dadapush-com · 5 years
Atlassian Bamboo send notification via DaDaPush
Atlassian Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server that can be used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Step 1: Install Atlassian Bamboo DaDaPush Notification Plugin
go to our repo: https://github.com/dadapush/bamboo-dadapush-notification-plugin
download release dadapush-bamboo-plugin-[version].jar
Install plugin into Bamboo
Step 2: Setup Notifications for Build
Event: All Builds Completed
Recipient type: DaDaPush
Base Path: https://www.dadapush.com
Channel Token: channel token from https://www.dadapush.com/channel/list
when you start build, will receive a notification.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/17/atlassian-bamboo-send-notification-via-dadapush/
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dadapush-com · 5 years
JetBrains TeamCity send notification via DaDaPush
JetBrains TeamCity is a powerful and user-friendly Continuous Integration and Deployment server that works out of the box.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Step 1: Install TeamCity DaDaPush Notification Plugin
go to our repo: https://github.com/dadapush/teamcity-dadapush-notification-plugin
download release dadapush-plugin.zip
open your TeamCity server, go to page Administration -> Plugins List
click button upload plugin zip, select zip file and enable.
Step 2: Update Plugin Configuration
go to DaDaPush, sign in or register an account.
create new channel, save your channel token.
go to your profile,Notification Rules
parameter Base Path OPTIONAL default value: https://www.dadapush.com
parameter Channel Token REQUIRED look like: ctXXXXXXXXX
when you start build, will receive a notification.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/16/jetbrains-teamcity-send-notification-via-dadapush/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Go Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Go Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Go Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-go-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/11/dadapush-go-client-1-0-0-released/
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dadapush-com · 5 years
dadapush-feed 1.0.0 released
send RSS or Atom feeds to DaDaPush.com
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-feed
usage: java -jar dadapush-feed-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar -d,--debug turn on debug mode -h,--help print help message -p,--path <path> database path -T,--token <token> channel token -u,--url <url> feed url
java -jar dadapush-feed-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p "[YOUR_FILE_PATH]/db" -T YOUR_TOKEN -u [YOUR_FEED_URL]
*/5 * * * * java -jar dadapush-feed-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p "[YOUR_FILE_PATH]/db" -T YOUR_TOKEN -u [YOUR_FEED_URL]
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/12/dadapush-feed-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Groovy Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Groovy Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Groovy Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-groovy-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/10/dadapush-groovy-client-1-0-0-released/
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dadapush-com · 5 years
Gradle send build notification via DaDaPush
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development. If you are building, testing, publishing, and deploying software on any platform, Gradle offers a flexible model that can support the entire development lifecycle from compiling and packaging code to publishing web sites. Gradle has been designed to support build automation across multiple languages and platforms including Java, Scala, Android, C/C++, and Groovy, and is closely integrated with development tools and continuous integration servers including Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Jenkins.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Step 1: Install Gradle DaDaPush Notification Plugin
go to our repo: https://github.com/dadapush/gradle-dadapush-notification-plugin
import com.dadapush.client.gradle.DaDaPushTask plugins { id "com.dadapush.gradle" version "1.0.0" } apply plugin: 'com.dadapush.gradle'
Step 2: Update Plugin Configuration
go to DaDaPush, sign in or register an account.
create new channel, save your channel token.
replace YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN with real channel token.
dadapush { channelToken "YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN" title "${project.name}" content "project: ${project.name}\n" + "version: ${project.version}\n" + "gradleVersion: ${project.gradle.gradleVersion}\n" + "buildDir: ${project.buildDir}\n" failOnError false } task dadapushSend(type: DaDaPushTask) { title "${project.name} assemble success" } tasks.assemble.doLast() { dadapushSend.execute() }
Step 3: Gradle send test notification
./gradlew build
when you start build, will receive a notification.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/10/gradle-send-build-notification-via-dadapush/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
Maven send build notification via DaDaPush
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Maven builds often take some time. This often causes me to start doing something else (read mail, browse web), which makes me unaware of when the build completes and I can continue working.
How to send notification for Maven build ?
Step 1: Install Maven DaDaPush Notification Plugin
go to our repo: https://github.com/dadapush/maven-dadapush-notification-plugin
<plugin> <groupId>com.dadapush.client</groupId> <artifactId>dadapush-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </plugin>
Step 2: Update Plugin Configuration
go to DaDaPush, sign in or register an account.
create new channel, save your channel token.
replace YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN with real channel token.
<plugin> <groupId>com.dadapush.client</groupId> <artifactId>dadapush-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> <executions> <execution> <id>message-compile</id> <phase>compile</phase> <goals> <goal>message</goal> </goals> <configuration> <channelToken>YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN</channelToken> <title>${project.name}</title> <content>send compile notification from ${project.build.finalName}</content> <failOnError>true</failOnError> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
Step 3: Maven send test notification
mvn compile
when you start compile, will receive a notification.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/09/maven-send-build-notification-via-dadapush/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
Jenkins send build notification via DaDaPush
Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration software tool written in the Java programming language for testing and reporting on isolated changes in a larger code base in real time. The software enables developers to find and solve defects in a code base rapidly and to automate testing of their builds.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Step 1: Install Jenkins
install Jenkins via docker.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins
After install and run success, you can open url ““
Step 2: Install Jenkins DaDaPush Notification Plugin
go to our repo: https://github.com/dadapush/jenkins-dadapush-notification-plugin
download the latest release hpi, look like this: dadapush-[VERSION].hpi
current release: https://github.com/dadapush/jenkins-dadapush-notification-plugin/releases/download/v1.0.0/dadapush-1.0.0.hpi
Step 3: Upload Plugin to Jenkins
please release this url, install DaDaPush Plugin for Jenkins.
a logged-in Jenkins administrator may upload the file from within the web UI:
Navigate to the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins page in the web UI.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Choose the .hpi file under the Upload Plugin section.
Upload the plugin file.
Step 4: Send Test Notification
go to DaDaPush, sign in or register an account.
create new channel, save your channel token.
Install this plugin on your Jenkins server
Add it as a Post-build action in your Jenkins job.
when your job start build, will receive some notifications.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/08/jenkins-send-build-notification-via-dadapush/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Lua Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Lua Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Lua Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-lua-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/07/dadapush-lua-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
Send Rundeck Notification Using DaDaPush
Rundeck is an open-source software Job scheduler and Run Book Automation system for automating routine processes across development and production environments. It combines task scheduling, multi-node command execution, workflow orchestration and logs everything that happens.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Step 1: Install Rundeck
There are several install options: a self-contained war file, or RPM, or Debian. we choose docker with doing this.
docker run -d -p 4440:4440 rundeck/rundeck:3.1.0
After install and run success, you can open url ““, with username/password: admin/admin
Step 2: Install Rundeck DaDaPush Notification Plugin
go to our repo: https://github.com/dadapush/rundeck-dadapush-notification-plugin
download the latest release jar, look like this: rundeck-dadapush-notification-plugin-[VERSION].jar
Step 3: Upload Plugin to Rundeck
please go menu: plugins -> upload plugin, then select rundeck-dadapush-notification-plugin-[VERSION].jar and submit. You can go to menu plugins -> installed plugins, review installed plugins.
Step 4: Send Test Notification
create new project, name as “localhost“
go to project “localhost“, and edit Configuration.
project.plugin.Notification.DaDaPushNotification.base_path=https://www.dadapush.com project.plugin.Notification.DaDaPushNotification.channel_token=ctXXXXXXXX
create new job, name as “disk size“,description as “compute localhost disk size“, and workflow define command “du -csh“, enable notification with “DaDaPush Notification“
go to job “disk size”, and click “Run Job Now”, you will receive some notifications.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/06/send-rundeck-notification-using-dadapush/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Clojure Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Clojure Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Clojure Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-clojure-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/06/dadapush-clojure-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Ada Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Ada Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Ada Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-ada-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/05/dadapush-ada-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Kotlin Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Kotlin Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Kotlin Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-kotlin-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/04/dadapush-kotlin-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
Send Nagios Alert Notification Using DaDaPush
Nagios is an open source software that can be used for network and infrastructure monitoring. Nagios will monitor servers, switches, applications and services. It alerts the System Administrator when something went wrong and also alerts back when the issues has been rectified.
With Nagios you can:
– Monitor your entire IT infrastructure. – Identify problems before they occur. – Know immediately when problems arise. – Share availability data with stakeholders.hypothetical question – Detect security breaches. – Plan and budget for IT upgrades. – Reduce downtime and business losses.
DaDaPush is a real-time notifications app. Anyone can send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
Step 1: Install Nagios DaDaPush Notification Plugin
git clone https://github.com/dadapush/nagios-dadapush-notification-plugin cd nagios-dadapush-notification-plugin cp nagios-dadapush.sh /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ chmod +x /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nagios-dadapush.sh
Step 2: Create DaDaPush Channel
go to https://www.dadapush.com/channel/list and press “new channel” button for creating new Channel.
the channel token look like this: ctITmPr7aZkaTmPr7aZkaTmPr7aZkaTmPr7aZkaTmPr7aZka
Step 3: Nagios configuration
Create the command definitions in your Nagios configuration:
define command { command_name notify-host-by-dadapush command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nagios-dadapush.sh -a "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -b "$HOSTNAME$" -c "$HOSTSTATE$" -d "$HOSTOUTPUT$" -T "DADAPUSH_CHANNEL_TOKEN" } define command { command_name notify-service-by-dadapush command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nagios-dadapush.sh -a "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -b "$HOSTNAME$" -e "$SERVICEDESC$" -f "$SERVICESTATE$" -g "$SERVICEOUTPUT$" -T "DADAPUSH_CHANNEL_TOKEN" }
replace “DADAPUSH_CHANNEL_TOKEN” with your channel token.
Create the contact definition in your Nagios configuration:
define contact { contact_name dadapush alias dadapush service_notification_period 24x7 host_notification_period 24x7 service_notification_options w,u,c,r host_notification_options d,r host_notification_commands notify-host-by-dadapush service_notification_commands notify-service-by-dadapush }
The service_notification_options directive is used to define the service states for which notifications can be sent out to this contact. Valid options are a combination of one or more of the following:
w: Notify on WARNING service states
u: Notify on UNKNOWN service states
c: Notify on CRITICAL service states
r: Notify on service RECOVERY (OK states)
f: Notify when the service starts and stops FLAPPING
n (none): Do not notify the contact on any type of service notifications
The host_notification_options directive is used to define the host states for which notifications can be sent out to this contact. Valid options are a combination of one or more of the following:
d: Notify on DOWN host states
u: Notify on UNREACHABLE host states
r: Notify on host RECOVERY (UP states)
f: Notify when the host starts and stops FLAPPING
s: Send notifications when host or service scheduled downtime starts and ends
n (none): Do not notify the contact on any type of host notifications.
Add the contact to a contact group in your Nagios configuration:
define contactgroup{ contactgroup_name network-admins alias Network Administrators members email, dadapush }
Now the configuration is finished. Before applying the new configuration, run the following command to check for any error or mistake:
/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
If there are no errors, restart the nagios service:
service nagios restart
Step 4: test Nagios notifications
Now that we have everything configured how can we be sure that our notifications are working?  use the check_dummy plugin (from the Nagios Plugins pack) and set it up to return a CRITICAL status, for example:
Other status codes you can return are:
0 - OK 1 - Warning 2 - Critical 3 - Unknown
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/04/send-nagios-alert-notification-using-dadapush/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush Rust Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush Rust Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. Rust Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-rust-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/03/dadapush-rust-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush C Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush C Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. C Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-c-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/02/dadapush-c-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes
dadapush-com · 5 years
DaDaPush C Sharp Client 1.0.0 released
DaDaPush C Sharp Client version 1.0.0 has bean released. C Sharp Developer can use this code for sending notifications
git repo: https://github.com/dadapush/dadapush-csharp-client
The library is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. Please help us improve the quality of the code, welcome to contribute.
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App
Send real-time notifications through our API without coding and maintaining your own app for iOS or Android devices.
from WordPress https://blog.dadapush.com/2019/08/01/dadapush-c-sharp-client-1-0-0-released/
0 notes