damiensjumpercables · 4 years
Mari changed her hair!!!
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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hey Matt? no ❤️
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
Just finished the Smosh Twitch Stream and heres my verdict:
at the beginning they seemed prepared but it turns out they really werent
they tried to make it super studio-like, like they didnt embrace like the fun of livestreaming, there was a lot of scripted parts
they had an emote competition that was actually pretty cute and fun
they did Board AF and they played A Million Dollars But... and it was soo boring, it was like, well, it was like watching other people play a board game, which isnt fun. you can really see how the editors were the ones who made those videos so entertaining.
they set a bunch of subscriber goals, which really rubbed me the wrong way, like their audience is fairly young, and your begging them for money? Thats not cool smosh. That was what really made it clear that this is just a money grab to me. And they hardly acknowledged the people who did subscribe, as well as the people gifting (one person gifted 200+!!! and they got ONE a thank you).
and they were trying to bribe people to subscribe by saying you get all these benifets with a subscription???
everyone kept getting like a bunch of ads, i got 3 in a row once, and i actually had to install an ad blocker an hour into the stream because i had already gotten 8 ads!!!
they did a bunch of strange punishments(?? idk they werent really “punishments” per se but idk what else to call them) that just didnt make sense with the stream
when they were in the big group, there were constantly like two or three conversations happening at once, which was really confusing and hard to follow.
they had a really nice Board Af sign, but it was bittersweet because they still havent given any credit to Joven for it.
you can tell the group are meant to be actors and not streamers, cuz there was a couple times where i could see the cast kind of like ‘turn it off’ and like this is totally okay!! but like its not really fun for the viewers!
they hardly ever looked at the chat and they said the people not on screen (because it was only a few of them at once) were in the chat, but the chat was moving so fast that you couldnt even read messages, better yet names. (they DEFINITELY should of had it on slow mode, there were so many people spamming the chat)
m*tt r*ub was the mod, so that pissed me off
(and he was the only mod for such a large stream so he was virtually useless)
sarah and ian played fall guys, which i would have been interested in, but sarah and ian dont really have any chemistry on screen, so it was mostly sarah talking about other people and explaing the game, and ian laughing awkwardly
they did try not to laugh, and they got the chat to vote on props, which was nice, but the TNTL seemed super rushed, like since they didnt know the props it was clearly really hard for them to come up with good bits
kimmy showed up which was nice
keith, kimmy, and shayne, played fall guys which was actually very entertaining.
m*tt r*ub was playing quiplash with them which made me want to leave the stream, but i was committed to review it
and since m*tt was playing quiplash, the chat was left completely unmodded and there were no bots, so it was awful
okay and so during quiplash, the orginally said that they were only gonna get the code to the “subscriber only” chat, but they forgot to cover it up, so everyone on stream had it
AND THEN THE SMOSHGAMES ACCOUNT KEPT DELETING PEOPLES COMMENTS WITH THE CODE??? there were only like 550 people in the audience and i know you can have 10 000!!! and there were only 5000-6000 people watching... so idk why they were deleting it... makes me hate this money grab stream even more
finally during quiplash the smoshgames account started modding and FINALLY put the chat in slow mode (when it shouldve been in slow mode 4 hours prior)
SO FOR THE SECOND ROUND OF QUIPLASH THEY HID THE CODE, and they only sent it to the private discord, and so THERE WERE ONLY 8 PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE, and like everyone in the chat was asking for the code cuz quiplash is no fun without being a part of it.
AND FINALLY someone behind camera asked, saying that the chat was askimg for the code, and courtney noticed that there was only 8 PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE AND SCREAMED OUT THE CODE FOR US
like they were just being so elitist about the subs, it sucked for everyone else and you can tell by the chat.
also they had kimmy there, but they didnt give her a mic?? so that sucked too
when damien, courtney, and noah, were playing fall guys, the CleverCorps came up strong, and courtney was watching chat and she was telling damien about all of his emotes, and you could tell he was so happy and proud of the community he created! it was really sweet
then they did another Board AF, playing Dad Joke, which, when m*tt was explaining it, the audio was messed up, and it took longer than it needed to be fixed(because no one was looking at chat) and then when the audio was fixed i had no idea what was happening when the game started
the Dad Joke game, was somehow more boring than A Million Dollars But... and i actually started watching another stream (Lasercorn and Sohinki) on my laptop while the smosh one was chrome-casted to my tv
over all, Twitch is not for Smosh, they should stick to what they know, unless they are playing video games, i could see myself enjoying something like that! but Board AF was NOT it! and their commitment to making people subscribe to be at all part of the community is elitist and not cool.
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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1.) There was a vid that the smosh fb posted of that one 7 year old telling anthony abt her take on twilight but I wanted to see the whole thing
2.) No0b3 is a Dead By Daylight YouTuber so. Yeah. DbD
3.) The three random music artists is because I Like Music and they all dropped slappers what else can I say
4.) Top Chef Andrea said, and I quote, "I'm bringing something to the competition no one else is - the ability to move your bowels through food" and I wanted to share that clip with my friends
5.) Brad mondo because of..... That one smosh vid,
6.) Saints row 2 ronin missions because I'm trying to play the game in how I feel it goes chronologically speaking
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sue me lol
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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Seeing this image made me want to take a bat to my router
my first uquiz! made with love. also pls tell me if any formatting is off and i’ll fix it
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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thank you, noah. very informative
damien’s version
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
Sonja told W///es to do better. She was scared to say it. She just wanted to get it ou.
W///es came out with a statement saying he’s taking legal action.
He pretty much said “I can’t do better, I’m already my best 💅🏻✨”
Anyway I just want to make it clear I stand with Sonja.
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
no read mores on mobile so you're gonna have to deal w me out in the open lmao
haunting information:
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haunting words from boze:
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my own shit:
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listen i have no reason to be pissed at matt ra/ub outside of boze's stream...... i don't know the guy well enough, and he wasn't there to defend himself when all this surfaced.... in fact, no one was there to defend themselves and we, as viewers, don't know shit about shit
but cmon......... you're telling me........ the corporate asshat that i've been angry about for months....,.,.,.,.,..,,,, was in front of the camera this whOLE DAMN TIME ajajahsgajansbshshs
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
Boze just streamed. Here’s what she has to say about Smosh:
- She doesn’t like Matt Raub. He disliked Sohinki for some reason, so that’s why Lasercorn was brought back for more Smosh and Order, for example, but he wasn’t. Matt Raub has largely been responsible for the phasing out of Smosh Games members. When she mentioned on the Genius Brain podcast that she missed out on parties, only finding out the following week that there even was one, it would be Matt Raub’s party.
- Boze had to get the credits for Smosh and Order after the DEFY shutdown. It sounded like Smosh maybe wanted to continue it, but they’d have to pay her for it, so they haven’t. I could be wrong there, but that’s the impression I got.
- Try Not to Laugh was Sunny Peabody’s idea. Smosh has since made dozens of episodes and done a tour based around the show, but Sunny gets no credit for it.
- Boze did most of the advertising and planning for the TNTL tour. She put a lot of effort into it because she felt like she owed the company for giving her a platform. Boze planned to attend one of the shows, as part of her job, in order to report back to the Smosh media staff about the demographic who attended the show, which is a way to get a third party opinion of how the show went and who was there. Boze was then asked by Smosh not to attend the show. This was implied to be Matt Raub’s doing. She asked Damien about it, but he hadn’t heard anything about it.
- Boze has been so quiet about what happened at Smosh before and after the shutdown because she was worried she messed up by talking about Smosh on David So’s podcast. She though she lost all of her friends because of this. She has since regained some of those friends (NE6 members,) but says that some of the cast members who she thought she was friends with (Courtney, Damien, etc.) thought of her merely as a costar. Courtney hasn’t responded to any of her texts.
-It’s only the corporate side of Smosh that Boze feels resentment toward. She encourages Smosh fans to remain Smosh fans because they are fans of the cast, not of the higher ups in the company. Business is business, and LA is full of incincere money-grabbers.
- She urges fans NOT TO GO TO SMOSH WITH THIS INFORMATION. Draw your own conclusions, protect Boze and her livelihood, and don’t create drama. They’re all adults, they can fight their own battles. No need to stir the pot and cause unnecessary stress for Smosh, NE6, or Boze. Be a good human.
Don’t just take it from me, and point out any inaccuracies in this post or add on anything I missed. See ya, gang. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/658730241?t=5979s
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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This is all I got folks
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
Hey everyone!! I don't share too much of my personal life on here, but if there's one thing I love, it's perfumes. Like... A lot.
Over the last 6 months or so I've been getting more into indie branded perfumes over your usual Ulta/Macy's/VS/Insert-big-name-store-here fare.
I'm gonna be swapping away a sample of a perfume I don't jive with! The only issue is that I'm indecisive... So I figured I'd make a little poll to figure out what to get! Feel free to vote here!
Now, for the rules and important info:
You can vote for multiple scents!
Duplication checking is off in the event that you think that a scent is worth your vote, but you already voted once. Please don't just vote for the same scent multiple times, because I do want this to be about as fair as it can be.
2 of the scents had longer descriptions and needed 2 slots to fit. Please keep that in mind as you look, and please vote for the slot with the name in it.
I'm going to "close" this tomorrow. I don't know when exactly beyond that, but I will reblog this with the outcome.
On that note, happy voting!! And I've never made a strawpoll before, so feel free to give me tips :P
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
the smosh/ne6 fam @ LA protests:
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fundraising money/donating:
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educating people/using their platforms:
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we picked some pretty damn good role models. now let’s follow in their example.
a website that i go to daily for updates on what i can do is blacklivesmatters.carrd.co. the website gives a list of petitions to sign, people to call, places to donate, and even a map of where protests are occurring. it updates daily.
literally do ANYTHING to help, and don’t only pretend to care either for clout. only posting a simple black square or a hashtag won’t do shit. the amount of performative activism i’ve seen across all forms of social media is absolutely disgusting and makes me sick. there are multiple available resources to educate yourself with and to share with others. UTILIZE THEM.
if you haven’t already, just please do what you can. silence is compliance. silence is DEADLY.
sidenote: DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA. they have constantly dehumanized and villainized protesters for “starting violence” or “looting” when in reality it’s the cops and white supremacists that do so. there are numerous amounts of evidence pointing to them, and i’ll gladly provide evidence if asked.
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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........... #jovenisaprettygirl
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
(repost: it says you can’t take the quiz bc it’s not published yet but it’s just a glitch, you can take it just fine!)
saw those personality quizzes going around and decided to make my own. enjoy!
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damiensjumpercables · 4 years
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damiensjumpercables · 5 years
not to be dramatic but
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