daileynow · 1 year
How can you get calcium other than milk?
Calcium is a vital nutrient that is essential for strong bones and teeth, muscle function, and overall health. While milk is often touted as the go-to source for calcium, there are plenty of other foods that are rich in this essential mineral. If you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply looking to diversify your diet, here are some of the best non-dairy sources of calcium: Leafy…
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daileynow · 1 year
Preventing Obesity: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
As the world continues to modernize, people’s lifestyles and quality of life have undergone significant changes. In today’s world, the practice of sitting and working in front of a screen for long periods has become commonplace. Unfortunately, this sedentary lifestyle has led to physical activity becoming almost negligible, while unhealthy food consumption, especially processed food, has…
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daileynow · 1 year
What is Circadian Radham Fasting
Circadian Rhythms Fasting: An Overview Circadian rhythms fasting is a type of intermittent fasting that focuses on aligning eating patterns with the body’s natural circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the internal 24-hour clock that regulates various physiological processes in the body, including sleep-wake cycles, hormone production, and metabolism. By eating in harmony with this rhythm,…
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daileynow · 1 year
What are the foods that make the human brain strong?
The human brain requires proper nutrition to function optimally. Eating a balanced diet that includes certain foods can help improve brain function, boost memory and concentration, and enhance overall cognitive performance. Here are some foods that are known to be beneficial for brain health: Fatty fish: Fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are…
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daileynow · 1 year
Why Does Winter Bring About a Feeling of Sadness?
Why Does Winter Bring About a Feeling of Sadness?
As winter approaches, it often brings with it lifestyle changes that can have an adverse effect on mental health and mood. Low levels of sunlight, limited light exposure, and dreary weather can stimulate the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which can contribute to mood changes. Many individuals experience a shift in mood during this time of the year, making it important to be…
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daileynow · 2 years
What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of headache?
What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of headache?
Daily problems and hectic life style may or may not have caused headaches and usually we ourselves are the ones to blame.  According to medical experts, staying up late at night, not eating on time, suffering from unseen worries and many other such factors cause headache. Experts say that headache is not a permanent disease, but in most cases it indicates an internal disorder. Headache…
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daileynow · 2 years
Super weight loss foods?
Super weight loss foods?
Excess fat in the body causes obesity. This problem is usually caused by a bad lifestyle. Like excessive fatty food, eating too much, excessive consumption of soft drinks, less walking, lack of sleep, besides genetic reasons or hormonal disorders also lead to obesity. Obesity not only increases the problem due to weight gain but also invites many diseases like diabetes, blood pressure and heart…
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daileynow · 2 years
Simple and Effective ways to lose weight after delivery
Simple and Effective ways to lose weight after delivery
Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels.com Gaining weight during pregnancy is a common thing during which women gain 11 to 16 kg, but if this weight is not reduced after delivery, it can create difficulties for you.Today we will tell you how to lose weight after childbirth so that you too can get back to your previous physical condition and there is no loss of beauty. When should you lose weight…
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daileynow · 2 years
Burn calories. What are the 5 benefits of eating chewing gum along with weight loss?
Burn calories. What are the 5 benefits of eating chewing gum along with weight loss?
It’s still a debate whether chewing gum can really make you lose a few inches. Well, let’s find out if this is a myth or fact. Chewing gum can be good for our health if it is kept in a limit. Not only can it freshen our breath, but it can also help curb cravings for cigarettes, improve our memory, and help us lose weight. 1. Increases heart rate: Chewing gum while walking increases heart rate…
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daileynow · 2 years
The are major reasons for belly fat that married men don't know
The are major reasons for belly fat that married men don’t know
Belly fats are the most common type of fats in the human body. They are also the most dangerous type of fats, as they are associated with many health risks.The main reason for the accumulation of belly fats is the sedentary lifestyle. In today’s fast-paced world, people are always in a hurry and they don’t have time for physical activity. This leads to weight gain and the accumulation of belly…
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daileynow · 2 years
Lose weight by eating yogurt? 
Dieting to lose weight in most people’s minds means eating without salt, without pleasure and without fat, which is the reason why most people who want to lose weight go on a diet, but do not eat for dieting. But today we will tell you about a food item that is notonly delicious in terms of taste, but the person who eats it is forced to eat it again and again. Few people know that yogurt is…
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daileynow · 2 years
If you want to melt body fat like butter, then just do this before going to bed at night.
If you want to melt body fat like butter, then just do this before going to bed at night.
In today’s era fitness and healthy mind is the heart desire of everyone, everyone tries to find some magic that can solve this problem in a blink of an eye. Everyone is looking for a perfect body. However, sitting for hours in the office is more than equal to eating junk foods and lack of physical activity. People are worried about weight gain, hanging belly and double chin. It also reduces their…
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daileynow · 2 years
Is the use of black water the solution to all medical problems?
Is the use of black water the solution to all medical problems?
Black water, also known as alkaline or ionized water, has a high pH level that increases the supply of electrolytes in our body. The use of black water or alkaline water has been a subject of debate for years. Some people say that it is the solution to all medical problems while others say that it is just a fad. This article will help you better understand the benefits of blackwater and decide…
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daileynow · 2 years
The 7 foods that cause wrinkles on the face?
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We all know that what we consume has a great impact on our skin. Even though we may not see it or feel it, our skin is constantly changing and evolving, and what we put in our mouth can have a profound effect on how healthy it is. Explore the 7 foods that cause wrinkles on the face. — Wrinkles are caused by a number of factors. One is the natural aging process, but wrinkles can also be caused…
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daileynow · 2 years
How Tamarind reduce weight?
How Tamarind reduce weight?
Tamarind is sweet and sour as well as very delicious, it is a part of every kitchen, it is used as a spice, its taste makes our dishes delicious. Apart from its delicious taste, tamarind also has several remarkable health benefits, tamarind is high in protein, fiber along with carbohydrates and sugar, due to its carbohydrate and sugar content, tamarind is only recommended for diabetics in small…
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daileynow · 2 years
5 Foods That Help Control Cholesterol
5 Foods That Help Control Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood. The body needs cholesterol to make healthy cells, but too much of it can increase the risk of heart disease. High cholesterol causes fatty deposits in the blood vessels. can produce Small lifestyle changes and healthy foods can help control blood cholesterol levels and keep the heart healthy. Health experts recommend following simple foods to…
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daileynow · 2 years
How to take care of the skin in the monsoon?
How to take care of the skin in the monsoon?
s change can severely affect the skin. There is no doubt that your skin needs special attention this season, by adopting the following precautions. The skin can be better cared for. Avoid heavy make-up Heavy make-up should be avoided in the rainy season as make-up can be harmful to the skin, nail acne, allergies, etc. If you suffer from acne, heavy make-up and Stop using lotions, instead make a…
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