da-pisces · 6 months
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da-pisces · 11 months
How To Make The Law Of Attraction Work Every Time: 7 Easy Techniques
Discover 7 easy manifestation techniques you can apply in your daily life. Learn how to make the law of attraction work every time by consistently matching up your energetic click here offering to the things that you’ve asked for.
Law of attraction technique #1: Gratitude Rampage
This exercise is about making a detailed list of all the things you feel grateful for in your life right now. The purpose is to have a free flow of anything that you appreciate and feel blessed to have, which can include the simplest things such as the air you’re breathing now, your sense of sight, the beautiful weather outside, the clean water you have access to, and so on. You can make the list as long as your thoughts will allow, in order to feel the abundance of blessings that you currently have. You can do this even while you’re in the shower, or while you’re outside going to work. You can do as you wake up in the morning, before you sleep at night, or any time in between. Make a list on paper, on your phone, or even just in your mind.
Law of attraction technique #2: Your Universal Request Envelope
This technique involves setting aside a container, which can be an envelope, folder, or box, where you’ll store words or pictures of the things you are asking the Universe to deliver to you. The purpose of this exercise is to be creative and playful in sending your requests to the Universe, and subsequently feeling the satisfying relief of having a Universal “genie” receiving and granting all of your wishes.
Law of attraction technique #3: Milking The Feeling
This manifestation technique is about deliberately staying longer in the vibration and frequency of a high energy feeling whenever you’re feeling good about something. This is done by asking yourself the question, “why do I feel good now?” or “why is this pleasing for me?”. As you ask yourself this question, your mind gets focused on the reasons why a certain thing, person or circumstance feel good to you, and you’ll be amplifying that feeling in your energy.
Law of attraction technique #4: Meditation
This manifestation technique involves the quieting of the mind in order to release any resistant or contradictory thoughts that get in the way of raising your frequency to the level of your desires. As you are quieting the mind, your energy naturally becomes higher, at the level of joy, peace and satisfaction, because there will be no contradictory negative thoughts of worry, anger, fear, or doubt.
Law of attraction technique #5: High Vibrational Activities
This tool is about making time to do activities that make you feel happy and joyful as you do them. For instance, this can include jogging in the morning, walking your dog to the park, getting a message, reading a book, baking a cake, or listening to your favorite music. The purpose is to do as many of these high vibrational things as you can in a day.
Law of attraction technique #6: Present Scripting
This process is about telling or scripting your own story in a way that you prefer it to be. It is becoming the writer for your own life, and creating a story in the present tense of how you want things to play out in your reality. You can start by asking yourself the question, “what does my ideal day look like?”. You can then make a script about your perfect day, telling it in the present tense, involving all your senses, and making it playful and fun.
Law of attraction technique #7: Subconscious Mind Reprogramming
This process of reprogramming the subconscious mind is all about releasing any self-sabotaging beliefs that have been implanted in the mind because of past childhood programming, and introducing new beliefs that are empowering and aligned with your true nature.
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