as to what the goal was here. 
"Ren, I need you to tell me about your...abilities." He stood on the other side of the island, leaning forward with his elbows resting on the wooden counter top. 
Ring of Fire / Dyson and Ren
Ren nodded, leaning against the man as he lead her away from the burn site. She saw his car and obediently got into the passenger seat as she waited for him to get in as well, too tired to put up any fight. Once he started the car and began to drive, she looked over at him. “Why are you helping me? Who are you?”  
More questions ran through her mind - how did he find her, how did he get into that ring of fire, where was he taking her. She kept her hazel eyes on him, studying him. But even with so many unanswered thoughts, she didn’t feel in danger with him. There was trust, and gratitude, maybe even a little kinship - though she didn’t understand why. He looked to be normal…not a freak like she was. 
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d-man-howl · 11 years
(OOC update)
Sorry I wasn't on for a little while there guys. Life got hectic. But I'm back now, so if anyone wants to rp let me know.
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