dahlia-kuo-blog · 5 years
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Hua Chenyu English Subbed Videos 今天 4 歲了!
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
07ENG SUB  Hua Chenyu《The world is a Zoo》 华晨宇第二張專輯世界是個動物園2016MarsConcertSH "The world is a zoo" is a song composed by Hua Chenyu.This is the theme song of "yummy!yummy!" and it is also a song in Hua's second album "Aliens". Regardless of the lyrics are full of naughty colors, life is a fun zoo, imagination is extraordinary. When Hua Chenyu sang, he also used a special singing method to make the song more lively. 《世界是个动物园》是华晨宇写的一首歌,由代岳东填词,这是《你看起来很好吃》主题歌,也是华晨宇第二张专辑《异类》里的一首歌。不管词曲都充满了顽皮色彩,把生活当做有趣的动物园,想象力非凡。华晨宇演唱的时候也用了特别的唱法,使这首歌更显活泼
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB]Hua Chenyu《Bedtime Story》华晨宇第一張專輯枕边故事MarsConcert2016SH
In a series of demo, it was not a big song but it was very touching. The sample was only accompanied by a guitar. Composer Ronald is a new author and spent two years in the UK. Under the influence of 90’s pop, rhythm and blues, soul singers and songwriters, he is eager to “incorporate feelings and emotions into songs”. The requirements for lyrics is "simple, love." Dai Yuedong sent a lyric on a day in June. In the email, he wrote,"You read this lyrics, you may laugh, fairy tale, little frog. I think this is an interesting theme. Besides me, no one would write like this" It's fun to try something others don't dare to think about. "I think this kind of fun is more interesting and the record market is rare." At the concert, Hua Chenyu also said he loved it at first sight. 版权公司投来的一批歌里,听到这首小样,娓娓道来的倾诉性,不是一首多大的歌,却很动人。小样��就伴着一把吉他的吟唱,soul的感觉。曲作者Ronald 是新作者,在英国呆了两年。受到90’s流行,节奏蓝调,灵魂乐的歌手以及词曲作者的影响,渴望“将感觉与情感融入歌曲中”,立志变成有感召力的词曲人。 收词的要求,其实概括来讲,就是四个字“简单,爱情”。代岳东6月某天夜半发了歌词,邮件正文里写道 “这个歌词 你看了可能会笑,童话,小青蛙,我觉得这么有趣的题材,除了我,应该不会有人写了~比较乐于尝试别人不敢想的~ 这样才有意思~ 哈哈”。“我觉得这种天马行空比较有趣,唱片市场都少有吧。” 华晨宇也在演唱会上亲口说了对这个词的一见钟情。
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB]Hua Chenyu《Traveling》华晨宇第一張專輯华晨宇环游   When collecting the song for the album, they recommended several Danish songs to Hua. He liked quite a lot and picked four of them in succession. But because this song is a foreign song, the Chinese lyrics was particularly difficult to fill in and it was disperse easily. After two rounds of lyrics are collected, they almost give up. The arrangement of this song has added electronic sound effects on a large scale, creating the mystery of outer space, and Hua's vocal sensation is quite bizarre. The lyrics convey the positive energy of youth, inspiration, and upwards. It is suitable for a new generation of rock style, not the old generation's heavy, angry expression. 《环游》是华晨宇首张专辑《卡西莫多的礼物》中的一首歌,由长友美知惠和刘源填词,Dúné作曲。 收歌的时候,公司给华晨宇推荐了几首丹麦的曲,他相当喜欢,接二连三选中了4首。而因为这首是外国曲,中文词特别难填,容易散,两轮歌词比稿,差点就放弃了。 这首歌的编曲大规模加入了电子音效,营造出外太空的神秘,而华晨宇的唱腔漂浮迷幻,相当契合。歌词传达了青春,励志,向上的正能量,适合新一代的摇滚风,而不是老一代heavy、愤怒的表达。
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu《All Lonely》Clip form 2014 Mars Concert华晨宇第一張專輯我们都是孤独的 Dark rainy nights, dim yellow streetlights, lonely emotions rather than despair, I just don't say anything. This song shows the loneliness of the heart in a chanting manner. With "rain" as the whole mood, a simple piano tune tells us that "under the rain, all the night, he doesn't make a sound." Who can understand. How much he wants to have a stable live, we are all alone." To sing out his inner feelings. Without too much deliberate singing skills, it sounds very casual. When Hua sang at the “Mars” concert, he picked up the wine bottle and sang slightly. His lazy and decadent feeling permeated everybody’s heart. Did not bear to break the silence. 这首歌由代岳东填词,The Blue Van作曲,国际首席爱乐乐团负责弦乐部分。这是团队收歌时一眼看上的第一首词,赋予原曲毫无违和感的新气质。漆黑雨夜,昏黄路灯,孤独的黑衣夜游人,孤独的情绪肆意而不绝望,无人懂又怎样,我只不作声。 这首歌用吟唱的方式展示内心的孤独,以“雨”为整曲意境,简单的钢琴曲调,述说着“雨在下,在下,在下一整夜,他不作声,不作声,他的痛有谁能懂。他多么想多么想安稳,我们都是孤独的”,来唱出内心情感。没有过多刻意的演唱技巧,听起来十分随性,华晨宇在“火星”演唱会上演唱时,更是随意拿起酒瓶,微眯着眼演唱,慵懒颓废感渗透到每一个人的心,不忍打破静寂。
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu《Bomb Squad》华晨宇第一張專輯拆弹专家(Mars Concert 20160916 in SZ) This is a customized song for concerts. Composed by a Danish Band "Dune", genre indie rock and is full of imagination. The whole song is in the high-tone area. The rhythm of repeated beats and the sound of the claps, with a chorus of children's voices, make the songs fresh and interesting, also make you instantly excited! The rebellious and funny lyrics are full of destructive power and publicity
----------- Below are lyrics for not be sung in the concert----------- GUCCI PRADA 穿着要足够浮夸 Gotta dress up fancy enough 才能够表现自己的身价 to show your worth 算了吧 Forget it 看着你声音沙哑的娱乐大家 watching you entertain others with a hoarse voice 但心中的炸弹快要爆炸 but the bomb inside the heart is about to explode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
《拆弹专家》收录于华晨宇首张专辑,是专为演唱会定制的加油曲。丹麦乐队Dúné作曲,Dúné和郑楠编曲,曲风属于indierock,填词是年轻作者赵智昇 该曲是丹麦年轻乐队Dune作曲,曲风属于indierock,充满想象力,整首歌都在高音区。反复节奏的鼓点和击掌声的音效,配有童声的大合唱,令歌曲新颖又有趣,让你瞬间热血沸腾!叛逆而搞怪的歌词充满破坏力和张扬
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu 《Shimmer》 EP14 Singer 2018 华晨宇单曲纯享《微光》
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu《Eternity》华晨宇第一張專輯不朽(Mars Concert 20160916 in SZ) People who haven't seen the live concert are hardly imaginative of this rock and roll youth. But his soul is filled with rock blood. Following the medium-speed rock, classical, and lyricism, Hua Chenyu made another effort to launch the latest single “Eternity” in the album. 《不朽》 没有看过华晨宇[微博]演唱会现场的人,很难想像长的孩子气的他,是摇滚青年。但他内心就是流淌摇滚血液。继中速摇滚,古典,抒情之后,华晨宇再发力,推出唱片里最新单曲《不朽》。   这首歌曲曲风偏新金属,节奏快,主歌和副歌落差比较大,主歌偏电子,副歌更摇滚,制作人郑楠编曲吉他加重,切分比较多。间奏也处理的十分有趣。这首歌曲还采用了非常多的音乐相位的变化,左右声道的切分,变化,酷感十足。这首锐气风发之作,也是唱功考验之作。主歌唱法比较粘连,副歌却要求有很大爆发力,最难的是整首歌从头到尾都在比较高的音区,对于华晨宇来说是个挑战。在录音过程中华晨宇唱的很爽,很难把握的落差和细节都一一唱到了。录音师大赞,见过很多歌手录音,能够连飚10几天高音,每天唱6个小时,第二天嗓子能快速恢复到最好状态的,华晨宇是第一个。   《不朽》属于新金属摇滚歌曲,歌曲的年轻桀骜狂野的态度一部分来自于歌曲和旋律及华晨宇对细腻与爆发的超强演唱处理能力,还有一部分来自于歌词的精彩。年轻的词作者郭德紫毅属于填词新人,但歌词却写的果决与坚定,骄傲与没有丝毫的妥协,甚至有些霸道。“生活是种借口,胁迫人放弃一切拥有,我活得捉襟见肘,但是我get it get it。我是不朽,虽然你眼里的我,只不过一头困兽。我该不朽,霸占永恒才足够,不屑做卑微小丑。”“我本就是不朽,何必妥协迁就,现在轮到你叩首”这种舍我是谁的王者之气,也恰恰是拥有最强大激情的年轻人内心狂野的呐喊,也准确的表达了华晨宇的内心。
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu《Quasimodo's Gift》 华晨宇 第一張專輯卡西莫多的禮物 The fifth title track "Quasimodo's Gift" When Hua Chenyu first started composing this piece, the image that came to mind was a cathedral in the dark night, a flickering candle, and a lonely and pained person kneeling in front of the candlelight. "The bells ring through the night, the wind blew out the candle, outside the bell tower his voice reverberates through the night. The monster in the mirror, dresses the same, in those helpless eyes, are endless loneliness." This song's simplicity, the melodious tune and the story-like lyrics really moved Hua Chenyu. His singing also matched the song perfectly, like a match made in heaven. The song matches with his own unique personality, expressing the kindness and loneliness inside, of having a strong and genuine love and the pain of not being able to express it. 第五波主打「卡西莫多的禮物」 華晨宇當初創作的時候,腦海裡想像的畫面是,黑夜的教堂裡,一柱燭光,一個孤單的痛苦的人跪在燭光前。“夜晚鐘聲傳來,風熄滅了蠟燭,鐘樓外他的歌聲,回蕩夜空 ,鏡子裡的怪物,穿著同樣衣服,在無助眼神之中,是無邊的孤獨”。這首歌以唯美,簡單,帶有故事畫面的歌詞深深打動華晨宇,而且唱的也特別貼合,有如神來,特別貼切他的個人特點,傳達內心善良孤獨,卻擁有強烈真摯的愛而無法表達的痛。
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu 《Ashes From Fireworks》华晨宇第一張專輯烟火里的尘埃 The second main track "Ashes from fireworks" "In my heart there lives an elderly child. If the world doesn't understand, I will confess to the shadows." The well-known and talented woman, Wu Mengzhi, the copywriter and screenwriter of the show “Divas hit the road”, wrote the album description with a bold creativity. Each song is linked by the concept "Thunder Rain Smoke Dew Light Dream". The description of each song starts with a keyword from the concept, connecting each song and turning it into a poetic map. Each keyword symbolizes a philosophical aspect of life, which expresses Hua Chenyu's poetic , innocent yet dazzling world through his seemingly playful songs. This song's concept--Smoke, is a continuation of the song Why Nobody Fight's concept, which is Thunder. 华晨宇的首张专辑文案由吴梦知撰写,所有曲目以“雷雨烟露光梦”的概念联接,而这首歌的概念为烟。 第二波主打「煙火裡的塵埃」 「我心裡住著一個蒼老的小孩,如果世界聽不明白,對影子表白」 知名才女,《花兒與少年》的文案及編劇吳夢知撰寫唱片文案,大膽創意,所有曲目,以“雷雨煙露光夢”的概念聯接。每首單曲文案,從一個關鍵字來解讀,連合成篇,則成為一幅完整的詩歌地圖。每個關鍵字,都亦隱喻著人生的哲理層面,以表達華晨宇看似好玩的歌曲態度裡,詩意又童真的花花世界。這首歌繼《Why Nobody Fights》的雷概念之後推出這首歌的概念為煙。
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB] Hua Chenyu《Let You Go》华晨宇第一張專輯Let you go(Mars Concert 20160916...
There's no official MV for this song, this Video was a clip from 2016 Mars Concert in ShenZen.第三波主打「Let You Go」「Let you go 別靠近我 我不是 被動感受的軀殼 沒什麼 能夠奪走 我自由」——在孤獨裡頭陪著我《Let You Go》是華晨宇悲觀主義與內心叛逆的爆發,掀起電子搖滾暗黑風暴。“暗黑”是他骨子裡不可忽視的色彩,他只有在撕心裂肺的嘶吼裡,才能鮮活起來,並且充滿了風暴力量。我只要 燃燒不在乎隕落 Let you go 別讓自我 被拯救。「Let you go 別靠近我 我不是 被動感受的軀殼 沒什麼 能夠奪走 我自由」——在孤獨裡頭陪著我
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dahlia-kuo-blog · 6 years
[ENG SUB]  Hua Chenyu《Why Nobody Fights》 华晨宇 第一張專輯 Music doesn't need to have so many lyrics. Since every piece of music has its own soul, when you write it down, you've created a secret with the music. And when the piece is sung, once you've heard it, it has lived. What's most important about the relationship with fans perhaps is being able to understand each other. Being thankful does not need to be voiced out. For those you truly wish to love, the biggest wish isn't that they will focus their lives around you, but rather they live to become the person they like, and fight for themselves. Why Nobody Fights, this seems like a naive question, or perhaps a powerful rhetorical question, but it doesn't really matter. Compared to any beautiful praise received, what's more powerful is the ability to think independently. Even if there's only a tiny universe inside everyone, we should try our best to create our own unique world.    第一波主打「Why Nobody Fights」 “音樂不一定要有那麼多歌詞。因為每段音樂都有它自己的靈魂,你寫下它,也就建立了與它之間的秘密。而當它被唱出來,你聽過了,它也就活過了。” “和歌迷的關係,最重要的也許是相互懂得。感謝不一定要用說的方式。因為,對於你真正想愛護的人,最大的願望,不是他們圍著你轉,而是他們能成為喜歡的自己,為自己而戰。” Why Nobody Fights,是一句天真的疑問,也或者是強烈的反問,都不要緊。因為,相比任何美好的讚揚來說,更有力量的是獨立思考。即使每個人都有只有一個微小的宇宙,但也應該盡力燃燒出自己的形狀。
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