daboredcat · 6 months
Shrek's Magnificent Entrance
“Shrek is here!” They all proclaim,
But he’s a fairy tale, are they all insane?
I look around and there he is! Standing in the sun, in utter bliss!
My affection for him begins to pop up,
I can’t say anything, except “what’s up?”
Crippling anxiety takes control of me…
“What if we were never destined to be?”
But Shrek is love! Shrek is life! What I’d give to make Shrek my wife!
Shrek is chill! Shrek is hot! Shrek also has a really cool bod!
Shrek’s green skin shimmers in the sun,
To my lonely heart, his journey has begun.
But alas, I suppose Shrek has to leave,
But trust me, he’ll never be my pet peeve.
I hope what they say is true,
From his departure, I ought not to be blue.
My baby, Shrek, please come back again
Please don’t let me be driven insane…
… by your love. Don’t Leave. Me.
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