dailybongo · 12 years
Disney's Little Mermaid
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It's been a long time since I watched Disney's The Little Mermaid. That was remedied today when I had to watch it three times with my two year old niece. I had to watch her for several hours today, and I was trying to come up with entertainment for her. She never saw The Little Mermaid, so i thought that we might give that a try. The niece is hard to please though. She was not a fan of Beauty and the Beast. I hoped that the music and story would work their magic on her, and boy, did they! We watched it the first time, and as soon as the credits started to roll, she started screaming for more. Her mother came to pick her up as the movie was ending for the third time, and Maya was quite eager to tell her mom all about Mermaid. And so starts yet another girl down the path of giving up everything for the prince of her dreams. Oh Disney! What a web you wove with your catchy musical tunes and cute little talking animals!
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dailybongo · 12 years
People are gullible. This dog does have a lion-like look, but you'd really have to be pushing it to think it was an escaped lion. After all, lions get a mane like that when they are fully grown. 
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dailybongo · 12 years
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dailybongo · 12 years
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This tree is an open, hollow shell. Surprisingly, it's still leafy! The tree is located in front of the University of Pittsburgh's Frick Fine Arts building.
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dailybongo · 12 years
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Dinosaurs frolicking behind the Gates Building on the Carnegie Mellon University campus.
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dailybongo · 12 years
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I admit it! I'm always pressing hard, giving a shake, taking the batteries out and putting them back in, etc.
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dailybongo · 13 years
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The potential energy of the state is always less than the initial energy.
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dailybongo · 13 years
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I know this feeling because it happens EVERY WEEK DAY!
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dailybongo · 13 years
You would think that the first thing they would do is confirm that the equipment wasn't flawed. Just goes to show you that you shouldn't doubt Einstein.
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dailybongo · 13 years
I have noticed that whenever I'm feeling down, I like to re-read some of my favorites. There's a comfort in revisiting with old friends, and it seems that research agrees with me that re-reading books or re-watching movies is good for your mental health. I could have told them that!
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dailybongo · 13 years
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This is so true!
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dailybongo · 13 years
I always did like Ferris Bueller. I need to live life more like Bueller. This commercial is supposed to be aired during the Super Bowl, but Honda released a preview to whet our appetites.
'I've said it before and I'll say it again. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you'll miss it.'
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dailybongo · 13 years
The reason I don't watch the State of the Union speeches is because it's really just political aggrandizing, and it's especially horrendous during a presidential election year. Personally, I think that a non-biased, non-political party (yeah, like that exists) should provide the citizens with an accurate state of the Union. Then the heads of the political parties can propagandize about how they did the best job or have the best solution.
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dailybongo · 13 years
Tim Tebow is basically a decent guy. We should all aspire towards his good qualities.
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dailybongo · 13 years
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This has happened to me several times in fast food places. The concept of just eating enough food to satisfy yourself seems to be a foreign concept to many.
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dailybongo · 13 years
This is a really cool concept. It enables the human to see what the dog has found. I thought it was funny how the guy commented on Lassie utilizing something like this. If only the humans could have see what Lassie saw, they would have realized the emergency instead of getting irritated at her barking.
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dailybongo · 13 years
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Just the sort of thing I would do if I were God.
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