daemonshot-blog · 6 years
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CHERRY KISSED. hi, it’s me, back on my love for pink girls! pink girls who are treated badly by the creator & by the fans are times because they get in the way of ships or whatever, pink girls who can KICK YOUR ASS TO THE MOON AND BACK WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT! anyways, this is a blog for the best girl™, sakura haruno! sorta based off my own interp. for her, but also following canon! anyways hi, please follow, and i will FEED YOU ALL GOOD GIRL CONTENT!
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
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CHERRY KISSED. hi, it’s me, back on my love for pink girls! pink girls who are treated badly by the creator & by the fans are times because they get in the way of ships or whatever, pink girls who can KICK YOUR ASS TO THE MOON AND BACK WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT! anyways, this is a blog for the best girl™, sakura haruno! sorta based off my own interp. for her, but also following canon! anyways hi, please follow, and i will FEED YOU ALL GOOD GIRL CONTENT!
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
sorry for being really inactive lately. im just really sick and have no motivation?? im on disc.ord if you want to add me ( goomy #5048 ) if you wanna plot write or whatever. but yeah! hope you all are doing well!
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
hey @ square
put demyx in kh3 you cowards
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
hiatus until the end of school!
i never made it official but i’ve been so. so sick. and combined with the fact i have to do school work? take four exams after not being in school for months? can i get a mcfucking uhhhhhhh but yeah! i’ll still be lurking, just MAYBE NOT WRITING! i still love prompto though, my limp noodle of a son, but writing rn isn’t my ... friend. aw heckie.
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
hey does anyone have a photo.shop cs6 free dl or whatever for windows / pc? i lost mine trying to clear up storage and not thinking before i Act ......... please i can’t find anything and suffering ( tm )
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
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❝ lasagna is meat cake, cake is chocolate lasagna. ❞
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
“How kind of you, darling.” Her voice was as sweet but words as false of her belief in human religion. She is undoubtedly bored with the offer, seeing the other blush & skip over his words so nervously. A common occurrence when encountering the embodiment of desire but she does not hold it against him. All he was, all he ever could be, was just another hourglass meant to break when the last grain of sand passed. She crosses her arms under her chest, amusingly watching before shrugging.
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“One would think that, but even I begin to wonder what food taste like. Though, it does assist me in out drinking others.” Not that she could realistically get drunk like a human, but it helped her get out of horrid drinking games men created. “Though, sweets never caught my attention. I find them to be a bit childish for someone like me.”
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DARLING, how odd it was to be called such by someone oh - so lovely. ( was he complaining? no. it always felt nice to be something usually gifted towards someone with adoration. ) ❝ only speak the truth, angelface. ❞ was he going to counter with his own nickname, spoken out in a sickenly sweet tone? yes, absolutely.
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❝ ‘m gonna assume, based off everything you said, you won’t get any sort of alcohol poisoning then? considering you can outdrink others and all! ❞ tone rising up into something chipper, bouncing on his soles as hands go to intertwine with one another, resting behind his back as he lets out a soft hum. ❝ what kind of cuisine does the prisitine lady enjoy then? savory, how about meat? i’m not sure, are you the type to enjoy sourness? considering there is fruity wine and other alcoholic beverages, would it be odd to assume you enjoy things of that nature? ❞
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
❛ my strength is not in steel and fire, but in my intellect and will. ❜
@defidelitas / meme.
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ARE WE NOT ALL SOME PAWN OF A TWISTED FATE? their paths planned out for them since eons before, since before they were more than a singular thought in the minds of many; they had no time to argue against, no time to change how the story would be played out. easy it was to become a lamb gone astray, but even easier for a shepherd to force you back onto the road to fulfill your destiny, whether you desired it or not. ( he was one who dealt with this; one who experienced things too much, or too less. it wasn’t fair, but in this game called life, of which etro laughed at from above, was anything fair? ) 
he is filled with dread and desire; dread of the pressure of it all, the dread of failing, but the desire of knowing, of proving those who said he wouldn’t make it / he would only drag them down wrong — he was an old dog who could learn new tricks, he was the one who would bring them all down to their knees in a split second, if things called for it. ( then again, with the blood that coursed through his veins, he suspected it wouldn’t be too surprising of someone like him to pull such a stunt. ) ❝ hey, iggy? ❞ his tone was soft - spoken, eyes blinking in a tired, lazily done motion as he tilt his head upwards to send a look towards the taller, from where he sat on the ground with legs pulled up to his chest, scar covered arms wrapped around lower limbs. a twitch of the corner of his lips, front teeth beginning to show as the start of a cat - like smile began to emerge. ❝ will you teach me how to find my own strength, or in the very least, how to accept that i’m not as useless as my mind may tell me? ❞ it ‘twas a start, in the very least. the first way to the accpetance was knowledge, confidence; prompto didn’t care if it took months, days even, he’d overcome it. he wouldn’t fall back, give into weakness anymore. he was 
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
vibraea replied to your post: prompto feeds the sabertusks and zus. theyre his...
then he gets eaten
its like the naga incident all over except this time they have to rescue him from her stomach
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
prompto feeds the sabertusks and zus. theyre his friends now.
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
kinmokujin replied to your post: i love lunafreya
what are ur feelings on lunafreya tho
she could beat me up behind a mcdonalds at 5 am and leave me for the raccoons and id thank her
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
i love lunafreya
i love lunafreya
i love lunafreya
i love lunafreya
i love lunafreya
i love lunafreya
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
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          ❝ You keep looking at my arm. There’s nothing special hidden, if that’s what you’re thinking of. ❞          @daemonshot / starter call
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❝ NAH, THAT’S NOT IT! ❞ golden boy topped off with golden smile, dimples showing as his hip cocks out to the side, fingers folding together than unfolding where they laid hidden in his pockets. ❝ it sorta. . . suits you! the look, that is; the entire aesthetic is pleasing to the eyes. your entire being is pleasing to the eyes. w - wait, that sounds oddly. . — no no, please don’t take it that way! ❞ cheeks glow red at how his words sound, the urge to hide his face in his hands almost UNBEARABLE, yet he remained strong.  ❝ we all have our own secrets, don’t you think? i won’t push you to tell, but just know — i think you look really cool! ❞
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
You blossom under kindness, don’t you? Like a rose.
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel’s Inferno  (via wordsnquotes)
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
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KNOCK KNOCK, YOU RAW TURKEY BREAST! hyou’re turning eighteen tomorrow, turning into the ult. age where you can run away with your oompa loompa looking ass anime boys. that’s gay as SHIT, but you know what is even more gay? that we’ve been friends for years. 2013, maybe earlier, and up until now, i’ve seen you grow so much. i’ve seen you enter various phases, and joined you as well in them, hell, without befriending YOU i wouldn’t be where i am today! writing prompto, into final fantasy, and most of all -- not an immature ass chunky monkey who was still friends with... yeah. yeah. you’ve helped me grow so much, you’ve helped me learn to be a better person. you’ve taught me so much, and ripped my ass into two then glued it back together with, ‘ use this knowledge to better yourself and not be a piece of shit. ‘ we’ve had bad days, bad encounters, and i won’t try and sugarcoat that with i thought i was going to lose our bonds, but each time? we’ve stuck through. you’ve been there for me during the roughest patches of my life, and i cannot thank you enough for that. i cannot thank you enough for being my FRIEND! 
i’ve seen you improve on your writing, i’ve seen you improve on your characters. back in the day when you fucking wrote your muse kick around someones head like a soccer ball because of something involving her boyfriend, to... something involving strap on boobs? i don’t remember the context entirely, but.. yeah. your art has improved so much too, so fucking much. you’ve developed your own styles completely, your style differs for each muse your draw! you take your characters and develope them in such a positive way, that the actual canon would completely fuck over. you give the endings meaning, and fill in the holes the actual creators left, making more sense than anything they could’ve wrote. not to mention, you take the shit endings and make them ten times better! you’ve gained confidence in your stories, in your art; the day you combine both of these things to make your webcomics i will scream so loudly your ass can hear me from states away. even when we aren’t friends anymore, i will still support you and your creations, it’s the least i can do. i’m sorta rambling on at this point but i really do treasure you bry. i’m glad you’ve overcome everything thrown at you, i’m glad you’ve recovered from the things people threw at you in the past. with bad partners, bad friends; i’m so glad you’re doing better now, and hopefully things will continue to be good for you until the end.
love u, weesnaw! take care, okay? and i hope you have a great birthay!! tell your dog i say hi too. i love that little bean. lima bean. 
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daemonshot-blog · 6 years
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Luna taming Prom’s chocobo butt 🌸🌸🌸
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