dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
The heavens high, high above them smelted their royal purples, mesmerizing oranges, passionate pinks, and watery blues into a shimmering alloy that painted and pulled the sky. Only when watched at every moment could the sky slowly sink into the velvet depths of space itself. Upon this velvet, diamond dust was scattered. It wrapped around the Earth in its billions of sandy specks. It, too, sunk into the night. A concerto of colour crashed and swept above the two who were holding each other in perfect silence. Their souls drifted among these impossibly far-off stars that lay impossibly deep within their hearts. Their eyes stung, and their breath froze, against the crisp country air.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
"But his heart was in a constant, turbulent riot. The most grotesque and fantastic concepts haunted him in his bed at night. A universe of ineffable gaudiness spun itself out in his brain while the clock ticked on the washstand and the moon soaked with wet light his tangled clothes upon the floor. Each night he added to the pattern of his fantasies until drowsiness closed down upon some vivid scene with an oblivious embrace. For a while these receries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality if reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing."
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
Some cute things that humans do:
· Hurt when they don't hold each other enough.
· Get a thing that made them happy stuck in their head so they feel unnaturally compelled to share that happy thing.
· Kiss (especially on the forehead).
· Stare into their children's eyes with more love than they can express.
· Genuinely care about each other.
· Feel shy when they're in love.
· Do that little convulsive thing when they're overjoyed.
· Hold others close when they're cold.
· Fall asleep in each other's arms.
· Decide to spend the rest of their lives together.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
I care not if I dream about her again if dreams are all that they can be.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
The Lady of The Forest
I seek your eyes as rivers seek their seas.
I wander through the hills of trav'llers lost.
My heart like fire gives chase to pace and peace.
Your absence does my calid heart befrost,
Though in its halls your laughter there belongs.
Amongst your vegetation, cool and hushed,
I long to understand the quiet songs;
Regard the shadows you are meant to crush.
Your hero is not found with sword in hand.
The Lady of The Forest is the One.
For she alone can know her wars not won,
And she alone must strike them where they stand.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
Those bright wet clouds that hang over the green mountains;
They are further from me than I could likely comprehend.
Yet their beauty is so close;
So, so very close,
That it simply overwhelms me.
This is what it is to love oneself, sometimes.
I do not have to always be me to love myself.
Sometimes I am the clouds,
Sometimes I am the cloud-gazer.
I do not require power and might to hover over the vastness of the mountains,
It is just my nature.
I need only stare in amazement.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 3 years
Our pupils dilate,
Our brains yell,
Yet the room remains hushed.
At that point, we want to see all of them
Quite like how we crave the sea,
For you must understand:
The sea does not absorb you
Without drowning your mind.
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dan-is-actually-rad · 6 years
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So here’s the story:
Back before I moved downstairs, I slept in one of two beds in my old room upstairs. Brilliant view and a welcoming morning subtropical breeze every day.
When I came back from one of my breaks from the hospital, I found my fat cat lying here just waiting for me to come back. But then she’d fallen asleep. That’s when I took this photo.
So I didn’t wake her up, but my attention-seeking brother did. I don’t know why he would disturb the peace like that but he did.
But after he left, I lay down on my unfamiliar bed, and she crept over onto my chest and promptly fell asleep again. At like, ten in the morning.
Ever since I was in maintenance, and when I moved downstairs, she didn’t visit me any more for a few weeks.
Then, in the dark of the night, I heard her little paws finding my bed in this strange new land
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