da-bestest-writer · 4 months
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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da-bestest-writer · 5 months
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da-bestest-writer · 5 months
Baki Next gen part 5
Later in the day, After the fight had resolved, Baki would walk his daughter home from school.
He had a short meeting with the principle and tomoe was sent home early to think about what she had done.
"Your first ever real fight and you lose, You know Tomoe, i'm kinda disappointed."
"Disappointed? But that fight was unfair! It was three on one, i could have beaten any of them on their own."
Baki chuckled at her words., Making her raise a brow "Tomoe... That's the exact wrong kind of mindset to have: When you challenge someone, OR accept someone else's challenge, Those terms are set, You've agreed to them, and by extension the result."
Tomoe listened to her father intently, He really sounded like he learned that first hand...
"Did you ever have a fight like that, Papa?" She asked, Not even sure why she did, If he really did fight all those crazy strong people, a three on one would be nothing, Right?
Baki would sigh and get to thinking. "Well... The first fight i remember really mattering, is when i took on a gang of a hundred armed thugs."
If Tomoe had a drink, she'd be spitting it out. "You really can't expect me to believe that." She said, choking on air instead.
"It's true, I only managed to beat around thirty of em though, I lost handedly."
"T-thirty ? All by yourself?" Asked Tomoe amazed, "That doesn't sound like a loss at all! IF it was just you."
"Like i said before, Tomoe, When you challenge someone you accept the conditions, and therefor have to accept the results, That was an embarrassing loss on my end, No matter how you slice it." Baki answered in kind.
Tomoe sighed, And listened her pride didn't want her to admit it, But by the end of the fight she was the one who was knoecked on her butt and needed to be saved.
She'd have to give keisuke her thanks later... IT was him who dragged the three boys off her afterall.
Baki would notice how his daughter looked out of it and sighed. "Well, You have a decent bit of athleticism built up kiddo, I think it's time we take this whole training thing to the next stage."
Tomoe perked up and smiled ."Right!"
and so, as baki and Tomoe returned home, He began teaching her the basics of the martial arts, Begginning of course from the most basic of all fighting arts: How to properly form a fist.
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da-bestest-writer · 6 months
Guess My Muse’s Kinks
They can only respond with yes, no, or maybe.
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da-bestest-writer · 6 months
Reblog if you also think Toph shouldn’t have been a cop.
I want to see how “unpopular” this opinion really is outside cop-worshipping Reddit.
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da-bestest-writer · 6 months
We need to go back to using sailing ships full time like immediately. Yes it would take longer to get places but the Aesthetic is unmatched
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Like there is nothing sexier hthan this
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da-bestest-writer · 6 months
Imagine wanting to connect with people about ASOIAF of all things and being concerned about whether or not people are okay with fucked up topics existing in media
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da-bestest-writer · 6 months
👉 There's nothing wrong with enjoying any type of fiction for kink or self-pleasuring reasons.
👉 There's nothing wrong in writing or drawing media blatantly portraying sexuality.
👉 Creating art simply for kink or self-pleasure doesn't make the fiction any less valid or "less off".
👉 You don't need to constantly pair kink with other more "refined themes" to make it "acceptable" in your writing/drawing.
👉 "PWP", aka "Porn Without Plot" or "Plot? What Plot?", is still just as valid as other types of writing.
👉 To think that only "safe" and "unproblematic" kinks are allowed to be written or drawn is extremely kink negative and conservative.
👉 Taboo kinks and paraphilias should have the right to be explored in fiction the same way that "non-problematic" kinks are. Yes, even if it's only for self-pleasure.
👉 There's nothing wrong in posting writings or drawings containing nothing but kink on the Internet. You don't need to keep it to yourself. If it's tagged, there should be no issue if people want to avoid it.
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da-bestest-writer · 8 months
Reblog this if you want NSFW anons
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da-bestest-writer · 11 months
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Celtics fans in Scotland.
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da-bestest-writer · 11 months
Reblog this if you want NSFW anons
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da-bestest-writer · 1 year
Taking writing requests.
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da-bestest-writer · 1 year
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da-bestest-writer · 1 year
Baki next gen part 4
Six weeks had passed since her birthday, And already Tomoe has been making great strides. Though her father wasn't teaching her any techniques for the time being, That was because he was getting her into shape.
Strength training, Legs, Arms, Core, Heart, All of it worked to to the depths of her ability to work them. And even beyond.
by the end of each day, Tomoe was exhausted.
Had her birthday not begun on the first day of sumer vacation, Her mother would have had a fit with regards to how much she'd have fallen behind. Too exhausted to do much of anything beyond lie down and sleep when she got home.
however, Though she didn't realize it herself, A miraculous transformation had occurred to Young Tomoe's body, Before she had begun her training, She was unimpressive, And even a bit below average in regards to fitness among her peers.
but now, Her body , while still maintaining a healthy weight for someone of her youth, Was visibly powerful, The musculature in her shoulders would strain slightly against her flower print shirt, Similarly her legs looked like those of a well practiced sprinter.
In just six weeks of training with her dad, She had gained a physique that would make even the boys in her school's Wrestling, boxing, karate and judo clubs hesitant to bully and berate her as they had before summer break!
Tomoe wasn't all that quick to notice, There was a certain someone she had to greet.
She would spend the early hours of the morning, After jogging to school for the very first time to find this friend and give a friendly 'hello'
200 cm tall, Weighing 140 kilograms, He was strong as a bull... No, Stronger! He was brave as a lion...No! Braver!
Though she hadn't the bravery to admit it to herself, Let alone him, he was the object of her desire for as long as she's known him, From the fourth grade til now... And his name was...!
"ah, Tomoe, Good morning" Spoke the young man, Keisuke Hanayama. Glasses adorning his eyes, As his custom made school uniform draped across his strong body. There was no doubt to those who knew of the japanese underworld, That this was indeed the son of Kaoru Hanayama.
But then, Tomoe did not know, How could she when her parents had hidden the truth away from her, She only knew that their fathers were friends, Even now that she knew of her father's sordid history, the connection didn't register in her mind.
She would quickly catch up to him. and walk in comfortable silence, Keisuke was a gentleman of few words, Only ever saying what really needed to be said, And she admired that in him. Among a great many other things.
As they walked though, She had a question burning on her mind.The kind of thought many girls her age had when they were around someone they admired.
"Notice anything different about me?" She asked, She had not a signle clue of how much she transformed, But even so, With as much effort as she put in, there had to be something she wasn't noticing.
"Well, You seem more confident." He said softly as he walked side to side with her."You're holding your head up higher."
For Tomoe, That's all she needed to hear, A compliment validating the effect her training had on her. she would keep walking with him ,Feeling secure in their silent friendship.
They would split off when they had to go to their respective classes. The day moving along as normal, However. After class...
"Hanma!" Spoke out one of her upperclassman, The captain of their school's boxing team. one Yosuke Satou, He, Along with the leaders from the Karate and and Judo clubs.
"uhhh, Hey?" She asked, confused, These guys never even knew her name before, And now here they were. Approaching.
"We saw you on TV last night... " Yosuke spoke with a degree of indignance, As the Karate and Judo club leaders stood behind him, Like lackeys in a bad movie. " You're the granddaughter of Yujiro hanma... "
"Yeah? He's my grampa alright, Pretty nutty guy huh?" She asked, Feeling strangely relaxed. Normally she'd be hiding away from these guys, They were notorious for throwing their weight around.
"Yeah, Well, We just wanted to let you know, Your win against Dade was just a fluke. No girl could have beaten him without cheating or some serious beginner's luck. You're just a girl, So you'll never be stronger than us.
Now, Tomoe wasn't the kind of girl to search for conflicts, As much as her mind wanter her to just laugh it off and walk away , Her body had a different response.
"I'm already stronger." Those were her words, She didn't know she was the one saying it until she registered the voice speaking those words was her own.
"huh? The fuck did you just say?" Asked the Karate club leader with a snarl, Whelp , there was no getting out of this.
"I'm already stronger than you," She did not know if she could prove those words, But there was a strong desire within her to find out if she could.
She would get her wish, As Yosuke through a jab straight for Tomoe's face, which she had managed to dodge with ease, Making the boy slam his fist into a locker and damaging his hand
She would move behind him, Her face and breath calm... She didn't know what was coming over her here, While in the ring with a bigger stronger man, Her ability to dodge was deffinately a fluke, Even her dad said so.
But now here she was, ducking under a kick, Sidestepping a punch, blocking a palm strike, All while lacking any training beyond proving her strength and stamina.
"Quit running away!" Her opponent said,as she was grabbed by the boxing leader by the boxing club's leader.
Yosuke would plant a punch in her guy, making her quiver and weeze. She had never been hit in the stomach before, She never knew it could be so painful.
The pain as the air in her body was pushed out, the way the pain spread to her chest, She couldn't breethe, Couldn't think, And especially coulding react as she took a fist to the jaw.
But on sheer instinct, She turned with the punch, Giving her the time to get her wits about her at least, While still reeling from the lack of air she would stomp the foot of the man holding her back, Distracting him from a headbutt to the nose.
the leader of the boxing club went down , his nose busted, But before she could get any reprive she was tackled by Yosuke. Hey! That's not a Karate move!
She wanted to say that, But she was still feeling abour ready to throw up, If she opened her mouth she probably would, And that'd be really gross.
when she was taken to the ground, that's when the leader of the judo club came in, He and Yosuke began to stomp on her while she was down... These damned cheats!
Where were the teachers? Why wasn't there anyone intervening? It felt like she had been getting stomped on for hours, But the reality was, only about thirty seconds passed.
You see, Pain has a tendancy to eloingate time in the minds of those suffering from it, A migrane can make a second feel as long as a minute, A minute as long as an hour, To say nothing of how long an hour feels should such a thing last so long.
And now, Tomoe hanma was in the most pain she had ever felt as she was kicked while she was down, Spat upon, And mocked by the boys who used cowardly methods to get here in the first place.
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da-bestest-writer · 1 year
oh SHOOT well i cant swing 100 but how bout
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da-bestest-writer · 1 year
Baki next gen part 3
After getting back from the Tokyo dome, Kozue was quick to scold Yujiro, Calling him all manner of names, Only stopping short of slapping him, Even in his advancing age, Kozue knew that putting one's hands on yujiro hanma was a death sentance.
"What do you have to say for yourself! Yujiro."
"I already spelled it out to bake" Yujiro spoke with his usual blase arrogance. "I'm not going to do it again."
Kozue sighs, and sits down, Before going to address her daughter. "Tomoe.... "
The girl froze up, She had a certain degree of fear for her mother, Kozue was nothing but kind of course, But she was also stern, The kind of woman even her large, And clearly very strong dad seemed to fear the wrath of, One who hid stone with silk.
"I'm proud of you." This caused some visible surprise in not just her and her dad, But her grandfather as well.
"I still don't like the idea of you fighting, But i saw you on the screen, Dodging a kick boxing professional's punches and kicks, And then returning them even better than he threw them."
Tomoe was surprised ."Better?" She asked, As her mom nodded.
"I've watched your father from the sidelines ever since i was sixteen years old. i may not be a fighter myself, But i know technique when i see it." Kozue explained as baki chuckled.
"Awh babe! You're makin' me blush!" he said sheepishly, Joking around even despite his wife's serious tone.
"You said this is something you really want to do right?"
Tomoe nods. "Yeah, Of course. When i say something i mean it."
Baki smiled lazily as he leaned back. "What's got you changing your tune all of a sudden, Kozue?" He asked looking her way.
"I never said i changed my mind, I really don't want Tomoe fighting, Especially not the way you did when you were younger."
Tomoe was perplexed, They kept on going on and on about 'back then' and 'when you were younger' and 'in my day' None of it meant anything to her, And her father quickly caught onto it.
"Hey koz? I think that with all this talk about way back when, We oughta come clean yeah? Our girl looks like she's about ready to pop a gasget finding out what's going on."
Kopzue sighed, It... wasn't like they could hide this any further,
but before she could even open her mouth, Yujiro highjacked the conversation.
"The hanma family is a liniage of proud and powerful fighters, Dating back to the earliest days of japan. Antire nations have quicered before our family name!"
Baki would interrupt his father. "And now... we're middle class suburbanites. Dad there's no reason to get so deep into thing right away." Yujiro snarled at his boy.
"What was that ya damn brat? this is family history! Your kid deserves to know where she comes from!"
"You're just gonna confuse her more if you start from the beginning old man, Leave this to me, okay?" He turned to Tomoe, and got on her level, Bowing to a knee
"See, Tomoe, Your old man wasn't just 'some amateur who didn't make it big.' He was the one that made the ones that did go big feel small. I fought men stronger than anyone you've ever seen."
Tomoe looked...Doubtful, Her dad was a mild mannered salaryman, Sure he was pretty strong and athletic, but a fighter? There was no way.!
"I can see the doubt in your eyes... But it's true, I've beaten loads of people, Street gangs, Men with a strong enough grip to crush bone, Private military contractors, Escaped death row prisoners, And even a caveman! But the most dangerous man i ever fought." Baki pointed to Yujiro. "Was that guy right there, The ogre." Yujiro smirked , Happy to be known as his son's greatest opponent.
"But every one of those fights was dangerous, Life threatening." Kozuie continued from Baki's point. "Your father could have easily died if something went wrong... I hated seeing it all, But i loved your dad more than i hated it. I didn't want you risking your life for little more than pride and a bit of fight money... But " Her look of sadness and worry turned to one of knowing contentment. "I should have known better than that. You're a Hanma by blood, Afterall, you all are drawn to fighting like gravity draws people to the earth..."
Baki sighed. "It's not like that Koz, She just wants something she can be good at, Something she can call her own. She doesn't have the 'pure love' for fighting like dad and i have. For the time being at least i'm sure it'll just be a hobby."
Tomoe wasn't even paying attention to them, But seeing her dad so sincerely say things that were so completely ridiculous made her feel like there was a degree of validity to his words. The next thing that caught her attention as the world she saw and heard blur around her were these following words.
"Training strarts tomorrow."
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da-bestest-writer · 1 year
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