daeminia-archive · 6 months
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~ Black | White | Yellow ~
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daeminia-archive · 7 months
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Dark Academia Autumn Setting Aesthetic
requested by @daeminia
x - x - x x - x - x x - x - x
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daeminia-archive · 8 months
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Finland 🇫🇮
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daeminia-archive · 8 months
WorldBuilding Ask Game
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Here is a little ask game for WorldBuilding in your WIP to pad out one country or all of them! Use it for yourself or ask a friend and spread some love. Focus on a particular section and have fun!
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What does your world look like? What's the biome? Are there different ones?
Are there any oceans? If so, are they accessible? Are they a reliable source of travel and food?
Are there any rivers in your world? Any lakes? What's the longest river? Deepest lake?
Is there a safe supply of drinking water? If not, why not?
Are there mountains in your world? What's the highest one?
What is the weather like? How does this effect life?
What animals inhabit the world? What animals are indigenous or considered exotic?
What are some natural features your world is famous for? Is your world considered beautiful?
How many countries in your world?
How are countries divided? By natural lines or by agreements?
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What's the population like? Is it large or sparse?
Is there any factors in population density? Do more people live in a certain area more than elsewhere? Why is that?
Are there different peoples living in your world? If so, how do they get on?
How important is nationality? Are foreigners tolerated? Or are they unwelcome?
What countries get on? What countries hate one another?
Are there any important cities? Why are they important?
What's the architecture like? Are there any outside influences?
What's a typical building material? What's considered an expensive feature to include?
What is infrastructure like? Are roads and railways in good condition?
Is there public transport? Is it reliable?
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What system of government does your world adhere to? Is it popular?
Where is the seat of government?
Are there different governmental agencies?
Are there political parties? If so, what are their goals?
How much control does the government have over the average person?
Can your people vote? If not, why not? If so, who has/hasn't the right to?
Are there any parties or organisations that oppose the government?
How does the government crack down on sedition?
Are people allowed to criticise the government? If so, how? If not, how do they get around it?
How are laws made? Who makes them?
Is there any odd laws in your world?
What are some punishments to crime? Are they considered fair?
What crimes are unfathomable for the people?
Who handles justice? Is justice obtainable for all?
Are there any police? What's their reputation?
What role does the military play in your world?
Who controls the army? Head of state or government as a whole?
Is it considered a good career path?
Who can join the army? Are there any restrictions?
What is your world's stance on war? Are there any neutral parties? Or particularly warlike ones?
Commerce and Trade
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How is trade done?
Is currency universal or dictated by region?
How is your economy going? What effects it?
What trade is your world known for?
What are some exports? What must your world import?
Are any goods considered luxurious?
What services are available in your world? What services are niche?
What sort of work is common? Is work readily available?
Who is expected to work?
Are workers treated fairly or unfairly?
Are there any ways workers are protected? If not, what are some consequences?
Is your world more reliant on technology or on labour?
Is agriculture possible in your world? If so what can your people grow?
How big is industry? What goods can your people make?
What resources can your country exploit?
What are some barriers to trade and commerce?
Is your nation known for quality? Or Quantity?
Who does your country trade with most often? Who do they boycott?
Are there any major ports in your country?
Are there any banned goods? If so, is there a black market for their purchase?
How society expect one to behave in public? Are there different expectations for different people/genders/ranks?
Is there a social order? Can one move up the ranks?
Is there any considerations made on account of rank, gender, age or position?
What is considered a social faux pas?
Are there any gestures or actions that are considered rude or socially unforgivable?
What would utterly shock somebody to see somebody do?
What are some opinions that are normal for your world but can be considered subversive in real life?
How can one rise up the status ladder? Is there much trouble to do so?
What denotes a person's place in society?
How is life different in cities compared to life in the countryside?
Daily life
Where would someone go to buy their weekly shop? Is food easy to come by?
What would be the daily routine of the wealthy? The common man?
How is hygiene handled in your world? Where does one go to spruce up?
What would be some day to day tasks one might face?
What is the favoured means of travel?
Are there any problems in your world that could effect a daily routine? Potholes? Gigantic spiders? Acid rain?
What ammenties would an average person expect to have access to?
Where would one go if they are injured or ill? What's healthcare like?
Do people feel safe where they live? Are there any places somebody might face danger?
How do people communicate? Is it difficult? Why?
What do people do for fun? What's considered normal fun versus hedonistic?
What pastimes are common? What kind aren't?
Is education valued?
Is there access to education? If so, for who?
Are the population educated? If so to what extent?
Family Life
What is the typical family set up?
Is extended family important?
Who can be considered family? Who can't be?
Is marriage considered a duty? Or is it more of a personal choice?
Is divorce possible?
Can people adopt children?
What happens to orphaned children?
Are children important? If not, why not? If so, why?
What are some typical toys children play with?
What are some games children play with one another?
How is in charge of household chores?
Is there a hierarchy in families?
Are children expected to take on certain roles?
What is the living situation like between the different ranks? Are the roles different?
What's considered the proper way to raise a child?
Culture and Languages
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Are there multiple cultures in your world? How do they differ? Do they mesh well together?
How are cultures similar? How are they different?
Are there any traditions in your world? How important is tradition?
What are some rituals your culture undertakes?
Are there any special days? Events?
What are some traditional values in your world? Does it effect daily life?
Are there traditional clothes for your world? Are they something somebody wears on a daily basis or just on occasion?
Are there any rules around what people can wear?
What would be considered formal dress? Casual dress?
What would happen if somebody wore the wrong clothes to an event?
What languages are spoken in your world? If so, how do they sound?
Are there any dialects? If so, how do they sound?
Are most people monolingual? Or bilingual? Or multilingual?
Are there any languages that are closely related?
What is considered a universal language?
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Is religion a thing in your world?
Is religion a staple of life or just a small part?
Does religion affect politics, personal lives and affiliations?
Is your world sectarian? Or ruled by religion?
What are some influences religion has on daily life?
What sort of religion is it? Monotheistic? Polytheistic?
What are some myths your people believe in?
What common rituals does one undertake on a day to day basis?
How does one please a deity?
Where do your people pray? How do they?
What symbols would denote a follower of a certain belief system to a stranger?
What places or objects are considered sacred?
Are there religious orders? If so, who can join?
Is there tolerance or violence over religion? If so, between which faiths?
Food and Drink
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What are some traditional dishes in your world?
What would be a basic diet for the common man?
What's considered a delicacy?
Is there a societal difference in diet? What are the factors that effect diet between classes?
Is there any influence from other cuisines? If not, why not? If so, to what extent?
What would a typical breakfast contain?
What would lunch be?
What would be a typical dinner?
What meals are served during the day?
What's considered a comfort food or drink?
Are there any restrictions on who can eat what or when?
Are there any banned foods?
What stance does your world take on alcohol? Is it legal? Can anybody consume it?
Are there any dining customs? Are traditions?
Is there a difference in formal meals or casual meals? If so, what's involved?
Are there any gestures or actions unacceptable at the dinner table?
How are guests treated at meals? If they are given deference, how so?
Are there certain rules about how one can prepare food?
Are there any restrictions on eating with certain people?
How is food generally prepared by?
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Who are some notable figures from history?
Who founded the country?
Is history looked back on with fondness? Or do your people rather forget?
Are there any heroes in history? Any villains?
What are some highpoints in the history of your land?
What are some points of history nobody likes to speak about?
Does history effect your land, people, culture, language in the present? If so in what ways?
What historic monuments are still around in the present day? What has been lost?
How do people learn about history? Do they learn the truth? Or just an abridged version?
What's a historical event that is important to the story?
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daeminia-archive · 9 months
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London, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
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daeminia-archive · 10 months
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daeminia-archive · 10 months
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Vermont 🇺🇸
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daeminia-archive · 10 months
now that im getting the hang of toyhouse worlds, i am slowly developing and moving Daeminia's lore to there for ease of access :)
once i have at least the basics up there i might start inviting people who have Daeminia OCs or who would be interested in joining as part of the world group
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daeminia-archive · 10 months
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daeminia-archive · 11 months
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by floatingheavy
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daeminia-archive · 11 months
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“ Being alone in nature “ // Michael Hochsprung
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daeminia-archive · 1 year
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Hanham Court, Bristol, England | @hanhamcourt 
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daeminia-archive · 1 year
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Autumn Cloak // Amy Rushworth on Etsy
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daeminia-archive · 1 year
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daeminia-archive · 1 year
there are no cars or automobiles of any sort in this world though.
you will catch me dead before you see me use cars in a fantasy world <3
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daeminia-archive · 1 year
The Setting of Daeminia
The aesthetic of the setting is a mix of medieval fantasy Europe and the golden era of 1920s America, with the smaller villages and towns and most settings taking inspiration from the former, and larger cities and their technologies taking inspiration from the latter.
More details about the setting and cultures of the world under the cut.
Weather and Climates
The landscape of the world itself is divided among the four courts, each experiencing an eternal everlasting season of the respective court (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). Each Court then has its own near consistent climate and weather, which are all based on the American Midwest climates. Springs are rainy but warm, summers are hot, autumn experiences cooling temperatures with some rain, and winter is bitter cold with lots of snow though the further you travel within the Winter Court the more arctic it becomes. Natural disasters and varied weather phenomena can occur in each Court; spring is susceptible to floods, summer to droughts, autumn to tornadoes, and winter to blizzards.
There are different ethnic languages in Daeminia. The most widely spoken is called Common, a mixture of borrowed words and syntax from other languages to form a language of common ground. Then, there's Volish which is mostly spoken in avian-monster communities. Another is Lochian, which is mostly spoken in merfolk communities. There is an ancient language written on archaic stones and literatures called Issu, but most of it has been lost to time; regardless, the Cosmic Deities favor this one.
Religion and Philosophies
The Cosmic Deities are real and tangible creation entities, and because of this a religion has formed around them called Cosmaeism (cause-may-ism). This is the most widely practiced religion that focuses on the absoluteness of creation and of reincarnation. Those who believe in Cosmaeism often believe that everything that is born from Chaos is perfect, and to go against this form is to disgrace and insult Chaos. Cosmists are very traditional, and often puts much of the expectation for others in society.
Due to the god-like and reincarnative nature of Major Daemons, there are also religions that sprout revolving them, making different religions, cults, and pantheons as numerous as there are stars in the sky. Even a single household can claim a patron/matron/atron deity for worship. However, there are a few Major Daemons that are widely accepted as major atrons to different races.
Akua - Major Daemon of water, oceans, lakes, etc.; atron of all Muruch
Aer - Major Daemon of air, flying, and wind; atron of all Volans
Terra'Ignis - Major Daemon of earth, metals, fire, and renovation; atron of humans
Because the monarchs of the four courts are also Major Daemons, and their powers are passed on to their children, some cults have sprouted surrounding the worship of the god kings. These modes of worship are collectively referred to as Singulataric.
Animals and Wildlife
There are two subtypes of animals: mundane animals, also known in slang terms as "moonies," and familiars. Moonies are normal Earth animals, such as your every day squirrel, cat, fish, or dog. Familiars however tread on the path of more fantastical creatures, and have or are able to use magic. Some familiars are hunted for their magical product or serve other uses.
Examples of familiars:
Hrelk: A large fanged deer that is the size of a horse; used for land transportation.
Hippogriff: large half-horse half-bird griffin; used for air transportation
Wobby (p. Wobbies): medium-sized axolotl-cat hybrids with dog behavior; often kept as pets by Muruch
Dragons: varied in size and shape, often kept as pets by royals or used as vehicles of war
The upper scale of Minor Daemons and Major Daemons tend to wear drapes and loose-fitting robes, as it is the most versatile clothing style to cover their large or inhuman shapes.
Spring Court
Daemons of the Spring Court often wear floral-themed dresses and robes; colors include pinks, light blues, and mint greens. Fashion here is more suggestive and appeals more to sexualized taste. Even raincoats manufactured here are notable for being inefficient. Those with inhuman shapes can get by with simple drapes or nudity. Silk is prized here.
Summer Court
Daemons of the Summer Court often have clothing without sleeves, which extends into formal wear with sleeveless suits. Those with more inhuman shapes can get by with simple drapes or nudity. The Summer Court is the leader of the fashion industry, and so styles are very individualistic but trending. Cotton is prized here.
Autumn Court
Daemons of the Autumn Court tend to have a homely and comfortable preference towards fashion. Light scarves and cardigans are favored with muted color palettes and bright orange accents. They have no preference in the material of their clothes. Those with inhuman shapes tend to have articles of clothing made from branches and leaves and some animal furs or have magic that lets these things grow out of them naturally.
Winter Court
Daemons of the Winter Court are tightly bundled in warm furs and long coats. Fashion does not matter compared to the need to stay warm. Color palettes are either muted or high contrast with black and white and greys being the most common. Daemons with inhuman shapes have thick fur growing from their bodies. Bones are considered decorative, and it is not uncommon to see bones or skulls used as Keys.
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daeminia-archive · 1 year
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I drew this a while ago but Rutaci would be a centaur/Lynel-like creature.
This would make him a Belua, but he renounced his higher class years ago and now chooses to live as a farmer ignoring the judgemental looks of those who think of him a disgrace for his kind. Originally from Summer Court, he moved to the Autumn Court to have an easier time with crops and harvests. He's particularly strong in the use of fire magic.
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