daehee · 1 year
you ever read a fic so good you want to sit around and discuss it with people english class style
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 11
Back Again
Three months had gone by and school was starting up again. Keita was a trainee, he didn't make it through YG treasure box. He took it surprisingly well. He's still chasing his dream. Ricky went back to China right after graduation. Jiwoo became and idol, debuting in a group called Nmixx. Yunjin also debuted in a popular girl group known as Le sserafim. 
Ever since Keita and Jiwoo left, my life is been pretty boring. Yunjin is barely ever here because of her group schedule. The youngest member of her group, Eunchae, also recently started attending SOPA. She's really funny, and we're the same age, so that's cool. My days kind of go by in a blur. It's not that they're super busy, just that there is nothing to fill them. I no longer have my best friend by my side, I really only have Yunjin as my best friend these days. Its pretty lonely and quiet in the dorm because Yunjin moved out. Wow... how did I just now realize that I literally have the whole dorm to myself... jeez, I need something to get me living again.
"DUDE?!? Hana, are you here?" The door slammed and Yunjin yelled at me loudly.
"Yeah I'm here, what's up?"
"It's time for class."
"You came all the way to the dorm just to tell me that?"
"Yeah, I wanna walk with you. It's our last first day of school. WE'RE SENIORS, we gotta make it special."
"Ok, ok, fine." 
I finished my breakfast, grabbing my phone and backpack, heading out the door behind Yunjin. We silently walked to our next class. Everyone was rowdy because it was the first day of school, especially the senior. Eric, Seungho, and Aaron came to meet us. We were the only seniors left in the 'it' group. Eunchae was also welcomed into the 'it' group, after all she was a debuted artist. 
We all walked into our advanced dance class, which was first period. Standing there was one of the last people I ever expected to see in this school again. Next to our dance teacher was... Keita?
"Hello class! Today you have a special assignment. You will be pairing up with each other to make a dance for a grade and the K-pop music festival. Since the top dancer of the summer has yet to be revealed, we will do so now. The top dancer will be pairing with Keita for the festival, and will be graded on your performance and choreography. Each group will get a theme from this bowl."
Everyone murmurs, already thinking about their partners. We were all excited for special assignments, especially getting to perform at the K-pop music festival. Some of the biggest names will be there. 
"Alright, our top dancer is.... Akahana Adams." I wasn't really surprised to hear my name, I had been top dancer since I started coming here. Now I just had to think about dancing with Keita. 
"Come get your theme." My teacher directed. I walked up to the front, digging my hand in the bowl for a slip of paper.
My teacher laughed at the look on my face. Keita also did. It was kind of weird because we haven't seen each other since right before he went on ygtb a few months ago. I had watched it live as soon as it came out, but we had yet to talk. We communicated threw very few texts. 
"You two get practice room one, go have fun!" My teacher instructed us.
We silently walked to the first practice room. I didn't know what to say to him, and I assume it was the same for him. When we got to the practice room, I still didn't speak. I only stretched silently. 
"You're not going to talk to me?" Keita asked, moving my hand to his shoulder for stability as I stretched my quad muscle.
"I-... no. I just don't know what to say to you."
"Oh come on Hana, we're best friend! You always know what to say to me."
"Yeah well, we also haven't really talked all that much, let alone seen each other in a few months."
"Exactly, you should've jumped into my arms the moment you saw me, or at least have done it by now."
I rolled my eyes at Keita playfully. I knew he was half expecting me to, so I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I missed you baby." He spoke softly into my shoulder. I let my legs slide down from around his waist, laying my head against his shoulder when my feet were safely on the ground.
"I missed you too Kei." 
We stood there hugging for a few minutes. The warmth radiating off of him was something I hadn't felt in so long. I remember being addicted to his hugs when we were younger, I would use any excuse I had to cuddle close to him, or wrap my arms around his neck so he'd wrap his around my waist.
"Kei... I think I'm gonna go home when I graduate."
"WHAT?! But Hana, why would you leave? Isn't it your dream to be a dancer in Korea?"
"Well yeah, but nothing's happening for me Keita. I don't have friends anymore, I live alone in my dorm. I haven't seen my mom and dad in 3 years. My days blur by because they're empty. I'm just... I'm lost Keita. I'm losing myself. I got caught up in this dream that I thought I could achieve, but it's taking me nowhere and... I-... I'm lost."
"Well... write songs with those lyrics... damn. And wait... you live alone in the dorm?"
"Yeah Hayoon and Jiwoo graduated remember?"
"Yeah but what about Yunjin?"
"She debuted Keita. She's in Le sserafim. She moved out."
"Damn... she's at BigHit?"
"You're actually alone in that huge ass dorm?"
"Yes Keita... I don't even really have friends anymore. There are 4 seniors left in the 'it' group. Yunjin is never here because of schedule and that leaves Eric, Seungho, and Aaron. I'm friends with Eunchae, the macknae of Yunjin's group, but like Yunjin, she's barely here. I kinda fell apart after you left."
"I'm so sorry Hana. I promise I'll talk to you every day from now on. And please don't go home... then I'll get to see you less."
"I'm sorry if these let's you down Keita... but I don't know if I can stay. Nothings going right for me right now and I just-... I don't wanna cry anymore Keita."
"No babe, I get it, but look at me. I kinda hate to use myself as an example but... I wasn't even really all that close to debuting with Treasure. I'm young and inexperienced compared to the others... so I didn't make it. But the point it, I'm not giving up. I'm a trainee at a different agency now, and I'm gonna keep going until I make my debut. Your slaying at this school. Your top of your class at academics, and top of your ADVANCED dance class... AT A FREAKING FINE ARTS SCHOOL. You're not always gonna be the most experienced, you're not always gonna be the best, so if you cant handle it while you are the best... then you gotta toughen up Hana."
"I-... okay. What if nothing happens for me though? What if I stay stuck?"
"You're literally a dancing prodigy. Something will happen for you. How about we just focus on the dance for now, kay?"
"Okay." I agreed.
We began the long process of choreographing a dance... hopefully we'll do good.
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
proof that angels exist...
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 10
Kiss (Or Dont) And Make Up
"Hana... good morning." Ricky whispered, pressing feather light kisses to the back of my neck, waking me up.
"G-good morning." I stuttered, turning around to face him.
"Hi baby." He smiled. Ricky leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled me on top of him, making me straddle his lap. Our tongues immediately tangled together in a heated kiss. His hands were on my ass, pulling me into him. 
"Rickyyyy." I whined
"I'm hungry. I want breakfast."
"Am I not your breakfast?"
"Yah Rickyyyyy."
"Ok ok, I'll get you some food. Come on."
As Ricky was pulling me out of bed, I stopped him.
"Let me get dressed first."
"Oops sorry."
After I finished, Ricky carried me bridal style into the kitchen. Keita and Jiwoo were already up and were sitting quietly... kind of awkwardly. Ricky began making pancakes. He got all the ingredients out and some fruit, whipped cream, and syrup. I carefully walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Rickyyyy huryyy. I'm hungry."
Ricky chuckles, turning around with fruit in his hand.
"Say 'ahh'." I do as I'm told and he drops a raspberry into my mouth.
"Thank you."
"Oh my god can you to fucking stop!" Keita suddenly yells from behind me. I whip my head around to face him.
"And who the hell do you think you are to tell me to stop doing shit?"
"I'm your best fucking friend, and you haven't said a word to me in two fucking months Hana. It's really fucking hard to deal with when I haven't talked to you in two months because you shut me out."
"Who's fault is that?"
"Well the blame shouldn't be fully on me because I fucking tried. I tried to keep you happy and I tried to apologize, but it seems more like you just don't want me anymore. You know what... never mind. Have a nice life Hana, I cant keep doing this. The ball's in your court now, I tried."
Keita grabbed his wallet off the counter and rushed out the door. I quickly followed after him, not wanting to leave our broken friendship on these terms.
"K-Keita wait, please don't leave me."
"Me leaving you? I think it was the other way around Hana. I didn't leave you... in fact, I tried to stay, but you pushed me away."
"Keita... I was so scared I was gonna loose you... and I ended up being the reason that I lost you. Can we start over, because I'm not about to loose ten years of friendship over a stupid childhood crush."
Keita didn't respond, he didn't even say a word, he just stared at me.
"Fine." I rushed into Keita's arms, hugging him tightly.
"I-I'm so sorry Keita." I sobbed into his chest.
"Its ok." He said softly as he rubbed my back.
"C-can we just go somewhere and hang out and catch up because I missed my best friend."
"Yeah, let's go to hmm... I don't know, where should we go?"
"Oh shit... I have to go talk to Ricky really quick though."
"Oh um ok... but why?"
"I just have to let him know I'm ok, he'll be worried if I don't."
"Pfft, what is he, your boyfriend or something?" Keita asked jokingly, but when I didn't say anything his eyes widened.
"Wait for real? Since when?"
"W-well, only since last night, but I liked him before that."
"Oh, well, go say goodbye. I'm not going back in there."
"Why not?"
"Jiwoo... I'll tell you later."
"Oh, um, ok."
I rushed back into the house, me and Keita not having gone that far. I told Ricky that me and Keita were going to hang out and catch up. He didn't seem too happy, but he also didn't fight me on it. He kissed my cheek as I was leaving again and said he loved me. Eeeee, he makes me so happy!
"Ok I'm ready to go now." I grabbed Keita's hand and we headed into town.
"I have a question... and it's a completely what if situation." Keita started.
"Okayyyyyyy, and what is it?"
"If you had a best friend, a guy best friend, that liked your best friend, would you be okay with them dating?" I chuckled knowing Keita was talking about himself and Jiwoo.
"If you want to date Jiwoo, then go ahead. I don't care."
"Damn, I really cant hide from you can I?"
"No, you cant, I've known you since I was a baby, what'd you expect?"
"Ok... I just didn't want you getting mad."
"I was a little mad when you two kissed but I'm ok with y'all, if you really want to."
"Thanks Hana."
Keita and I enjoyed the rest of our day. We laughed and joked and caught up, talked about old times, new times, good times, and even the bad times. I missed my best friend. 
*One year later*
Life became busy, Ricky and I were happy, Jiwoo and Keita started dating and were happy. Unfortunately Yunjin and Haruto broke up and caused an interesting break in our friend group for a bit, but everything was slowly coming back together. Keita and I were the top two dancers in school. Life was honestly going well, but as everyone knows... that never lasts. It's been two a year since we started this school. Keita graduates in a few weeks and plans on joining and entertainment agency so he can become an Idol. I'm proud of him, but I cant help having this feeling that its not going to end well.
Guess we'll just wait and see what happens... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 9
Refresher: Her and Ricky are abt to kiss after the sexy sticker stalker game
"C'mere baby." He whispered lowly, yanking me by my waist into him. My breath hitched at his rough behavior.... holy fuck this is hot. Instead of kissing my lips, Ricky started out at my neck first. Leaving light kisses on my hot skin. His lips felt too good, I think I'm falling. His lips finally reached mine, and I melted. The butterflies erupted in my stomach feeling more like a stampede. His hands were tangled in my hair and his tongue was against mine. I wasn't even holding myself up anymore, he was completely holding me up. His tongue caressed mine, completely taking away my rationality. He slowly traced his hands down my sides, grabbing my ass and pulling me up and into him even more. It took all the will power I had not to moan right then and there. We finally pulled apart, panting heavily at the heated makeout session. Everyone was clapping for us except for Keita. I smirked knowing inside his mind he was probably going crazy. I know how overprotective and possessive he is. I just sat back down next to Ricky, cuddling into him. He put his arm around me, pulling me into his side.
"You like me don't you?" I whispered to him.
"You just now noticed."
"Yeah sorta, I'm sorry. If it makes it better... I like you too."
"I kinda figured after the kiss."
"Can I stay here tonight since its the weekend?"
"Yeah most people were probably planning on that but I'll kick them out, I want to be alone with you."
"O-oh... ok."
"I didn't mean it like that silly, calm down."
"I mean... I wouldn't mind if you did It just kinda took me by surprise."
"What? That I'd want my way with the hottest girl in this school?" He whispered, his breath tickling my neck.
"I-... uh... well damn." Ricky chuckled at my stuttering. Lightly pressing his lips to my temple.
"Wanna go hang out in the kitchen and just talk?" He asked.
"Sure." He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.
"Hey, I know I said I'd kick everyone out... but what about just letting Eric, Seungho, Haruto, Yunjin, Jiwoo, and Keita stay. We're all in the same friend group so it's like a friends sleepover."
"Ok that sounds nice. Just know that me and Keita aren't really talking so things are kind of tense between us."
"Yeah I heard... what happened y'all were super close."
"He just said some really stupid hurtful things then accused me of lying and blamed all our problems on me."
"Oh... I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." Ricky took a few steps closer, hugging me tightly to his chest. Gosh he's so sweet and caring, what's not to love about this man.
"What time is it?" I mumbled into his chest.
"2:43 a.m., why?"
"I'm tired. Ok, I'll go wrap the party up."
"You don't have to."
"I'm tired too. I'll go tell everyone to get their asses outta here." I snorted, completely unattractively at his words.
"Alright everybody, parties over, your host is tired, no spending the night sorry. Go home motherfuckers."
Everybody began to stand up, taking their trash and dropping it in the big trash can on the way out. Ricky went to the three couples, telling them they all could stay. They all plopped back down on the couch, getting comfortable. Since it was a small crowd who knew to clean up after themselves, we didn't have any work to do.
"Wanna watch a movie guys? Or makeout, we know some of y'all wont see a damn thing." Ricky said, specifically eyeing Eric, Seungho, Haruto, and Yunjin. Everyone just laughed and Ricky grabbed the remote to put on some Netflix movie.
"Everybody here speaks English yeah? I'm gonna put on 'The Kissing Booth' everyone ok with that?"
"Sounds good since apparently none of us are going to see it anyway." Eric joked, rolling his eyes.
The movie started and I curled into Ricky's side. The rest of the couples had done the same. Seungho and Eric were already making out, taking to heart what Ricky had teased them about earlier. Haruto and Yunjin followed soon after, more interested in each other than the movie. Next to join into the lip locking was Keita and Jiwoo, now only me and Ricky paid attention to the movie. I knew he wouldn't force me, because he wasn't like that... but I wanted it myself and I knew he would comply.
I turned Ricky's head to face me and he smiled down at me. I just kissed his lips, hoping to convey my feelings and desires through the simple action. He understood the message and he turned to face me more. His hands found their way to my hips, just staying their comfortingly. My hands were feeling through his soft wavy locks. I threaded my fingers through his hair enjoying the feeling. He softly bit my lip, silently pleading for me to allow his tongue into my mouth. I complied, slightly tilting my head back to deepen the kiss. We made out for the whole rest of the movie... literally not seeing a thing. When the movie ended, we all pulled apart, finally breathing.
"I'm going to bed." Ricky announced. "Y'all know there are plenty of rooms here. Pick one and have fun. Goodnight." Ricky pulled my hand, leading me down a hallway opposite of the one everyone else went to. They had all been here before and knew the layout of the house and probably which bedrooms they wanted.
"I should have asked you first, but you're ok with sleeping with me right?"
"Oh yeah sure."
"I have an extra toothbrush you can use, and if you want you can wear one of my shirts to sleep in."
"Ok!" I chirped happily. I was ecstatic that I was going to get to cuddle with him all night. After brushing our teeth, he handed me one of his t-shirts. I turned around, pulling my shirt off, my skirt following. I pulled his oversized shirt over my head. It fell to my mid thighs because of height difference.
"Holy shit." Ricky breathed. I didn't think he was watching me, figuring he would be getting dressed himself, but he was struggling to keep his composure after what he just witnessed.
"Are you okay?" I asked, chuckling at the evidence of the effect I had on him.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Let's just sleep now."
We crawled into bed, pulling the duvet over us. I turned to him, immediately cuddling up to him. For some reason I had failed to notice he wasn't wearing a shirt, so when I touched his bare chest I yelped and jumped away from him.
"What happened? Are you ok?" He immediately asked, sitting upright to make sure I was ok. I didn't respond... too busy looking at the outline of his abs in the moonlight.
"Hey... Hana, are you ok?"
"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't expect you to be... shirtless."
"Oh pfft."
We laid back down and I cuddled back into Ricky, he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Hey." He whispered.
"Do you want to be my girl friend?"
"Ok, good night."
"Good night."
"Love you."
"Love you too." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 8
Get Over Her Bro
*2 month time skip*
It had been about two months since I decided to quit talking to Keita. He tried to convince me otherwise a few times, but I stayed strong. I missed him, but emotionally I think I was more stable. I had made a few more friends since I wasn't constantly hanging out with Keita. I was now best friends with Haruto, Yunjin's boyfriend, and Ricky. They had a friend group that I was slowly starting to hang out with more and get to know. Tonight they were having a party, there would only be a few people in attendance. It was sort of like the party on the first week of school. Currently I was getting ready with Yunjin. The party was partly outside and it was supposed to be really hot outside tonight, so I dressed in clothes that would help me stay cool.
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It was a simple outfit, but it was cute... and matched my mood swings lmao. Sometimes I was happy but I was also angry and depressed a lot. I guess... I was right when I thought I would lose Keita.
Keita's POV "Hey man, come on, you gotta get out of bed at some point. There's a party tonight. Small group, it's the 'in crowd,' and its at Ricky's."
"Fine, I'll go."
It had been two months since Hana had just randomly decided to stop talking to me... I had cried every day. I'm not entirely sure what I did, but I have a feeling I said some really upsetting things when I was drunk, and I was rude the next day. I missed her so fucking much. I didn't really know what to do without her... I had never had to even think about it.
I wore a simple white T-shirt and jeans, making myself look presentable enough for this party. I didn't really wanna go, but I also didn't want Haruto or Eric razzing me about being upset over a stupid girl. Well, she's not stupid... I am.
"Hey man, you ready to go?" Eric asked, peaking his head in my room.
"Yeah, let's go."
We made our way to Ricky's parents house. It was a huge mansion on the outskirts of town. It was the weekend so most people would probably be staying the night, but since it was only the in crowd, there wouldn't be many. When we arrived, there were only about 12 people chillin in the huge living room. I don't know why I didn't expect it or think about it at all, but I was shocked when I saw Akahana sitting between Ricky and Yunjin who was sitting on Haruto's lap.
"Ayyy Keita! Nice to see you again man. You finally crawled out of your bedroom huh?"
"I guess I did. It was time." We did our signature handshake that all the boys created.
"You ready to party?"
I sat on the couch across from Ricky, a girl who I had remembered as Jiwoo came and sat down next to me. Oh wait, she's one of Hana's roommates.
"Hi." She chirped happily.
"Hey." I said, smiling at her.
"You're Keita, yeah?"
"Yeah, you're Jiwoo. Hana's roommate."
"Drink or dare time babeessss!!" Eric yelled happily.
"Man get another game, we play this all the time." Ricky said rolling his eyes.
"Fine, spin the bottle?"
"Nah that's basic man." Some other kid I didn't know spoke up.
"Somebody else come up with it then." Eric huffed, plopping down next to his current boyfriend, Seungho.
"How about sticker stalker, sexy version." (Sticker stalker is the game where you find all the stickers on a persons body while blindfolded.)
"Yesss, quality ideas Ricky!!" I yelled.
"Alright so rules for sexy version. Lace blindfold, you have to take the stickers off with your mouth. If you don't get them all in the two minutes you have, then you have to drink and then makeout with your partner."
"Damn, how'd you come up with that idea Ricky?"
"Somethings are better left unknown."
"Ok then... let's go! Who's up first."
"How about you and Jiwoo, Keita."
"Alright, alright, let's go."
Ricky put the lace blindfold on me while someone loaded Jiwoo up with stickers. When they were done, Ricky led me over to her, stopping me directly in front of her.
"And go!"
I felt with my hands at her neck and felt a sticker, I leaned in to grab the paper between my lips delicately.
"Ayo, no hands bro."
"Sorry, sorry."
I continued, tracing my lips across her skin, trying to find the next sticker. This went on for a few minutes until Ricky told us the time was up. I took of the blindfold, seeing that I did not in fact get all the stickers. Jiwoo and I both took a shot as we were told. Now we had to makeout... I pulled her close to me by her waist, smirking down at her. She smiled back up at me, probably excited for the next part. I closed the distance between the two of us, lightly pressing my lips to hers. I moved my hand to her neck, forcing her to lift her head and deepen the kiss. Our tongues tangled together so perfectly, damn... I'm enjoying this a little too much. After a few more seconds of pure bliss, I pulled away, pecking her lips once more. We sat back down and I saw Hana glaring daggers into Jiwoo's back. I put my arm around her, adding to the effect. 
"Okayyy... I can feel the tension in the air between some people... next couple." Eric pointed out then quickly changed the subject.
"How about Ricky and Hana." Yunjin suggested.
Akahana POV
I cannot believe he just did that in front of me... Keita kissed my roommate like it was nothing. AND SHE FUCKING LET HIM. Like what the hell, does she know what she's doing or is she just fucking stupid.
"How about Ricky and Hana." Yunjin said from next to me. She knew how I was feeling and was probably confused at Jiwoo too. I knew what she was doing, and I was down for it. Quickly before we went up I whispered in Ricky's ear.
"Hey, purposely try not to get all the stickers, I'll put one on my foot, so don't go there ok." Ricky looked at me skeptically but nodded anyway.
Eric wrapped the lace blindfold around his eyes... Holy shit he looked hot like that. His pink lips were parted slightly, his jawline was sharp, and I could see the outline of his buff biceps through his tight black button down shirt. I could also see his pecs because three of the buttons were undone.
Yunjin had finished placing stickers on me, and Ricky moved closer to me. He couldn't see anything, but it felt like he was staring straight down at me. He hovered over me because of his height and it gave me chills. Good God he was hot. He immediately began feeling my skin with his lips. He found the sticker on my cheek, pecking the corner of my lips as he continued on... fuck he's such a tease. He ran his tongue over my neck, purposely teasing me. I inhaled sharply at the feeling of his tongue. Fuckkkk I wish we weren't in front of so many people, why is it so hard not to moan. Crapppp. He found the one on my neck, softly pulling it off with his lips. He went to the other side, pulling that one off too. He kissed down to my collar bone, finding the one down their. Everybody was whooping and hollering at the scene unfolding in front of them. He softly nipped right underneath my collarbone, then ran over it with his tongue.
"Fuck." I whispered lowly. He chuckled and smirked at the effect he knew he was having on me. Our two minutes was eventually over and Ricky had managed to removed all but two; one on my thigh and one on my shoe. Ricky shook his head, slightly chuckling. We took our shot, then we went to kiss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 7
Bitch Is Emotional
The next morning I woke up groggy from staying up so late. I went to the kitchen to get some water and maybe a small something for breakfast since I wasn't that hungry.
"Hey, how you holding up?" Yunjin asks as she makes her way into the kitchen.
"I'm good actually. I didn't drink so I'm good."
"Yeah, how are you and Keita?"
"I'm not really sure. We had a heart to heart last night, but I don't know if he'll remember any of it. He was pretty drunk."
"Oh, well... I wish you the best of lucky. That makeout session looked a little... heated."
"Pfft, yeah maybe it was."
"Welp, I'm gonna go get ready for class. We have a big day in dance today. It's evaluations. We get to see who gets what for performances. Aren't you and Keita doing music too?"
"Yeah, we both started singing when our dance teacher recommended it since we both wanna be idols."
"Nice, I'm sure y'all will get really good parts for performance then."
"Well... I hope."
I went back to my room, slipping on my uniform for the day... until dance class, and put on a little bit of makeup. I brushed my teeth and was ready to go.
"Yunjin-ahh! Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's go."
Yunjin followed me out of the dorms and we headed to the classroom part of the school. We headed to class, letting the day drag on. We finally made it to dance class and I felt like I woke up. Keita was talking to Eric, joking and laughing. I could tell Yunjin was watching me, seeing if I'd go up to him, but I didn't know if I should. I had already changed so I started stretching, and going through the motions of my dance to remind myself.
"Hey!" Keita said, poking my back multiple times.
"Hi." I said, continuing what I was doing, not really paying attention.
"No hug?" He asked, eyes wide and puppy like.
"Didn't realize we had to hug every time we saw each other."
"Well yikes... someone slept in the freezer. Why're you so cold?"
"How drunk were you last night?"
"Pretty drunk... shit did I do something?"
"Oh nothing much, just wondering if our relationship is really based on love or lies."
"Yeah apparently we've been lying to each other all these years, but it's whatever. We solved it, you called me your everything, but I'm struggling to wrap my head around the fact that it's my fault you didn't confess because I lied, yet you lied too. But whatever Keita, forget I said anything."
Keita's eyes turned sad and his lips formed a small pout. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.
"Did I really upset you by not telling you? I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal since you don't like me anymore."
"Right... you were drunk, you don't remember my confession."
"I'm not over you Keita and I have no fucking clue how you feel because you wont fucking be honest. Yet here you are telling me to be completely honest with you and tell you all my shit. You should try it, maybe we could actually get somewhere."
"Hey whoa... calm down. I don't know where all this is even coming from, you didn't used to be like this. What happened?"
"Like what Keita?"
"You did not just call me fucking emotional... I'm like this because of you Keita, all fucking you." I turned around and stormed to the other side of the room where Yunjin was silently practicing her part.
"God I fucking hate him."
"Oh well... hello. What'd he do."
"Ugh I don't wanna talk about it."
"Ok... welp, don't let it mess with your head during evaluations."
"I wont... I just... cant believe he called me emotional."
"He called you emotional? In a bad way?"
"Yeah, he said 'You didn't used to be like this, what happened?' I figured he of all people would understand that you don't fucking say that."
"Damn, I thought lover boy was better than that."
"So did I..."
Class went on, evaluations went well. It was the end of the day so I headed back to the dorm with Yunjin. I was exhausted and aggravated. I didn't want to deal with anyone so I went straight to my room and laid down. I was thinking about the fight between me and Keita and before I realized it... tears were flowing from the side of my eyes, down my temples, and onto my pillow. Instead of trying not to cry, I let go. I flipped over, burying my face into my pillow, sobbing loudly. Apparently Yunjin heard me and knocked on my door.
"Hana, I hear you crying, I'm coming in whether you like it or not." Not even a second later, the door opened and shut. I felt my bed dip and the comforting hands of Yunjin running over my back.
"Heyyy, you're gonna be okay. If he makes you cry like this he isn't worth it sweetie."
"I know... but I cant let him go, he's my best friend. He's been with me my whole life."
"I get that sweetie... but you gotta put your mental and emotional state first. Try staying away from him for a little bit and see if it makes you feel better m'kay?"
"O-okay, I will."
"Do you want me to stay here?"
"Yes, if you don't mind."
"Of course." Yunjin laid down next to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me closer. She pushed my head to rest on her chest and she soothingly ran her hands over my back. I felt her calm breathing and it began to calm me down too.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, I'm better." Yunjin stayed with me for the rest of the night. We cuddled together peacefully, enjoying each others heat and comfort.
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 6
Do Or Die Baby
"Hey, y'all wanna play truth or dare?" Eric asked loudly, catching everyone's attention. Everyone agreed and we all smushed on the couch together.
"Wanna make this interesting and make it Do it or drink?" Some random girl offered.
"Oh gosh yessss, because we need the tea so u do it or you drink and nobody wants to get drunk the day before evaluations for dance."
Oh great... I thought there wasn't gonna be any drinking.
"Alright... how about you start Yunjin! Ask someone." Eric said excitedly, clapping his hands.
"Alright, alright... Truth or Dare?"
"Eric, who do you think is the hottest guy at this party?"
"I-... um... guy?"
"You heard me. We all know you're 'secretly' bi, bitch." Eric just rolled his eyes.
"Hmm... Ricky."
"Shen Ricky, you mean the guy sitting across from you?"
"Yup, hottest guy in the school, actually. I'd let him ruin me any day."
I almost spit out my drink laughing at Erics blunt nature and Ricky's pale face going extremely red. Eric saw the boys reaction and began laughing uncontrollably.
"Anyway, your turn Eric." Yunjin reminded him. Eric regained composure and turned to me with an evil smirk.
"Oh no..." I said quietly, knowing I couldn't drink because well... I was only 15. 
"Drink or dare?" Eric said smirking. The fun part of this game was that the person who was asking got to choose whether you had the option of truth or not.
"No please no." I got down on my knees, jokingly begging.
"Yes honey yes!"
"Fine... obviously dare."
"Make out with Keita for 90 seconds."
"Wha-... I-. But-... ARGHH." Eric busted out in an evil laugh at my reddened face and aggravated mumbles.
"Hurry up, we're waiting. Somebody get a timer. Also, sit on his lap, gotta make it hot." My face was growing redder by the minute. I wasn't sure if it was out of anger or the thought of making out with Keita. Keita's eyes were wide and he wasn't really saying anything, just slightly surprised at the situation.
Slowly, I decided to sit on Keita's lap, our faces mere inches apart. His hands came to rest at my hips, slightly tugging me closer. I was staring straight into his eyes and he looked straight back into mine. He smirked right before he closed the distance between us and our lips collided. It was only a few seconds before I felt Keita's tongue dip into my mouth. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, him winning a few seconds later. Keita pulled me impossibly closer and I melted into him. His hands were all over me, fire every where his fingers traced. His tongue moved with mine perfectly... I was enjoying this too much.
"Alright your time is up." Eric told us. We split apart, both panting. Wordlessly I moved whilst looking down, not being able to face Keita anymore.
"That was hot... still don't understand why you two don't date but you know I guess that's on you."
The game went on, but I was barely paying attention. The only thing I could think about was the feeling of Keita's lips on mine. The part that scared me, was that I wanted more. The party was winding down at about 2 in the morning. A few people were a little tipsy, but no one was outright drunk. I started to walk with Yunjin, not wanting to be stuck alone with Keita.
"H-hey, Akahanaaaa." A tipsy Keita whined and stumbled on his feet a little, trying to reach for me. I caught his hands, not wanting to let him fall. Seems like he drank a little more than I thought he did.
"Hey, you alright. Why did you drink so much?"
"Hmm? I didn't drink that much. I'm just a little woozy and dizzy. I'm ok though, the fresh air will sober me up in a sec." I just nodded, holding onto his hand, making sure he didn't fall.
"Hana, I'm sorry."
"Not telling you. I know we're supposed to be honest with each other no matter what."
"It's ok, we're both young and stupid. I don't expect perfection. Hell I'm not even always completely honest with you."
"You're not?"
"No, not all the time."
"Then be completely honest with me right now. Don't hide a single thing you're feeling in this moment. I'll do the same." I walked quietly for a moment, thinking on if I should really say what I'm thinking.
"Go on, say it. I can see the wheels turning, just be honest."
"I'm still in love with you. After we kissed, the only thing I could think about was more. I wanted more. I want you more. I don't think I ever stopped wanting more."
"So you've been lying this whole time saying you weren't still in love with me?"
"Why didnt you just tell me, I dont get it."
"I was too afraid to loose you."
"What? How would you loose me?"
"Because you view me as your younger sister. You said it yourself multiple times. Would you really take my confession with any weight if I were to confess to you anytime before we moved here?" Keita sighed.
"I-I don't know. It's complicated ok. The only reason I called you my little sister is because I didn't want you to think I had any sort of feelings for you."
"And so now it's my turn to wonder why you never told me."
"It's different!"
"How Keita?!" I yelled in exasperation.
"You had already lost feeling. Or at least... told me you did. But you were lying."
"So its my fault?"
"Well sorta. If you wouldn't have lied I would've told you."
"So you just weren't even gonna try?"
"What am I supposed to do when you make it absolutely clear that you don't like me anymore and it was a 'harmless crush on my childhood guy best friend.'"
"Right so you just gave up. You didn't fight for what you wanted?"
"I didn't want to lose you either." Keita said softly, swiping at a tear that threatened to fall from his eye.
"Keita, I would never leave you. Even back then. How could you think I would?"
"You thought I would leave you."
"Yeah but that's because you a boy who's two years older than me. What's so interesting about a little annoying girl who has some ridiculous crush on you and forces you to dance and play barbies with her?"
"Everything... everything is special about her... and everything about her means everything to me... even back then, even more so now."
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 5
Come Here Baby Girl I Wanna Kiss You
When the four of us arrived the party was already in full swing. I thought it would be like the cliché high school parties with lots of people, loud music, and alcoholic drinks, but it turned out to be a smaller, more exclusive sort of party. There weren't that many people there, only the main people from my dance class. Everybody was just chilling on the couches in the living room. All in all, about twenty people including us.
"Ohhh heyyyy. It's the newbieesss!" Keita and I were greeted by some guy who seemed really energetic. Keita and him did some sort of complex handshake... seems like he had made a lot of friends already.
"I'm Eric, you must be Akahana Ezihe... gotta admit, you're way hotter than I expected for a 15 year old." I glared at Keita.
"Does everyone already know my age?"
"Sorry... was just being honest. I cant lie."
"There is a thing called... not talking about it or me, you should practice it."
"Haha very funny, plus no one caressss, why are you so sensitive about it. As long as you don't act like some booby sucking toddler nobody will even notice."
"He's right though. I don't give a shit, you seem chill. Come on sit, sit, make yourself at home. Want anything to drink?"
"Got any Fanta?"
"Uhh yeah, orange and berry."
"Aight, I'll be back."
Eric returned with my drink and I plopped down onto the couch next to Keita. I opened the bottle and took a sip of my favorite flavor of soda. Keita took the bottle from me and took a sip.
"Are yall like... dating?" I choked on my spit in response to that question.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Are yall dating... your always hugging, holding hands... sharing the same drink."
"Dude... he's my best friend. We've been friends since I was like 4 and he was... I don't even know 6?"
"Yeah, our parents became best friends when they moved from Australia and then we grew up hanging out together. I was her-..."
"No need to go that far." I said cutting him off and slapping my hand over his mouth. He wrenched my hand off of his mouth and held my wrist tightly pushing me back into the couch playfully.
"Ouhh... embarrassing childhood stories, please continue."
"No, please don't continue."
"I was-." I once again slapped my hand over his mouth, but he grabbed both my wrists first and held them so I couldn't escape. I kept wrestling with him as he continued his story.
"I was her babysitter... when we... were kids. She al-... yah I'm gonna kill you Hana... She always... dragged me to her... dance studio, and made me practice with her."
As the group watched us wrestle, chuckles could be heard. Everybody loved watching us fight like children.
"Y'all are so cute. You'd make the cutest couple." Eric said, knowing it would annoy me more.
"Oh my gosh, we would not." Keita then started pretending to kiss me in response.
"Yah Keita! Get your crusty lips away from me."
"Nooo come here baby girllll. I wanna kiss youuuu." I started laughing uncontrollably at his mocking tone of voice as he kept pulling me back to him. Finally he pulled me so hard that I couldn't push him away and his lips landed on my cheek. I didn't really react because I had been laughing so hard, plus it wasn't like we hadn't ever kissed before.
"See you didnt even react to him kissing you. It's like you two are already dating."
"That's just because it was only a kiss on the cheek, I'd freak out if it was anywhere else."
"Mhm sure, I bet he was your secret first kiss." My face reddened at this because Keita was indeed my first kiss. Keita laughed out loud and our reactions were obvious.
"Oh... wow... ok I guess it aint a secret now. How and why did yall kiss?"
"It wasnt really on purpose..." I said quietly, covering my blushing face.
"Are you kidding, there is no way that was an accident. You were so madly in love with me back then. I bet you 100 bucks you did it on purpose."
"Oh my god I did not. I was not in love with you, it was a harmless crush."
"Ouhhh so we did like each other at one time?"
"No... she liked me at one time."
"Right because you cant look like a pedo falling for a girl two years younger than you?"
"Oh nah it had nothing to do with her age. She's never really felt younger to me. I was just too dumb to notice her feelings, otherwise we probably would've dated."
"Awh so you liked her after she liked you?"
"Yeah... kinda missed my chance."
"Y-you liked me?" Keita looked at me as if he had forgotten I was sitting right next to him.
"Oops... late confession. Yes I did." I didn't really have a response. I just kinda sat there with my mouth open in shock.
"You may now kiss the bride." Eric said in a mockingly priestly voice. I think Keita noticed my shock and sort of awkwardness.
"You ok babe?" He asked quietly. Eric was engaged in another conversation with someone else.
"C-cam you not call me that please."
"Oh come on Hana, don't let something stupid in our past change our relationship now."
"T-this isn't in my past Keita, I just found out. Honestly you're right I was in love with you. Both of us know that doesn't just go away."
"Do you mean you still have feelings for me?"
"I-I don't know. I fell for you really hard, really fast, but I was also really young. I don't really know if that qualifies as love but I thought it was. It took me a while to get over you but I finally did and I don't plan on enduring the pain of loving you for a second time."
"The pain?"
"Yeah because you didn't like me back, and it's pretty clear you don't like me now."
"What? Hana I never said that."
"Oh so you do like me now? Just because it'll be a defining factor of if I like you back or not?"
"That's not what I meant babe. I just mean to say I was in love with you too. I thought you didn't like me back so I also made myself get over it."
"Whatever Keita, I don't wanna talk about it right now."
"Are you mad at me?"
"A little."
"Not telling me sooner. You're the only one I wanted to end up with. I still think that maybe in the end after we've had our fun, it'd be nice to end up together and be childhood sweethearts, but I'm not planning my life around that."
"Well just so you know, I'm not leaving you. No matter who you date, no matter who you marry, we will always be best friends."
"Don't worry, I didn't plan on letting you go."
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 4
He Called Me Hot
*A few hours later, at the party*
Yunjin and I were secretly getting ready for the party as we didn't want Hayoon and Jiwoo asking questions. They weren't going for practical dance so they weren't even in any dance classes. Jiwoo was going for theatre and Hayoon was going for music. A knock sounded at our front door and we both looked confused, we weren't expecting anyone. I opened the door, revealing Keita and some other guy he had probably made friends with.
"Um hi... didn't know you were coming to pick me up."
"Ah well I figured I would since my roommate is dating yours who is also going to the party."
"Oh... well... uh... come in and wait I guess... we're not ready yet."
"Ok." Keita and his friend came and sat down on the couch while I went back to the bathroom where Yunjin and I were getting ready.
"Hey, your boyfriends here. He's roommate's with my best friend so they came to pick us up."
"Oh.. how sweet."
"Yeah... you almost ready?"
"Yep, just gotta finish my makeup."
"Kay, I'm gonna go put on my outfit."
(This is what she wore)
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I emerged out of my room and back into the bathroom with Yunjin. She turned and looked me up and down.
"Damnnnn girl, you look hot. You def don't look 15."
"Pfft, thanks I guess."
Together Yunjin and I emerged out of the bathroom. We walked into the living room and Yunjin greeted her boyfriend. Keita just stared at me. It was almost like he couldn't look away. The couple walked out the door ahead of us and Keita just kept staring.
"Keita you good?" I asked him, waving my hand in front of his face.
"H-huh? Yeah I'm good." He snapped back into reality, his cheeks dusted a light red.
"Like what you see huh?" I asked smirking, slightly chuckling at his response.
"Y-you could say that." He muttered under his breathe, probably hoping I wouldn't hear.
"I refuse to admit that I was staring at a 15 year old girl. Happy Birthday by the way."
"Oh God Keita, you did not just say some shit about my age. And thanks."
"Not what I meant I just don't wanna look like a perv. I'll admit your hot, but not in front of anyone else."
"D-did you just call me hot?"
"Yeah, you heard me right, but you tell anyone and I deny it."
"Who said I wanted anybody to know? I'll take that for my ears and mine only."
"Pfft okay." Keita grabbed my hand and we followed after the couple. It was only a few minutes walk to this sort of tucked away, one room cabin that the party was being held in. It was sort of hard to find a place away from the bustle, but some rich students parents manage to find a sort of seclude place for a nice vacation cabin. Yayyy, my first ever party!
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 3
First Day Jitters
Today was the official start of the SOPA school year... I was nervous as hell. It was the beginning of march and my birthday was tomorrow... so that was nice. It was beginning to get warm and sunny outside... that was also a plus. I couldn't believe that I was turning fifteen tomorrow. I also couldn't believe it was my first birthday without my parents. The only constant in my life at this point was Keita. I'm sure he would leave me soon too. In two years when he graduated he would no longer have an obligation to hang out with me. He would have new friends, we wouldn't be at the same school. I'm sure I'll loose him too.
I had made good friends with my roommates so far. Hayoon, Jiwoo, and Yunjin were all super sweet. They didn't mind the fact that I was younger and Yunjin even promised to stay with me since we were in the same grade. 
"Hey, you ready for first period?" Yunjin asked, peaking her head in the door.
"Oh yeah." I smiled, not wanting to show that I was feeling a little out of place.
"Let's go."
I walked through the halls of the crowded school trailing behind Yunjin. The day dragged on, I went in and out of classes, not really paying attention since it was all introductions. At the beginning of every class they introduced me as the exchange student. It wasn't that they didn't get very many, but apparently I had a bit of prestige around me for being such a good dancer. I mean, I wasn't really surprised, I had been dancing since I was five. All the classes were boring though, that was, until we got to dance class. Keita was in my dance class. They had a class for those that were the most advanced. Most of the students here were idols or trainees.
As soon as I saw Keita I ran and jumped into his arms. He caught me and spun around in a circle. I could feel everybody else watching us, but I didn't care. I was back in the arms of my best friend and that's all that mattered to me. 
"I missed you." I whispered into his chest.
"It been three days babe." He chuckled.
"It felt like forever." I whined.
"It did." He agreed.
"Hey, there is a party tonight for the beginning of school. You're invited, wanna come?" He asked as he pulled away from me.
"A party? Are you sure I'm invited, I'm 14?"
"Just don't act like a baby. The youngest people there are gonna be the youngest people in this room. It's kind of a popular person thing. We're popular because we're exchange students and we're really good dancers."
"Well then... yeah I guess I'll go."
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 2
An Unexpected Palace
Keita and I exited the plane excitedly. We were two teens in another country, fulfilling our dream. As we moved to the busier part of the airport, Keita grabbed my hand to make sure I wouldn't get lost. We finally made it to the exit where a staff from the School was sent to pick us up and make sure we made it safely. We got into the designated SUV and off to the school we went.
"K-Keita... I'm nervous."
"What's wrong baby?"
"We're not gonna be able to be together all the time and I'm gonna have to dorm with someone new and they're gonna be like two years older than me."
"Awh, you'll be ok. I'll hang out with you whenever you need ok? Even if it's in the middle of the night."
"B-but I dont wanna bother you."
"You wont baby. Just promise me you'll text me if you need me ok?"
"Ok, I will."
As we pulled up to the school building my jaw dropped. It was HUGE! I definitely didn't expect a whole ass palace. The staff lead us to the office of the headmistress.
"Hello. I assume you are Keita Terazono and Akahana Ezihe Adams? What an interesting name you have young lady. Oh wow... smart too, I see here you skipped a grade. You're also a very talented dancer hmm? Well, we'll get you two to your dorms right away."
A male staff appeared and told Keita to follow him to the boys dorms and a woman staff led me to my dorm. I was super nervous for what my roommates were going to be like. Hopefully they were nice and wouldn't mind that I was almost two years younger... maybe more if they mixed grades. 
"So you will have three other roommates. The rule is typically five girls to a dorm. I know it sounds like a lot, but there are five separate bedrooms in your dorm room. Hope you all make friends!" 
And with that the staff left me with a key to the dorm. I opened the door slowly and quietly, hoping not to scare the girls. I figured they would be in here since school hadn't started yet. We still had three days before the first day. As I walked in, the girls turned to look at me. They were all sitting on the couch, talking and whatever else.
"H-hi, I'm Akahana. I'm your new roommate."
"Oh heyyy, we heard we were getting another roommate! I'm Hayoon, nice to meet you! What grade are you in?"
"I'm in 10th, but I skipped a grade. I'm only 14."
"Oh my gosh, you're a baby. Wow... you must be really smart."
"I-I guess I am. I wasn't really planning on skipping a grade but my best friend signed up for the exchange program so I did too. It's only a high school though so I had to work ahead if I wanted to go."
"Aww, that's really cute, you must really be close with your best friend if you both moved from another country."
"Yeah, we're childhood bestfriends. He started out as my babysitter, but then we just got super close."
"Oh wow... baby sitter?"
"Yeah, he's two years older than me."
"Ah so he's Jiwoo's age. Well, we'll let you get settled in before we bombard you with questions."
"O-oh ok thank you."
I entered the room that didn't have a name plate on the front of it and saw a cute pink themed room. It had a big bed, two dressers, a big closet, and a cozy desk. I opened the closet and saw the school uniforms already hanging inside of it. The iconic yellow of one of the most prestigious dance school in Korea shone brightly before my eyes.
I think I'm gonna have fun here...
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 1
Together Forever
Akahana POV
"Keita! Keita!" I yelled, trying to catch up with him as he ran down the street to his house.
"Stop, just go." He yelled back at me, not turning to face me because he didn't want me to see him cry. 
"Keita will you stop and listen to me for one goddamn second." I pulled on his shirt so he couldn't run again.
"I don't want your pity and I don't want to hear your goodbye. It'll be easier on both of us if we just forget the existence of our relationship. I'm moving to an entirely knew country. You cant wait on me forever."
"You idiot." I chuckled. "Are you crying over me? Because you think you have to leave me?"
"Well, yeah. You're my best friend."
"Keita... I'm going with you." I saw his face turn from sadness, to happiness, to confusion. "Our parents talked about it, and I'm doing the exchange program too. We get to go together."
"R-really? B-but... you didn't sign up as early as I did, how would you still qualify?"
"My parents had a feeling we would both throw a tantrum if we had to leave each other so they signed me up right after you did. Plus they couldn't not accept me, I'm the best dancer in Japan."
"Right... but you're going to Korea... they have really good dancers there. And it's SOPA, a literal arts school."
"Don't worry Keita, I already got accepted."
"God I thought I was going to have to leave you. Ugh, you just saw me cry over you... you're never gonna let that go are you?"
"Nope definitely not. A 16 year old boy crying over a 14 year old girl... who could ever let that go?" I smiled widely at him. He just rolled his eyes and pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly.
"I cant believe you're only 14. You act so mature." He sighed into my hair.
"Probably because I skipped a grade."
"Huh? Since when?"
"Since I've been studying my ass off since we signed up for the exchange program so I could go to the same school as you."
"Wow... it's sad that your age didn't even cross my mind. I completely forgot that you aren't even supposed to be in high school yet."
"Dumbass, Just goes to show you only got accepted for your dance skills."
"Love you."
"Love you more."
"We should go pack."
"Yeah we leave in two days."
"Let's go." We finally broke from the hug, but held hands all the way back to our houses. The simplicity of being neighbors.
"Keita, can we go dance please?"
"Hanaaaa, I'm tired, I dont want to."
"Pleaseee, mom said I cant go without you."
"Ugh fine, I'll go."
Keita couldn't help but smile at the girl as she celebrated her victory. Akahana's dream was to be a dancer, so of course she had to force her babysitter and best friend to do it all with her. Keita couldn't say he minded, watching the girl put all her passion into dance inspired him. Even though Keita was two years older than her, they were inseparable. Even their parents found it intriguing that the young girl and the tween boy were so close. The fact that Akahana was so mature probably made it easier for the boy to forget their age difference.
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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daehee · 1 year
Don't Wanna Cry
Hi guys!! I have been in love with Keita since the first episode of boys planet. There was a time when I was going to stan Ciipher and I completely hate myself for not doing it sooner loll. Anyway, I figured now that I know who he is and enough about him to write a story, that I would go ahead and do it. I'm super excited to write this story and I hope you will all enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own the plot and characters of the story except for the idols. This story is a work of fiction and does not depict the actual people.
So without further ado... enjoy!
-Dae Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
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daehee · 1 year
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Felix+"DLC" Video MAKING FILM💛
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daehee · 1 year
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๑ ✿ : ( jeongin ) ; lockscreen !
like / reblog if u save it
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daehee · 1 year
Like who gave him permission to be this pretty?!?!
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han in his celine glasses (5-star unboxing)
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