weirdo701 · 3 years
The Most Accurate Lightsaber Color Quiz Optimized for 2021
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Death Tropers
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Death Troopers in Star Wars: Who Are They and What Happened to Them?By
Arthur S. Poe
/ March 3, 2022
The Imperial stormtroopers are a very intriguing bunch if you give them a chance. Not that they are as interesting as the Force users of Lucas’ Star Wars franchise, but they had a lot of different units and stories behind them that give them much more depth than what people initially think. One of the most interesting units of Imperial stormtroopers are death troopers.
Death Troopers were an elite unit of the Galactic Empire specializing in extermination operations and guerrilla tactics. Among other things, they were used as protection units and as bodyguards for high-ranking Imperial officers. Soldiers were trained to become Death troopers using performance-enhancing drugs. This made the Death Troopers powerful and resilient soldiers, prepared for any conceivable scenario.
The death troopers are, as you could’ve read above, one of the most dangerous elements of the Imperial Army. This is why they deserve a standalone article, in which we are going to tell you everything you need to know about them, their story, their abilities, their reputation, and more. This is your ultimate guide to the death troopers of Star Wars.
Who are the death troopers?
Death troopers were an elite variant of the Galactic Empire’s stormtroopers designed for stealth, espionage, and assassinations. Operating under Imperial Intelligence, they served as custodial protectors and bodyguards for important Imperial officials and members of the Tarkin Initiative, as well as special assignment commandos.
They wore black suits of full armor and specialized helmets with voice encoders, micromotion sensors, and head-up displays with data on enemy and friendly positions on the battlefield. The death troopers were trained in close combat, heavy weapons, demolitions, improvised weaponry, guerrilla tactics, and marksmanship. They were experts at covering their tracks, leaving little to no evidence of their missions.
What happened to the death troopers?
Nearly six years after the rise of the Galactic Empire, a squad of Death Troopers accompanied Director Orson Callan Krennic to the planet Lah’mu. There, they apprehended scientist Galen Walton Erso to complete the design of the Death Star’s super-laser. During Galen’s capture, one of the soldiers killed Lyra when she tried to kill Krennic.
The squad then tried to find Jyn, the couple’s daughter, without success. During the early stages of the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, a squad of Death Troopers served with the Seventh Fleet under Grand Admiral Thrawn. They assisted the latter in the capture of Kallus, an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau spying on the Empire on behalf of the Rebel Alliance.
The capture of Kallus led to the discovery of the location of the rebel base in the Lothal sector. The Death Trooper squad then accompanied Thrawn on the ground assault to capture the Rebel leaders present such as General Jan Dodonna and Captain Hera Syndulla. However, the rebels managed to flee when a mystical creature called Bendu attacked Imperials and rebels.
On Thrawn’s orders, all Imperial forces present, including Death Troopers, fired on the Bendu, wounding it and causing it to crash to the surface of the ground. A year before the Battle of Yavin, a squad under the command of DT-F16 escorted a massive Kyber crystal and several technicians aboard freighter 2716.
After leaving Faos station, DT-F16 and his men were attacked by the leader of the Supporters, Saw Gerrera as well as the two Specters Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. DT-F16, his men, and other soldiers were unable to evacuate the freighter in time and were killed by the explosion of the Kyber crystal so powerful that it also destroyed Captain Slavin’s Star Destroyer.
A Death Trooper, DT-L21, was stationed in Jhothal. He was tasked with commanding the Stromtroopers sent in pursuit of the Specters when it was discovered that the latter had returned to Lothal. With his probe droids and men, DT-L21 pursued the rebels through the city sewers but failed to capture them.
Death Troopers accompanied Grand Admiral Thrawn and Governor Arihnda Pryce to an Imperial airfield to witness a test flight of the new elite TIE Defender. When Ezra Bridger revealed his presence, Thrawn ordered to secure the starfighter. However, Sabine Wren stole it before they could reach him.
Several Death Troopers assisted Governor Pryce and Rukh, Thrawn’s bodyguard and sworn assassin, in pursuing General Hera Syndulla when Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus rescued her from the Imperial Compound in Capital City. The Death Troopers were unable to capture Jarrus and Syndulla. Several Death Troopers were in the service of Minister Veris Hydan when the Empire and the Mining Guild embarked on the excavation of the Jedi Temple on Lothal.
They helped Hydan when the latter interrogated the Mandalorian Sabine Wren by punching her in the face. The young woman, however, managed to knock them out when Garazeb Orrelios and Hera Syndulla came to her aid. Sometime later, the Specters and the Lothal Resistance attempted to free Lothal from the Galactic Empire by infiltrating the Imperial Complex.
In order to prevent the exfiltration of all Imperial personnel from Lothal, Rukh and several Death Troopers went to the generator room and deactivated Lothal’s planetary shield. The Rebels stormed them and managed to regain control of the generator.
Shortly before the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, Director Krennic was still escorted by Death Troopers when the Empire conducted the initial Death Star tests on Jedha. They were deployed during the Battle of Scarif and confronted the rebel forces who wreaked havoc on the jungle surrounding the Imperial security compound. The squad was wiped out entirely shortly before Krennic’s death, thus bringing an end to them.
Still, about nine years after the Battle of Yavin, a squad of Death Troopers served in an Imperial remnant led by Moff Gideon. The soldiers opened fire on a cantina on Nevarro, killing “the client” and several stormtroopers while also trapping “the Mandalorian,” Greef Karga, and Carasynthia Dune inside.
The standoff was broken shortly thereafter when IG-11 arrived to help the Mandalorian and his comrades. As the group fought its way out of the cantina, a fierce battle ensued, with two death squads moving into hand-to-hand combat after being disarmed. While the fight raged outside, several death squads circled the cantina, attempting to drive Cara Dune out of the cantina with heavy blaster fire. The remaining death squads escorted Moff Gideon, who gave the order to “burn them out.”
During the Cold War between the Resistance and the First Order, Agent Terex of the First Order Security Bureau was in possession of a Death Trooper helmet aboard the Carrion Spike, displayed alongside the helmets of an Imperial Royal Guard, a AT-AT pilot, a Coast Guard stormtrooper, and others, along with a custom set of armor. The helmet of Trudgen, one of the Knights of Ren, included part of a Death Trooper helmet, indicating that he had defeated one at some point.
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How skilled are the death troopers?
The Death Troopers were elite Stormtroopers within the military forces of the Galactic Empire. Candidates were selected from among the best Stormtroopers before being sent to a training camp on Scarif where they were trained to evolve in exotic environments. Each soldier had to meet very high-standard physical criteria, including weight and height, and ideological criteria.
During their training, they were enhanced with a battery of classified medical operations, making their abilities almost superhuman. They operated most of the time in small groups where each soldier was specialized in a specific area. Among their different skills, the Death Troopers were thus trained in unarmed combat and the handling of heavy weapons. They were also skilled snipers.
Death Troopers were known to wear black armor covered in reflec and a helmet incorporating numerous sensors allowing him to be constantly informed about his surroundings. Additionally, they were equipped with the SE-14r light repeating blaster, the E-11D blaster carbine, long-range blaster rifles like the DLT-19D heavy blaster rifle, and C-25 fragmentation grenades.
How tall are death troopers?
As we have said, death troopers were selected among the best stormtroopers. These stormtroopers had to satisfy a lot of criteria to be selected as potential death troopers, and height was one of them. For comparison, stormtroopers have a common height of 5′11″, while a Death trooper usually stands at an impressive 6′5″, which is a significant difference.
What are death trooper armors made of?
The death trooper armor was covered with a special material known as reflec, which made them more resistant to attacks. Reflec was an aerosol polymer that deformed the most common electromagnetic signals used in passive sensor arrays. The armor worn by Imperial Intelligence death troopers was coated in reflec, giving it a black finish and making the troopers harder to spot. In that sense, it was similar to the stygian-trypsismatic polymer that covered the armor of shadow soldiers.
Are there female death troopers?
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And while we do know that there are female stormtroopers, have there been female members of the Imperial Army skilled enough to meet the rigorous demands to become a death trooper? There have! Well, there has… we know of only one such case, but she is probably not the only one. We shall now introduce her to you.
DT-F16 was a Death Trooper commander who was tasked with her squad to guard a massive Kyber crystal while transiting on freighter 2716. About a year before the Battle of Yavin, DT-F16 and her squad transited aboard freighter 2716, an unmarked Imperial ship, where they had to keep a large Kyber crystal that was to be delivered to the Tonnis sector.
During a stopover at Faos Station, the freighter was infiltrated by rebels Saw Gerrera, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Chopper. DT-F16 and her squad discovered their presence when they had just found the Kyber crystal stored in the ship’s hold. The rebels used smoke grenades to confront the Death Troopers. During the fight, a blaster shot from Gerrera hit the crystal prompting DT-F16 to command a retreat.
However, she was the only one to escape. DT-F16 went to inform Captain Wells of the rebels’ presence and asked for reinforcements. The captain entrusted her with four Stormtroopers and ordered her to take back the crystal. DT-F16 returned to the hold where she discovered that the Rebels and the Crystal had disappeared.
Wells informed her that they had lost contact with the engine room and she decided to go there. Upon arriving, Gerrera, who had turned the Kyber Crystal into a bomb, fled after freeing Ezra and Sabine. DT-F16 and her men prepared to fire but the crystal electrocuted two Stormtroopers. Understanding that it was necessary to evacuate the freighter as quickly as possible, the Death Trooper sounded the retreat.
DT-F16 joined cargo hold 12 where a T-4a Lambda-class shuttle was waiting for her. On the spot, she discovered that the prisoners of the freighter had been freed by the rebels and were boarding the shuttle.
Before she and her men could open fire, Ezra and Sabine reached the cargo bay and managed to subdue them. They boarded the shuttle and fled. Realizing they were doomed, DT-F16 fired her blaster at the ship. The Kyber Crystal then triggered an explosion that killed DT-F16.
Can death troopers talk? Do death troopers have their own language?
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This is a question that might sound weird, but if you’ve ever heard death troopers communicate with each other, you’re probably going to want to know the answer to this one. Death troopers can talk, as they are simply regular stormtroopers with some enhanced abilities, but their communication sounds very strange.
Death troopers do not have their own language, but there is a reason why they sound weird to other people. Namely, they talk in code! The death troopers are an elite unit that has been trained for strategic warfare. In that aspect, tactics and covert communication are certainly something that gives them an advantage over their enemies.
This is why death troopers use a scrambled code to communicate between themselves, as it leaves their enemies baffled as to their next moves. We don’t know how to decode that communication, as an official guide has never been published, but that is the reason behind their odd way of communicating.
Are death troopers zombies?
We don’t know where this actually came from, but we’re not going to beat around the bush – death troopers are not zombies. And no, there are no zombies in Star Wars. End of story.
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weirdo701 · 3 years
All 11 Lightsaber Color Meanings
All 11 Lightsaber Color Meanings [Ultimate Star Wars Guide]By
Arthur S. Poe
/ September 4, 2021
Lightsabers are an all-important asset in George Lucas’ fictional world of Star Wars. They are a weapon used predominantly by Force users, be their Jedi or the Sith, but there are some variations that have been used by other characters.
The fact that they are mostly used by Force users is explained by fact that they are actually very hard to control for people who don’t have a strong connection to the Force. They are not heavy or anything, but total control over a lightsaber requires a lot of skill, which is why “regular” characters usually avoid them, although there have been instances in the Expanded Universe where non-Force users used a lightsaber in combat.
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The movies initially presented three different lightsaber colors – blue, green, and red – but this was expanded as the franchise developed and now we have several different iterations of Lightsaber colors.
We are bringing you a list of lightsaber colors, as well as their meanings and the most famous users. You’re also going to find out a bit about the process of making a lightsaber and how the color is actually determined.
How Are Lightsabers Made?
Lightsabers are an essential part of the Star Wars mythology. We have explained that they are generally used by the Jedi and the Sith, although there are some variations of the weapon used by non-Force users in the franchise. The lightsaber is a weapon used for both offense and defense, which makes it a very practical tool to have when in trouble.
Now, the mechanics behind a functional lightsaber are quite complex and they require a lot of skill to compose properly. This is why there aren’t many lightsabers around.
In order to function properly, a lightsaber needs to draw power from an appropriately-sized power cell. Parts that are usually used to make a lightsaber include modulation circuits and an energy gate. The essential parts are a blade emitter shroud, the emitter matrix, and some type of activator to turn the weapon on and off. Additional, but non-essential parts include handgrip ridges and a blade length adjuster. Some lightsabers also had a non-lethal low-power setting used for training.
Single-bladed lightsabers generally had a belt ring so they could be hung from the wearer’s belt hook, or a wheel-shaped attachment that slotted into a matching belt clip on the owner’s belt when not in use. This way is quite practical, if you think about it.
Some specially designed lightsabers could even use unstable kyber crystals; an example of such a lightsaber was Kylo Ren’s lightsaber, which featured two laterally facing vents designed to divert excess energy away from the cracked crystal and keep the lightsaber stable.
During assembly, it was important to not accidentally invert the emitter matrix; when activated the lightsaber’s power grid would backfire. At best this could cause the blade to quickly short out, but if it was left on, the faulty weapon would violently explode, potentially killing those in close proximity.
What Are Kyber Crystals?
Alongside the complex mechanics, a kyber crystal is basically the essence of a lightsaber as it is its main source of power, the “thing” that produces the saber itself. Kyber crystals are actually rare, Force-attuned crystals that grow in nature and can be found on scattered planets across the whole galaxy.
They were likewise used by both the Jedi and the Sith in the construction of their lightsabers, although the latter had to put the crystal through a painful adaptation procedure.
As part of their Jedi training, younglings were sent to the Crystal Cave of the ice planet of Ilum, probably the most famous source of kyber crystals, to mine crystals in order to construct their own lightsabers. The crystal’s mix of unique luster was called “the water of the kyber” by the Jedi. There were also larger, rarer crystals of great power and that, according to legends, were used at the heart of ancient superweapons by the Sith.
Although they all had the same denominator, kyber crystals appeared in different types and, through history, a lot of different types of kyber crystals have been discovered and described. The known types are:
Adegan crystal
Barab ingot
Christophsis crystal
Corrupted crystal
Cracked Jedha crystal
Dantari crystal
Dragite gem
Ghostfire crystal
Ilum crystal
Kimber stone
Krayt dragon pearl
Lorrdian gemstone
Nishalorite stone
Seeker crystal
Solari crystal
Sorian crystal
Synthetic kyber crystal
Tainted Nightsister Crystal
Thontiin crystal
Varpeline crystal
Zophis crystal
Mephite crystal
Mephite crystal
Pontite crystal
As Master Yoda once said: “The heart of the lightsaber, the crystal is.” This short piece of wisdom tells us just how important the crystal is and how it, actually, determines the saber’s nature. This is why there are so many different types of lightsabers based on their colors.
Known Lightsaber Colors and Their Meanings
As of today, there are 11 main lightsaber colors that have been identified in the Star Wars franchise. Some of them have specific subtypes, but the majority has just the base form. The table below is going to present the main colors and their basic subtypes where applicable:
Not what we have given you a brief overview of the colors, we can continue with our article and elaborate what each of the colors means and what each of them actually represents. We’re going to be approaching the colors in the order they are listed in the table above.
Blue Lightsaber Meaning
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In modern times, lightsaber colors really don’t have the same weight as they had in ancient times and the interpretations of each color are based on their historical importance rather than on their modern significance, although Lucas and the other authors tried to keep the symbolism in modern characters.
In that aspect, a blue lightsaber, which is also the most common one seen in the galaxy, represents what was historically known as a Jedi Guardian, the protector of the Jedi Order and a person that embodied bravery and righteousness. Jedi Guardians were fighters and they vehemently defended the ways of the Jedi, and the blue color of their sabers represents those qualities in them.
The two most famous owners of a blue lightsaber are Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is the perfect example of the qualities described above, and his former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, who turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader. Luke Skywalker and Rey had a blue lightsaber for a while, and even General Grievous, who had been trained by Count Dooku, had a pair of blue lightsabers.
Green Lightsaber Meaning
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The green lightsaber has usually been associated with the most powerful Jedi Knights. Unlike the blue lightsaber, which is usually associated with fighters and soldiers, the green lightsaber represents wisdom and skill. It is usually associated with Jedi who have a strong connection to the Force.
Owners of a green lightsaber are experienced and wise, they have a deep and fundamental understanding of the Force and they are usually among the higher ranking Jedi Knights. They value harmony and rely more on their mental skills than their fighting skills. That is why they are usually held in very high regard and are among the most respected Jedi Knights in the whole franchise.
By far the most famous owner of a green lightsaber was Jedi Grandmaster Yoda, who is considered to be the most powerful Jedi in history. Yoda was the embodiment of all the qualities associated with a green lightsaber, which is why he is the best example for this section.
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn also had a green lightsaber and had it not been for his rebellious and unorthodox nature, he would have certainly been a member of the Council.
Luke Skywalker also owned a green lightsaber later in his life. Interestingly enough, General Grievous also had a pair of green lightsabers, but like the blue ones, they bore no significance for him.
Red Lightsaber Meaning
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History has taught us that kyber crystals had such a strong connection to the Force that they were, practically, sentient objects. With that in mind, we also have to remember the fact that kyber crystals resisted the Sith and there was no natural way for the Sith to control a kyber crystal. The only was for them to do it was to use the Force to subjugate the crystal in a process that was very painful for both the Sith and the crystal.
Since the kyber crystal would “bleed” during the process, the crystal would change color and become red. Thus, a red kyber crystal doesn’t really embody evil, but it does represent pain and suffering, both traits characteristic of the Dark Side of the Force. It also embodies all of the hate a Sith used to make the kyber crystal “bleed”. This is the reason why a red lightsaber is exclusively associated with the Sith since such traits aren’t really characteristic of the Light Side of the Force.
Historically, all Sith Lords are associated with the red lightsaber, with some of them even having more exotic designs, like Darth Maul or Kylo Ren. Darth Sidious is by far the most powerful user of a red lightsaber, with Darth Vader, his apprentice, being very close. Count Dooku, after leaving the Jedi and going to the Dark Side, also used a red lightsaber.
Purple (Amethyst) Lightsaber Meaning
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The story of the purple lightsaber is very interesting, as its origins can actually be found off-screen. Namely, Lucas never intended on introducing a purple lightsaber to the canon, but Samuel L. Jackson, who played Mace Windu in the Prequel Trilogy, wanted his lightsaber to be purple because purple was his favorite color. Lucas agreed and that is how this color was actually introduced into the franchise, which means that it initially had absolutely no meaning.
Still, the Expanded Universe authors retroactively gave the color meaning, stating that a purple lightsaber represented moral ambiguity, uncertainty, and reconstruction; this was due to the fact that purple is a combination of red and blue. What does this ultimately mean?
It means that a character with a purple lightsaber has connections to both the Light and the Dark Side of the Force. Such Force users have usually been quite powerful as they had to endure the temptation of the other side in order to maintain their personal path.
Although Mace Windu, by far the most famous owner of a purple lightsaber, wasn’t really ambiguous – he held the values of the Jedi Order in high regard – he did have his moments and he was far less composed than, for example, Yoda or Qui-Gon. Still, he was exceptionally powerful and his ability to stay on the path of the Jedi despite his lightsaber color proves that. Another famous owner of a purple lightsaber was the Rodian Jedi Knight Huulik.
Black Lightsaber (Darksaber) Meaning
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A black lightsaber, also called a Darksaber, is actually a unique lightsaber; there is only one example in existence. The Darksaber is shaped like a traditional sword and it’s somewhat shorter than an actual lightsaber; still, it is without a doubt a subtype of a lightsaber. The Darksaber is associated with Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, who created the Darksaber as a one-of-a-kind weapon.
The weapon represented the Mandalorians’ fight against the Jedi and was a very powerful tool in battle; it also represented the emotions of the Mandalorians (something the Jedi avoided) and their murderous rivalry with the Jedi. At one point, the Darksaber was taken by the Jedi and kept under lock, until it was stolen by the Mandalorians and returned to the descendants of Tarre Vizsla.
The owner of the Darksaber also claims the title of the ruler of the Mandalorians and the only way to legitimately claim ownership over it is to defeat the former owner in combat (i.e., kill them).
As far as the famous owners are concerned, the Expanded universe as well as the TV shows have shown us that it has been owned by Tarre Vizsla, Pre Vizsla, and Sabine Wren among others. The Mandalorian has also established Moff Gideon and Din Djarin as its owners.
White Lightsaber Meaning
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Although not completely unique, white lightsabers are among the rarest in the whole galaxy. The only two notable examples are, in fact, Ahsoka Tano’s white lightsabers. They represent neutrality and autonomy; while they are associated with the Light Side of the Force, they represent an individual who has cut ties with the Jedi despite remaining on the Light Side, and an individual that has no connection to the Dark Side of the Force.
An interesting thing here is that a white kyber crystal, the basis for a white lightsaber, is not natural, but is created by reversing the process with which the Sith create red kyber crystals.
Namely, by using the Force, an individual is able to purify a red kyber crystal, removing the Sith’s influence from it. During that process, the crystal loses its red color and instead becomes white, remaining completely usable. This form of purification also has its symbolic value, as stated above.
Ahsoka Tano is not only the most famous, but also te only known user of a white lightsaber. She was able to purify the red kyber crystals from the Sixth Brother’s weapon, thus creating two neutral, white crystals which she used in her lighsabers.
Yellow Lightsaber Meaning
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Along with the white lightsaber, a yellow lightsaber is among the rarest in the galaxy. It is not certain what this color actually represents, since it has never been explained by anyone, but we do know that a purified red kyber crystal (which was done by Jaden Korr) turned yellow on one occasion.
That is interesting because the purified color was later changed to white, as per the section above. Jedi Sentinels, the powerful protectors of the Jedi Temple, are usually associated with a double-bladed yellow lightsaber, but their story doesn’t really reveal much about the origins and the symbolism behind one of the franchise’s rarest lightsaber colors.
The powerful Asajj Ventress was the owner of a yellow lightsaber at one point, as was Ahsoka Tano. Still, most people will probably identify Rey, the protagonist of the Sequel Trilogy, as the most famous yellow lightsaber owner, as she is the only one among the three to have appeared in the main movies. The Jedi Sentinels, who guard the Jedi Temple, also use yellow kyber crystals for their weapons.
Orange Lightsaber Meaning
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Due to it also being extremely rare, we don’t know much about the orange lightsaber. We know that it was canon before the great Disney purge and that it has appeared in the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game, but there isn’t actually any precise theory on its origins or its meaning. One theory states that it is a rarely used color because it is owned by those who have sworn not to use their weapons unless absolutely necessary.
This would mean that the orange lightsaber represents pacifism. Another theory, on the other hand, states that it was used by the Sith in the early days, but that practice has since been abandoned. Connected to this is the theory that an orange lightsaber contains a partially purified red kyber crystal which still contains traces of its original redness. The game guide, finally, states that an orange lightsaber represents a character with a void inside them, doomed never to be filled.
Whatever the correct theory might be, we’ll have to wait for it, as the current canon doesn’t really tell us much. Yaddle (the female Yoda that had a cameo in the Prequel Trilogy) had an orange lightsaber and it is also associated with Cal Kestis since Fallen Order came out.
Other Colors
As for the other colors that are mentioned in the table but have not been addressed individually, the reason behind that decision is because we have no story to tell. These other colors, as well as some non-canon ones (like gold or bronze), have appeared in the franchise, but the stories never really revealed much about them so we have no clue that they represent. There are certainly going to be more colors in the future so we’ll update the article as they appear, but this is everything we know about the current canon colors of lightsabers in the Star Wars franchise.
Thank you for reading, please follow me and send me a message about you favorite color or which color is yours!
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Every Captain America Suit
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Tell us your favorite Captain America uniform, and please follow, hope you like it!
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Captain Americas sheilds in the MCU
The red, white, and blue shield will always be an emblematic image connected to Captain America. The design also serves as an important item within the entire MCU. It took time for Steve to find the perfect weapon, and like the rest of the franchise, the shield evolved over the years. Here's every shield that Steve Rogers used as Captain America and what happened to each one.
Captain America's USO Shield 
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The first shield that Steve ever took into battle was a prop from his USO tour costume in Captain America: The First Avenger. After being denied active duty, Steve toured around as "Captain America" to promote War Bonds. He carried a traditional heater-shaped steel shield painted with stars and stripes. Steve used the shield when he went on a rescue mission to liberate Allied soldiers in Austria, including Bucky Barnes. The shield was dented and heavily damaged when he fought HYDRA's commander, Johann Schmidt.
Captain America's Original Vibranium Shield 
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Later in The First Avenger, Steve noticed that Howard Stark had a prototype shield among the weapons he was working on for the Army. Howard explained that the shield was made from vibranium, an extremely strong substance that could protect against gunfire and other power weaponry. To match Captain America's newfound look, Howard designed the circular shield with a white star in the middle of a blue circle surrounded by white and red stripes. This would go on to become Steve's primary shield for most of the MCU, using it in The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron (where it was equipped with magnetic controls), and Captain America: Civil War. The shield was damaged and abandoned by Steve in Civil War but Tony Stark held onto it for a brief time. Steve used dual-retractable vibranium shields in Avengers: Infinity War. His original vibranium shield was repaired and returned to him in Avengers: Endgame, which he used until Thanos completely destroyed it during the battle at the Avengers Compound.
Tony Stark's New Prototype Shield 
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In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Happy Hogan mentioned that Tony had a prototype shield for Captain America. The MCU originally planned for Tony to give the prototype to Steve during Infinity War before giving him back the original in Endgame. Instead, Steve used the retractable shield designed by T'Challa and Shuri. Versions of the prototype have since been revealed by Marvel Studios.
Captain America's Alternate Vibranium Shield 
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Following the defeat of Thanos in Endgame, Steve traveled back in time to return the Infinity Stones back to their rightful places. He then remained in the past to live a full life with Peggy Carter. In doing so, he presumably created an alternate timeline. Steve obtained that timeline's original vibranium shield, which was the version he brought to the primary timeline. Now an old man, Steve passed the vibranium shield to Sam Wilson along with the Captain America moniker, launching a new chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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weirdo701 · 3 years
A guide to Spider-Man PS4’s many costumes, and their comic roots
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The Insomniac game is also a whirlwind history of Peter Parker’s threads
By Justin Carter
Part of Spider-Man PS4
Insomniac’s Spider-Man boasts nearly 30 costumes for the player to wear, all with their own special abilities that can be used or distributed to other costumes. The suits all harken back to various points in Spidey’s comic book history, showing just how deep the studio went to showcase the character’s history.
Here’s a rundown of the suits you’ll encounter — including in “The Heist,” the first chapter of Spider-Man DLC The City That Never Sleeps — and the comic history that established them.
[Ed. note: this post contains major spoilers for the unlockable suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man. If you don’t want to know what’s in store, unlock everything, then read on.]
[Update: Insomniac has announced three new skins for the PlayStation 5 version of Marvel’s Spider-Man, Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered. All three costumes will come to the remaster first, on its Nov. 12, 2020 release, and will be available PS4 players at a later date.]
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First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
After Sam Raimi’s Spider trilogy bowed out, Sony tried their hands at a second reboot starring Andrew Garfield. The Amazing franchise did not live up to its adjective, and Sony Pictures pivoted to the Tom Holland-lead, MCU-adjacent Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. Though it didn’t get far, it had a pretty cool suit, distinct for its yellow eyes and looking relatively realistic of all the various film suits. Who knows, maybe we’ll see Garfield take the suit up again someday. (This suit is a timed exclusive for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on the PlayStation 5.)
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First Appearance: Marvel’s Spider-Man (2020)
Here’s a costume for all you fans of the tokusatsu genre. An original creation, the Armored Rider suit bears a certain resemblance to those insect-themed superheroes in Japan. Just maybe don’t expect Peter to say “henshin!” before donning the suit. (This suit is a timed exclusive for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on the PlayStation 5.)
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First Appearance: Marvel’s Spider-Man (2020)
Remember the base Advanced Suit from the original game? Here’s a new version of it where the colors have been reversed and it’s got more armor to protect Peter just a little bit more. (This suit is a timed exclusive for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on the PlayStation 5.)
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First Appearance: Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018)
This is the primary suit made by Insomniac that’s been shown all through the game’s release cycle. Unlike the typical Spidey costumes, this one isn’t spandex; Insomniac drew inspiration from athletic wear for the costume that players spend most of the time wearing during the story.
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First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962)
The one that’s been many a Halloween costume is also the Steve Ditko design that started it all. Peter briefly wears the suit at the start of the game, before it gets swapped out for the Advanced Suit. The Classic Suit comes in two variants in the game: one battle damaged, and one that’s been stitched up, good as new.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man/Deadpool #8 (2016)
Spider-Man and Deadpool get paired together fairly frequently in the comics. In Spider-Man/Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth was hired to kill Peter Parker and succeeded, unaware that Parker was his heroic BFF. Short version, Deadpool pulled Peter out of Purgatory, but not before meeting Mephisto. This costume is the result of being killed and having a conversation with the man who wiped his marriage from his memory.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #425 (1997)
Appropriately named the Electro-Proof Suit, Spidey first donned this while fighting alongside the X-Men member X-Man (yes, really) against Electro. Despite fighting Electro on a frequent basis, however, he hasn’t worn the suit since 1997, mostly because he’s upgraded his suits a ton since then.
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First Appearance: Fear Itself #7 (2010)
The 2010 comic event Fear Itself saw several Marvel heroes get new costumes courtesy of Tony Stark and the dwarves of Nidavellir. Like Thor’s old hammer Mjolnir, the suit was made of Uru metal and had gauntlets that shot blades out of both arms. But before Peter could enjoy it, Odin ordered it destroyed. Whack.
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First Appearance: Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Peter Parker may be good with suits now, but there was a time he was just doing his best. This homemade suit was proof of that, calling back to last year’s Spider-Man film after Peter got his suit taken away by Tony Stark. Good thing he doesn’t wear this one anymore, because those eyes are creepy.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Amazing Spider-Man #529 (2006)
Though it draws the name from the iconic red and gold armor from Marvel’s 2007 Civil War arc, the Iron Spider suit is inspired by Peter’s shiny new outfit in Avengers: Infinity War. As in the film, the game’s outfit will shoot out mechanical spider arms to give some extra reach. Maybe this time the armor will feel so good.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #500 (2003)
This Spider-Man suit actually belongs to the Spider-Man of Earth-312500. In that reality, our hero has been on the run since murdering Kraven the Hunter. Despite being told of a more peaceful solution, he instead opts to fight the NYPD and gets shot down in front of Aunt May’s grave. Spider-Man of Earth-312500 did resurface during Marvel’s Spider-Verse event.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #656 (1999)
After a period where Peter lost his Spider Sense, he made new Spider Armor to compensate. Along with its bulletproof armor and magnetic webbing, the suit served him well in the fight against Massacre. It went into retirement after Peter’s Spider Sense returned.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #682 (1999)
This Red Hood-looking suit was created by Peter using the resources he had while working at Horizon Labs. The suit was built specifically to fight the Sinister Six, containing various ways to bring each member of the villain squad down, from being “Electro-Proof” to possessing a hearing device able to pick up the Chameleon’s distinct heartbeat.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4 #1 (2015)
Back when Peter was in control of Parker Industries and traveling the world, the MK. IV suit with its distinct, glowing spider, was his suit of choice. Like a Stark suit, it’s got the technological works, from a HUD to explosive tracers and drones. Unfortunately, the suit was destroyed completely by the Superior Octopus.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man #90 (1998)
Being who he is, Spider-Man sometimes gets caught up in strange situations. Case in point, he once had to rescue a trio of Yancy Street residents from the Negative Zone, and of course that required him to make a new suit for the occasion. The costume later went on to be referred to as Dusk, which Peter used to help clear his name.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man: Noir #1 (2008)
One of the more famous members of the Spider-Verse, this alt-earth version of Spidey lives in the era of 1933, the middle of the Great Depression. Like his classic counterpart, he has the powers of a spider and all that entails, but he’s also a good marksman and has no qualms about using guns. Spider-Man Noir as a character will show up in the animated Into the Spider-Verse film in December, voiced by Nicolas Cage.
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First Appearance: Secret Wars #8 (2004)
Not to be confused with the cosmic wars of similar name, Secret War was a 2004 arc that saw Spider-Man and several other Marvel heroes help the older Nick Fury covertly overthrow Latveria, home of Fantastic Four villain Victor von Doom. Beyond just being for that mission, this black suit hasn’t seen the light of day since that run.
SCARLET SPIDER (my favorite)
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First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man #118 (1994)
The whole situation surrounding the Scarlet Spider is ... complicated, but the short version is that he’s a clone of Spider-Man named Ben Reilly. This being the ‘90s, his outfit at the time featured a sleeveless hoodie. In a reference to the Clone Saga from which Reilly was born, the game’s version of the costume creates holograms of Spider-Man.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 3 #10 (2014)
The Spider-Man of Earth-138 is Hobie Brown — Prowler in the 616 Universe — who leads the Spider Army against the tyrannical President Osborn. This is a punk rock Spidey who shreds just as well as he slings webs, and it was only through the power of rock that he stopped the President. That, and bashing his head in with a guitar.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #38 (2011)
The alternate reality of Earth-11638 poses the question of what happens if Uncle Ben never died and inspired Peter to become Spider-Man. This Peter became the “Amazing Spider,” and later died while trying to steal the powers of other Spider-Heroes. He was granted a second chance at life by the Sorcerer Supreme of his universe, Bruce Banner. And thus, the Ghost Spider was born!
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First Appearance: Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Tom Holland’s Peter Parker debuted into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Civil War, with a fresh new suit courtesy of Tony Stark. While it’s tricked out with tech in the films, the most important part is that the eyes were finally able to retract and expand, just like in the comics.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #650 (1999)
Created by Peter during the Big Time arc, this suit was used to counteract the Hobgoblin’s sonic screams. It warps light and sound around it, allowing it to become invisible. While the game’s version of the spider is green, it changed from red to blue as well as green in the comics.
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First Appearance: Ultimate Spider-Man #3 (2000)
This costume hails from the Ultimate Universe, where Peter Parker was still a teen figuring out how his powers, and what it meant to be the iconic Spider-Man fans knew and loved. As expected, the costume and mask in particular would provide the basis of what his Spider-Man suit would ultimately be.
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First Appearance: Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018)
The Velocity Suit, not unlike the Advanced Suit, was designed specifically for the game. This design comes courtesy of Adi Granov, acclaimed costume and comic designer who has previously done cover work for Marvel in the past. As the name implies, the suit gives players some extra speed to get around Manhattan faster.
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Exactly what it says, calling back to those very old vintage comics from back in the day. Unlike the other suits in the game, this one is cel-shaded, giving it an even more distinct look against the hyper realistic graphics of the game.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #365 (1992)
In the year 2099, in the future of Earth-928, New York is protected by a different Spider-Man: Miguel O’Hara. Unlike Peter, his costume was made of the same material used for the Fantastic Four’s outfits, and sometimes features a cape that looks like a web.
2099 (WHITE) 
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First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 Vol. 3 #1 (2015)
In recent years, the Miguel of Earth-TRN588 (a mostly similar reality to E-928) became stuck in the present day Marvel Universe while Peter had his body controlled by Doctor Octopus. Once that all got sorted, Peter hired him at Parker Industries and constructed a new white suit for him.
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Peter often has the worst luck, and sometimes that means he winds up swinging through the city in his underwear. New Yorkers never forget the day they saw their hero save the day in his boxers.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man (2018)
This one doesn’t have a comic book equivalent. A lot of people may get it confused with either the Big Time Stealth suit or the MK. II armor, but it’s another wholly original creation from Insomniac’s artists, revealed towards the very end of the game when Spidey combats one of his greatest foes.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man (2018)
Like the Advanced and Velocity Suits from launch, the Resilient model is a custom design made by Insomniac for the game. Whereas the Velocity Suit was brought to life by esteemed comic artist Adi Granov, this one was designed by Marvel illustrator Gabriele Dell’Otto, who previously designed covers for Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man arc “The Clone Conspiracy.”
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First Appearance: Scarlet Spider #1 (2012)
Another of Peter’s clones, Kaine Parker, decided to escape the hustle and bustle of New York for Houston, TX. Having taken up the Scarlet Spider mantle, the red and black costume helps differentiate himself from fellow clone and Scarlet Spider Ben Reilly, who he has a complicated relationship with. And like all Spider-heroes, Kaine’s died at least twice.
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First Appearance: Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (2014)
In Earth-833, William Braddock trades in being Captain Britain for a life as Spider-Man, wielding the powers of both heroes and a rocking a dope, Union Jack-inspired costume to boot. Sadly, William just became one of the first casualties of the Spider-Geddon comic arc, but hey, at least he lives on in the game.
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First Appearance: Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-Man #1 (2002)
In Earth-2301, Spider-Man is lone survivor of ninja outfit known as the Spider Clan. (His fellow ninjas, along with Uncle Ben, were killed by Venom!) After training in secret, he eventually gained spider powers and later helped other Spider heroes in Spider-Verse.
First Appearance: Peter Parker: The Amazing Spider-Man #529 (2006)
Unlike the Iron Spider armor that was a pre-order bonus based on the Infinity War armor, this one is lifted straight from the Civil War comics, when Pete pledged his loyalty to Iron Man. The last person to wear this in the comics was Miles Morales’ uncle, Aaron Davis.
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First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man #100 (1993)
After the New Enforcers showed up in New York with high powered guns, Peter made himself a suit of armor to avoid getting ripped to shreds. The Mk. I suit made him bulletproof, but it also slowed him down, which is ... pretty important when being agile and quick is part of your whole deal. The suit was later dissolved by acid later, and Peter has since improved on it with other variants.
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First appearance: Spider-Man (2002)
Since the release of the Marvel’s Spider-Man, fans have been railing on Insomniac for not including the sleek costume from Sam Raimi’s earth-shattering film adaptation and begging them to hit the buttons to make it happen. Well here it is! Players can finally shoot organic webs out of their wrists with this holiday-timed gift.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Those who loved Jake Johnson’s deadbeat and much older Peter Parker will be pleased to know his dotted, print-like outfit is be available to wear. The Insomniac design does justice to the vivid art style that took years to develop (and we’ll be waiting patiently for a Miles version... one day). Unfortunately for players, a coffee cup and pizza slices not included.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six (1992)
Exactly what it sounds like: a Spidey with a cyborg arm and eye, because the ’90s were all about cyberpunk hijinks. Remember that beloved Spidey cartoon with the great theme song? The show’s toyline released a toy where Peter became a cyborg after a fight with the Sinister Six. This ... never actually happened in the show itself, obviously, but a new version of Cyborg Spidey did appear in Spider-Geddon, only to be ripped apart.
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First Appearance: Edge of Spider-Verse #3 (2014)
The Aaron Aikman Armor (try saying that five times fast) belonged to — you guessed it! — Aaron Aikman, a scientist and the Spidey of Earth-31411. After genetically resequencing his genes to obtains the powers of a spider, he built this cybernetic armor to boost his abilities. Sadly, just as he was about to save an old friend, Aaron died in the issue he showed up in, thanks to those pesky interdimensional vampires that kill Spider-heroes.
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First Appearance: FF #1 (2011)
When Jonathan Hickman took over writing duties for the Fantastic Four, he rebranded them as the Future Foundation! Spider-Man joined after the Human Torch died, and was gifted a suit made of unstable molecules that could repair itself and change its appearance.
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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #258 (1984)
Ditching the Symbiote suit didn’t just create Venom, it left Spidey without a costume of his own for a while. Since he’s friends with the Fantastic Four, they let him use one of their costumes until he could make a new one. But because he’s Spider-Man, his good friend the Human Torch gave him one with a paper bag and a “Kick Me” sign on his back.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
No spoilers, but after going to space, getting blipped out of existence, reappearing five years later, then assisting in the defeat of a Mad Titan, all with the help of Tony Stark’s high-tech Spider-armor, Peter Parker goes back to the basics in Far From Home — with some minor suit improvements.
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First Appearance: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
To throw European onlookers off his trail, Nick Fury gifts Spider-Man a stealthy, new costume for nighttime web-slinging. Unfortunately, he’s still caught on camera, earning Peter Parker a new superhero name: Night Monkey.
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weirdo701 · 3 years
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weirdo701 · 3 years
17 Supervillains You Didn't Know Wore Symbiote Suits
17 Supervillains You Didn't Know Wore Symbiote Suits
Why let Venom and Carnage get all the attention? Here are some other Marvel supervillains who have teamed up with symbiotes.
Marvel's Klyntar are a species of extragalactic symbiotes who bond with living hosts and give them superpowers. You probably know them better by the names of their individual members, like Venom and Carnage. They've been showing up in comics for over 30 years, and in that time, they've shared pages with most of our favorite heroes, primarily Spider-Man. Spidey's had so many Klyntar stories, you wouldn't even believe it.
A symbiote suit gives its wearer a variety of shapeshifting powers, including the abilities to create weapons and mimic any clothing they want. They also get terrifying murder-teeth, but that's more like a bonus.
The Klyntar are a benign race at home, but living on Earth can turn anyone crazy. So they've spent most of their time here joining gooey forces with a variety of villains to make trouble for the good guys. And we don't just mean Eddie Brock and Cletus Kasady, who are set to square off in Sony's upcoming Venom film. Some less -- and even more -- famous baddies have also worn the slime, and just who they are may surprise you.
Here are 15 of the misfits, mass murderers, and mad scientists who have sported symbiote suits over the past 3 decades. Be sure to let us know of your favorites, including any we missed, in the comments.
17 Otto Octavius
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Doctor Octopus is no stranger to symbiotes. He joins with Carnage in both the 2000 Spider-Man video game and in the Unlimited television series. But his run-in with Venom in Superior Spider-Man was especially memorable.
In that series, Octavius switches bodies with Peter Parker to escape his own terminal illness and then takes up his superhero mantle in an effort to prove that he’s better at fighting crime than his old foe. But his methods are still pretty villain-y. After fighting Agent Venom (Flash Thompson), he tricks the alien’s new host into volunteering for helping him test new artificial limbs. Octavius uses a sonic blast to separate the symbiote and contain it.
What he doesn’t know, however, is that Venom is stronger than he realizes, and it breaks out almost immediately and latches onto its captor. The new “Superior Venom” takes up the work of a-hole crimefighting until the latent memories of Peter Parker force the two to separate.
16 Anne Weying 
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Comic books never met a male superhero persona that they didn’t want to make a “She-" or “-Woman” version of, and Venom is no exception.
Ann Weying was Eddie Brock’s ex-wife, and during the “Sinner Takes All” storyline, Sin-Eater shoots her. Eddie orders the Venom symbiote to bond with her to safe her life. And it doesn’t seem to mind, because it fully merges with her to create She-Venom.
The new being’s first act is to murder some thugs who are threatening Eddie, and it ends up racking up a few more kills before Venom returns to its previous host. Tragically, Ann remembers every terrible thing she did while she was wearing the suit. The experience leaves her traumatized and trapped in her apartment, afraid that the alien will return for her if she leaves.
She kills herself in fear after seeing Spider-Man swing by in his (non-alien) black suit, leaving Eddie Brock with yet another reason to hate Peter Parker.
293.4K538 Spider-Man Stunts Tom Holland Actually Did Himself
15 Angelo Fortunato 
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After developing terminal cancer, Eddie Brock auctioned off the Venom symbiote to make some last-minute charitable donations, because he is one of the most downtrodden supervillains in comic book history.
The winner was Don Fortunato, a mob boss, who gifted the alien to his loser son Angelo so that he could make something of himself. He does this by immediately crashing Peter Parker’s high school reunion and murdering several people. Somehow, that’s not the worst use of 100 million dollars we’ve ever heard of. But it’s still pretty bad.
Spider-Man and the new Venom fight while the hero calls out the new host for being an idiot and a bully. The kid eventually gets so scared that he tries to escape, jumping between two rooftops, and the symbiote joins in on the “hate on Angelo” party by abandoning him in mid-air. He falls to his death, and Venom finds a more appealing host in the former Scorpion, Mac Gargan.
14 Edwin Brocc 
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Marvel’s 1602 universe takes place on a parallel Earth containing 17th-century counterparts of the primary world’s superheroes and villains. And of course, it has a version of Venom.
Edwin Brocc is a nobleman who is engaged to Anne Weying — who doesn’t get a cool, 1602 name. But she doesn’t really love Edwin. He’s in league with the Enchantress and using a “love potion” to trick his betrothed into marrying him.
Angela, who is tracking down all of these “Faustians,” calls Brocc out, so he turns into a horrifying monster. He’s apparently exactly as good at fighting as he is at convincing women to love him without pharmaceutical assistance, however, so he lasts approximately a page before the witch hunter decapitates him. Unfortunately, it turns out that Eddie Brock is typically a sad loser regardless of universe.
13 Raze 
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The second volume of Carnage’s solo book takes a Lovecraftian turn as Cletus Kasady uses the infernal Darkhold to summon the demon Cthohn. In the course of that, he performs a ritual in which he bonds a part of his suit with FBI agent Claire Dixon. The result is Raze, a conflicted but definite monster.
The only people standing between Carnage and the return of the Great Old One are the members of the Bureau’s Symbiote Task Force, which includes Eddie Brock. He has access to the Toxin symbiote, which is another of Carnage’s “children.” Poor, sad Eddie has hosted more aliens than the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Raze helps Carnage fight the Goop Cops while inside, Dixon struggles to control it. In the end, however, Task Force member Jubilile van Scotter absorbs Toxin, Raze, and a global dose of psychic energy to defeat both Carnage and Cthohn.
12 Lasher (My favorite) 
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The Life Foundation is what would happen if you gave earnest fans of the Fallout video game series an unlimited budget. They were so sure that a nuclear holocaust was imminent that they built a massive bunker to house only the richest people on Earth and establish a utopian, post-apocalyptic society.
But they weren’t so confident in their paradise that they didn’t think they’d need some security, so they kidnapped Eddie Brock and removed five “seeds” from Venom. They grew these into their own, tame versions of the alien suits. And they just immediately got into a fight with Spider-Man, as is the wont of all symbiotes.
One of the new five was Ramón Hernández, whose suit name is Lasher. He didn’t get much time to enjoy his powers, however. Venom sets off an explosion that seemingly ages the suit to dust and kills all the hosts. But they survive, only for Scream to kill them all properly later.
11 Riot 
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Riot, whose human name is Trevor Cole, was another of the Life Foundation’s lab-grown symbiote troops. Like his “siblings,” Riot doesn’t receive a (human) name during his first appearance during the Venom: Lethal Protector miniseries. Instead, most of his pre-bonding backstory comes from the text on his action figure.
Even that was pretty iffy; it describes Riot as “a sewer-dwelling mutant” and not a bunker-cop for the irredeemably rich. We aren’t super concerned with that, however, since comics are overly complicated even when they can keep their stories straight.
Riot, like the rest of his team, appears to die at the end of Lethal Protector, only to come back and then die for real during the later, “Separation Anxiety” arc. But that isn’t it for the symbiotes. They return as Mercury Team in Carnage, USA, in which Riot gives his wearer the ability to move completely silently. And the writers fail to make a single “Quiet Riot” joke.
10 Phage 
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The third of the Life Foundation symbiotes, Carl Mach, like the others, owes most of his backstory to action figure flavor text and fans’ head-canon.
It’s the same drill: They exist, Venom blows them up, and then they come back and die later. We think Marvel really missed an opportunity by making a squad of different-looking symbiote monsters and then doing nothing with them, but they make up for that a little later.
In Carnage, USA, the Phage symbiote returns as a member of Mercury Team, the elite, anti-Carnage unit that responds to Cletus Kassady and his special, alien friend kidnapping and infecting the entire town of Doverton, Colorado. Phage’s suit lets him make impossible sniper shots, which seems like a weird ability for a symbiote to give you. But we suppose they can’t all be web-slingers.
9 Agony 
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Agony is exactly like Phage, Riot, and Lasher, only its host is a woman, Leslie Gesneria. She was yet another of the Life Foundation’s five guardians who died and then wasn’t dead and then was dead again. She’s purple.
After their original hosts’ permanent deaths, these four symbiotes ended up in the Vault, a high-security prison for supervillains. The jailers experimented on them, even though they were not as evil as their “sibling,” Carnage, and a guard named Scott Washington eventually freed them.
All four join with Washington simultaneously, creating a new hero named Hybrid. After Washington's death, the government separates the aliens and repurposes them as Mercury Team. Agony gave its host the ability to easily carry the heaviest of gear, which, like Riot, suggests the exact opposite of its name.
8 Scream 
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After her apparent death at the end of Lethal Protector, Donna Diego, who hosted Scream, suffers a bit of a crisis in the “Separation Anxiety” arc. Her exposure to the alien creature left her with a touch of schizophrenia, and she concluded that the symbiotes, and all who hosted them, were evil and worthy of death. She tracks down and kills her siblings with a sonic knife and frames Eddie Brock for the murders. Brock catches on and defeats her as Venom.
Later, after his “partner” leaves him for good, Eddie decides that the best revenge for his ruined life is to take out all of the symbiotes he can. He murders Hybrid and eventually finds Scream, whom he disables with a loud noise and then stabs with a red-hot knife.
We could appreciate the poetic justice there if it weren’t so disturbing.
7 Marcus 
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Now that we’re done with both the Life Foundation’s crayon box of identical symbiotes, here’s something completely different.
Marcus appears in the motion comic series The Gauntlet. He’s just one of a team of baddies — along with Xzax (a Brood gun for hire), the Living Mummy, and Frankenstein’s Monster — that Dracula assembles to kill Deadpool. He’s also a lycanthropic centaur with a symbiote and no known weaknesses other than the things that would kill a Klyntar or a werewolf. He’s also diabetic. And that’s not really a “weakness,” so much, but he does ask for a break during all the fighting to manage his blood sugar.
Deadpool doesn’t mind, and as soon as Marcus’ levels are under control, he goes ahead and murders him anyway. He chops off his hooves and then runs him over with a steamroller, which probably doesn’t affect the symbiote much, but it’s not a good time for the guy inside it.
6 Karl Malus 
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It’s not so much a suit as it is a horrifying transformation of his entire body at the genetic level, but Karl Malus’ return after the events of Superior Carnage bear mentioning.
That storyline has the Wizard, Klaw, Malus, and the Carnage symbiote forming a new Frightful Four team with Malus hosting the alien. Things go bad because you can’t trust evil, alien slime, and it ends up leaving Malus to take over Wizard. And then it eats the mad scientist for his trouble.
This should have been the end, but Malus returns in Captain America: Sam Wilson, where he reveals that he survived being “crapped out of an alien.” He has since become a grotesque symbiote-human hybrid, either through the whole digestion experience or his own bio-engineering experiments. We’re not super concerned about the particulars, because the important thing is that it’s scary as hell.
5 Shriek 
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Dr. Tanis Nieves briefly comes down with a mild case of Carnage when the trace bits of alien in her symbiote-enhanced prosthetic arm take over her body. The possession doesn’t last long, however, since the goop is just trying to get back to Cletus Kasady after that time Sentry ripped him in half in space.
But Carnage left something behind when it left Nieves’ arm: its offspring, Scorn. When the baby symbiote starts growing in the 2010 Carnage miniseries, the doctor cuts the limb off to stop it from taking over her body. Scream-powered baddie -- and Nieves’ former patient -- Shriek, who gained nothing from her therapy sessions, takes the arm for herself.
The next issue says that her new limb makes her “more powerful than ever,” but we don’t really see it.  But the extra arm and weird, half-alien face does make an impression. Scorn doesn’t stick around for long, however, because Shriek scares it so much that it gets back to Nieves as soon as it can.
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ZZZXX comes from a symbiote race similar to the Klyntar, but without that whole formality of establishing any kind of personal bond with the beings they occupy. They also eat brains, so that’s a bit of a change, too. It shows up in the X-Men: Kingbreaker series as part of a group of villains dedicated to protecting Vulcan after he overthrows the spaceborne Shi’ar Empire.
This thing is a monster that apparently only bothers bonding with living creatures because it likes wearing pants sometimes. It’s more from the Carnage school of symbiosis, by which we mean it’s insane and impossible to reason with.
The evil levels of the Venom symbiote depend in part on whom it’s bonded with; a strong-willed hero like Flash Thompson can — and does — convince it to play nicely during his cosmic adventures as Agent Venom. But it doesn’t matter whom ZZZXX gloops onto; it’s always ZZZXX, which is to say that it’s crazy and evil.
3A Tyrannosaurus Rex 
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We hesitate to describe a Tyrannosaurus Rex as a supervillain, since one saves the day in two Jurassic Park movies. But this story is too crazy not to include.
Old Man Logan features an alternate future in which Marvel’s supervillains finally get their act together and just attack the heroes all at once. They carve the world out among themselves, providing a stark and desolate backdrop for an older Wolverine and Hawkeye to take a cross-country road trip on one final mission.
In South Dakota, they first catch notice of the unpaired Venom symbiote, which has apparently just been hanging out in the Black Hills waiting for someone to fight. It has no shortage of potential hosts, since the Great Plains are now home to herds of abandoned dinosaur pets that people imported from the Savage Land. Venom chooses a Tyrannosaurus — correctly — and attacks the heroes.
Luckily for them, however, they happen to wander near the last mutant stronghold, and Emma Frost sends Black Bolt out to take care of the alien problem with his overpowered voice.
2 Galactus (Kind Of)  
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In Web of Spider-Man issue 90, Mysterio uses his powers of illusion to toss the web-slinger into an imaginary world in which he uses his amazing superpowers to star in movies. But things get even weirder when villains like the Goblin League and Venom crash the set.
Spider-Man clocks the latter, and he lands on top of a huge, robotic version of Galactus that the producers were using because even in a dream world, the real guy is all booked up. The symbiote oozes out and takes control of the animatronic, creating the ultimate endboss. But it’s still just a robot, so Spider-Man trips it up pretty easily and defeats Mysterio to end all the nonsense.
So this is a fake Galactus covered with an illusory symbiote, all inside of an Inception-style dreamscape. It stretches canon to its limits, but it is still glorious.
1 Iron Man 
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The X-Men/Avengers crossover event Axis “inverts” a number of heroes and villains, putting them on the opposite sides of the law as we’re used to. At the end, most of them go back, but Tony Stark manages to avoid reversion and remains awful.
This version spins off into the Superior Iron Man series, in which Tony creates the Extremis 3.0 app to allow users to become as attractive as they want. And it’s free for 24 hours; after that, it requires a nefarious in-app purchase of $99.99 a day to remain active. This simultaneously creates an overclass of people who can access the app and kicks off a massive crime wave, as desperate poor people turn to crime so they can afford the program.
Tony also builds a silver, “Endosym” suit based on symbiote biology. It’s the flashiest of his armors by far (which is saying something), and it flows on and off of him in a really disturbing way. It’s as gross as it is shiny, and it’s ridiculously shiny.
Which symbiote-sporters are your favorites? Be sure to let us know in the comments.
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Sybiotes, which one are you, all you need to know.
The Klyntar, originally and better known as the Symbiotes, are a species of inorganic, amorphous, symbiotic extraterrestrials created from the "living abyss" at the beginning of the universe by the primordial deity Knull, who manifested a sword of living darkness called All-Black from his shadow to slaughter the Celestials and other deities.
The first and most well-known symbiote is Venom, who originally attached itself to Spider-Man during the 1985 Secret Wars miniseries. After Spider-Man rejected it upon discovering its true evil nature, the symbiote bonded with his rival, Eddie Brock, with whom it first became Venom.
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Venom is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is a sentient alien symbiote with an amorphous, liquid-like form, who survives by bonding with a host, usually human.
There is also the well known carnage. The symbiote known as Carnage is the spawn of the Venom symbiote and is most often bonded to the sociopathic serial-killer Cletus Kasady. The spawn bonded to Cletus through a wound in his hand, merging with his blood and becoming red-and-black in color.
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When the Venom symbiote came to rescue its host, Eddie Brock (who is also known as the super-villain Venom), from jail, it left an asexually-produced offspring behind. The spawn bonded to Cletus through a wound in his hand, merging with his blood and becoming red-and-black in color.[4][5] Dubbing himself Carnage, Cletus became a deadly recurring enemy to both Spider-Man and Venom.[6]
                      Ten Most Powerful Symbiotes
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10.Payback Was An Energy-Based Symbiote Variant Rather Than An Organic One
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The character known as Payback has an interesting symbiote story to tell, particularly because her symbiote isn't of the same Klyntar species as Venom, Carnage and their offspring. Believed to be a cousin species to the Klyntar, this symbiote was energy-based in nature, rather than organic, which granted its host Mavis Trent some nifty abilities.
In addition to the complimentary superhuman strength, speed, durability, and agility, Payback could fly and produce electromagnetic manipulation in the form of microwaves and electromagnetic pulses. When doused in water, the Payback symbiote would produce an electrical discharge, as well.
165.8KBlack Panther: Celebrating Chadwick Boseman | Rest In Power
9.Venomsaurus Rex Was A Symbiote That Bonded With A Savage Land Dinosaur
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Never underestimate a writer's willingness to court dinosaurs for the sake of a really great scene, which is precisely what happened during the Old Man Hawkeye storyline. Besides taking place in a ravaged future similar to what fans glimpsed in the Old Man Logan books, this story attempted to one-up its predecessor in a big way.
It was the first example of a symbiote ever bonding with a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which came straight out of the Savage Land. If Jurassic Park taught us anything, it's to run when a T-Rex shows up on the scene. This goes quadruple (even quintuple) for a creature with a Venom symbiote bonded to its biology.
8.Anti-Venom Was A Mindless Symbiote Suit Created By Accident Within Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock gained an entirely new type of symbiote by pure accident when his body became infected with cancer. At the time, Martin Li (the good version of Mr. Negative) tried to cure his cancer, but a chain of events inadvertently caused remnants of the Venom symbiote to bond with Brock's white blood cells.
The result was a symbiote with no consciousness of its own, effectively making it a benign biological costume where Eddie Brock was in full control. It possessed the same strengths as its Venom predecessor, including some upgrades such as immunity to sonic and fire attacks which were previously major threats.
7.Scream Was A Symbiote Bonded To An Unstable Mind
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Donna Diego was a mentally disturbed woman who eventually became involved with the Life Foundation, and later became a host for one of Venom's child symbiotes. She became the villain known as Scream, the leader of a group of symbiotes who performed tasks for the Foundation and ran afoul of Spider-Man and Venom.
She was defeated by Venom after killing her symbiote brethren in a fit of insanity, but she attempted to mend her ways following the incident. It didn't last long, however. Eddie Brock led Diego to a trap and murdered her with a heated dagger in order to put her down once and for all. Her powers were similar to other Venom symbiotes, with a few notable exceptions, such as her ability to extend her hair into tendrils for attack purposes.
6.Sleeper Was A Powerful Symbiote That Followed In Venom's Anti-Hero Footsteps
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The Sleeper symbiote was very different in comparison to others birthed of the Venom alien. This particular symbiote was much different in appearance and did not take on some of the characteristics of the Venom symbiote, such as the trademark embellished white eyes.
It was also a smug, yet loyal symbiote who protected its hosts, even if it was prone to brutality from time to time. It was especially protective over Eddie Brock, his son Dylan, and others. It also possesses far greater camouflage techniques, such as bending ambient light. Chemokinesis is a big win for this symbiote, giving Sleeper the ability to tranquilize and manipulate individuals with a series of chemicals and pheromones.
5.Venom Was Created When A Symbiote Bonded With Eddie Brock, Becoming The Original
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Venom was the original symbiote in the Marvel comics, at least in terms of first appearances. Chronologically, others had come before, but Venom was the character that set the ball rolling, and made the character a Marvel mainstay. It bonded to Eddie Brock, a disgraced reporter with a hatred of Spider-Man that the symbiote shared, after being rejected by the superhero.
The two became one and set off to become a lethal protector anti-hero who wasn't afraid to kill and maim its villains. The two would share a turbulent relationship over the years, but as Venom, they were idealistically parallel. Venom would go on to save the Earth from a host of dangerous threats while thinning the ranks of the criminal underbelly in every city he visited.
4.Carnage Is A Symbiote Spawn Of Venom, Merged To A Serial Killer
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Carnage became Venom's number one nemesis after he decided to form a truce with Spider-Man. The symbiote creature was the offspring of the Venom alien, who bonded with notorious serial killer Cletus Kasady to become one of the most horrible supervillains in the Marvel universe.
This new symbiote was far more lethal than Venom, with greater strength and abilities. Though Venom would triumph multiple times over his "child," he was essentially outmatched the entire time. Only through sheer force of will, a few differing abilities, and a hatred of everything Carnage stood for allowed Venom to triumph. Carnage was capable of using the symbiote to create both sharp and blunt weapons out of its limbs, as well as crazier powers such as traversing data and phone lines to attack people on the other side.
3.Toxin Was A Symbiote Child Of Venom That Bonded With A New York Police Officer
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The Carnage symbiote gave birth to offspring that would later be known as Toxin, a name given to it by none other than Venom. Though the anti-hero's hatred of Carnage was unparalleled, it decided to train the Toxin symbiote to act as a force for good. Eventually, it bonded with a New York City cop named Patrick Mulligan, who went on to become a superhero.
His powers were quite similar to Carnage and Venom, but he was more powerful than both. In the hands of a supervillain, there's no telling what kind of devastation would have occurred. It's quite possible that Patrick's inherent goodness and family-man demeanor unintentionally suppressed the symbiote's powers, to keep from going too far.
2.The Grendel Symbiote Dragon Was One Of The Most Powerful In The Marvel Universe
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This particular symbiote was created by the Klyntar God known as Knull. As a symbiote dragon, it's considered far more powerful than a standard symbiote such as Venom, and capable of killing deity-like beings. Standard symbiote weaknesses to fire and sonic weaponry are not as threatening, and they could in fact breathe fire and project energy blasts.
They're as fast as the Silver Surfer, and tough as nails. Like many symbiote dragons, the Grendel could merge with others to create a super-large entity in various shapes, such as the Chiyou replicant that went up against Aero, Sword Master, and the Black Knight.
1.Knull Was The Original God Of The Symbiotes And Could Control Them
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For years, it was believed that the alien symbiotes were a bestial race born of primordial origins, but the arrival of Knull changed all that. It changed everything fans knew about the symbiotes by providing a full-fledged backstory. Knull was the one responsible for creating them - a being of immense God-like power who existed during the time of Oblivion.
Knull wields a sword forged from the undead corpse of a Celestial, and his strength is far beyond most. He inadvertently created the symbiotes and found he could use them as a parasite war force. As their creator, he is able to dominate symbiotes and those born of their biology, such as Eddie Brock's son Dylan. He's easily one of the most destructive symbiote forces in the entire galaxy and one of the most powerful supervillains in the Marvel universe.
What Symbiote are You?
This test isn’t actually accurate because is a you cant pick a type of spider and they take that into consideration, a sybiote will bond and change based on your personality. But here is is anyways, is you want message me your results, I was toxin!
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Jedi’s Which one are you
Jedi: A Jedi was a devotee to the ways of the Jedi Order, an ancient order of protectors united by their ability to harness the power of the Force. Adhering to a doctrine that favored the light side of the Force, the Jedi aspired to attain a state of inner tranquility through calmness and meditation while avoiding emotions affiliated with the dark side of the Force, such as anger and hatred.
Sith:Sith Lord, also known as a Lord of the Sith, was a title conferred upon individuals who followed the Sith tradition. Sith Lords drew upon the dark side of the Force, using it to gain power.The title "Darth" was given to newly christened Sith Lords in place of their old identities. It roughly translated to "Dark Lord."
or Grey Jedi: Gray Jedi are those who, though having completed the teachings of the Jedi, operate independently and outside of the Jedi Council. They are typically seen as misguided, though they have not necessarily succumbed to the dark side.
Jedi’s use lightsabers to fight.
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Or are yu not a jedi?
Mandalorian: What exactly is a Mandalorian? In Tales of the Jedi, set thousands of years before the original Star Wars film, the Mandalorian are a major military power who side with the Sith in their war against the Jedi, and their leader is manipulated by the Sith into triggering a war with the Republic. Why is Boba Fett not a Mandalorian? In S2E8, Boba Fett says aloud he is not Mandalorian. In S2E6 of The Mandalorian, it is explained that the Fetts are considered foundlings, with armor gifted by Mandalorian, so he's Mandalorian in the same way that Mando is a Mandalorian, Most of us know one Mandalorian, Din Darjin. Although he is what come’s to your mind when you hear Mandalorian, there are hundreds and thousands of Mandalorian in the star wars Universe.
Mandalorians use guns, and the darksaber
Darksaber: The Darksaber was an ancient and unique black-bladed lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order, prior to 1032 BBY. The weapon was kept in the Jedi Temple after Vizsla's passing, but members of House Vizsla stole the saber in a conflict with the Jedi during the fall of the Old Republic. The Darksaber was passed down, generation to generation, by the ancestors of Pre Vizsla, who held onto the weapon even after the pacifist ideals of the New Mandalorians replaced the warrior ways of Mandalore.
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Grey Jedi
Gray Jedi are those who, though having completed the teachings of the Jedi, operate independently and outside of the Jedi Council. They are typically seen as misguided, though they have not necessarily succumbed to the dark side.
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