daddy-hotline · 5 years
Hey just wondering how you guys are :)
hi :" mod rae here, I haven't even gone onto tumblr for like 6 months, rly sorry for leaving everyone hanging if you care or not. not really sure what I'll do w the acct, maybe leave it here or smth, but thank you to everyone who has supported us since the beginning of the account! 🙆☺
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Life update
I’m moving out. Or rather, I’m being kicked out. I’ve been told I cannot start hormones if I live here and I’ve made the decision that a home where I’m not allowed to be who I need to be is not a home I can be in. So… posts are going to be very slow coming.
A way to get your question asked faster is, and I do hate doing this, donating to my ko-fi. This is the last platform I will ever trust to help me find support.
The reason I’m doing this is because I’ve begun working 30+ hours a week all day shifts and it’s exhausting. Its wearing me out like nothing else and it doesn’t let me have the energy to come home, work I’m finishing online school, and write up more headcanons.
I intend to answer the questions I can, but it may take a very… very long time.
For that I apologize.
I can’t offer much in terms of rewards, but every donation will have their question answered on the blog within 24 hours and, if requested, I will link their blog name as well for others to check out and follow.
Please consider donating. This platform, I like, because it allows you to donate a very small amount of money that won’t break the bank. I’m sorry for pestering you all so much, but this blog is something I’m passionate about and something I truly am proud of in my life.
Thank you.
Take me on a coffee date?
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Joseph's reaction to finding out his new S/O is a Satanist and wants to enroll the children in an after school satan program
will hit dadsona over the head with a bible but later on consider it because he's not fully "religious" himself is he (cult ending)
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
dream daddy update!!
we've been waiting, man. it's not a game update but we're getting comics, at least it's fresh content?? (taken from hoodiepanda on YouTube)
he's gone through the first release on craig and there's a damien and robert one coming soon im supposing on sept 26th!
he's also doing a giveaway on his Instagram, so check it out.
here's where you can get your own copies, hardcopy or digital:
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
honestly now for match ups
idk who to match yall with cos im sure the dads would love every single one of you if you're nice enough to then despite your flaws.
im sure they won't give much shits about your physical appearance, your mental illnesses, your skin colour, your hobbies, im very very sure they'll love every inch of you inside and out so
that's what makes it so damn hard to match y'all lol since I also don't want to stereotype like oh Damien only likes NERDY DARK BROODING PEOPLE or Hugo only like NERDY MUSIC ART MUESEUM PEOPLE
- mod rae
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Hey could I get a match up please? Im 6 ft, ginger with a ton of freckles, Im a bulky guy and Kinda hairy. I do alot of art and I also am an actor. Im pretty introverted and shy when Im alone in public but when I'm with someone I know Im the complete opposite.
hey man! sorry for the late replyI'll probably match you with Hugo or Craig!Reasons for Hugo are somewhat obvious enough, the art and acting are sure to draw a conversation far deeper than with any other Dad. He will ask you all sorts of questions (how do you deal with close up shots? he himself would probably crack up or just do it terribly) and discuss details from top to bottom.For Craig: He'll find you interesting, that's for sure. Maybe he won't even take much notice at first but I'm sure he'll develop a keen interest in knowing how much his good ol' bro has changed/developed since both of you last met. And with that bod? He'll beg you to come with him to work out, maybe tomorrow's gym day? He'll make sure you have that big tyre thing to push about.
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
I am a bottom boy and would love to "meat" q daddy today Wednesday 8/15.
can someone decipher this for me I'm in post exam comatose state also sorry for the very late reply - mod rae
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
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Unused Dream Daddy talking animations!
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Match up please? My dadsona is a Russian ex-ballerino who teaches physics at the local university. Has a thick accent even now and insists on calling people comrade. He loves spy novels and enjoys working out. Has a terrifying mother he says used to be a spy but isn't anymore. Will only speak Russian when home alone with Amanda. Has a habit of cursing in it to.
I’ll say Damien or Brian!He seems to be the kind either to be soft with kids, or just totally awkward. I think Daisy would be more than happy to read quietly in silence, and Lucien could care less tbh. But my point is that he’ll go well with the kids lol.Both Damien and Brian would love to listen to his stories. Maybe you’d have to ask Brian to let you talk fist, but I’m sure they’d be intrigued for hours on end.Damien would be more interested in the Russian area, and would also you to teach him some phrases.
- mod rae
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
The dad’s reactions to Dadsona who owns a motorcycle ?
ok this is literally just a piece of vehicle why is this an ask,,,, some of the dad's will probably be surprised but,,,, what were you expecting as an answer,,,, im sorry but I have no idea what to say,,,, - mod rae
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
hey it's auggie ~ just wanted to say hello from a new account that i have. miss you all!
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Are match ups open?
Yes they are!! Feel free to send one in!! Go nuts!! -mod Jaz
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Ask box is definitely still open! Send asks away!!
-mod Jaz
Howdy are asks still open?
I think so? When asks are closed, we ..CLOSE the inbox, and clearly people can still ask things, so I’m pretty sure asks are still open.
correct me if I’m wrong, other mods.
-mod Raven
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Howdy are asks still open?
I think so? When asks are closed, we ..CLOSE the inbox, and clearly people can still ask things, so I’m pretty sure asks are still open.
correct me if I’m wrong, other mods.
-mod Raven
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
more platonic mary/dadsona please !
mary and dadsona meet every week to go drinking still together with whoever wants to come. some days instead of alcohol it's tea day at damien's, and a heated debate on the ideals and hidden meanings behind symbols in shakespeare as if all of them were english literature teachers trying to prove every point they make is correct.sometimes they run into each other at the grocery store. mary rambles and rants about the children and how christie has taken a new dislike to asparagus. crish squeezes his tofu it once splattered everywhere. chris hid all the eggs and apparently egged a schoolmate's house. chris is getting more distant everyday. dadsona is her only pillar of support besides damien and robert. they have gotten more than one call from her half crying and absolutely drunk because she doesn't know what to do and joseph, well, let's just say he isn't being a good parent and husband. the next day mary's fired up, hiding everything behind that sarcasm and grin of hers. she looks as perfect as ever and with utmost enthusiasm, challenges dadsona and Dad to a lawn mowing competition. - mod rae
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
The dads’ reactions to dadsona being stabbed? He survives tho and is super salty about being stabbed.
🔪 Robert: legit wants to fight whoever did this to his friend (or boyfriend/husband). At first he’s teary-eyed, his voice is shaky, he’s frantically but quietly asking if dadsona is okay, and when Rob finds out that he’s okay, he immediately gets angry and stars asking stuff like “do you know who did this?! They’ll be sorry if they ever touch you ever again!”.
☕Mat: Complete panic mode. He’s stumbling over his words, face drenched with tears, hair all messy, and not wearing his glasses. Sitting up in the hospital bed, dadsona reassures Mat that he’s okay, and the doctor said that he’ll make a full recovery in a week or so, but he can go back home in a day or two. When Mat finally calms down, he treats dadsona with some banana bread.
💪 Craig: Freaks out at first and rushes into the hospital, getting Smashly to take care of his daughters while he visits the dadsona. He’s all anxious and panicky, but when he sees that dadsona’s alive and well, just in pain, Craig calms down and acts as level-eaded as possible. They sit in the hospital room together for a while just simply talking, with Craig hoping to make dadsona feel better with friendly conversations and silly jokes.
👓 Hugo: So panicked that he can barely talk, so when he goes to the emergency room to visit dadsona, he’s mostly completely silent, only talking when he has to. He’s sweating, his hands are shaking, and he’s constantly adjusting his glasses. The majority of Hugo’s anxiety fades away when he’s reassured by dadsona, who’s awake, very much alive, and very happy to see him.
✝ Joseph: Prays for dadsona as he’s driving to the emergency room, taking deep breaths and anxiously moving his fingers along the steering wheel. His palms are sweaty, and he every so often runs a hand through his hair. When there, Joseph calmly shows his deep concern by gently asking if the dadsona is okay. Once dadsona confirms that he is, Joseph smiles and lets out a heavy breath of relief. The two then happily chat for a few hours, dadsona being relieved to talk to Joseph.
🐶 Brian: Of course, he’s a complete and total mess, but he does a pretty good job at not showing it. When heading to the hospital, and when talking to nurses and doctors, Brian stays calm and orderly, but on the inside, he’s extremely worried for his friend (or boyfriend/husband). He’s quiet, concerned, and there’s no trace of any glee in his facial expressions, but that all changes when he sees dadsona sitting up in his hospital bed. He smiles and tears up with joy, getting all excited that dadsona’s okay. Brian sits down and they play card games together.
☠ Damien: Full-on crying. He’s constantly wiping his tears, his voice is shaky and his throat hurts. He finally calms down when he enters the dadsona’s room. His voice is gentle, and when dadsona cheers him up, his smile his shaky, but sweet. After the initial fear and panic, Damien’s voice has quieted down, and he’s gone back to his calm self. Him and the dadsona chat in the quiet room, content and happy to see each other.
-Mod Raven
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daddy-hotline · 6 years
Heyo it’s mod raven!
Extremely sorry for my absence! I’m gonna spend today trying to finish requests for you guys :) I finally have some free time, and a little inspiration!
So stay tuned! <3
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