dancingwithghcsts ¡ 11 months
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 11 months
     Pen already pressed to paper, Atticus gave a fervent nod as if he hadn’t been about to make the notes regardless. “Well, you know, there are actually studies that suggest that the way one carries themself has a lot of influence into how they are perceived. For example, you carrying yourself with a lot of self-confidence and so…You’d totally hire a therapist if you wanted to hear why you’re the way that you are, huh? I’ll shut up” he loosened a heavy sigh, an embarrassed grin spreading over his lips as Atticus caught himself mid-ramble. The only person that seemed to enjoy when he would run off on a tangent like that was Stephanie, and even then he was a little convinced that she was only humouring him sometimes. Atticus blinked, at least ninety percent certain that the older man had been joking. That didn’t stop the gentle furrow in his brow as he reached for his notebook, however, mouthing the words as he scrawled them in black ink. W-9 Form. “Well…It’s not technically something official just yet…” he admitted, a warm blush settling across his high cheekbones as Atticus fidgeted with the pen in his hand with a quiet but off-putting click, click, click. Bruce had grown used to Atticus’ anxious tendencies, and had even bought him a stress ball for his desk - something to occupy his hands that was quiet. “Oh - I’m not so sure that she would care so much about all of that…” he informed him, blinking as he realised what he had inferred unintentionally. “But I think that it’s very cool! The coolest” Atticus felt as if it was hard to breathe suddenly. If he lost his job at Stark Industries within the same fifteen minutes that he had started it he would have no choice but to move to a different city and change his name out of sheer humiliation. “Does she sneak up on you a lot?” he found himself asking, anxious for a change in subject. 
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Tony couldn’t help but smile at the younger man. He definitely reminded Tony of another young man, who was also dark-haired and eager and brimming with the sort of enthusiasm that Tony envied, because he found it difficult to summon up even a shadow of it himself these days. “Oh, well, that presumes I’d hire a therapist,” he said, with another crooked grin. “There’s a coalition headed by Pep and Happy that’s been trying to get me into a shrink’s office since 2008.” He raised his eyebrows as the topic returned to Tim’s girlfriend, and he grinned again. “Oh, well, in my experience, it’s the best part when it’s not official,” he said. Not that he had a whole lot of experience with official, except once, and considering he was alone now -- it wasn’t like that had worked out especially well. He snorted softly as Tim spoke. “Oh, she’s not impressed by the whole superhero schtick, huh? I get it. I resisted joining the superhero boy band for a while.” Not that Fury had really wanted Tony as much as Iron Man, but that wasn’t a cool thing to say to your impressionable young employee. “Yep,” he said, popping his lips on the p, while casting a completely casual glance up to the ceiling tiles of the elevator. “She says it’s healthy to give my heart a jump start.” He paused. “Cardiology isn’t one of my many areas of expertise, but I’m…like, fairly certain that’s the direct opposite of how that works.”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 11 months
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Getting the technique down took me ages but I finally have it mastered.” Tarantula normally didn’t hear any positive feedback as he usually tended to be bossy on missions. It was nice to hear something positive. “I almost forgot about the police report, thanks for the reminder. I was too busy trying to figure out dinner.” His stomach grumbled like rolling thunder with hunger. This made Benji red with embarrassment, and he was glad the mask was there to hide it. “Wonna grab some food after we finish these reports?”
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Peter beamed up at him. “No problem,” he said. “Yeah, I can only imagine. I don’t know if I could ever pull it off myself.” He smiled up at him again. He’d always longed to be special somehow, the way so many people around him were. But he probably didn’t have what it took. “Oh, don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it,” he said, waving his hand. “I don’t mind doing reports, really. It’s kind of the most peaceful part of my day.” He offered another smile. “But I would never say no to food, though,” he said. “I’m starving. What about burgers? Or maybe pizza?”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 11 months
𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 - 𝐆𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐲 
       The truth of Ginny’s words shouldn’t have felt like the freight train that hit her. Valeria had always focused on logic to guide her in life and that was how she navigated the world, finding comfort in understanding the world that way. It was with the introduction to her ex that everything changed, the world flipped on its axis. “I don’t think things are so black and white.” Valeria had known from a young age that world was more complicated than good and bad. Her uncle had always been labelled as bad, but to her he was more than that. He had to be more than that otherwise she wouldn’t have been standing there, instead just a memory, a dead fetus lost to time and space. Things were never simple, but it was the duality of the world that allowed her to be and she clung to that idea like a child to their mother’s leg, desperate. “I don’t know what you are.” She admitted, letting a flash of pain cross her face, the remanence of grief that had its own life within her. 
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Ginny swallowed, wiping a palm over her mouth, which was dangerously on the verge of giving her away. For one thing, her lower lip felt heavy and unwieldy, like it was about to start trembling again. And for another, she was afraid of what she would say next. What stupid, vulnerable, honest thing would come tumbling past her lips. Vulnerability. Something that Valeria had brought out in her. That’s the problem with lo -- she cut that thought down where it stood, like an enemy soldier who could ruin her if she let it through the frontlines. She was not the type of person who was meant for that. And even if she was, surely she had lost the chance with Valeria forever. She swallowed as Valeria spoke. “Yeah, well, I’m trying to tell you,” she said, hating the way her voice was shaking just a little bit. “Actions speak louder than words, right? Either I’m a good person who is really bad at showing it, or I’m a bad person who is real good at letting everyone know about it.” She spread her hands. “Or is that not black and white, either? Sometimes it really is one or the other, baby.”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 11 months
Closed Starter for @herghcsts​ | Mantis & Tony
“It’s truly a wonder that you’re still alive”
     “Is that how you greet all of the people that you know?” Mantis asked, raising a brow. In some ways, Tony reminded her a lot of her brother, Peter. Both said things that they perhaps shouldn’t at times, not that she wasn’t used to it by now. It was why she had barely blinked at such a question out of nowhere. Just as Mantis was used to Peter’s lack of filter, she was also familiar with being underestimated. “I do what needs to be done when it comes to it” she offered by way of explanation, a weak shrug following. When you could influence feelings in the ways that Mantis could, it didn’t even have to resort to fighting a lot of the time. “I could say the same to you”
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Tony raised an eyebrow in return. “Yeah, uh, considering our line of work, it’s always kind of a pleasant surprise to see someone again,” he said. “Especially when it’s been a while.” He looked over at her and shrugged as she spoke. “No doubt about that,” he said, with a thin smile. He wasn’t particularly crazy about powers that manipulated emotions or thoughts, but Mantis was a sweet -- he didn’t know if kid was the right word. Maybe her people had a different one. He smiled again, this time more warmly. “Aw, you know me,” he said. “I could be Catman, I have these nine lives. Except somebody took that name, I think. I kinda got a thing about being original.”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 11 months
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My Adventures with Superman 🦸‍♂️ S1E1/T.S: 13:20-13:30
Yes Yes, Lois ! Clark is one BEAUTIFUL Man indeed.
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞
        Florence’s eyes lit up as they landed on the travel container gripping two cups snuggly. “You’re a life saver.” The blonde reached out to retrieve her coffee from Jade, taking a deep sip of the warm liquid. It had been exactly what she needed, letting the rim of the cup go with a satisfied sigh. “Muffins too?” Florence’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as she eyes the bag. “What makes today a muffin day?”
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Jade beamed at Florence’s response, glad as always to bring a little happiness to someone’s day. She grabbed her own cup and took a sip, sighing contentedly. Her eyes widened a little as Florence went on, the coffee cup still raised in front of her mouth. “Nothing,” she said, finally lowering the cup and blinking at Florence in confusion. “They smelled good when I walked in. I almost got more but then I thought…” She trailed off. “Something. I forget now.” She frowned in mild concern. “Do you think I forgot something else, and that’s why subconsciously I decided it was a muffin day?”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
Closed Starter for @herghcsts​ | Bonnie & Peter
     “Wait, wait, wait, wait-” Bonnie loosened an exasperated sigh, shaking her head and her hand fervently as she urged Peter to stop talking. “I’ve heard you talk about everybody else’s feelings in this situation but yours. How do you feel, Peter? And don’t give me any of that ‘It doesn’t matter how I feel’ crap ‘cause I didn’t get enough sleep to be patient with you if you don’t work with me here, okay?” she rose her brows expectantly, offering a gentle nod, motioning for him to begin. She crossed a leg over the other, resting her chin against the palm of her hand. “I’m never judging and I have the time” she assured him gently but firmly. 
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Peter’s eyes widened slightly as Bonnie waved her hand at him, his lips folding together as he looked at her, a trifle nervously. Had he said something wrong? When she went on, though, his eyebrows drew together in deeper confusion. “Well…I realize I messed up,” he said finally. “I shouldn’t have gone on my own. But I was worried about where I got the information from.” He swallowed, embarrassed. It hadn’t exactly been through the proper channels. He still felt a hot flush of shame spreading across his face just thinking about it. “But I just feel like Commissioner Montoya is putting me on easy patrols. I can do more. I want to do more. It’s frustrating. And I don’t even know if she’s doing it because of that, or because she’s trying to protect me. I’ve known her since I was a kid.” He frowned, an uncharacteristic expression. “But I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself. I’m...” He swallowed again, setting his jaw. “I’m a good cop.”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
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“I’m not upset I just don’t want to keep being left behind just because i’m the youngest.” Haley complained. She had big shoes to fill and it seemed like her cousins, her half-siblings and even family friends were way ahead of her in their masked crusade. @dancingwithghcsts​ 
Peter smiled a little. “I know it’s frustrating,” he said. “I’ve been out of the academy for two years, and people still treat me like a rookie. Some of the older guys even call me Baby Cop.” He offered his niece another smile. “So at least you don’t have to deal with that,” he teased gently. “I’d offer for you to come on patrol with me, but your mom absolutely would beat me up. If my mom didn’t get to me first.” Or the Commissioner, for that matter. Or the former Commissioner. 
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
Closed Starter for @herghcsts​ | Selina & Babs
❝I didn’t realize you could hear my inner monologues❞
     “I don’t know how to tell you this, but…” Selina’s smile was a mixture between an amused smirk and a smile of pity. “That wasn’t inner” she informed her friend, shaking her head gently before taking a sip of her drink. A dramatic monologue wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence from Barbara but still, it was entertaining to think that she had just as many internally as she did explosively out loud. “Not that any of it wasn’t right” she gave a nonchalant shrug. Barbara’s mind wouldn’t be changed even if Selina had disagreed, something the cat actually rather admired about her, but she figured that the gentle reassurance might assuage any embarrassment that the blonde might have been feeling.
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“Oh.” Barbara’s eyes widened slightly as her friend spoke, slender fingers wrapped around the stem of her wine glass. The current level of merlot in her glass -- a barely discernible ruby curve nestled in the bottom -- probably explained why her inner thoughts had escaped her lips. She looked sadly into the depths of her glass before looking up at Selina. “No, it’s definitely right,” she said, slapping her free hand down on the table. “And it’s not fair! I’ll spend the next twenty years worrying about Jim, and if by some miracle he actually retires, then bam--” Her hand came down on the table again. “It’ll be Peter’s turn! You know that little boy is going to grow up to become a cop.” A pout settled on his features. “He’s just like his father. They both are. Where are my genes, I ask you?” As if her daughter didn’t look just like her. 
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
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“I knew if anyone was going to understand what I’m going through it’d be you” Pietro mused after all being a speedster came it’s having high metabolisms which meant food was a necessary substance more than normal. “You are talking my language now, I’m all about huge portions and cheap good food” He mused chuckling softly “You aren’t wrong, man, I’m delighted to have run into you. I think this is the start of a beautiful foodie friendship if you keep it up, Barry.”
Barry smiled as the younger man spoke. “Yeah, it’s tough to stay fueled,” he said. “Or hydrated, for that matter.” Although Pietro struck him as the sort of person who forgot to drink water on a regular basis unless someone reminded him. He reminded Barry a little bit of Wally, and he thought if they were introduced, they’d get along. He laughed. “What happens if I don’t keep it up?” he teased. “Are you going to leave me in the dust?” It occurred to him then that Pietro probably could. He had no idea how fast the younger speedster was, but Wally was certainly faster than Barry himself. Maybe Pietro was too.
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
Eddie had loved Cami since they were children but he also knew that the moment she met Billy he never stood a chance. It was okay, he made sure it would be okay even if every moment it broke his heart because Billy made her happy. Cami’s happiness meant everything to him and then she became pregnant and Billy cracked under the weight he’d broken her heart and left her to raise Julie by herself. Even if they all volunteered to help out he knew it wasn’t the same. She wanted her husband there not her friends and that killed him even more. He always wished she’d see him for what he was but at the same time he’d long since killed that dream, she would always pull away from him to Billy.
“I know, truth me I do understand it’s just hard to see you hurt…no matter what little thing it is…I can’t stand you or Julia in pain” Eddie mused but he didn’t want to lose his friend over this he’d always love her there was no denying that but he’d be her friend rather than nothing. “I’m sure he’d let them get in one good hit before stepping in but that’s just that older brother mentality huh?” He joked before looking at her nodding his head “It really was, I can’t believe how far we’ve come since then.” he replied honestly he’d wished he’d let her know his feelings, and maybe things would’ve been different the band probably still a thing but he wouldn’t have cracked un the pressure of having a child like Billy did simply because his love for Cami was enteral. “Good and that’s all I ask okay? So no more turning away from me when we are in public” He teased her for a moment.
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Cami knew that her marriage to Billy may not make sense to everyone else, considering everything they had been through. Of all people, it probably didn’t make sense to Eddie most of all. Who knew about all of the ups and downs better than he did? He was Billy’s childhood friend, his bandmate, and he was a huge part of Cami’s life, too. A huge part of Julia’s life. The entire band was, including a certain redheaded singer, and that was sure as hell a double-edged sword. If Cami separated herself from the situation, Julia would not only spend less time with her father, but with the second family she adored so much. What was she supposed to do, except stay? Even if a part of her heart ached from it all?
She smiled softly as he spoke, feeling a little pang in her chest. Sometimes Eddie was so sweet to her that it felt like poison, a punishment that was killing her slowly. One she certainly deserved. “I know,” she said. “We’re so lucky to have you in our lives, Eddie. Especially Julia. I hope you know how much she adores you.” A quiet little laugh left her lips as Eddie went on. “Maybe, but he’d give them an extra hit back for good measure,” she said. Truth be told, it had crossed her mind once or twice since their night together what it would be like if she’d chosen Eddie or Billy all those years ago, but one reason those fantasies foundered was Julia. The little girl was the perfect combination of Camila and Billy, the best of them distilled into another person. If Cami had chosen Eddie, her daughter wouldn’t exist, and that was something she just couldn’t wrap her head around. “I promise,” she told him, smiling again. She pointed her first two fingers at her eyes, before directing them at Eddie, and back again. “Direct eye contact, all the time. You’ll get sick of me.”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?” Cecily nudged her employee out of the way, planting her elbows on the counter. She made a shooing motion at the employee until he scuttled into the back, his head drooping with embarrassment. “Ignore him, honey,” she said, shaking her head. “He’s new here. I think his daddy must have some strings to pull around here, cause Papa was very insistent that I hire him, and he’s not usually pushy since he left the front desk up to me.” She waved her hand in a dismissive sort of way. “Anyway, what can I do ya for?” she said, smiling over at her. “You just in here for a spot of something to drink, or do you need a room?”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
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—Supergirl, “Elseworlds”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @dancingwithghcsts​ 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 - 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫
          His face was familiar, the line and curves of it hidden deep within the recesses of her mind. Like an itch she couldn’t quite reach, his name was on the tip of her tongue. Alice closed her eyes, willing a name to the face. Her attempt was in vain as memories tangled like the threads of a rope in a complicated knot, hard to unravel without forethought and patience. Instead, she would have to try something else to jog her memory. Approaching the man, she cleared her throat in an attempt to get him to acknowledge her presence. “Hello,” she spoke in a soft whisper as to not disturb the other occupants of the library. “I was hoping you could help me find a book I’m having trouble locating.” 
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Arthur appreciated the quiet of the library, the solitude that usually wrapped around his day like cotton batting. It was one of the reasons he had chosen this job -- in fact, it wasn’t the first time he had gone this particular career route over the centuries. Modern society had made this line of work even more secluded. But libraries weren’t empty, which meant his train of thought was at times interrupted, even as he lost himself in the pleasantly mindless task of shelving books. “Hmm?” He turned as he heard someone clear his throat, a faint frown of recognition touching his features. He knew her face, which was something he’d tried to avoid since becoming a vampire. “I can certainly try,” he said. “What is it?”
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dancingwithghcsts ¡ 1 year
“Quit whining,” Pallas said, her voice a low mutter directed at herself. She stuck her thumb in her mouth to stop the bleeding -- she’d been repairing a torn shirt for a friend, one of the few he had that still fit. Having tucked her small frame on a stack of moldering crates, which held her weight just enough to give her a height advantage and hide her from any Peacekeepers. She was working under the faint glow of a streetlamp, and as she held up her injured thumb to the light, she lost her balance, the crates crumbling beneath her. She gave a little squeak as she toppled to the ground. Fortunately, it wasn’t far, though the breath was knocked out of her. Laying on her back, looking up, she saw a familiar -- albeit upside-down -- face looming over hers. “Hi,” she wheezed, rolling over onto her side to get up. “You didn’t see that, did you?” So embarrassing.
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