damianfanfiction · 2 months
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Love her back
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damianfanfiction · 2 months
Love Delia in my art😚😚
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12 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 6 months
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62 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 7 months
preparing for the date with Cordelia
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24 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 8 months
mini misty
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17 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 1 year
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I never forget Cordelia called Misty myDEAREST
32 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 2 years
— i want to be with you everywhere
summary: cordelia and misty spend a weekend at the swamp together. unintended, cordelia ends up proposing to misty on that sunday evening.
pairing: cordelia goode x misty day
word count: 7500
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The Louisiana heat was already not treating Cordelia well. Misty Day still had her shawl wrapped around her shoulders, the older woman thought she was going to collapse just by looking at her. The heat certainly didn't bother Misty much.
"I know it's not ya ideal vacation but..." Misty trailed off. There was no but's. She knew Cordelia would rather be relaxing on an island where there was no alligators or spiders sneaking up on them.
Cordelia wouldn't admit it, but she wasn't looking forward to waking up to an alligator in the bed, or to sweat off all her makeup. This made Misty happy, and she wouldn't ruin that for her.
"It's wonderful. I get to be alone with you, that's all that matters."
They'd never spent a weekend at Misty's swamp together, but Cordelia had visited when Misty was stuck in hell. The only reason that the shack is still somewhat livable.
She kissed the swamp witches cheek, placing her bags down on the wooden floor. Maybe she should've installed an air conditioner, or perhaps a fan. At least they had a working bathroom, all thanks to Cordelia.
"Well i'm gonna go say hi to Stevie. Wanna come?" Misty asks, her shoes already discarded. Cordelia cringed at the thought of her feet getting dirty in the mud. They were entirely different people, but built off of the same blueprint. They liked all the same things, but Cordelia was more of a clean, indoors person. Misty, however, loves to be soaked in the sun, covered in dirt.
"That's right you never met each other before. My alligator." Misty Day was already halfway out of the door. She knew Stevie would be thrilled to see her after all these years.
"Oh. Misty, I don't- I don't do wild animals like that." She also doesn't do the summer sun. She supposes, she must already have a sunburn in the fifteen minutes that it took from the car to Misty's shack. Her skin was burning.
"She ain't a wild animal. She's my little Stevie, and she ain't gonna hurt ya." Misty gripped Cordelia's wrists. There was no getting out of this. Maybe she should've taken a plane to Hawaii while Misty was sleeping. "And ya gonna see a lot of alligators this weekend anyways. Just dont talk bad about them and they'll like ya if they know ya with me."
"Talk bad?" Misty didn't answer. She was too occupied pulling Cordelia out of the shack. alligators can't understand them. Can they? Misty had the older woman questioning everything.
The sun burned down on Cordelia's legs and shoulders as she walked closer towards the swampy waters. She could not recall the last time she wore shorts besides to sleep. She didn't have to when she mostly spent her days in the ice cold academy.
Her palms grew increasingly sweaty in Misty's hands, but the swamp queen seemed to be immune to this heat. Although Cordelia couldn't pin point if she was sweating from the heat, or the nerves considering that there were millions of wild animals surrounding them. Some hiding where she couldn't even see them.
"Misty, baby, I love your love for animals but this does not seem safe." She dug her shoes further into the dirt, hoping to slower the walk, and give Misty a chance to change her mind. But she didn't.
"I spent years here, darlin. If it wasn't safe, I would've known by now."
Cordelia chewed on her lower lip, the skin there becoming swollen from it becoming a habit. "You can bring yourself back to life though,” argued the supreme.
Misty's hand loosed it's grip on Cordelia's. She stood dead in her tracks to turn to the older woman. "Ya know, if ya really don't want to stay here then ya welcome to go home. I just thought it would be fun, but silly me."
It was only Friday afternoon, and Cordelia really considered it. She wouldn't be home until Monday morning. But, the loving, reasonable side of her argued with that. Cordelia was the only person who ever appreciated her, and understood her. She thinks, perhaps, she might've just ruined that.
"No. No, my love." She cupped both of Misty cheeks, pale skin turning slightly red from the sun. "It is fun. I'm just terrified. I'm just not used to this. I grew up in a fancy mansion with everything i’ve needed—” besides a mothers love “—I adore you for being able to live out here."
"How did I end up with a girlfriend that's the complete opposite of me, yet the same exact person?" Misty questioned. It was mostly directed to the universe. Cordelia laughed. "I'm not mad at ya. Only because this is the only time I get to see ya wear shorts outside and—" Misty paused to whistle at her.
"Misty Day!" She scolded. But she wasn't stern. She was trying to contain her smile, and hide her blush under her hands. Misty Day kissed her lips before Cordelia could look down, flustered.
"Come on scaredy cat. I want you to meet Stevie before it gets dark." This time, she held Cordelia by the waist. She had a better understanding of Cordelia's fears. However, not entirely, because to her, alligators were like puppy dogs.
Cordelia gulped down her nerves. It was for Misty, she tried to tell herself. Misty wouldn't let her get mauled by an alligator. But when it came down to it, what could a young woman really do about that?
"Stevie," Misty called. Her legs, calve deep into the swamp water. Cordelia wanted to gag at the thought of a million diseases living in it. "There's my Stevie!"
Cordelia nearly tripped backwards when the wild animal appeared out of the brownish-green water. Rubbing itself against Misty's leg. It only sees her as a piece of meat. As tonight's dinner. But she reasoned with herself. Calm down Cordelia, you both would've already been devoured by now.
"Don't be scared, Delia. She's harmless." Those teeth don't look too harmless. And Cordelia wanted to grab Misty's hand when it rubbed against the top of the scaley head. She didn't, because she figured that her own hand would be bitten off. "C'mere."
With Misty's free hand, she gently tugged Cordelia to her side. Supposedly Stevie, stared at Cordelia with hungry eyes. This is the end. I should've gave the girls an extra hug when I left.
"Don't ya worry Stevie. This is my girlfriend, Delia." Eyes softened, Cordelia thinks. Hopes. She gritted her teeth as she felt an uncomfortably hard, scale against her bare leg. It made her feel uneasy.
She stood there. For a moment, she wasn't breathing. She forgot to. "Don't be shy, Delia. Pet her." I can check petting a wild alligator off my bucket list.
"I'd like to keep my hand, thank you."
An aggravated sigh from Misty. But she wasn't really aggravated. She honestly would've laughed if Cordelia wasn't so afraid.
"She don't bite. Lemme see ya hand."
Reluctantly, Cordelia extended her hand to Misty. But only because Misty was pouting. That's the only reason, she told herself. Just because of her big blue pleading eyes.
"Mistyyy!" Her voice was only a whisper when she felt the leathery texture on the palm of her hand. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to imagine her hands anywhere elsewhere.
"Relax. She can tell when you're nervous."
One brown eye opened up, faster than this alligator could kill her. "What is that supposed to mean? That she'll eat me if i'm nervous?"
"Possibly." Misty grinned. She was teasing, it was evident in her tone. But Cordelia wasn't in a joking mood. She took her seriously. "Alright. I guess that's enough scaring Delia, Stevie. I'll see ya tomorrow."
As if the alligator could understand Misty -Cordelia wouldn't put it past her- it swam away. And Cordelia pulled her arm right back to her side, protecting it with her other arm.
"See. Wasn't so scary."
Cordelia scoffed. As if she didn't just nearly have a panic attack. As if the alligator didn't almost rip her into two before Misty introduced her.
"Yeah...not at all."
Later that night, the stars had fully taken over the sky. The darkness covered every inch of the swamp, making every tree seem more like a monster than a piece of nature.
Cordelia didn't not like that she couldn't see where she stepped. That her legs were trembling with each step she took, afraid that it would be a snake rather than the ground.
But she promised Misty that she they could star gaze. She promised her before she realized what she was getting into.
The mosquitoes were attacking Cordelia. She forgot to bring bug spray. The one time she wasn't overly prepared for something. She could've blamed Misty; You don't need to overpack, Misty told her because she knew of Cordelia ways. However, she didn't blame Misty. She couldn't when she was laying in her arms under the sky.
"I appreciate ya coming here with me. It's means a lot to me. I know this isn't ya ideal place."
Misty tightly held Cordelia, warming her up, protecting her from any wild animals. Cordelia still didn't feel too secure laying on the blanket, and she was thinking about burning it once they got home. Who knows what kind of bugs could be crawling on this now.
"Oh, Misty..."
"No, seriously. Most people wouldn't do this. Almost all the girls make fun of me for how I live. Or lived. But ya don't. Ya appreciate me, and respect me. And ya always willing to listen about my stories from the swamp."
"My love, you are so amazing for living out here. I sure wouldn't be able to do it. And i'm positive all of the girls wouldn't either. I love hearing all of your stories. I could listen to your voice, with your cute little accent all day." They both giggled. Misty was well aware of the fact that Cordelia always just liked to simply listen to her voice. "I'm really enjoying our vacation already. I know I'm paranoid over the animals and insects, and annoyed with the heat. But being here; your home, alone with you, is so amazing."
Misty was tearing up, but she blinked it away. She thought Cordelia wouldn't notice, but she did. She saw her glassy eyes glimmering in the moonlight. "This isn't my home, Delia. You're my home."
Misty watched the tears form in Cordelia's eyes. Wiped them away when they did eventually fall. Misty was always there to clear of her tears. "Misty..." her lip trembled. She was trying to find the right words, but she didn't know what to exactly say to that. You're my home too, but she believes that Misty deserves to hear much more than that.
"Shh. You don't have to say anything." She could clearly see Cordelia struggling to put a sentence together. She didn't want to see her in distress any longer.
She hugged Cordelia tighter when she crumbled into her chest, and the older woman clung to her like buttons on a blouse. Nobody had ever treated Cordelia like that. Myrtle, yes. But there was Hank, and Fiona, and all the people along the way her treated her no better than the scum on their shoes.
But Misty Day made her feel like all of the stars in the sky.
"Let it out, darlin. It's okay." Cordelia was not crying for them. She would not give them the satisfaction in their graves. She was crying for Misty. It felt different for Cordelia to be the one lifted up, rather than lifting others up. It didn't hurt. It felt refreshing. And that's what terrified her. She wasn't sure she deserved it.
Misty kissed the top of her head, rubbed her arms up and down. It was the only comfort she could provide. The only comfort Cordelia really needed. "I love you, Misty. I love you so much." She nearly choked on her words from her dry throat, almost stopped breathing from the lump in it.
"I love ya too, baby. My shining star." Misty brushed her thumb against the rim of Cordelia's cheekbone. It was as if she was trying to make Cordelia cry harder. She wasn't, she just needed Cordelia to understand how important she was...and the supreme was too emotional to hear it.
Cordelia pushed Misty backwards, hand in her chest, as she began to kiss her. Passionately, hungry, loving. She didn't know how she ended up straddling Misty, but each thigh was beside her waist. "The bugs and animals. I thought ya—"
Cordelia cut Misty off with another kiss. Her lips swollen, and shirt already halfway unbuttoned. "I don't give a fuck about that right now. Just kiss me. Please."
Misty doesn't think, in her two years of dating her, and even more years of knowing her, that she had ever seen Cordelia be so desperate, and dominate, and lustful all at the same time. It drove her absolutely insane.
But Misty kissed her again, and again, and again. If Cordelia didn't give a fuck about the animals watching them, and bugs crawling around them, then she certainly didn't.
The following morning, Cordelia was the first to wake. She could never seem to break the habit of getting up at the crack of dawn, even on the weekends.
But this morning, it felt much more pleasant to awake to the sound of birds chirping, opposed to girls yelling at each other, or banging on Cordelia's door to put out a fire or a fight. This morning, she simply wrapped her arms tighter around Misty's bare frame, pushing away the curls fallen her face.
The swamp witch slightly stirred, her nose scrunching up with the feeling of hair brushing against her face. She got a breeze of lavender, vanilla; Cordelia. Mixed with the earthy scent of her swamp that only nature could supply. Blue eyes finally opened, squinting at the sunlight peaking through the wood.
"Did I wake you?" Cordelia asked, voice low and raspy.
"Yes" she turned her body to face Cordelia. "But i'm glad ya did."
Nuzzling her head into Cordelia's freckled chest, she took a deep breath. She wanted to ask Cordelia to just drop everything and move here with her. This felt good. It felt nice and natural.
"You're so pretty" Cordelia's fingertips brushed through thick blonde curls. Misty Day look like an angel, what Cordelia pictured an angel to look like. Her porcelain skin was glowing in the morning light. Her wild hair a delicate shade of blonde, and rosy lips in the smallest grin.
Misty looks up at her, and Cordelia gazes right into her eyes. She's so close that she can see all of the colors that make up her blue hue. She supposes that she's trying to seek heaven in them. But then she remembers, she's already found it.
"Well ya even more beautiful. End of discussion,” Misty declares, knowing Cordelia's habit to argue back until she got the final word. Cordelia grinned at her.
The older woman traced patterns over Misty's back while they laid. Over time, Misty realized, it was hearts. She was tracing hearts onto her skin. Little I love you's too.
"We should wash up and get breakfast started." Cordelia being on a schedule, even when she didn't have to.
"Well I was thinkin..."
"Oh god, Misty." Misty Day; ever the wildest. Cordelia supposed that Misty would ask her to ride a alligator at this point. Maybe even lay in the swamp with food on her for hungry animals to feed off of.
No, just being dramatic again.
Misty smiled. She knew the fear she had on Cordelia. The exhilarating kind that makes you want more. "Wanna go swimming in the swamp?"
"No. No way. Misty I will do what you want, but I refuse this.” She turned away from the pouting swamp witch. She would not let that face win her over again. She would not swim in the dirty swamp where she pet that alligator the previous day.
"But why not?" She settled on straddling Cordelia's waist, that way she couldn't move away. She couldn't deny her of anything when she did this.
"Because, that is disgusting. Do you know how dirty it is in there? Not to mention all the nasty animals and bugs. We won't even be able to have a proper shower until Monday."
She had a point. Misty didn't like when she had a point.
"So what. I used to swim in it all the time."
"Mistyyy!" Cordelia gently pushed the younger woman off of her, landing back onto the mattress with a thump. Misty was winning this. Again. She knew what buttons to push.
"Please?" Cordelia didn't look, but she could feel Misty's breath against her neck, could hear the seductiveness in her voice.
Gulping down the lump in her throat, she spoke, "I- I don't have a bathing suit."
Misty traced her finger along the underside of Cordelia's breast. "Me either..." Misty breathed. The older woman almost crumbled when she heard and felt a wet kiss on her neck.
"Fine?" Her mood immediately changes. Almost jumped out of the bed too.
"Yes. Fine. But if I catch any sickness or—"
Misty pulled her out of bed, and she figured not to finish her sentence. It was no use. Misty wasn't listening.
The hot air hit her bare body, but it felt cool after being under the warm blankets, mixed with Misty's own body heat. She realized where Misty was going with this, and she remembered, this wasn't Misty's property. People could come and go if they wanted. They don't, but they could.
"Misty wait. We have to...put clothes on, you know." She said it as if it was the most obvious thing and Misty was just oblivious.
"I—" she didn't understand why Misty didn't.
"Our clothes will just get disgusting. Nobody's around anyways. Trust me."
She wasn't going to argue back. She wouldn't win anyways. And her clothes were too expensive to destroy.
Cordelia had never felt so exposed as she did now. She has never been outside...naked. However, it's evident that Misty has done this plenty of times.
Cordelia even felt the ants on the ground judging her. She wrapped her arms around her body, trying to cover up as much as possible.
"The waters always nice an' cool in the mornings," Misty spoke, but Cordelia was all but listening.
The swamp witch was the first to get in. She cringed as Misty's lower half of her body disappeared under the foggy green water.
"Don't be shy," Misty Day said, extended her hand towards the older woman. Cordelia stood there, body language visibly awkward. She bit her lip to the point where she nearly drew blood.
Finally, Cordelia gave in. She walked further into the water. Curling her toes out of pure discomfort. She didn't want to know what was at the bottom of the water.
When she made it to Misty's level, chest high, the swamp witch unwrapped Cordelia's arms that were making her look like an insecure child. She felt cold, for the first time this weekend. But then Misty's hand were around her waist and she didn't feel too shabby anymore.
"Ya trembling," Misty pointed out.
"I know."
"Just relax, i'm here."
Misty sunk her body lower, and Cordelia followed her movements. She felt as if she didn't, then the alligators would come after her.
"Let all of the tension out. This feels nice right?" Still ahold of Cordelia's waist, she pulled the older woman atop of her, her body floating just inches above hers.
"I guess so. I—" Cordelia was cut off by a kiss. She could feel Misty's flesh pressed against hers, finally.
"Hi" Cordelia said, a dopey smile stretching her mouth. Her nose brushed against Misty's, cold from the water temperature cooling her off.
"Hi" Misty matched her energy, kissing the rosy lips that were brushing against her with each word they both spoke. "Refreshing. Don't ya just feel like ya one with the swamp?"
Cordelia grinned at her, muffling her laugh into Misty's shoulder. She adored the swamp witches connection with nature and gods creatures. She loved how Misty got along better with animals than humans. It made her feel special. Special because she was the only actual human that Misty would let into her world.
"It's refreshing until I remember that i'm naked in swamp water." Cordelia's breathed in the scent of Misty, trying to mask the wet, rotten smell of nature. "But I can still appreciate this."
After a few more minutes later, the growling of Misty's stomach interrupted their swim.
Cordelia didn't even want to look down at her body when she got out of the water. She didn't want to look down and see herself covered in bugs, or mud, or whatever else lives in that water.
She was perfectly clean, but the fear still lingered.
Misty caught onto this, or she just knew Cordelia well and wreathed her in a towel. Kissing her shoulder right after.
"Ya look so beautiful in my world." The only person allowed in her world. There was this door, and Cordelia was the only person with the key; her heart. "Even more beautiful than- than mother nature."
Misty loved the sun. And she also loved dancing in rain puddles. Mother nature was apart of Misty, more so than god, and she has been a serious Christian her whole life back at her old home. But Misty didn't need mother nature anymore. Not when Cordelia was her summer sun.
"Misty, baby, I love you," Cordelia said. With both hands, she pushed the fallen curls out of Misty's face. Squishing the swamp witches rosy cheeks between her palms. "You’re my pretty girl. You know that? And you make me feel so special, and loved, and...and now that I have you, I don't remember how I did life before you."
She doesn't remember how she would get into an empty bed every night, knowing Hank was in another woman's bed. She doesn't know how she kissed him with his stubbly beard scratching her skin. She doesn't remember how she didn't get sick at the smell of a man, knowing that was her husband.
Misty Day was soft, and she smelt good; like flowers and strawberries. Misty made sure they were both in bed at a certain time; so Cordelia would be well rested, and so they could fall asleep together. Misty Day grabs Cordelia and kisses her when a man tries to hit on either of them. So he knows she’s hers. Misty's gentle, and always takes care of Cordelia before herself.
Misty's like a breath of fresh air after being held in a chokehold by your worst enemy. And Hank, well, he was the one who held Cordelia by her neck and wouldn't let her breathe.
Misty smiled. The genuine smile when there's crinkles around her eyes, and she's hardly able to see the blue hue. Cordelia noticed. She notices every single one of Misty's different smiles.
The swamp witch blushed at the compliment. She never desired being loved, or loving. She was naturally a nurturing person, but not in a way that she wanted to kiss someone. Cordelia Goode however, made her lips ache to feel hers pressed against the supreme's.
"I only treat special people like that." Misty says. She really means it.
Cordelia thinks, in this moment; feeling like a teenager in love again, that this was making up for the loss of love her entire life. If she could go back and tell younger Cordelia that she would get this. Her. Then teenage Cordelia wouldn't have cried when the other girls at the academy made fun of her for not having a boyfriend.
"I better be your only special person, Miss Day" Cordelia teased, and could hear her own heartbeat at the closeness of her lover.
"Remember I told ya a couple days ago that you're my moon if i'm the sky? Well the sky only gets one moon."
Cordelia looked down because she could not take the heat of Misty's gaze much longer, especially not when she spoke like this. Cordelia remember that night. The night her and Misty were star gazing as they often do. "Your my moon in my sky. The brightest thing in the night sky," Misty had said, after Cordelia expressed to her how she felt as if she wasn't doing a great job with the supremacy.
"God, Misty. You make me feel crazy things."
With one more smile, Misty was tugging her along again. "Well, better get some food in that belly. Ya must be starving." Misty, too, was hungry, but she had entirely forgotten about her own needs. If the animals ate all of their food, only leaving one thing left, she would give it to Cordelia. Every bit of it.
"Ya go get dressed and I'll make us a fruit salad." Cordelia nodded, because she still couldn't figure out how to speak after that. It only worsened when Misty gently slapped her ass as she walked away. A yelp escaping Cordelia's lips that was sure to attract animals.
After throwing on some light clothes, Cordelia met Misty at a bench by her garden. She tossed Misty, who was still clad in a towel, a red summer dress.
She threw it over herself, the thought that she was dressing herself in the wild not bothering her. Cordelia sat by the breakfast 'picnic' that Misty had prepared.
"Aren't you romantic." She wiggled her eyebrows once Misty had completed pulling her dress down.
"Only the best for ya, Miss Supreme," Misty sat beside the older woman. "Here, try a strawberry. They're fresh, I just picked them. Open."
Cordelia was going to speak, but instead, had a strawberry shoved into her mouth. Usually, Misty would just kiss her to silence her. Right now, she had a different plan. Cordelia was one with manners, but she was trying her hardest not to choke on her laugh with a strawberry in her mouth.
The red juices tinted the corner of her mouth. Misty's thumbed reached up to swipe the residue off of Cordelia and licked it off of her own finger.
Cordelia, this time, really did choke up a bit of the fruit. she wasn't expecting Misty to be as bold as she was, and it, perhaps, turned her on.
"You cannot do things like that when I have food in my mouth."
Misty, acting oblivious but was clearly aware said, "Do what? I don't know what ya talking about."
A single one of Cordelia's eyebrows raised at her, grinning from ear to ear. "Of course. Innocent Misty Day."
Misty Day came running into the shack from the sunset outside. Cordelia stood there, only clad in a bra and shorts. "I got a sunburn."
Misty could've been angry that Cordelia had startled her, calling her name as she did. But she wasn't mad. Cordelia was pouting, and she looked genuine upset over this. Misty couldn't be angry with her. She decided to let it go.
"I haven't got a sunburn since I was seventeen!” Cordelia was on the verge of tears for a reason Misty couldn't quite understand. It was just a sunburn. The swamp witch has gotten many sunburns, as the swamp doesn't exactly provide sunscreen. "My whole body hurts and I look so stupid."
Cordelia was red. It would've been comically if she wasn’t upset.
"Wow, ya must be so relaxed that ya forgot sunscreen. Huh?" Cordelia didn't spend time outside, but when she did, she layered up with sunscreen. New Orleans was hot and sunny, and Cordelia was pale and vulnerable.
"It's not funny! All the girls are going to laugh and make fun of me and it hurts to even move. My skin is going to be peeling off and all gross in a few days."
Misty walked closer to her. She was going to place her hands upon Cordelia's shoulders, but opted out of that when she saw the redness up close. "Are ya really concerned about what teenage girls think of ya? Ya don't look stupid. Ya look like someone who got off their phone and spent a day outside, unlike the other girls."
Cordelia airily chuckled at Misty. She could bet all her savings that the girls were sitting on their bed at that very moment.
"Just- how about we take a cool bath and then i'll put some aloe on ya burns?" Cordelia was more than grateful that she had installed a tub when Misty was gone. Otherwise, they would've had to fit themselves into a bucket of soapy water.
Cordelia nodded, they both made way to the bathroom. It was dim. Misty didn't have electricity. But she did have candles and a battery powered lamp from Cordelia.
Misty Day helped her girlfriend out of her clothing. She fought the strong urge to kiss every inch of her skin. She knew it would hurt, so she settled to kiss Cordelia’s lips instead.
Misty settled her back against the side of the the tub, and said, "come here, baby," breathily from the cool water speeding up her heart rate.
Misty's raspy voice made Cordelia already reddened cheeks turn a deeper shade while she struggled with the hitch in her breath.
Misty spread her legs enough for Cordelia slim frame to lay between. Cordelia, finally, inhaled and walked towards the bath. You make me feel like a teenager again, Cordelia wanted to say, but didn't. Misty already knew that. She felt it too.
Misty offered the older woman a hand, and guided her lower into the water. It stung at first, but was reliving none the less. Her skin had been on fire, nearly burning Misty's own hands when she touched her.
She underestimated the fact that she could still get a sunburn as supreme.
Cordelia sunk into Misty's body. Skin feeling as if it was scraping off as she slid her slick body against the swamp witches. "Easy now," Misty said, breath hot against Cordelia's ear. Misty was everywhere. All over her body. Inside and out. Heart and skin. Misty still made her insanely flustered at the littlest things.
"I'll wash ya. I'll be gentle. Promise." Fortunately, Cordelia hadn't forgotten their soaps, as she had the sunscreen. She would rather Misty to wash her instead. She trusted the swamp witch with her body more than herself.
Cordelia hummed as the white shampoo poured into Misty's hand. It was almost milky looking, but had the scent of lavender.
With her energy wasted from the sun, and Misty's slender fingers working against her scalp, she could've fallen asleep. Forgetting about the academy, the girls, and the possible fire and chaos that would greet her when she returned. It wasn't that she didn't trust her girls. She did. Most of them. But they were still growing witches, growing girls.
When Misty began to wash's Cordelia's body, she hissed and squeezed her eyes shut, but got used to it after a moment. "I know, darlin. 'M sorry." Cordelia may be the supreme, but that didn't exclude her from feeling pain. And from having a low pain tolerance.
Eventually, when they were both washed and Misty had applied aloe to Cordelia's burns, they laid in bed as the stars took over the sky.
"Tomorrow's our last day," Misty says. Sorrowfully. As if she was begging for Cordelia to extend this trip. A part of her was, but she had also began to miss the greenhouse, Cordelia's cat that had taken a liken to her more than it's actual owner, and their big comfy bed.
"I know." Cordelia's voice was gentle, soft, but she didn't know what to entirely say to that. She felt bad, but she missed her absence of sunburns back at home, and the feeling of getting into bed without the fear of a spider or snake crawling up her leg. "I had a great weekend with you, my love."
"Me too." Unsaid words were hanging in the air like fireflies. Misty Day contemplated her thoughts for a moment, then continued, "Do ya think we could maybe...make this a monthly thing. Or maybe not monthly for ya sake. Maybe every two or three months?"
Cordelia turned her head, left a chaste kiss to Misty's forehead. She wondered how she wasn't burnt. The swamp wouldn't let Misty be harmed, she decided, supposed.
"I'll come here with you whenever you want, honey. We can come every month if you want, I don't mind. I like being alone with you. I want to be with you everywhere you want to be."
"Are ya serious?" If Misty wasn't so sleepy, if she wasn't rubbing her eyes of the blurryness, Cordelia figured that she would've jump on top of her with glee.
"I'm serious, sunshine." Cordelia's smile only grew with Misty's. Her hand rested against the swamp stomach reached up to cup Misty's smooth cheek. "I've never felt more relaxed in my entire life than here with you."
"But ya scared of all the animals," Misty argued, with a single brown inclined.
"But i'm with you. You make everything okay."
Cordelia thinks, supposes, this must be why she didn't leave those years back when the academy had nothing to offer her. When she was only the headmistress with mismatched eyes, and powers that were fading even though she wasn't the supreme just yet. She think this is the reason. She thinks laying here with the love of her life was her will to stay, even if she didn't know it yet.
"I love ya, Delia. So much" Misty muttered, sleepily. She nuzzled her head up against Cordelia's chest, her fluffy hair not bothering the older woman's sunburn.
She welcomed Misty with an arm around her body, and another playing with her curls. "I love you, my sunshine. Get some rest."
The following morning, Misty woke with some stretching and groaning. She didn't feel Cordelia's hand brush over her face like they usually did, and the bed didn't feel cold but it was lacking Cordelia's warmth.
The swamp witch sat up, and rubbed her eyes with her fists like a sleepy child. Blue eyes, still fuzzy from sleep, scanned the shack. Finally landed on the couch when she heard Cordelia's voice, "Morning sleepyhead."
Cordelia made no effort to move from her spot on the couch. Misty almost whined. She enjoyed cuddling with Cordelia in the mornings. Without that, she was grumpy throughout the day.
"What're ya doin?" Misty asked, but not unkindly. She blew a stray curl out of her face.
"Well, it's twelve. I thought you were never going to wake up, and I couldn't lay there any longer, but you looked so peaceful and cute." Cordelia was an earlier riser. Misty Day was not. But she still always tried her hardest to be in bed by the time Misty woke. She was a busy body, always having to be doing something.
"Jeez. How'd I sleep that late?" Misty got out of the bed, a morning, or rather afternoon, chill hitting her bare legs. Goosebumps rose on the pale skin.
"You're Misty Day, that's how." Cordelia grinned up at Misty as arms wrapped around her body. She uncrossed her criss-crossed legs and stood up. "My Misty Day," she breathed, head making its home on the swamp witches chest.
"My soft supreme."
They stayed in the embrace for moments longer until some clouds rolled into the already dimmed sky. "It's gonna rain," Misty spoke, disappointed slightly dripping in her voice.
Misty could always tell the weather before the day even begun. She would always express to Cordelia that she could just feel it in her bones. If they weren't witches, it would've creeped the older woman out.
"We can stay in and cuddle," Cordelia said before Misty could get another idea. They didn't have rain boots or coats with them but Misty still—
"Or we can play in the rain!"
We're not kids, Cordelia would've said to anyone else, but she bit the remark back. Madison already bullies Misty for getting overly excited over silly things, and she didn't want to be like a Madison.
"Misty, I don't want you getting sick."
"C'mon, don't be boring, Miss supreme." Her words were emphasized on her tongue, and she knew which strings to pull with Cordelia.
"It's not being boring, it's caring for you. We could stay in bed and cuddle all day instead," Argued Goode, a smile on her face in attempt to persuade Misty.
"Yes," Misty said, and Cordelia took a grateful breath. "—After we go in the rain."
"Misty!" The older woman threw her head back and groaned. She worried too much for Misty's health. She didn't have to worry about her own, being the supreme and all.
"Fine. But only a few minutes."
Misty squeezed Cordelia's waist, enough to block her lungs from air. "Thank ya. I love ya. We can cuddle until it starts pouring, because someone decided to skip morning cuddles."
"Hey, listen, it was technically you since you didn't get up in the morning."
Only thirty minutes later, Misty was dragging Cordelia outside, into the down pouring rain with her.
Cordelia cringed as bare feet met the wet, muddy ground. She couldn't ruin her shoes in this weather, and Misty convinced her that she herself never wore shoes when she actually lived here anyways.
Cordelia's teeth chattered, though the middle of August, the rain was chilly. The humidity, however, made this unpleasant for Cordelia. It felt gross and sticky.
"I- It's so—" Cordelia attempted to finish her sentence, but Misty was leaning forward and closing what little space remained between them. She captured Cordelia in a passionate kiss, and the older witch had entirely forgotten about the rain.
A strong hand was against Cordelia's back, and eventually slid to the back of her thighs. "Misty," Cordelia yelped against Misty's lips, swollen from the kiss.
Her legs wrap around Misty's wet body when she's pushed up further. "Misty Day—" She's cut off once more when Misty's lips are on hers. That's Misty telling her to shut up and enjoy it.
She wraps her slender hands around the back of Misty's neck to hold herself up, and push her lips impossibly closer. She begs for Misty between the kisses, because Misty is all she's ever known. The soft, gentle touches is making her body ache. Making her feel as if she's burning, on fire.
"Told ya this would be nice" Misty says, breaking the kiss, and Cordelia slowly slides back down. Bodies wet and slick. Clothes sticking to them, imprinting their bodies. Cordelia's legs feel weak at the sight.
"Yeah, well, I think you should kiss me like that again for agreeing to come out here with you," Goode smirks, and Misty raises an eyebrow at her. She knows she's done for.
After they bathed the mud and sticky rain off of their bodies, they laid in bed as the rain begins to die down.
"Do you think the girls are okay?" Cordelia's head wonders to her responsibilities and the mess awaiting her when she returns.
Misty looks down at her chest, Cordelia's head that's rested against it. "Without ya? No. Absolutely not. I think Zoe's probably crying in a corner right now, Madison is out partying with half of the girls, and the other half is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Queenie's chasing them and yelling at them."
She laughs at Misty's interpretation of the academy, because she's not half wrong. "Thank you, Misty. That really quells my anxiety."
"Hey don't ya worry. They're grown, sort of. I think this is good for them to learn to live without ya for a few days." Misty leans down and places a kiss atop of Cordelia's hair, still damp from bathing.
Cordelia had never spent time away from the academy, unless she's going to a meeting at the warlocks school that she's only gone for a day. She can't leave her girls. She doesn't want to anyways. They're her family.
The sun starts to slowly come out, brightening up the sorrow day with a rainbow in the light blue sky. "The sun," Misty calls out excitedly, and sits up slightly.
"Lovely, the heat."
"Delia, can we go eat dinner outside then? Please. Can't ya use ya powers to dry a little bit of the grass quicker?" Misty begs, and Cordelia shifts so she's looking at her pleading girlfriend.
"Alright. You go gather the food and i'll setup."
The sky set into a deep purple and orange sunset, and Cordelia and Misty both lay atop of a picnic blanket. Though recently raining, the humidity had not disappeared, only worsening, and the Louisiana heat had returned.
With full stomachs, they hold hands laying beside each other as everything begins to slowly darken. It’s hot, and clothes are starting to stick to their bodies again, but it doesn’t bother either of them. This is the last peaceful evening before they have to go back to chaos.
Their minds are filled with lust and the best kinds of fuzziness. Cordelia isn’t thinking of anything except for Misty when she finally speaks. "I wish I could just marry you right now" Cordelia says, and Misty turns her head. The younger woman's curls tickle the side of Cordelia's face, and the sweat is sticky on her skin, but all she can think about is calling Misty her wife.
"Then why don't ya?" Misty asks, is genuinely curious as to why they didn’t just get married when they shared their first kiss.
Cordelia breathes in deeply and gets on one knee. She doesn’t think it through, because she doesn’t need too. She feels as though she could shatter in Misty’s hands, trusting she would put her back together. She only needs Misty.
Cordelia takes off her frog ring that was placed on her middle finger. She has two, always hoping that one day, one of them would join Misty’s other rings. "Misty Day, my soulmate, my best friend. My sunshine. Will you marry me?"
With a shaky exhale, Misty says, "It's would be my honor, Cordelia."
And something about the sun beating down on the both of them, the birds singing, and Cordelia wearing nothing but small clothes that were clinging to her damp body, made this all seem so real to Misty.
For the first time since Misty had been back from hell, she felt real. This felt real, and not some silly delusion that Papa Legba was playing to mess with her head.
"Yes" Misty said, because she wanted Cordelia to know that she was certain. "Yes, i'll marry ya. A million times yes!"
Cordelia couldn't tell if it was sweat or tears that were falling from her eyes. Both, she supposed.
On too legs that were shaking worse than when she had pet an alligator, Cordelia stood up and put the ring on Misty's finger.
Their fingers were two completely different sizes, yet it fit. The ring fit on Misty's finger as if it was only ever supposed to be on hers.
Misty grabbed Cordelia’s face in her hands and kissed her. Deeply kissed her, like it was the first time again. Kissed her like she hadn’t tasted those lips in years. Cordelia could feel the frog ring against her face, her head pin pointing it out of the other ones on her fingers. It grounded her. She just proposed to the love of her life.
This felt good. This is how love is supposed to feel. It didn’t feel this way when Hank proposed to her. She didn’t even cry. Now, she couldn’t tell if the tears dripping into her mouth were hers or Misty’s. She figured, once again, both.
“My wife,” Misty breathed against swollen, wet lips. It sounded nice. It sounded right, and it rolled off her tongue like melted butter.
“Soon to be wife,” Cordelia correct, grinning ear to ear at the thought of seeing Misty in a wedding dress. Of kissing her around red roses, and white dresses. Promising her life to Misty in front of her family; the girls.
“Soon to be wife.” Misty’s arms were tight around Cordelia’s waist. She wasn’t sure she would ever let go. “Jesus. I can’t wait to see ya in a wedding dress.”
Blue eyes were glossy, and porcelain skin was glimmering with tears. It didn’t matter how Cordelia proposed to her, where she proposed to her. As long as she got to call Cordelia her fiancée by the end of the night. However, being at the swamp, just the two of them, made it much more intimate. Much more loving. It meant the world to Misty, and Cordelia knew that.
“I was thinking the same thing about you,” Cordelia says. “I love you. So fucking much.”
“I love ya too so fucking much, fiancée.”
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @talulahmae @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @l0vingsarah @cordeliass @cordeliasboobholder @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog
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damianfanfiction · 2 years
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waiting for Delia...🧎‍♀️
53 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 2 years
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The witches
21 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 2 years
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Misty mini character
42 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 2 years
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She is THE SUPREME!!!!!
58 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 2 years
does anyone know where I can buy frog rings that look like the ones cordelia wears in apocalypse?
it would be a fandom thing i can actually wear out in public without risking getting bullied again hahah
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59 notes · View notes
damianfanfiction · 2 years
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afraid of that I can't post nsfw arts here😂
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damianfanfiction · 2 years
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Literally missing coven cordelia so much rn😿😿
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damianfanfiction · 2 years
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I'm on my knee.
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damianfanfiction · 2 years
Demons Of The Past.
Cordelia feels there's something wrong between her and her beloved Misty Day, so she finally decides to talk to her (a.k.a their first misunderstanding).
Smut. Everything ends up fine.
Once again, Cordelia found herself getting ready for dinner at that new restaurant downtown she had been dying to try. She had invited Misty out every single week for a month now, and Misty Day always had an excuse; “I don’t have any fancy clothes, my love.”, “I’m really tired today, Dee.”, “I thought we would cuddle and watch a movie.”. Cordelia was starting to think there was something wrong between them, and even though she had asked her girlfriend once or twice, Misty Day always made sure to tell her everything was perfect. But if everything was perfect, why did Misty seem to deny leaving the house with Cordelia? It was rare when Cordelia had the opportunity to get time for them—proper time for them to just be a couple—and, coincidentally, Misty always had something going on that stopped them from going out. Up until this point in their two-month relationship, Cordelia realized they had never once gone out as a couple. And to make things worse, Cordelia realized she hadn’t left the academy in a while. Her and Misty Day’s dating life had been movies and cuddles in their bed. The world, to put it that way, didn’t know about them.
Cordelia looked at herself in the mirror, stopping her hands where they lay fixing her beautiful blue dress. A bitter taste invaded her mouth: To be hidden was something she was used to. And it was an awful thing to go through. It wasn’t possible the Misty Day she fell in love with and had fallen in love back with her was ashamed of their relationship… right? Misty wouldn’t do something like that. Right? Fiona’s accusatory words about how worthless she was began filling Cordelia’s mind. After all these years, Cordelia still felt like her mother’s words had a hold on her. They still made her feel insecure. They still made her feel like everyone whom she loved would leave her one day. Right now, that was her biggest fear with Misty Day, that she would willingly leave. Her eyes grew teary as all the emotions crashed down. What was going on between her and her beloved Misty? Could she have already messed everything up with her? With her heels clacking gently on the floor, Cordelia followed downstairs and to the greenhouse, decided on talking to Misty. Of course, there she was, as gorgeous as always, barefoot and watering their various plants. Cordelia’s heart tightened; not of love as it always did, but of fear. Fear of witnessing the woman she called her girlfriend under that condition for the last time.
“Delia,” Misty Day smiled as she turned around to Cordelia. The way the door opened sounded too specific for Misty not to recognize it. “Hi, you look stunning.” She set the watering can aside on the table. A frown made its way to her features as she realized just how hesitant Cordelia approached her. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Are we going out tonight?” Cordelia asked, not acknowledging Misty Day’s words. She watched as Misty looked away for a second.
“Tonight? I’m a little tired, Dee… my feet hurt.” There it was. Again. Cordelia should have handled the situation better, but with everything in her mind, the only thing she managed to do was allow it all to be out.
“Really? Again?” Cordelia felt defeated. Her eyes were teary yet again, and she felt like a fool for dressing up so nicely and getting her hopes up. “Are you ashamed of me?” The words hit Misty like a brick. It physically hurt to realize that was what her favorite person in the whole world was thinking. Her mouth grew dry. How did she manage to make things go that low when she had such good intentions?
“Are you ashamed of me, Misty?” Cordelia repeated as if Misty Day hadn’t heard her loud and clear. “Why are we together if you’re ashamed of being with me? Why do you say you love me but won’t allow people to see us together?” If Misty didn’t know her girlfriend’s insecurities, she would think Cordelia was losing her mind. Her heart caved inside, and the realization of what her actions had caused made Misty nearly sick to her stomach. How long had Cordelia been martyring herself with such terrible thoughts?
“I—Cordelia, what are you saying?” Misty took a step closer, and Cordelia hugged herself and shrunk down. Misty Day had seen her like that before, back when she first arrived at the academy and Fiona was still around. She had made a promise to herself of never causing such a reaction on Cordelia, and yet there they were.
“Am I that pathetic, M-Misty?” Cordelia’s voice broke, and matching tears slid down her beautiful face, threatening to ruin her mascara. “Am I that horrible t-that being around me causes y-you to be so ashamed? Did I m-manage to ruin us a-already?”
“No… angel, no.” Misty nearly ran to Cordelia’s side, hands caressing her arms ever so lovingly. “My love… where is that coming from?” Cordelia shook her head.
“Don’t play d-dumb, Misty… we both k-know where that is coming from.” Even though the words were somehow hurtful, Cordelia’s tone was still caring. Misty knew she was right. With a sigh, Misty Day reached to wipe a tear away from her girlfriend’s cheek, ringed thumb caressing the skin.
“Is it because of all the goin’ out situation?” Misty asked although she already knew the answer. Cordelia nodded, and her brown eyes refused to meet cerulean ones. Misty pondered how she was going to explain her feelings to Cordelia. There was no other choice but to be raw. “I’m not ashamed of you, Delia. In fact, if I could buy those fancy billboards and put a picture of us together, I would. I want the whole world to know I’m the luckiest woman alive for having ya.”
“Then why won’t you go out with me?” Cordelia murmured, low and weak. Misty bit her lower lip.
“‘Cause I’m scared.” This time, Cordelia looked up at her. Confusion clouded her features. Misty sighed. “I never meant for y-you to feel this way, a-angel…” This time, it was Misty who shed a tear. She took a deep breath to make the rest of them stay in. “When I first showed up here… that first time, before Hell, y-you couldn’t see. Someone had thrown acid at your beautiful f-face… and for what reason? Because they knew ya’ were goin’ to be the Supreme?” Misty bit her lower lip as her face scrunched up with tears. She struggled to keep going. “I worry about them seeing you with me. A-about what they could d-do, about w-what they could say, what they c-could imply. I k-know things are better in the big city but people do n-not like gay folks. And ya are the Supreme, they c-can’t change that. What i-if they hurt you b-because of me, Delia?” Misty looked down. Her throat closed with a bigger knot this time. She kept a sob inside. It all made sense, now. And Cordelia thought the confession would relieve her and in a way, it did, but now she felt guilty for ever thinking Misty Day could treat her even close to how Hank or Fiona did. It was an endless cycle of guilt, but she would work through that. She would remember that she had a past and trauma and that she was still human, as Misty always told her. Right now, however, she had the love of her life confessing her rawest feelings to her, and she had the obligation of holding her close and making her feel better. That’s what Misty always did. So, without saying anything, she simply hugged Misty. And Misty Day nearly fell on her arms, hugging her tightly and burying that sweet head of curls on Cordelia’s neck. With Misty barefoot and Cordelia in heels, their slight height difference was gone. Cordelia held Misty like that until her sobs died down, with hands caressing her back and curls, lips whispering comforting sweet nothings to her. After no more than five minutes, Misty Day pulled away. She wiped her face clean and smiled sadly at her girlfriend, eyes and nose red. “I’m so sorry, Delia…”
“No, sweetheart…” Cordelia shook her head, reaching to pull a curl behind Misty’s ear so it didn’t stick to her wet cheeks. “You have nothing to apologize for. I should—I should have told you how I was feeling. We should have talked to each other… it was just a misunderstanding, my love.” Misty sniffled. She let out a small nod.
“I didn’t w-want to worry you… but I e-ended up hurtin’ you just the same.” Misty sighed yet again. Cordelia reached to caress her waist with both hands, pulling her just a little bit closer.
“I want you to listen to me, okay?” Her words were strong, but kept their caring manner as they always did. Huge blue eyes focused on brown ones. “Nothing will ever happen to me, my love… nothing will ever happen to you, either. I won’t allow it.” Cordelia bit her lower lip as she pondered her next words. “It’s—it’s still weird to wrap my head around that, but… I am quite powerful,” she said softly, and it caused Misty to open a smile and let out a chuckle.
“I know… you are the most powerful witch out there.” Misty smiled cheekily, and Cordelia’s cheeks tinted red. Misty knew all that, and she didn’t doubt it for even a second, but Cordelia was the most precious thing she had, and Cordelia had feelings, too. Those could not be spared like her health. “But it’s hard for me to n-not worry… ya know I don’t doubt your powers, right?”
“I know, baby.” Cordelia placed a small kiss on Misty Day’s nose. Misty had been the only one who always and truly believed in her potential. “You know the Swamps better than the Swamps know itself and I still worry you’ll get lost every time you go there by yourself.” It was a silly confession, but a true one. And it made both of them smile softly to each other. After a second, Cordelia added, with her tone way softer and love pouring down from it, “I know what you mean, my love.” Misty couldn’t help but feel relieved. The last thing she wanted right now was another misunderstanding.
“Okay…” Misty took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down just a little more. She leaned to kiss Cordelia’s lips, lingering there for a few seconds. Cordelia kissed her back just as lovingly, caressing her lower back. When they pulled away, she stared at cerulean blue eyes and cupped her cheeks.
“I don’t care what anyone says about us… I’m proud of being with you. I’m proud of loving you. There’s nothing wrong with us.” Misty took those words to her heart. Cordelia knew about Misty Day’s strict, religious upbringing, and she had always wondered if and how it could affect their relationship. She had never expected it to affect her like that, though; with Misty worrying about her. But Cordelia should've seen this coming. Misty Day didn’t have a single selfish cell in her body. It only caused Cordelia to fall in love with her even more.
“As long as you’re not hurt, I’m alright.” Misty was always going to stand by that. Cordelia was her priority. Always.
“I love you so much, sweetheart… I’m so sorry my mind spiraled like that. You’re not like… them.” Cordelia licked her lips as she took a silent, deep breath.
“Ya don’t have to apologize, Delia… you’re not like them, either.” Misty smiled a little, sweet and genuine. How was it possible that they had found one another? How could they understand each other so well? None of that mattered. Call it a miracle, or anything else, but they were together. And that was what was important. “So… can I take you out for dinner?”
Cordelia laughed, loud and carefree. She smiled from ear to ear. “Yes, please.”
Misty smiled brightly. She kissed her girlfriend’s lips excitedly. “Let me go get all dolled up.” Cordelia nodded. She was going to retouch her makeup in the meantime.
Hand in hand, they followed upstairs and to their shared bedroom. Misty hopped into the shower, curls up in a messy bun. Nervousness pooled in her stomach. She knew there was no reason to be scared, but she simply couldn’t help it. And even though Cordelia made a rule that no one used magic outside of the academy, if anyone—and she meant it, anyone—tried anything funny with Cordelia, she would not hesitate in sending them flying away. Perhaps that was an impulse she would have to learn how to control. Being back from Hell was still fairly new, and being around so many different people sometimes left her overwhelmed. Dinner was a nice start, after all. It involved food. But that also meant they had to pay for it… and Misty had no money. That was something she hadn’t thought about. Once she was done washing her body, Misty Day stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. Like a child who had done something wrong, she took tiny steps to the bedroom. Cordelia was still touching up her makeup, looking as radiant as ever. “Um… Dee?” Cordelia turned around in her heels, and the sight of her girlfriend with loosen curls in a messy bun, clear face and body covered only by a white towel caused her to nearly bail on their so fought for plans for dinner and just stay in holding that woman. Misty’s features and the way she stood, however, indicated there was something wrong.
“Yes?” Cordelia frowned. She watched as Misty Day chewed on her lower lip, cheeks tinting red.
“I… I have no, uh, money… I mean—I have a couple’ bucks in my piggy but it’s definitely not enough for me to buy you dinner.” The way Misty said it was so utterly pure Cordelia thought her body had turned into a puddle. She bit her lower lip to contain her smile from growing too much. Misty had told her about the one time she sneaked into her parents’ house, after she had been burned at the stake, and managed to grab some of her items. The piggy was one of them, along with a picture of Stevie Nicks and a portable radio. Her childhood bedroom was still the same, even after she began growing into a woman. Misty Day was twenty-six when she first died, working on her parents’ family business and with no perspective of a different future, even though she knew she didn’t fit into the community she had grown up into. When she first showed up at the academy, she had just turned twenty-eight, and Cordelia was only thirty-one. They connected ever since day one.
“My love… don’t worry about money,” Cordelia said sweetly. She knew luxury wasn’t something Misty was used to, but Robichaux was doing better than ever, and being the Supreme came with a large amount of perks. Cordelia herself had seen it with her mother her whole life, and it was still hard to get used to it now that the rules applied to her. She could only imagine how it was for Misty. “We have more than enough.” She put a pin on that subject to bring it up later, another time. It was about time Misty had her own credit card and money. Cordelia figured it was important to bring her a sense of security she perhaps never had. Hesitantly, Misty Day nodded.
“Okay…” Misty took a deep breath, letting her shoulders relax. Cordelia smiled at her.
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Oh, sush.” Misty laughed. “Look at you, so pretty in that dress.” She walked to Cordelia and kissed her cheek, pulling away to grab some matching underwear.
“It’s true, though.” Cordelia turned back to the mirror to finish applying her lipstick. She peeked at Misty through the reflection, watching as her beautiful body moved to get into the cotton material. Misty Day was so strong if left her weak in the knees.
“I have no idea of what to wear, angel… can ya help me?” Misty was blushing once again. It was an honor for Cordelia to experience all those things with Misty Day. She set her lipstick aside and walked to Misty, hand caressing her bare back as they both looked through her clothes in the wardrobe.
“What matters is that you feel comfortable,” Cordelia said. “What about that beautiful green dress we got online? It goes beautifully with your boots.”
“Would that be appropriate?” Misty wanted to look decent. She didn’t want to give anyone a reason to talk shit to Cordelia. And she had never been to a fancy restaurant before.
“I think so. You can put on all these necklaces you love and maybe put your hair back with that beautiful satin brown cloth.” Cordelia kept on caressing Misty’s back. She found it comforting when Misty did it to her, and so she figured it would be comforting for her, too.
“Can I do my usual makeup?” Misty was comfortable with light eyeshadow, blush, a simple glossy lip and sometimes something on her watermarks.
Cordelia nodded. “It’ll look lovely. As usual.” She leaned and smelled Misty’s hair, since she couldn’t kiss her lips due to her own makeup. Misty Day turned and rubbed their noses together. They both giggled.
In no more than forty minutes, Misty was ready. She looked at herself and smiled softly. It was a nice look. Misty Day reached for her purse and turned to go downstairs, where she would meet Cordelia. Cordelia had a last-minute call from the council, so she had gone to her office to deal with that. It was standard for the academy to be empty on Friday nights, and so the halls were quiet and the lights were low. Delicately, she knocked on Cordelia’s office door. “Delia?”
“Come on in,” Cordelia called softly. She had just gotten off the phone. When Misty entered the room, her eyes lit up. Misty Day was absolutely breathtaking. Cordelia had to hold herself not to quite literally drop her jaw. “Holy fuck,” she muttered. And then she blushed so hard the red on her cheeks almost met the color of the crimson carpet. Cordelia wasn’t one to swear. She was always classy. Misty Day giggled loudly.
“That good, uh?”
“Yes!” Cordelia got up and walked to Misty. She caressed her arms and took a better look at her. “Absolutely stunning.” Once again, a giggle left Misty’s lips. She smiled from ear to ear.
“So are you, angel.” Misty reached for Cordelia’s hand and wrapped her fingers around hers. “Should we?” She stared at those brown eyes she loved, and they gave her strength to do anything she wanted to. Cordelia nodded and guided them to the garage. She wasn’t planing on drinking tonight; she wanted Misty to enjoy it as much as she could, and Misty was already protective of her. Being tipsy or even lightly intoxicated would only cause her girlfriend to worry more.
As they got into the car and buckled up, Cordelia checked the mirrors. Misty watched her, admiring her beauty underneath the dim light of the garage. The car began moving in no time. They got to the road, and Misty paid attention to the city lights as they passed by. They were like stars to her, but closer. Never in her lifetime did she imagine she’d be living such a different lifestyle than the one she had been used to back then. The ride was pleasantly silent, with Misty caressing Cordelia’s knee on top of her dress. She was still nervous, but confident.
“Table for two?” The host asked as they stepped inside, hand in hand as always.
“Under Goode-Day.” Cordelia clarified. Misty was surprised her girlfriend had gotten a reservation for them, and it only made her feel worse for bailing on their plans in the prior weeks.
“Please, follow me.” The man led them to a more secluded table. Misty looked around in awe as they passed by the huge chandeliers and paintings on the wall. Robichaux had all that, but the restaurant carried a different atmosphere. When they reached the table, Misty ran to pull a chair for Cordelia once the host had settled the menus down and left them to choose.
“Why, thank you, sweetheart.” Cordelia smiled to herself as she sat down. Misty took the seat in front of her and looked around, getting used to the people on the tables near them. Most of them were couples.
“This is nice.” Misty Day said after a second. She reached for Cordelia’s hand on top of the table and caressed it.
“I think so, too. I hope the food is good.” Cordelia thought the atmosphere was just absolutely romantic. The light was low, there was some jazz classic music playing in the background, and the chattering was at the perfect volume where you could hear each other but others couldn’t hear you. So far, it was a perfect first date. “Guess what?”
“You can have all the dessert you want,” the Supreme teased. Misty could always have everything she wanted as far as Cordelia was concerned. Misty opened a sweet, bright smile.
“That’s just too good.” Misty chuckled. She squeezed Cordelia’s hand on top of the table, and a loving thumb caressed hers. “Well, then ya can have all the kisses you want. I’ll make sure to rub your back when we get home.” Just like Cordelia, Misty would and could never deny anything to her beloved girlfriend.
“Deal.” Cordelia chuckled yet again. It was with Misty when she felt the most like herself. She could joke around with her in those silly ways, could share her feelings and everything else in her mind. Misty Day simply got her. Gently, she pulled her hand away to choose her food. Misty did the same. Blue eyes looked through all the options, and she had to admit most of the things written there made no sense to her. What the hell was a Gazpacho? Or a Rigatoni? Misty sucked on her lower lip. “Baby, would you like to share a portion of rustic fries on the side?” Cerulean eyes looked up at Cordelia. She bit her lower lip a little harsher.
“What… what are those?” Misty felt so absolutely inadequate. But Cordelia smiled. And she smiled so big and with so much adoration that any insecurity Misty Day could possibly have melted away.
“I love that about you,” Cordelia said, soft and genuine. “You make me feel so at home…” All her life, Cordelia had been used to luxury. She had clothes of all the highest brands, knew the rules on how to behave at every important situation, had tried any and every food that came in small portions and costed absurd amounts of money. Misty Day was a breath of fresh air. “They’re similar to french fries, but bulkier and less fried. No meat.”
“Sounds good, angel.” Misty still wondered why the world had allowed her to catch such a wonderful woman, but she was most certainly thankful for having Cordelia and making her smile like that, with all the teeth showing and with eyes hooding from happiness. Cordelia nodded at her and went back at looking at the menu. Misty did the same, and she found herself still trying to find a dish she knew the ingredients of.
“I think I’ll go with the Ravioli, they have a pumpkin one that seems delicious.” Cordelia looked over at the menu one last time. “And a pineapple and spearmint juice.” Ravioli. Misty knew what Ravioli was. She was almost sure Cordelia had ordered it once and she had tried and enjoyed it. It was basically pasta. And Misty Day liked pasta.
“Me too.” Misty closed the menu.
“To what?”
“Everythin’.” Cordelia raised an eyebrow at her.
“Sweetheart… you don’t have to have the same thing as I do. You can choose, I promise. They’re mostly the same price.” Cordelia couldn’t help but think her girlfriend’s decision had something to do with money. But Misty shook her head.
“Ravioli is that pasta thing you ate the other night, right?” Cordelia nodded. “So that’s perfect. Pumpkin sounds delicious indeed.” The Supreme wanted to protest, but Misty seemed happy with the decision. Another time she could work on that.
“Okay, baby.” Cordelia set her menu aside and reached for Misty’s hand. Misty smiled. A man approached them, and Cordelia watched as her girlfriend clenched her free hand on top of the table. She squeezed the other one to catch Misty Day’s attention. Cerulean eyes shifted to brown ones, and Cordelia looked at her in a way that made Misty understand that he was no threat.
“Ladies, can I get your order?” The man said. And Misty Day blushed and looked away from her girlfriend, who smiled at her before looking at the waiter.
“Good evening. We’d like rustic fries, two pumpkin Ravioli and two glasses of pineapple and spearmint juice, please.”
The waiter nodded as he wrote it down in a small notepad. “Would that be all, ladies?”
“Yes. Thank you.” Cordelia handed him the menus, and he walked away once he thanked them. When the man was out of earshot, Misty Day groaned.
“Ugh… I’m sorry…” Misty sighed. But Cordelia shook her head and smiled lovingly at her. How could Cordelia ever be mad at Misty for things she couldn’t control? Misty Day had no choice when it came to her nightmares that woke them up at night, or her need to be constantly aware of her surroundings, or her sometimes anxiety attacks that kept her from breathing. Misty Day had no fault in any of that. And Cordelia dealt with everything in the best way she could, in a way her mother had never dealt with; she dealt with it with kindness, with patience and love. Loving someone meant loving everything that came with that person, just like Misty Day did to her, too. Misty had never once judged her for taking antidepressants, or pressed her for an explanation of why she cried so often in the shower. Misty Day simply loved her, and she simply loved Misty Day.
“Hey, it’s all okay, baby. I get it.” I get it. Perhaps Misty had never heard those words before. She had always been the weird one, the outcast, the one people looked at and thought she had one less screw in her head. But with Cordelia, she was simply her. With her lip between her teeth, Misty smiled. Her eyes clinked at the corners. She nodded.
“I love you, Cordelia.”
“I love you, my darling angel.”
The rest of the dinner went in as smoothly as it possibly could. Misty eventually got used to the people around them, and the waiters no longer caused her to get too tense. When she needed to use the bathroom, Cordelia insisted on going along. The Supreme stole a kiss or two when they were washing their hands in the bathroom, which caused Misty to giggle and relax even more. Although Misty denied at first, she was thankful Cordelia did go with her. A few men stared at them, and before she could spill their drinks Cordelia was already caressing her hand. The Ravioli indeed tasted amazing, and the rustic fries tasted better than french ones, in Misty Day’s opinion. When dessert came, Cordelia made sure to order one of each item Misty had shown interest in. Misty was in awe of how many types of Mousse—as she learned was different than cream—one could do, and by the end of the night both of them were absolutely full and even more in love with each other, which had proven to be possible even though they had previously doubted it. After paying, they walked hand in hand to the car. Misty ignored the high number on the bill in order to not disrupt their night.
“The sky looks beautiful, doesn’t it?” Misty commented as they walked through the sidewalk. Not many people were around, which allowed the clacking of their heels to be heard along with the low humming of the wind. Misty Day’s curls bounced beautifully, and her blue eyes sparkled under the stars. That’s exactly what Cordelia was looking at when she hummed an agreement to Misty’s words. The car wasn’t far away, and when they got to it Cordelia couldn’t help but gently pin Misty against the door and kiss her fully on the lips. It took her girlfriend by surprise, but soon she kissed her back with a smile on her lips and hands caressing the Supreme’s hips, pulling her closer.
“I love you,” Cordelia breathed out against Misty’s lips. She kissed her again, slowly, passionately, like the whole world had disappeared and there was only her and Misty. She caressed her cheeks, holding Misty Day like the precious thing she was. Slowly, she finally pulled away, and her chocolate oceans shined more than the stars above them.
“I love ya so much.” Misty’s thumbs passed up and down on Cordelia’s hips, caressing her on top of the fabric of her dress. Misty stared at her. “So much.” Cordelia let out a small chuckle and leaned to kiss her nose. Then, carefully, she pulled away completely to open the car. With a smile on her lips, Misty got to the passenger’s seat. She buckled up and wiped her lips clean, cheeks rosy and heart fluttering on her stomach. When Cordelia turned the car on and began driving again, a ringed hand rested on her leg, this time underneath the dress. Misty caressed her thigh lightly, not teasing but just feeling the skin she loved so much. Cordelia’s skin was so smooth, and it smelled like strawberries. Coincidence or not, that was Misty Day’s favorite fruit. Once again, the ride was silent. Robichaux wasn’t too far, and now with less traffic the path went by even quicker. They got back fairly early, which meant for a Friday night the mansion was empty.
“Remember our deal?” Misty teased with a cheeky smile as they followed upstairs and to their bedroom.
“As many kisses as I want?” Cordelia arched an eyebrow.
“Ya always get that,” Misty teased yet again. “But, yes. And the massage on your shoulders.”
“Oh, good reminder,” Cordelia chuckled. Misty sat at the edge of their king-sized bed to take her boots off, and when she kicked them aside and sat back up straight, a cheeky looking Cordelia straddled her lap. Misty smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around her lover’s waist. “Hi,” the Supreme whispered.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Misty kissed her nose. Cordelia giggled and kissed her lips, once again passionate and slow, just enjoying her girlfriend. Misty pulled her closer, and Cordelia’s arms that were wrapped around Misty Day’s shoulders served as support for her to scoot even closer to her. Now, their bodies were nearly glued to each other, and Misty gently slipped her hands underneath Cordelia’s beautiful blue dress and caressed her thighs. When they had just begun dating, Misty Day would ask for permission to every single move she did. That was until one day, in a rather passionate love-making session, when Cordelia straddled Misty just like she was doing now and murmured, underneath her ear, that she could touch her anywhere, whenever she wanted. That was enough for Misty to get the hint, and now when she eventually hesitated in some not-yet explored territory, Cordelia and her had developed, subconsciously, a language of stares only they understood.
“Mm,” Cordelia hummed against her lover’s lips. Her skin raised with goosebumps everywhere Misty touched her; it had been like that since day one. She deepened their kiss a little, hands playing with the apple-scented curls she so dearly loved until she reached for the satin cloth and carefully undid its knot, allowing the bangs to fall freely and frame Misty’s face. Against Cordelia’s lips, Misty Day smiled. Her hands slipped up, reaching Cordelia’s gorgeous hips that were adorned by her—as usual—lace panties. She caressed them, grip soft but with a hint of all the strength Misty had, and pulled her a little bit closer. Quietly, Cordelia sighed against their kiss, body relaxing and about to already melt under her lover’s touch. Misty Day’s fingers were magic. Their tongues danced with grace and passion, caressing each other—not battling. Once Misty was satisfied with her caresses on Cordelia’s hips, she moved her hands to play with the zipper of her dress. A chuckle from the Supreme broke their kiss.
“Ya did take my hairpiece off, uh?” Misty Day teased, southern accent and cheekiness dripping from her voice. Cordelia laughed, loud and utterly free. Misty Day smiled brightly. She always wanted to make her girlfriend laugh like that.
“Is that the equivalent to my dress?” Cordelia teased, smile so bright her cheeks hurt. Misty Day nodded. “What will be the equivalent of your dress, then?” She arched an eyebrow. Misty pretended to be thinking.
“Well… what about that beautiful bra of yours?”
“Cheeky!” Cordelia fake gasped. Misty laughed. “And your bra?”
“There’s only one piece left according to my math…” Misty Day wiggled her eyebrows. And Cordelia felt so damn hot all over that the only possible thing she could do was kiss Misty. That intimacy, the way they always kept the mood light was something Cordelia had never had, and it turned her on insanely. Misty Day, on the other side, felt enough for once. She was herself with Cordelia—the woman she loved more than life itself—and it was enough. Misty hummed against Cordelia’s lips, doing her best not to break their kiss with the smile that so desperately wanted to break through. Her fingers were back at playing with the zipper, and eventually she began slipping it down and loosening the fabric on her lover’s body. Misty helped Cordelia get rid of the upper part of the dress without breaking their kiss, and the fabric weirdly collected itself on the Supreme’s hips. Misty caressed her girlfriend’s bare back, kissing her like she was an oasis in the middle of the desert. Cordelia nibbled on Misty’s lower lip and kissed her again, and Misty whimpered as she kissed her passionately. “Mm… Cordelia…” Misty began kissing lower, nibbling on Cordelia’s jaw and following to her neck. She sucked on it softly, and the Supreme moaned as she bent her head back. Slowly, Misty Day slipped her hands lower and to her girlfriend’s buttcheeks. Cordelia giggled quietly, making sure to arch her back. “So… hot…” Ringed fingers caressed the cheeks with gusto, underneath the fabric of her dress. Her lips kept on working against Cordelia’s neck.
“You are…” Cordelia’s center burned. She wanted more, but she also wanted to enjoy every single step of the way. Misty touched her like no one else ever came close to doing.
“Why… don’t we… take a bath…?” Misty wanted to massage her girlfriend’s shoulders and feel her close. Besides, it had been awhile since they had taken a bath together. Cordelia nodded, pulling Misty closer and kissing her on the lips again. Misty Day smiled, thus breaking their kiss. “We can use those fancy salts ya’ love.”
“Perfect.” Cordelia pecked her lips and got up. The dress fell down her beautiful body, and she picked it up and placed it on the chair near their vanity. Misty Day was graced with the terrific view of her lover’s back, bending down to grab the cloth. Holy fuck, was she lucky. Misty got up to take her dress off as well, and Cordelia made eye-contact with her as she slowly began taking her undergarments off, exposing her bare body to Misty Day. Cerulean eyes were glued on Cordelia, and she soon caught up in taking her underwear off as well. Brown eyes darkened. With a lip between her pearl teeth, Cordelia walked to the bathroom, a silent invitation in the way her eyes stayed glued to her girlfriend. With a smile, Misty nearly ran to her and hugged her from behind, causing them both to giggle. She kissed the Supreme’s shoulder.
“I love you,” Misty said lovingly. Cordelia bent her head to the side, getting closer to Misty.
“I love you so much, Misty.” Carefully, Cordelia turned to peck Misty Day’s lips and pulled away to start filling the bathtub. Misty promptly reached for their rose salts and bubbles, adding a generous amount to the water. Then, she hugged Cordelia from behind again, kissing her neck as the tub filled in. The Supreme’s legs wobbled. “Mm…” Cordelia hummed, hands caressing Misty’s where they lay on her waist. Misty smiled and nibbled on her earlobe, and Cordelia couldn’t help but arch her back against her girlfriend’s front. Misty Day felt herself going absolutely feral. She sighed slowly, heavy with arousal. Cordelia smirked and did it again.
“Angel…” Misty purred. Strong hands pulled Cordelia closer by the hips, and Misty forced her own to meet her lover’s. Cordelia moaned lowly, in a way that was so absolutely sexual Misty Day couldn’t help but nibble gently on her neck. As if Cordelia was the finest silk, Misty Day passed her hands up and down on her body, exploring each corner and texture. She cupped the Supreme’s breasts, and Cordelia hummed in approval. Ringed thumbs played with the nipples while Misty’s lips kissed her neck with gusto, filling it with open-mouthed kisses that made Cordelia physically feel the passion they dripped on her skin. Cordelia’s hands reached up to caress Misty’s, pulling them closer to her breasts and squeezing them a little. Misty Day got the hint and massaged the fat a little more forcefully, feeling the nipples underneath it hardening already. Brown eyes had fallen closed, and the Supreme found herself like clay in Misty’s hands. With a flick of her finger, she stopped the water, sensing the tub was already filled. Misty kissed Cordelia’s neck one last time as she heard the water stopping, and just to tease her lover even more, Cordelia arched her back one last time and stepped away to get into the tub. Misty smirked at her. “Ya’ are such a tease.”
“Sometimes.” Cordelia sat down in the warm water, and as on cue her whole body relaxed. She hummed, hands blindly reaching to put her hair up in a bun. To be honest, Misty Day didn’t mind Cordelia being a tease at all. If anything, she was happy her lover was experiencing a side of sex she couldn’t do so before. It was no secret to Misty that Cordelia didn’t have many positive relationships in the past, of any kind, so to help Cordelia find herself, in a sense, was always something Misty was glad to do. And the teasing made their love-making fun, too. It was a very pleasant win-win situation. After putting her hair up as well, Misty got into the opposite side of the bathtub. The water warmed her skin, causing it to match her insides. A strong leg playfully teased Cordelia’s.
“Hey…” Misty smiled cheekily. Cordelia looked at her and chuckled.
“Hm?” The Supreme hummed.
“Come here. Let me rub your shoulders.” Misty spread her legs so her lover could sit between them. Cordelia scooted back, and before settling in she pecked Misty Day’s lips. With a smile, Misty began working on the knots in her girlfriend’s neck, hands using the right amount of strength to make them go away but not hurt her lover. Cordelia was always tense, and Misty’s massages were lifesavers.
“Mm… thank you, sweetheart,” Cordelia breathed out. Misty kissed the base of her neck and kept on working. Her body was still hot from their teasing, but that was why making love with Cordelia was always so sweet: they took their time to enjoy each other. It was love, not sex. Knot by knot, Misty Day undid them all. It didn’t take much, since she was already used to it. When she finished, Misty kissed her girlfriend’s neck again.
“All done, my darling angel.” Misty kissed her yet again, and Cordelia turned to straddle her. Water splashed out of the tub, but none of them really cared. They could clean it later. Before Misty Day could really smile at her girlfriend, Cordelia kissed her, full and passionate. She pulled her closer by the waist, holding her securely. Their lips worked in perfect sync as they always did. Cordelia nibbled on Misty’s lower lip—her signature move—and kissed her again. Misty chuckled. “I love it when ya do that.”
“Really?” Cordelia murmured, smiling against their kiss. Misty Day nodded.
“I find it sexy.” Misty kissed down to Cordelia’s jaw and nibbled on it, just like Cordelia had done to her lower lip. “It gets me going,” she purred.
“You get me going.” Cordelia bucked her hips once. Misty hummed and reached down to caress her buttcheeks, pulling her closer. Her lips sucked softly on the Supreme’s pulse point, not leaving any marks. Cordelia bit her lower lip. How was it possible that every single touch of Misty had her body reacting with fire? She adored it. “I love you…” She murmured for what seemed to be the thousandth time that night, and still, it didn’t feel like she had said it enough. Misty kissed back up to Cordelia’s earlobe.
“I love ya’, Cordelia,” Misty whispered. Their eyes locked together, and Cordelia looked at her in a way that Misty Day had seen only in the bedroom. She bit her lower lip.
“Now you’re the one teasing,” Cordelia purred. At this point, she was holding herself not to start grinding her hips against Misty’s strong legs. Misty Day arched a questioning eyebrow. “You know what that lip bite does to me.” With a gentle hand, Cordelia caressed Misty’s jaw and used her thumb to caress her lower lip. Misty Day smirked softly.
“Maybe I should do somethin’ about it? I know I’m dying to do so.” Misty Day found that was a good way of testing the waters without breaking their erotic atmosphere. Plus, she enjoyed watching the way her girlfriend nodded enthusiastically as her pupils grew in size. Cordelia bucked her hips once, and Misty Day felt all her desire to tease going away as she now ached to just pleasure Cordelia. With their eyes still locked together, Misty slowly moved her hands to Cordelia’s hips. She caressed them slowly, pulling her closer.
“Oh,” Cordelia gasped softly. Misty hummed happily, digits gently following to her lover’s thighs. She squeezed them a little, and Cordelia’s eyes already threatened to close from pleasure. Everything inside her moved. With a sigh, Cordelia leaned to kiss Misty’s neck, feeling the expanse of her skin getting bigger as Misty threw her head back. Cerulean eyes were the ones to close now, and Misty focused on massaging Cordelia’s inner thighs, getting closer and closer to where all the heat was coming from. With Cordelia so close to her ear, Misty was able to hear every single shift in her breath. She absolutely adored it. It was so erotic.
“Hmm…” Misty hummed, and just like Misty Day, Cordelia could feel the vibration of her lover’s vocal cords against her lips. She kissed the skin with a little more gusto. Lightly, Misty cupped Cordelia’s center. Just underneath her earlobe, the Supreme gasped. Misty smirked and spread her labia with two fingers, exposing her clitoris to no stimulation.
“A-angel…” Cordelia whimpered so softly Misty’s body trembled. Her hips insisted on the fingers, and her breath grew heavier as her abdomen twisted in pleasure. Misty Day touched her like no one else. Cordelia struggled to keep on kissing Misty Day’s neck, but she managed. And her lips worked sloppily and open-mouthed just like Misty Day loved. Careful not to hurt her lover, a ringed finger teased Cordelia’s entrance, feeling the wetness that gathered there—not from the water. The other fingers kept on spreading her labia ever so gently, while Misty’s free hand now passed up and down the Supreme’s back, buttcheeks and hips. Cordelia’s hips jerked against her hand. “Mm…”
“Good?” Misty asked, not necessarily teasing but just checking. Cordelia nodded and sucked gently on her pulse point. With a hum, Misty dragged the finger on her girlfriend’s entrance up to her clitoris, starting to circle it gently. It seemed impossible, but Cordelia was so turned on her insides squeezed around nothing already. She moaned a little louder, lips resting on Misty’s neck. Misty Day couldn’t help but feel proud of herself; she was making her Cordelia feel good. That was all she ever wanted. It didn’t take much for Cordelia’s hips to begin following her rhythm, and sweet, tiny moans to escape her lips followed by one another. From time to time, the Supreme bit gently on Misty Day’s neck to quiet herself down. Feeling it was time to take the next step, Misty teased her lover’s entrance again. Cordelia’s whole body raised with goosebumps.
“Y-yes,” Cordelia whimpered. Her back arched, and she sat up a little to stare into blue eyes. Misty stared right back at her. Slowly, the digit went in, and the Supreme moaned softly as her weight downed on it. “Oh…” With her head bending back, Cordelia bit her lower lip. Misty Day felt her insides squeezing her digit, and she herself let out a small moan. It was so damn erotic. Slowly, she began thrusting her finger in and out, curling and pressing it gently at that sweet spot that caused Cordelia’s toes to curl. They built a rhythm together, moans and heavy breaths meeting the sound of water splashing on the floor. Cordelia struggled to keep her eyes at Misty, and when another finger joined the mix and a thumb circled her clitoris, a loud moan broke through their symphony. Cordelia was so close, and Misty Day knew it. She watched as her lover bounced on her fingers, free hand giving her support on the back, digits being squeezed continuously. Misty leaned and kissed Cordelia’s lips.
“I love ya.” Misty Day whispered. Cordelia barely managed to kiss her back, let alone register her words. Everything inside her head buzzed, and her ears tingled. Cordelia’s lower abdomen was about to explode. Misty curled her digits one last time, in a way that hit the perfect spot, and a wave of heat came crashing down the Supreme’s body.
“Misty! Mgh!” Cordelia gasped, and Misty kept on going, wanting her lover to enjoy her orgasm as much as she could. Their foreheads touched, breaths mixing together. Eventually, Cordelia’s hips calmed down, and so Misty’s fingers followed them and slowed down. “Mm…” A lazy murmur left Cordelia’s lips. She rested her head on Misty Day’s shoulder, smelling her neck, hands caressing her back. Her insides still squeezed the digits, and so Misty allowed Cordelia to grind her hips lazily a few more times on her fingers. When they stopped completely, Misty carefully moved them to rest on the Supreme’s bundle of nerves. Cordelia hummed, hips insisting gently on the digits that now slowly circled her clitoris. “Oh… mm…” She kissed Misty’s neck lazily. Aftershocks hit her body, causing her insides to contract from time to time. Misty Day had stopped circling the bud and now only rested her hand there, letting Cordelia dictate the pace. When her chest had stopped moving so harshly, brown eyes met cerulean ones again. Misty smiled lovingly at her; Cordelia’s chest and cheeks were flushed, her hair was all messy—the opposite of her classy self—and her lips were rosy and wet. As far as Misty was concerned, Cordelia had never looked more gorgeous. Shyly, Cordelia smiled back at her.
“You are the most beautiful creature in this whole universe,” Misty’s words came as soft as melted butter. One of her hands that now rested on Cordelia’s lower back reached up to caress her cheek. Cordelia nuzzled onto it, smile growing. Misty Day felt so lucky.
“I think that’s you.” Cordelia’s voice was slightly hoarse. Misty Day chuckled as her cheeks tinted.
“To each their own,” Misty teased, and Cordelia shook her head and playfully rolled her eyes. She leaned to kiss her lips softly.
“You really need to start seeing yourself from my eyes,” the Supreme whispered before kissing Misty again. That was the exact same thing Misty had said to Cordelia when they had begun dating, one day when she caught her crying in the shower. It had stuck with Cordelia ever since, and she hoped to make it stick with Misty, too. Misty kissed her back, holding her smile. She caressed both of her cheeks now, kissing her ever so gently, so lovingly. Cordelia’s whole body raised with goosebumps. Even though she had just had an orgasm—and an amazing one—now she wanted Misty Day to feel good. Cordelia had learned she loved touching Misty, sexually or not. Something about making this gorgeous creature feel loved made her happy in a way she never experienced before. She could touch someone who touched her back with such amount of love that it almost seemed like an out of body experience. So, with a nibble on Misty’s lower lip, Cordelia brushed their lips as their kiss broke. “We should go to bed… there’s something I want to do that I can’t do underwater.” It took a second for Misty Day to understand what Cordelia meant, and when she did, the hair on the back of her neck stood up and her body trembled. With her breath already heavier, Misty nodded. Cordelia smiled and got up, carefully getting out of the tub. Their towels were on the counter, so she flicked her fingers and got them flying to her hands. Once Cordelia had wrapped a towel around her body, she held the other one open for Misty.
“Thank ya, angel.” Misty Day smiled. She stepped out of the tub and Cordelia wrapped her arms around her, causing the towel to wrap around Misty as well. She giggled.
“I love you.” Cordelia kissed Misty’s cheek before pulling away so they could dry themselves. It didn’t take long for them to do so, eyes glued on each other and glances stolen all the time. Misty Day hung her towel up, and when she turned around Cordelia bit her lower lip, gorgeous chocolate oceans focused on her. She blushed. “My mama has always told me it’s ugly to stare,” Misty Day teased cheekily. Cordelia laughed, hanging her towel up as well.
“She’ll have to forgive me, then.” Cordelia stepped closer to Misty, arms wrapping around her waist. Misty Day caressed her shoulders.
“I think she will.” Once again, Misty bit her lower lip. Her blue eyes had grown darker once again, scanning Cordelia’s beautiful features. The Supreme hummed.
“If I can’t stare… can I touch it?” Cordelia was the one to tease now, voice dropping an octave. Misty’s legs trembled. Slowly, the Supreme allowed her hands to fall down to Misty Day’s buttcheeks, squeezing them softly and gluing their bodies together. Misty Day let out a tiny gasp.
“Yes, ma’am.” Misty leaned closer, lips blushing. She smirked cheekily, and Cordelia smirked back and kissed her, long and somewhat lustily. After watching and feeling her lover coming, Misty had to admit she was very worked up. Every single touch from Cordelia seemed to burn on her body. Cordelia’s tongue caressed hers sensually, causing Misty Day to whimper lowly against their kiss.
“Mgh…” Cordelia struggled but managed to pull away. “Bed,” she breathed out. Misty Day nodded and pulled them that way. She fell down on the mattress, and Cordelia took no time to get on top of her. Already, their lips collided, passionate and eager. Cordelia straddled one of her lover’s thighs, causing one of hers to be between Misty Day’s legs. The warmth already present there was absolutely erotic. She caressed Misty’s curls, pulling them away from her face and caressing her cheekbone. Misty’s hands, on the other hand, pulled Cordelia closer, caressing her back and eventually buttcheeks, squeezing them. “Oh…” Cordelia took the hint and bucked her hips softly. The moan from Misty Day that reverberated against their lips nearly caused the Supreme to throb. She bucked her hips again, with Misty following her rhythm.
“Delia…” Misty murmured. One of Cordelia’s hands reached up to cup a breast, playing with her lover’s nipple. Misty Day’s head fell back against the pillows, so Cordelia kissed down to her neck. Misty always smelled like home. “Mm…”
“I want to pleasure you with my mouth,” Cordelia purred. The words sent a shiver through Misty Day’s spine. She moaned, hips insisting up again. Cordelia took that as a positive reaction, and her lips worked harder against her lover’s neck, sucking softly on the flesh without leaving any marks. Her thumb toyed gently with Misty Day’s nipple, feeling it getting erect. She moved to play with the other one, and by that point their hips had already found a rhythm to dance to together. The wetness on Cordelia’s thigh only got her more excited to follow south, eager to taste it.
“I… I—I… ngh…” Misty Day tried speaking, but Cordelia’s hands and lips felt so good on her body that the task was turning out to be an impossible one. She whimpered, hips insisting up more forcefully. Cordelia hummed, kissing to her lover’s collarbones, where she nibbled and sucked gently. She knelt down between Misty’s legs, hands caressing her sides and hips. Immediately, Misty spread her legs and arched her back, hands tangled in blonde hair. “So… so good, baby…” Cordelia smirked happily with the words. She reached her breasts, lips playing with the lower fat of Misty’s right one. The nipples were already up and hard.
“I love your body,” Cordelia murmured before wrapping her lips around the bud and playing with it. Misty moaned, hands stroking Cordelia’s hair, careful not to hurt her. Misty Day wondered how was it possible for someone to make her feel that good, good in a way that before Cordelia, she didn’t even know was possible to feel. It didn’t take much for Cordelia to move to the other breast, hands still caressing her girlfriend’s hips. Wetness pooled down on the sheets, and Misty Day found herself squirming underneath her lover’s body, needing more. That longing was what made their lovemaking always so good and special. They always longed for each other. After Cordelia got satisfied with the treatment she had given to Misty’s breasts, she kissed lower. The muscles of Misty Day’s abdomen quivered underneath her lips, and slowly Cordelia dragged her tongue one by one, feeling every single curve of her lover’s toned body. Misty was so strong, it never failed to turn the Supreme on. Now, Cordelia rested down on the mattress, hands slipping to Misty’s inner thighs. She caressed her, palms feeling the muscles there as well. Misty Day’s thighs had proven to Cordelia that they were one of her weaknesses; she had spent countless hours staring and dreaming of them, had kissed the skin there a billion of times, had straddled those muscles and felt them in her most intimate areas, and still, they managed to make her stomach flip when she touched them. Misty spread her legs a little more, back still arching and ringed fingers blindly holding the loosen locks of hair away from her girlfriend’s face. Once Cordelia reached Misty Day’s navel, she kissed it there in a lingering peck and pulled away to enjoy her inner thighs. Misty Day knew a good five or ten minutes would be spent there, and it only made her feel even better; being desired was something she wasn’t used to, and Cordelia made her feel like she was the most unique thing in this world. Cordelia kissed every single bit of skin there, leaving love bites and tiny sucks. She hummed to herself every time Misty’s muscles shifted, and by the time she was satisfied, Misty Day was a whimpering mess. Brown eyes looked up to Misty’s center, and her mouth watered; Misty Day was completely at her mercy.
“A-angel… mgh… I don’t know how much more I can take,” Misty breathed out softly. Cordelia smiled up, and cerulean, hooded eyes met hers. She smiled.
“I love you, my darling angel.”
“I love y-ya, Delia.” With the sweet words, Cordelia leaned down to kiss the small bush of blonde hair between Misty’s legs. She hummed at the smell that invaded her nostrils, and without wasting more time, her tongue moved south. Cordelia took a first lick, slow and delicate, not yet spreading Misty Day’s labia. A delicious moan filled the bedroom, and Cordelia felt her whole body filling with goosebumps just from the sound alone. With two fingers, she spread her lover’s folds. Misty Day was gorgeous in every single detail. Before Cordelia could lean closer, she watched as Misty’s vagina contracted at nothing. Brown eyes grew darker. Why that was so erotic to her was unknown, but right now, Cordelia didn’t care about motives. She bit her lower lip harshly and finally reached to take another lick, tongue stopping to flick on the bud that was already up and ready for attention. Misty Day moaned a little louder, moving her hands up and to the pillows just to make sure she didn’t hurt Cordelia. Too focused on her task, Cordelia barely noticed it. Her brown eyes had closed and she could only hum, tongue dancing softly on the bud and free hand caressing one of Misty’s inner thighs. It still baffled her, how lucky the universe had allowed her to become when she met Misty Day. Her heart swelled with love. Hadn’t she seen actual magic, Misty Day would dare saying that was what Cordelia did down there. Her hips had begun bucking in sync with Cordelia, and a particularly louder moan left her lips when her lover speeded up just a little. There was no fear with Cordelia; Misty could just enjoy and allow her body to relax. Cordelia respected her boundaries, both physically and mentally. Her vagina began squeezing in weird patterns of time, indicating Misty was close. Her back arched again, and Cordelia knew it was time to add just a tiny bit more of pressure to her already throbbing clitoris. She did so, and as if on cue, Misty Day began moaning softly, moan followed by moan as her climax approached her. In only a few seconds, her thighs tensed up and her toes curled on the sheets. Heat crashed down her body, making her ears buzz and eyes close tightly. Cordelia smiled, task in hand still being focused on. Eventually, Misty Day calmed down, and Cordelia followed the way her hips moved when slowing down her tongue. Her fingers let go of Misty Day’s labia, both hands pulling her closer by the hips. Misty breathed loudly, heavily, body shaking and legs forcing themselves to relax. Cordelia stopped her work on Misty Day’s clitoris, afraid of overstimulating her, and moved down to do another one of her favorite tasks. Just like Misty Day did to her, Cordelia always made sure to clean her girlfriend up when she pleasured her like that. The taste that was so utterly woman—and that woman being the Misty Day—never ceased to make her feel all types of comforting sensations. Eventually, Cordelia pulled away. She nibbled on Misty Day’s navel one last time before laying beside her on the pillows, chest heavy as well. She turned to Misty, pulling her closer. Misty wasted no time in cuddling onto Cordelia, resting her head on her chest. Lazy fingers caressed her curls, and a strong arm wrapped around Cordelia’s waist, pulling her close. The bedroom was silent, air filled only with the quiet panting of the two. The flowers on their nightstand had grown brighter in color. Misty tangled their legs together, and although it seemed to be impossible, she pulled Cordelia even closer to herself. Lazily, Misty turned to kiss the Supreme’s neck, not teasing but just wanting to be affectionate. Cordelia appreciated their after-sex cuddles more than she could ever fathom to explain; sex with Hank had always made her feel like an object. A few minutes of caresses and kisses passed before Cordelia broke the comforting silence.
“Thank you for tonight,” the Supreme whispered, fingers tracing random patterns on Misty Day’s back. Although Cordelia didn’t realize, the small movement of her fingers formed a heart. With sleepy eyes and a sweet smile, Misty looked up at her lover.
“I’m the one who has to thank ya, Delia. I’m sorry I took so long to take you out.” Even though they had already settled that subject, Misty knew it would take some time for her to not feel guilty about it. Cordelia shook her head, leaning to kiss her forehead.
“No apologies, my love. It’s all good.” The words caused Misty Day to smile a little more. She kissed Cordelia’s nose, and, after a second, her smile turned into a cheeky one. Cordelia arched an eyebrow.
“So… wanna’ go to the movies tomorrow?” The question was simple, yet for Cordelia it was very meaningful. Misty Day had understood her side, and she had understood hers. No one fought. No one screamed hurtful things to each other. After everything, they were ending the night more in love than ever, with limbs tangled together and sweet caresses being exchanged. It was how it was supposed to be, but Cordelia had never had the chance to experience it before. Misty Day was truly an angel to her. With a loud chuckle, Cordelia nodded. They kissed again, ready to fall asleep and start yet another day with each other. Life had never been better
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damianfanfiction · 2 years
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