dakotamrtn · 5 years
Dakota had spent the day painting with Emma, taking her to daycare late while she went to work. That evening, she looked forward to spending time with Tj and Emma at the park, knowing that it was always nice when the other came over to see their daughter before their week, because honestly, a week was so long to go without seeing Emma, and Tj and Dakota had become something like best friends. So Dakota changed Emma and had her ready in a pair of jeans with a unicorn on it and a pretty shirt to see her father, waiting to hear the knocks at the door to let him in. She was playing with her toys and drinking a sippy cup of milk. They hadn’t had dinner yet so perhaps they could do that after taking her to the park. @tj-hxwkins​
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Kit got everything set up, a canvas on the floor for each of them, with newspapers underneath, and cups with different paints and different sized brushes.
Kit smiled from her spot on the floor. “Hey! Come on in! Sit on down!” She welcomed the two easily. “Hi Emma!” Kit cooed with a smile to the toddler.
Dakota led Emma by the hand over to one of the canvases and had her sit down in front of it. Meanwhile Dakota sat next to her and Kit. Emma reached for the paint immediately and dipped her fingers in it, and Dakota could already see immediately that the little girl was about to wipe it on her skin so she directed Emma’s painting towards the paper, showing her what to do. “How are you?” Dakota asked Kit, watching as Emma dragged the color along her canvas. Dakota let her mind go blank, as she always did before painting, and let her hands lead her art. She picked up a brush and started to spread color artistically over the canvas. “So how long have you been painting?” she asked conversationally. 
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Dakota had Emma fed, changed, and secured in her car seat before she reluctantly got behind the wheel of the car, her prescribed medication in her system calming her fears of driving, especially when her daughter was in the car with her. It wasn’t that far of a drive, anyway. She chose to keep Emma home from daycare today to spend time with her before work and take her to Kit’s studio to paint. Upon arrival, she walked with Emma’s small hand in hers into the back of the gallery as instructed and made her presence known. “Hey, we’re here,” she called to Kit with a slight smile on her face. @kitxweaver
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Kit: I’m always free! :) you can come on over!
Dakota: We’ll be over in about an hour if that works. I need to feed Emma first. Do you prefer your studio or your house?
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Kit: I mean we can have your daughter fingerpaint too! Get her in on the fun! ^^
Dakota: Really? She’d love that. When are you free?
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || Tj
Tj: My heart. Omg. 😍😍
Tj: My day as been made. Give her a big hug and kiss from me. I already miss her ugh.
Dakota: I will.
Dakota: You want to come over and see her after work? We could take her to the park or something together.
Dakota: And hey, I have two days left with her and then she's yours. I'm missing her already and she's still here with me, lol.
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Kit: thanks! I mean it’s fun teaching others how to paint while they drink or don’t drink
Kit: come on over whenever! I’m always painting either at the studio or at home
Dakota: It’s definitely fun painting while drinking. 
Dakota: Cool, maybe Sunday or sometime next week? I have my daughter with me this week. 
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || Tj
Dakota: [video attachment of Emma waving at the camera and saying 'dada']
Dakota: Emma says hi. 😘 Have a cute video to brighten your morning.
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Dakota: Yeah it was really unique and fun. Pretty cool thing you have going on.
Dakota: Awesome! Sure. I haven’t painted in a while, so it was nice. Hopefully I still have some talent remaining, ha. 
Text to dakotamrtn
Kit: hey I hope you had a lot of fun at my PaintNSip last night! ^^
Kit: if you want we can always paint together, free of charge of course!
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || TJ
Tj: Don't you roll your emoji eyes at me, gurl. 😂
Tj: I mean, I'd invite you over so I can help you out with that, but I'm in the middle of watching Frozen.
Tj: You think so? Really?
Tj: I've been told I have a resting bitch face a few times before. lmao. Must be true. You might have a resting bitch face at times, but you're still fucking beautiful.
Dakota: 🙄🙄🙄
Dakota: Pft, that's fine, I have other resources.
Dakota: Have I ever lied to you?
Dakota: Yes, I really think so.
Dakota: Well...thanks. You say that to everyone though. 😬😜
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || Alannah
Alannah: weird it's not official yet, I am leaving between his place and mine until things are sorted.
Alannah: How is she in the store?
Alannah: I remember my mom used us a little list so we could help and not get bored
Dakota: Ah I see.
Dakota: She's pretty good. She's thrown a few temper tantrums but nothing out of the ordinary. I like bringing her places, but it's nice when I can go shopping on my own too.
Dakota: Ha, she's a huge helper, I tell her, "go get some bread" and she brings me back a thing of bread. It's adorable. With me supervising her obviously.
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Dakota furrowed her brows as Lexi spoke. “That’s irritating,” she responded. “No one has the right to assume your age or your bra size... I mean, you’re coming to them for service, for Christ’s sake. By the way, you look awesome.”
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“So, I bounce my little self into Victoria’s Secret today, right? And this lady’s standing there, like any ol’ saleswoman does. I walk up and asked to get my bra size measured, since I haven’t shopped there in a while, and she looks right at my chest with this completely judgmental look and goes, “Shouldn’t you be shopping somewhere a little more…your age?” Like, I get it, I look young, but still!
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
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dakota: trying to relax while my kid tries to jump in the bathtub with me, then watching a movie with her tonight. before that...not much. 
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kris: what are you doing tonight? my tinder date cancelled and i look too hot to just lounge around my apartment, so…?
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || Alwyn
Alwyn: Dakota! Hey! It HAS been a while. I was beginning to think you had been abducted by aliens or something.
Alwyn: Not a lot’s new other than my sisters are now in town. I’m sure you’ll bump into them eventually. What’s new with you? 💗
Dakota: Haha nope - just with my daughter sometimes I forget to talk to people for a while.
Dakota: Nice. What are their names?
Dakota: Not much, really. My best friend/FWB's wanted to be exclusive with me but didn't want to get to know Emma or TJ so they're gone from my life now. 👍 That's really all the gossip I have.
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || Alannah
Alannah: I am living with Kurt now!
Alannah:I bet, got any plans for the week?
Dakota: Haha, cool! What's that like?
Dakota: I took her to the park yesterday. We're about to go grocery shopping and run a few other errands so I'm getting her ready.
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dakotamrtn · 5 years
Text || Alannah
Alannah: It was great! How about yours?
Dakota: What made it great?
Dakota: It was okay. I'm picking up my daughter today for the week so I'm looking forward to that.
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