daily-yuuji · 10 months
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Yuuji No. 5
Image taken from Ch. 1 of Jujustu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami (found on Viz Media's Shonen Jump webpage).
Image Description: The image is a black and white panel clipped from a manga page. Yuuji Itadori and his classmate Setsuko Sasakiare depicted, him from his forearms up and her from the shoulders up. Yuuji is wearing a hoodie and Setsuko is wearing a school uniform (a dress shirt under a sweater vest with a striped tie). Yuuji has an indignant, angry expression and has his mouth open. He also has a finger pointing in the air. A spiked text bubble to the right of his head reads "So what?!" in large text. Another spiked speech bubble that connects with the lower left corner of the panel reads "As the occult research club, we're hypothesizing about the occult! It's a respectable club activity!" Small, left slanted text that floats to the left of Setsuko's head reads "I'm such an idiot." Setsuko is looking down with a deadpan, downtrodden expression. There is a set of vertical lines near her head (taresen- they meant to depict a kind of sadness). There is an action screentone behind Yuuji, a set of motion lines all pointing towards him.
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daily-yuuji · 10 months
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Yuuji No. 4
Image taken from Ch. 1 of Jujustu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami (found on Viz Media's Shonen Jump webpage).
Image Description: The image is a black and white panel clipped from a manga page. Yuuji is shown from the shoulders up, slightly to the right of the panel and gesturing with his right hand's pointer finger in the air at head-level. He is wearing a nondescript hoodie and has a neutral but serious expression. The onomatopoeia "Hmph!" is in small, bold text near his head. A small icon depicting him letting out a short breath is also near his head. A text bubble to the left of his head reads "I wouldn't mess with our club member if I was you!" (Yuuji is speaking here). A text bubble to the right and partially overlapping his head reads "This is going to be the changing room for the girls' track-and-field team starting today! So get out!" (The school council president is speaking here, as shown by a small icon of his open-mouthed face existing in the lower part of the bubble. He is not in frame.)
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daily-yuuji · 10 months
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Yuuji No. 3
Image taken from Ch. 1 of Jujustu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami (found on Viz Media's Shonen Jump webpage).
Image Description: The image is a clipped, black and white manga panel. It depicts the faces of (left to right) Setsuko Sasaki, Yuuji Itadori, and Takeshi Iguchi. They are laughing with silly expressions. (Yuuji's eyes are each depicted as three lines facing inwards, like crow's feet.) In the background is the school council president, who has his right hand up as he has just slammed open the door to the club room Yuuji and his friends are in with an angry expression. A cloud-shaped speech bubble is to the right of Yuuji's head, stating "What?!" in italics, with "A fish?!" below it in smaller letters. A cut-off onomatopoeia (or giongo) reading "SLAM!" is above the president. At the bottom of the panel is an onomatopoeia reading "BWA HA HA HA!" A wall lined with rectangular shelves full of files is in the background.
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daily-yuuji · 10 months
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Yuuji No. 2
Image taken from Ch. 1 of Jujustu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami (found on Viz Media's Shonen Jump webpage).
Image Description: Image is two clipped black and white manga panels, one on top of the other. A bust shot of Yuuji Itadori takes up the bottom panel and overlaps the top one. A speech bubble to the right of him reads "Are you sure?". Yuuji is wearing a hoodie and has a serious expression. His mouth open and a sweat drop is under his left eye. The top panel displays the wall of a school's club room, labeled for "Occult Research" by a sign above the door.
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daily-yuuji · 10 months
Introducing.. Daily Yuuji!
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Yuuji No. 1 - See read more!
Hello! I made this blog as a fun way to get myself to read the jjk manga. Panels will be uploaded in (somewhat) chronological order from here on out. If you have a specific panel you enjoy, feel free to submit it to the ask box.
I don't have a ton of image- describing- experience. If my descriptions are lacking, please let me know. Also, have an obligatory "this blog is not spoiler-free". Enjoy!
Image Description:
The image is a cropped page from the manga Jujutsu Kaisen, Volume 1, by Gege Akutami. In the top half, a cut-off panel shows a girl in a long-sleeved shirt with only her right arm visible, set against a simple dotted screen-tone. Centered to the left is the phrase "TA-DAH!" in uppercase, while to the right, also centered, stands Yuuji Itadori- a teenager wearing black pants and a hoodie. He has cropped, spiky hair and is posed on one knee. He is reaching towards the phrase "TA-DAH!" with a simplified smile (depicted by two vertical lines for eyes and an upside-down triangle for a mouth).
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