//Hello! I am moving both Tomohiro and Samuel to my other blog since it’s extremely hard for me to long onto this blog with my computer. I will be reblogging everything without a reply to save it to my likes. Please if you wish to, follow me over at caillet-cuimhni!
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//Hello! I am moving both Tomohiro and Samuel to my other blog since it’s extremely hard for me to long onto this blog with my computer. I will be reblogging everything without a reply to save it to my likes. Please if you wish to, follow me over at caillet-cuimhni!
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//Hello! I am moving both Tomohiro and Samuel to my other blog since it’s extremely hard for me to long onto this blog with my computer. I will be reblogging everything without a reply to save it to my likes. Please if you wish to, follow me over at caillet-cuimhni!
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//Hello! I am moving both Tomohiro and Samuel to my other blog since it’s extremely hard for me to long onto this blog with my computer. I will be reblogging everything without a reply to save it to my likes. Please if you wish to, follow me over at caillet-cuimhni!
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“Thanks,” The demon’s voice was quiet as he spoke. He was quite embarrassed from the situation at hand, but that was only because he never expected such a thing to happen to him. “A-Ah, they are the heavier weights.” Samuel doubted that the other really needed a warning. Handing the exercise equipment off to the other male he stepped off to the side so that he could reach up at a better angle.  The raven could feel energy pouring from the human beside him, though there was no corruption in his aura. Meaning that he was a regular human with abnormal abilities. It wasn’t rare to come by, though he was interested whenever he had met one. Samuel wasn’t about to let their interaction die there. “What kind of training do you do? I’ve been working out for two years, but barely have any muscle mass.” 
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⊱✯: The sun rose, birds chirped and the streets were slowly but surely filled with more and more cars and people, the beginning of a new day, well for most of them, as for Fleur it was the end of a long night shift at work, though others might be tired at this point, but the silver haired young woman wasn’t, after all she was used to this, and to be honest she enjoyed such work shifts.
       Her heels made slight sounds on the ground as she walked down the street, her headphones as always covering her sensitive ears. Most of the time, after a long night shift, Fleur would either go straight home or visit her favorite bakery, work makes hungry after all and this time it was going to be the same ever again. Her feet taking her directly to the shop, quickly she reached her destination. 
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      Her hand resting on the door handle, entering the shop with a soft smile. “Good morning!“ As always, be polite, greet. Flour never missed to do that, especially not here. No matter what she felt, a smile will always grace her lips, never will anyone get to see the real Fleur behind that mask.
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⊱✯: Hip long, raven colored hair was softly caressed by the wind as a delicate figure walked through the campus, pressing a couple of books against her chest, her face had the same expression as always - stern and unapproachable. Studying medicine wasn’t something that easy, but Lauren was a fighter, no matter how much time it would take she’ll succeed in becoming one of the best doctors, she wants to be able to save other’s life, she doesn’t want to be so weak, so useless anymore, not the way she had been before, this time she’ll save them all, no matter what. And actually Lauren was well-known in the lessons as she was definitely a swot, it was as if she knew everything, really. Though it wasn’t like that at all, she still had to study a lot more.
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       Taking a breath, closing her eyes for a second, the student went to a small café at the campus, to study a bit. It might be weird but she preferred such filled places for her studying over the library. As she entered the café a black haired young man was standing in her way, not able to reach her favorite spot in the whole café. Frowning, purple eyes stared at the stranger. “Please, move aside.“ Her voice was soft, yet there was such a strong, demanding and stern undertone in it, that was typically Lauren.
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“Don’t worry I’ll be fine,” Samuel wasn’t one to be nervous, but in this situation he couldn’t help feeling a bit frightened. The woman’s aura held a certain light to it. For anyone else that could see auras that would be a good thing. This certain light was something that could injure him severely. The pain in his leg would be nothing if it turned out that she had the powers he thought she did. “…I’m a pretty quick healer, so I’ll be alright.” 
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The demon couldn’t help his irritation whenever he was forced into situations like these. His counterpart had become far too nervous, and it was likely that he would have ended up revealing their little secret if he wasn’t in control. What Samuel didn’t understand was why he’d be so nervous from just interacting with a few of his classmates, but then again he wasn’t exactly the wallflower Tomohiro was. Since it was the beginning of the semester everyone was new to the class. The goal of the activity was to get to know the other students by talking to them for fifteen minutes before switching partners. Both he and Tomohiro agreed that they’d rather be alone, though it wasn’t like they could disobey a professor without getting into trouble.  Plopping down into a chair that was across from another student; Samuel’s eyes widened the slightest bit. He had been feeling something…off about someone in the room. It wasn’t until he appeared before the male that he was able to know who it was. That isn’t the body’s original soul. He thought to himself as he glanced at the other from the corner of his eye. Once he had heard the word “begin” resonate through the room; the demon turned to completely face his partner.
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“Hello my name is Tomohiro. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Samuel had become a formidable actor over the last two years. Taking up someone else’s person was difficult; especially since both of them were quite different from one another. Letting his smile drop a bit; blue hues gazed at the other male. “Sorry, I’m not the best at the sort of activities. So forgive me if I’m not the best person to socialize with.” 
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What made Tomohiro initially stop in his tracks was the shadow that quickly passed by him. From what he could sense the being was full of negative energy, though before he could grasp exactly what it was the being was out of his reach for sensing. Shaking his head the raven only wandered a few steps forward before someone ran into him. The force of the impact sent him falling to the ground; landing all of his weight on the arm that barely held him up. He felt lucky that his body could endure more since Samuel had forcibly entered his body. Falling like that would have usually ended up with at least a fracture. The stranger’s voice caught his attention. Glancing at the red head; the demon picked himself off the ground. He rose a hand to scratch the back of his neck out of nervousness. This happened more often than he thought it would, though it wasn’t doing any harm to him.
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“It’s…It’s okay. Really,” His gaze had cast down towards the ground. It didn’t take him too long to notice the sandwich that had fallen. “You shouldn’t eat and run…and if you want I can get you a new lunch.”
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"I...I think it's cute that you fall asleep on people." (THIS IS SO RANDOM, BUT OH GOD TOMOHIRO REALLY JUST WANTED TO LET VERGIL KNOW THAT.)
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                   “Eh..? Really? I think it’s more troublesome than cute. I mean most people find it irritating.”
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♗ (Tomohiro and Vergil~!)
♗ Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse’s lap. - daemon-mancipium
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                   “…Tomohiro?” The weight in his lap suddenly became a lot quieter as time went by. Vergil’s voice was nothing more than a questioning whisper, already able to tell exactly why the shorter male had stilled. Tomohiro had fallen asleep, and whilst they seemed perfectly comfortable beforehand, Vergil’s nerves suddenly picked up. Usually it was he who fell asleep on someone. This… This was a first. All he could do for the time being was stare down at the male, far too confused for his own good. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t wake him; he looked so peaceful the way he was.
                   Vergil lifted a hand, hovering it over darker locks hesitantly. Would touching his head be too much…? Would it make him wake up? Nervously biting his lip, he settled for gently patting Tomohiro’s head before twirling strands of hair between his fingers. Mm… Maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all. A small smile made its way onto his features as he relaxed more. It wasn’t bad at all.
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//Hello! I am moving both Tomohiro and Samuel to my other blog since it’s extremely hard for me to long onto this blog with my computer. I will be reblogging everything without a reply to save it to my likes. Please if you wish to, follow me over at caillet-cuimhni!
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Semi-Hiatus Extended
//As I said on my other blog my internet has been extremely screwy recently. We are signing a new contract with a different internet company as soon as possible. By the end of this month I should have better internet! I apologize to everyone, but I promise I will be back on as soon as possible!
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//I apologize for being inactive. My computer has been really screwing up again, my class is due soon, and I slept for over a day. 
I will be going on a six day Hiatus, but it should be no longer than that! My other blog will be active since my computer actually lets me log onto it without any problems. You can find me here.
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“I guess I’ll be the judge of that whenever your next match is,” He wanted to surprise Andrew and come to one of his games unannounced, though it seemed that it would be impossible to do so without knowing when they were scheduled. Ever since they had met Tomohiro had been interested in seeing him play. He was always bombarded with papers and exams, so that was the only reason he had yet to see the brunet play. “Since I’m on break I’ll finally get to see you in action.” The one question the demon wanted to avoid at all costs was said out loud. His hold on the shirt sleeve only tightened slightly as he tried to come up with an excuse. “...My friend ended up slipping something into my drink. I don’t really remember that night.” It was a terrible lie, though the words left his mouth flawlessly. He had delivered the line perfectly despite his hatred for deceiving other’s. It was much easier coming up with a lie than explaining the truth. Plus, he would have sounded insane. That was something he didn’t want in the slightest. Hearing the compliment his cheeks heated up the slightest bit. Their color turning pink. He wasn’t used to being complimented. The raven was a wallflower that didn’t get noticed too often. “T-Thank you,” He managed to speak after a few moments of silence. It wasn’t that he was nervous. The fact was that he was complimented by someone he found cool. “I never thought so either, but I actually grew fond of the design so I decided to keep it instead of getting it removed.” 
          Andrew scratched the back of his head upon hearing the statement that Hiro’s opinion were to stay, no matter what. It sounded a bit surreal to Andrew, knowing that people changed their minds rather quickly (especially when it came to hockey). One day they could approve of something, or someone and the next they could be on the opposite side booing them, shooing them and not even looking in their direction. However, when eyes were locked, Andrew could not help but to slightly warm up within his chest; maybe Hiro was different?
          “…Mm, you’d have to see my nature before you make up your mind though,” he said with a small, sheepish laugh as he looked away ( it really wasn’t a good trait of his).
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          Andrew tilted his head. How could tattoos not be impressive? He was a sucker for body art and body modification in general, something that probably added a certain amount of enthusiasm. “ How can you not remember it?! I heard that those things hurt a lot.” Blue eyes blinked as the other started removing clothing, and as inked skin soon came to sight Andrew automatically leaned in closer to take a look at it.
          “wow! It looks so cool! I never thought that Hiro of all people would carry such a large thing on his body ~ “ Andrew said as he glanced up, smirking lightly before allowing his attention to fall back on the inked lines on the other’s skin. He had a thing for the scent of tattoos and ink as well; in fact, he was a little jealous of it…
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What made Tomohiro initially stop in his tracks was the shadow that quickly passed by him. From what he could sense the being was full of negative energy, though before he could grasp exactly what it was the being was out of his reach for sensing. Shaking his head the raven only wandered a few steps forward before someone ran into him. The force of the impact sent him falling to the ground; landing all of his weight on the arm that barely held him up. He felt lucky that his body could endure more since Samuel had forcibly entered his body. Falling like that would have usually ended up with at least a fracture. The stranger’s voice caught his attention. Glancing at the red head; the demon picked himself off the ground. He rose a hand to scratch the back of his neck out of nervousness. This happened more often than he thought it would, though it wasn’t doing any harm to him.
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“It’s...It’s okay. Really,” His gaze had cast down towards the ground. It didn’t take him too long to notice the sandwich that had fallen. “You shouldn’t eat and run...and if you want I can get you a new lunch.”
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Stuffing his face like usual, the thick male made his way down a street before noticing something really strange. Giving a few glares he noticed it was a monster! Thus he quickly ran after it while still eating his sandwich. “You’re not gonna get away!” He yelled out with a mouth full of food, but was stopped once running hard into someone else. Dropping his lunch, the male took a few steps back and sighed. “…A-ah! I’m sorry!” 
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