daddy-fett · 3 years
You deserve help. If you’re struggling and you need help, you deserve help. Full stop
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daddy-fett · 3 years
Sometimes all a person wants is an empathetic ear; all he or she needs is to talk it out. Just offering a listening ear and an understanding heart for his or her suffering can be a big comfort.
— Roy T. Bennett
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daddy-fett · 3 years
Su cuy'gar, Jango!
I hope you have been well? Your presence has been missed.. Well truth be told, I’ve missed you. Last I remember, you were dragged into the nearby village to help out. I hope it wasn’t too much to handle? You must be exhausted... just know I’m always willing to lend you an extra pair of hands... regardless , it would warm my heart to see you smile or hear you chuckle again.. 🦊
I’ve been well, little fox, though I must say I’m still getting used to the novelty of people looking forward to my presence so much. The festival went nicely, and I actually stuck around after the setup to indulge a little and had a very good time. Someone even roped me into helping cook, though I think they were unprepared for how spicy things ended up being.
I tried making it tame, for their sake, but apparently, my idea of tame spiciness is still a bit much for some people, heh.
I am a bit tired after all of that, I’ll admit, but it’s a nice sort of tired. The kind of tired you get after a job well done, I suppose. It’s...  A new kind of nice, to be honest, feeling pride in something that hasn’t involved any kind of death or danger.
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daddy-fett · 3 years
I could use a hug...and massage. We can hang out in the garden later...or not at all. But...you are so good at making others feel good, taking care of everyone....I need to be taken care of...for once.
Well, you don’t have to ask me twice, my dear. From what I hear it’s been stressful times for a lot of people, but if I can do anything to make things easier for you that would please me greatly.
And I’d love to have you join me in the garden later. I haven’t been able to devote as much time to it as I usually do, so it’ll be nice to have a good excuse to ignore some less important responsibilities in favor of spending time with you, cyare.
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daddy-fett · 3 years
you did great today and deserve to be told that, you did your best (even if you don’t think it was much) and i am for sure proud of you
Unknown (via quotefeeling)
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daddy-fett · 3 years
Well, if the boot fits, jetii, you should wear it.
Alright I just got called “Grandpa” twice. I’m logging off.
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daddy-fett · 3 years
specific messages to strangers:
↳ to the people with presentations, debates, speeches and things alike soon: it’s okay to be nervous, to get jitters and stomach aches and clammy hands, to stumble over your words, to forget to breathe sometimes, to stutter. everyone has that. nobody will remember that or think you’re weird or unprofessional for it, and it won’t change anything about your potential or worth. let it happen. it’ll be fine, i promise.
↳ to the people waiting for results of any kind: holding onto hope is never ridiculous. being positive isn’t the same as being naive. you’re allowed to express your worries and you’re also allowed to not want to think about it. don’t bottle up your fears.
↳ to the people who are silently doing better than they used to, silently recovering from abuse or medical hardships, silently healing from trauma: i’m so proud of you. doing better than years ago counts as progress. doing better than two hours ago does, as well. know that recovery isn’t linear nor perfect. as you move forward with time, your progress counts as progress.
↳ to the people who dropped out of school or feel like they have no sense of direction: need, want, dreams, wishes will return to you. but you don’t have to know exactly who you are. you’re still young, you have time, you’re allowed to try and fail and try again and fail again again again. it’s okay. we’ll just take it one day at a time.
↳ to the people who feel alone in a crowded room: you’ve always been good enough. you’re kind enough, pretty enough, funny enough. not fitting in in one place doesn’t mean you won’t fit in anywhere. you’ll find your people. it’s not over for you yet, things are always shifting and they will in your favor as well.
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daddy-fett · 3 years
Self care is not selfish or self indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first, then we can give from our surplus, our abundance.
Jennifer Loudon (via quotefeeling)
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daddy-fett · 3 years
here to remind you...
...to do a few things:
💧 hydrate yourself
🕴️ correct your posture
❌ stop overthinking
🌬️take a deep breath
😊 smile for yourself
do these right now. you need it! relax ✨
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daddy-fett · 3 years
“Once you realize there is life after mistakes, you gain a self-confidence that never goes away.”
— Bob Schieffer
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daddy-fett · 3 years
If you’re not feeling okay today, here’s a virtual garden to heal your heart:
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daddy-fett · 3 years
What about the issues that you cannot solve right away? What about the issues that you need to talk about over and over again? Those issues that are deeply rooted in pain? The ones that, no matter what you do or how hard you try, always seem to stay? You can read about how to heal yourself and you can work on self love and search for help, but in unexpected moments those issues always have a way of surprising you again; and it hurts, it is frustrating, and you probably ask yourself repeatedly, 'What is wrong with me?'. Darling, here is the truth: There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. We all have parts in ourselves that we need to work through; parts that have been damaged in the past and that need more attention, more love than any issue before. And it is okay if you fall back, if you feel like going in circles, because healing comes and goes in waves - it is the fact that you keep trying and fighting that truly matters.
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daddy-fett · 3 years
“Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made, or by dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.”
— Alan Cohen
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daddy-fett · 3 years
Don't become so afraid of being annoying that you don't allow yourself to be anything at all.
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daddy-fett · 3 years
I know people who feel like they’ve wasted their lives because of poor choices. They’ve spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years at a job that wasn’t fulfilling. But you have to realize nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences - good and bad - have deposited something on the inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to help make you who you are today.
Unknown (via perfectquote)
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daddy-fett · 3 years
Even the tallest trees are able to grow from tiny seeds like these. Remember this, and try not to rush time.
Paulo Coelho, The Spy (via perfectquote)
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daddy-fett · 3 years
The past should be left in the past because it can destroy your future. Live your life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.
Unknown (via quotemadness)
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