dajo42 · 5 hours
john wick vs mr bean? is that anything?
sick of crossovers that are just "look at all this intellectual property we own" give me more crossovers of franchises that have no relation to each other at all like what if the scooby gang had to investigate the village from midsommar
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dajo42 · 5 hours
sick of crossovers that are just "look at all this intellectual property we own" give me more crossovers of franchises that have no relation to each other at all like what if the scooby gang had to investigate the village from midsommar
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dajo42 · 1 day
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dajo42 · 1 day
just beat the elden beast again. didnt summon any other players this time. didnt need to. when youre level 713 with a giant jar on your head, 132 poise, an encyclopedia of buff incantations, two +10 blasphemous blades and a mimic tear it turns out things get easy
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dajo42 · 3 days
Love seeing little pawprints. So fucking magical. There was a little guy here.
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dajo42 · 3 days
I LOVE when you do poetry, you always touch my soul with it. I don’t even go on social media for poetry, I’m here for memes mostly, but when you post some poetry I have to slow down and read it and really digest it. And then I have to screenshot it and write the words down myself and repeat them to myself a bunch of times so I always have it saved in my mind.
I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m the biggest fan of your Snowman poem that deals with grief. That poem has made me cry (in a good way) countless times and honestly probably contributed to saving my life at one point.
And now your pearly gates poem isn’t making me cry, but it’s the type of poem that once I read it I thought “Yes, those words were definitely meant to end up together eventually, Daisy is the one who was able to make it happen.”
I wish I had some money to give you but instead can I just send you buckets of my love, forever?
this is so lovely,,,,, im so glad you like it thank you so much
yes pls i accept buckets of love
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dajo42 · 4 days
was i okay last night
gonna write a rhyming couplet real quick
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dajo42 · 4 days
do i mean the gates were merely painted gold to hide the truth of the nature of heaven?? am i even in heaven?? like is this about the illusions god presents or did i get tricked and end up in hell?? or do i actually mean i painted myself gold to fake my way up there as potentially implied by "ive made it" and now my own illusion is crumbling?? you decide idk
gonna write a rhyming couplet real quick
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dajo42 · 4 days
ive made it up to heaven but i dont know how to feel
as when i touched the pearly gates the golden paint began to peel
gonna write a rhyming couplet real quick
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dajo42 · 4 days
gonna write a rhyming couplet real quick
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dajo42 · 4 days
sorry i keep posting really long run on sentences i just think its a funny way to make a post
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dajo42 · 4 days
had to leave another leftist facebook group because i didnt agree that what we need to do is endlessly infight about the minute details of increasingly obscure flavours of communism and how my even referring to the communism as communism is grounds for me to be ousted summarily from the group via violent defenestration and that having "whos the most leftist" pissing contests with each other over what genuinely seems at its core to be the same ideology phrased slightly differently fifty times is somehow the best way to organise protests for gaza. my bad
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dajo42 · 5 days
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dajo42 · 5 days
just met the goddess of grief! she said she doesnt get why grief is so isolating for us as individuals when its one of the few things almost all of us are guaranteed to go through. that she doesnt understand why we shut ourselves in and try to deal with it on our own when its basically universal and it would be so much easier to deal with it together considering we all experience it together. i said well thats why youre the goddess of the concept and not one of the humans who actually have to deal with it. you see the collective of connections from a birds eye view. we can only experience our individual relationship or relation to the person we lost. nobody else in the world, even other people grieving the same person, had that exact relationship with them. if i died right now each of my friends would miss me equally but differently because we had unique connections. they can come together and talk about it all they want but it will still be a solitary experience by its very nature. anyway then me and the goddess of grief made primal, carnal love in a cloud or whatever
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dajo42 · 9 days
theres an impossibly old woman who wanders the coasts of the world scattering shells and interestingly shaped rocks on the beaches and she has seaweed hair and skin like wet sand and you can tell shes nearby when the air smells especially like saltwater and the seagulls go quiet in reverence and even the tide seems to stifle a gasp at the beauty of her seafloor black eyes and her gnarled coral fingers and her flowing gown of seafoam
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dajo42 · 9 days
its like yeah it can be fun to introduce more levels of challenge to a video game. yeah overcoming a difficult task can be incredibly satisfying. but then why does that so often have to come with elitism and gatekeeping. just because you came up with a self imposed set of rules that make the game borderline impossible you for some reason think thats the only correct way to play? you completed elden ring without spirit summons and now youre better than everyone else? like its fine that you ordered the cheeseburger with no pickles but it does come with pickles by default. like. you chose to be the outlier. you didnt have the objectively correct burger by removing pickles. you dont have the right to scoff at other people in the cheeseburger zone because you somehow think the pickles cheapen the experience. its not inherently better. its not inherently worse. neither burger is inherently superior. they are both burger one just has pickle. everyone around you is simply enjoying their cheeseburger. maybe you could bond over your mutual enjoyment of cheeseburger instead of pointlessly trying to crown yourself duke cheeseburger nopickle the supreme burgerlord of cheeseland because you completed luigis mansion 3 while getting sucked into an actual vacuum cleaner irl or whatever. actually now that i think about it how well do you think a vacuum cleaner could suck up a cheeseburger. do the pickles play into it at all. im hungry
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dajo42 · 10 days
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waylon smithers licorice whip routine 69,069 notes
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