dafuqifiknowblog · 20 days
My laptop ran an update while I was sleeping last night which would've been fine except that the fan pad it sits on has rgb lights that fire up whenever the the computer first powers on, so in the middle of the night my computer finished its restart sequence and this happened:
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dafuqifiknowblog · 22 days
We don’t talk about Logan holding that smoking bullet between his teeth and saying “I don’t fucking care.” in DP&W enough for me. 🫠
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Yeeeah I couldn’t find a gif but I got a clip from twitter and whew 😩💦🥴🫠
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dafuqifiknowblog · 22 days
a pain slut if i've ever seen one
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dafuqifiknowblog · 1 month
I kinda laugh when I see *age gap* as a tag on a fic with Logan in it. I'm always like, well no duh the dudes 200+ years old. Of course, there's an age gap.
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dafuqifiknowblog · 1 month
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dafuqifiknowblog · 1 month
(creds in the video)
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dafuqifiknowblog · 1 month
btw dating sucks as a concept.
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dafuqifiknowblog · 2 months
Netflix knew what they were doing with this man
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dafuqifiknowblog · 2 months
Texts Kenji Sato would send you part 2
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He's drunk in this one
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dafuqifiknowblog · 6 months
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dafuqifiknowblog · 7 months
Just Gale romance things.
Waking up to the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast, which he brings you in bed.
Laying his head in your lap as you play with his hair, asking you about your day.
Cozy evenings reading by a crackling fire, sitting in comfortable silence.
Gale softly reciting poetry as you lay in bed together, holding you close, his intimate words only meant for your ears.
Watching the sunset over a glass of good wine as Gale tells you about a new spell he’s learning.
Gale’s hand always finding yours, squeezing gently and finding it hard to let go.
Playful kisses on the cheek when you aren’t expecting it.
Bookstore dates, thumbing through old texts and buying way more books than you could ever read.
Gale smelling of leather and well-worn pages of a book as he kisses you in the back of the shop.
Catching Gale staring at you, his eyes full of warmth and awe at you, even when you’re doing the most mundane things.
Trying new recipes together, laughing in the kitchen.
Gale whispering between passionate kisses that he wishes he could marry you again and again and again, how his love for you goes beyond all planes and dimensions, your love so profound not even the most prolific poet could put on paper.
Dozing off in one another’s arms, Gale’s heart beyond full, knowing you loved him for him, He could be his true self, the real Gale Dekarios with you.
And he wants nothing more than you and him, like this, forever.
Help, I love him.
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dafuqifiknowblog · 8 months
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I just heard "daddy halsin" in halsin's voice and my ears have never been more blessed. You can be my daddy.....
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dafuqifiknowblog · 8 months
A Light To Break All Shadows
Just a fluffy little Halsin x Tav fic to keep the darkness at bay. Also on AO3, if you prefer. Thank you for reading! 💕
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
Tav is eyeing Halsin suspiciously from the opposite end of Art’s bedside, where he’s been keeping watch over the sick man for days. At least, Halsin thinks it’s been days– perhaps three (or maybe four?) at the most. It is difficult to keep track in the Shadowlands.
At any rate, he cannot answer her immediately, which means his answer is insufficient.
“If you have to think about it,” Tav continues, “It’s been too long.”
She has a point.
He is exhausted, as they all are, but cannot bring himself to rest. They are so close– he is so close– to finding the child that will save them, to ending the hundred-year darkness, to restoring light and balance to the land. 
And Art Cullagh, ill as he is, is the key that will unlock their victory, so Halsin feels as though he must protect him every moment, must stay by his side in case he should wake, or take a turn. 
For days, he has persisted, spurred on by his stamina and willpower. For days, he has waited and watched. Now the idea of sleep falls on him like a spell. 
“It is my duty.” He protests. “I will see this through.” “You will,” she agrees, “When you wake. These people will need you in the days to come. And they will need you to be rested.”
She is playing to his sense of responsibility, he knows, but he is too tired to argue. Reluctantly, he nods his agreement. 
When he rises from his chair, it seems that all his centuries of existence catch up to him at once, his joints and muscles burning. He feels old and sore and weary as he drags himself toward an empty bed.
“Go on,” Tav commands gently. She feels like a mother nudging a child off to sleep. “Even the greatest leaders need rest.”
“Then you ought to rest yourself.”
She laughs at that, though Halsin means it. He knows so few who are so capable, so resilient, so kind. She has already accomplished so many things that he could not, not in hundreds of years of practice.
“You flatter me,” Tav smiles, but Halsin shakes his head. 
“You are extraordinary.” 
His gaze is on her when he says it, on her eyes and mouth and hands, the way her armor cleaves to her, the way her weapon rests against her hip. In another place, another time, another life, he would have had her already, would have known her inside and out if she asked him to. 
And she had asked him to, once, before they came here. He remembers. At the time he had denied her as gently as he could, in the knowledge that what was growing between them, if cultivated, could later prove a distraction, a weakness. 
But gods, he had wanted her then. He wants her still. 
Yet such urges, much like sleep, must be suppressed. At least for now.
Tav stares back at him with wide eyes until she feels a flush come over her cheeks. She turns her face away, just slightly, so that Halsin will not see. 
“Well.” She clears her throat, and redirects. “I’ll rest before we go scouting tomorrow. And I’ll watch Art while you sleep.” 
“As you say.” 
In his dreams, he is back in the Shadowfell, that sunless, cursed place. 
At his feet are bodies, Harper and druid and shade alike. He knows their faces, their names, their stories. Here is Atlan, a boy from his own grove, no more than eighteen years of age. Halsin had cured him once of pox, had later mentored him in the healing arts. 
And here, Jehan the Harper, who had just received word that his wife was expecting. Twins, he’d announced, over a round of drinks at Last Light. 
And Moranna, the Selunite priestess who had blessed them again and again on their journey, had prayed over them and shielded them to the best of her ability. 
All lost to the shadows, corrupted beyond recognition. All dead, cut down by his hand. 
Halsin does his best to avoid stepping on them as he presses onward, each step a battle of its own. The weight of darkness seems to crush him, seems to drain the very life out of his body. 
His god is nowhere here. 
There comes a voice through the black night, distant, disembodied. Halsin, the shadows whisper, and whisper again, closer. Halsin. 
Wildly he turns and swings his glaive, hitting nothing, the panic rising in his throat, and–
“Halsin!” Tav exclaims, blocking a swing of his fist with her forearm. 
She is sitting at the edge of his bed looking concerned, frightened even. His skin is slicked with sweat, his breathing heavy, his body tangled in the bed linens. 
Immediately, a white-hot shame rushes over him, that he should be the one to cause her fear. 
That he should strike at her, even unconsciously, his savior, his ally. His friend, though that is too weak a word for the feeling that grows within him, wraps around his heart like wild ivy. 
“Forgive me,” he pants, “I was–” 
I was lost in the darkness, he means to say, I was frightened and alone, but the words stick in his throat like flies in honey.
Yet Tav seems to know already, a tenderness softening the furrows of her brow. Not pity, he notes. Understanding. 
She has seen equivalent horrors, has seen friends fall and foes flourish and still, and still, keeps fighting toward goodness, toward light. He aches with the thought that she might have such nightmares, that she might know firsthand how he feels now. 
But she soothes him, reaches out to wipe the sweat from his brow, her touch as light and cool as an evening breeze. 
“It’s alright,” she promises. “You don’t have to explain. You are safe here.”
Halsin lets out a breath he’s been holding for too long. It has been many years since he was last comforted, truly comforted. He is so accustomed to doing the comforting that he has almost forgotten what it feels like to be on the receiving end. 
Tenderness is no stranger to him– many of his lovers have been gentle, have been sweet– but none have ever known his burdens, none have carried them, taken them on as their own. Here is one who has, who does, who will, if he will let her. 
He takes Tav’s hand in his and guides it, flattens her palm over the rabbit-fast beat of his heart, breathing deeply, willing it to slow. He wants to say, Thank you, then, I love you, but it’s too soon, he thinks, too desperate, no matter how true. 
“Thank you,” Halsin allows, and swallows the rest. 
Tav smiles at him then, a soft, bright thing, like a single star in the night sky. The true last light in the Shadowlands. 
“Shall I stay with you?”
“Art–,” Halsin starts, but she shakes her head calmly, knowingly. “He’s sleeping soundly. Seems his bad dreams have come to visit you.”
“I do not wish to burden you with something so trivial.”
“You could not burden me,” Tav says quietly. “But I will leave, if you prefer.” 
Her thumb strokes over his chest, her hand still pressed against him. His pulse quickens again at so intimate, so innocent a touch. Halsin wonders if she can feel it.
“I prefer your presence, always. But you need your own rest.” 
“Very well.” 
Her palm slips from him as she rises to her feet, and he thinks for a moment that he’s made a mistake, has waved off her kindness, dismissed her.
Rather, she motions for him to move over and climbs slowly, wordlessly into the bed next to him. He finds himself lifting the sheets for her, inviting her in without hesitation. 
She’s changed, he realizes as she comes close, her armor cast aside for the day. Her nightclothes make her look, make her feel smaller, softer. He wants so badly to slip his hands beneath the fabric, to see how soft she is beneath. 
“Is this alright?” Tav whispers, looking earnestly into his eyes. Her fingertips flit over his cheek, brushing a lock of his hair behind his ear. “Are you alright?”
The bed is small and Halsin is not, and she is pressed against him like a flower between the pages of a book. He can only nod. 
“I will rest here then, with you.”
In the gentlest act he can or will ever remember, she leans forward and kisses his eyes as if bestowing a blessing upon them, a ward against the darkness.
Halsin wakes again in near-total silence, save the gentle inhale-exhale of Tav’s breathing beside him. He doesn’t know how much time has passed, and for the first time in a long time, doesn’t mind. 
Instead, he is aware of how peaceful he feels in this moment, sheltered from the dangers beyond the inn, aware that at one point or another he had let go of his worry and settled deep into dreaming. The earlier tension in his muscles has melted into a tired ache, as if he is returning from a very long walk in the Grove. 
And she is here, wrapped in his arms. A light to break all shadows.
He can’t be sure when it happened. The shift had been imperceptible, like the feeling of falling asleep, or falling in love.
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dafuqifiknowblog · 8 months
Me: yknow I don’t think I’m gonna do a gale romance this time
Gale: gets down on his knees in front of Tav when explaining the netherse orb
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dafuqifiknowblog · 8 months
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i was scrolling through my bg3 album and came across this so i have to cry all over again
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dafuqifiknowblog · 9 months
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bg3 tweets 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6
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dafuqifiknowblog · 9 months
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The duality of man
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