daily-eah-lore · 2 years
jillian beanstalk has a crush on tiny 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Nikki Maxwell, from the bestselling novel series Dork Diaries, dressing up as Raven Queen.
edit: this is official art from the Dork Diaries website. 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Happy Pride Month! 
Nina Thumbell may be coded or implied as a lesbian, quoting from her profile: “Having a prince is so last chapter” 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Cedar cannot participate in theatre or acting, as it is considered lying.
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Due to Darling's never ending bevvy of suitors, her brothers have concocted very comedic ways of friving them away. Daring likes to chase them with his sword or his steed, while Dexter uses his creative thinking to rig buckets above doors to give them a good dousing.
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Apple keeps a stash of candy and coins to throw to adoring admirers and suitors
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Ginger and Faybelle were childhood friends
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
In the books, Hunter has a running thing of him ripping his shirt in heroic fashion. Cupid really digs it.
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Hunter Huntsman is part of the cheerhexing club, and the only male member .
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Upon arriving at Ever After High, Bunny has joined several (h)extra-curricular activities, including Track and Shield, playing horn at band, Royal Student Council, Party Planning Committee within the council, and she plays chess with Alistair in his chess club. 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Blondie was once seen with curlers in her hair, nervously stammering out a claim that her curls are natural, implying that they may not be
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Most people in Red Riding Hood’s village believe that the Huntsman is Cerise’s father. 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
In The Unfairest of Them All, Faybelle is mentioned to have midnight-blue hair. 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Hopper has a vendetta against toads- or maybe is allies with them. He takes offense upon hearing Raven compare Sparrow and his Merry Men to toads. 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
Humphrey Dumpty was a literal egg with limbs in the books, contrary to his humanized appearance in the animated show. 
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
The daughter of the blue fairy from Pinocchio is canonically dead, or at least have disappeared from the fairy tale world ( what they describe as going “poof”) as a result of her refusing to follow her destiny, despite this taking place after Raven frees the storybook of legends and their destinies- Fairies do not apply to the new rebellion, and they will go “poof” if they don’t follow their destinies. 
This is the reason why Farrah Goodfairy is not only Ashlynn Ella’s fairy godmother, but also Cedar’s. 
(ooc [?] : now, I want you to think about Briar and Faybelle with that in mind. Yes I am evil.)
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daily-eah-lore · 2 years
The whole story of Hansel and Gretel was based on lie, with the two kids trespassing on the witch’s property, ate her house without her permission despite her pleas for them to stop. She offers them candy to stop them and leads them inside the house to distract them, but they push her into the oven and tell everyone she lured them to be eaten. Since no one ever believes a witch, everyone took the children’s side and wrote what we know as their story, with the poor witch as a villainous cannibal. 
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