dandelionrise-blog · 7 years
ahhh this is something I wrote in like ten minutes
Alice's Pov "Wake up! You don't want to be late to school!" my mom yelled from downstairs I pushed the covers off me and rubbed my eyes. I looked on my new nightstand to the left of my bed to see my alarm clock my step- brother gave me. /7:25 am/. I got up slowly and looked around my new room. It had white walls and a large window right next to my bed. I got up and walked to my closet. I didn't unpack my school clothes so I really didn't have anything to wear. I looked next to my new bed and saw a box with "Ally's" written on it. I didn't bring alot of my clothes from home. I wanted a fresh new wardrobe and no memories of "home". My mom and I moved to Olympia to get away from my father. He was very abusive and drunk all the time. He cheated on her multiple times. She didn't leave him until she almost was beaten to death. I tried not to think of it. I shook my head and walked over to my only box of clothes and pulled out my skinny jeans and a Blink-182 shirt. I quickly got dressed and walked to my bathroom. I brushed my fingers through my medium length bronze hair. I pulled my hair up and put deodorant on. I walked back into my room. I noticed my black vans at the foot of my bed. I plopped on my bed and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. /7:40am/ I picked up my backpack by my door and walked back into the bathroom. I put on my glasses. Then quickly brushed my teeth and ran downstairs. I found my mom attempting to make pancakes. She isn't much of a cook so I was surprised. She scooted forward as I walked around her small frame and grabbed a bottle of water for the day. I walked to the living room and grabbed my sweater off of the couch "Are you excited?! Im so happy! My little girl is a Junior. You've grown up so much" my mom said washing the dishes. "I guess? Im just a little nervous. I have to get going. I love you!" I said walking out the door "Love You Too!" she said from inside the large grey house I walked down the street until I found it. "Olympia High : Home of The Owls." I followed the swarm of people until I found the entrance. This school looked alot bigger than my last one. Great, more people. I kept walking until I found the office. I walked in and instantly was hit with the smell of perfume and cigarettes. It had purple carpet and yellow drapes hanging from the windows facing the street. I walked up to the counter and noticed an older woman, probably late 60's early 70's sitting and reading a magazine behind it. I cleared my throat and she slowly set her magazine down and looked at me. "Hi, I'm Alice Williams. Im new here." I said timidly "Ok, here" she reached for a stack of papers and handed them to me. "That's your locker and your schedule. Have a nice first day" said looked back down at her magazine and continued reading "Thank You." I said walking out quickly Walking to my locker I noticed a picture. It had flowers and a grey sky. It wasn't normal. It had a different feel to it. I smiled and walked to my locker. I put everything in and grabbed my pencil and binder and walked to my first class. I looked through the stack of papers the lady up front handed me. 1st hour: AP English Mr. Hurley I searched for his Class until I eventually found it. Just as I walked in the bell rang. I strolled to his desk and handed him my transfer papers from Chicago. "Hi, I'm Alice. I'm new here" I said happily since I found my class "Hi, I'm your new English teacher. I'm pretty cool by the way." He said smiling at me "Class! This is Alice. She just moved here from Chicago. Everyone be nice." he then looked at me "Tell the class and I a little bit about yourself" he said looking at my rose kissed face Time Froze. What was I going to say? I hate talking to people. Time started again, I caught my breath back and pushed up my glasses "I'm Alice, I play the clarinet. I love music and to read. My favorite color is black and im really good at geography" I sighed happily and looked around the room. "Have a Seat right over there. I will get you a copy of the novel we're reading and a textbook." He pointed to a Seat in the back of the classroom. "Ok, thank you" I said timidly and out of breath from talking in Front of everybody I quickly walked to my new seat and opened my binder to a clean sheet of paper. I started sketching a woman. She had light blue eyes and dark black hair. Her skin was fair and her cheeks were a rose color. Even though I only had a pencil, I could still imagine every color. I looked over to see two boys. One sitting closest to me with dark brown hair. He sat with a slouched posture. He had light blue eyes just like the woman I was drawing. However he also had specks of green in his blue sky iris's. The boy in front of him sat a little shorter. He had blonde and brown hair. He had dark fierce blue eyes. But also had a bright smile on his face. I turned to the next page and started drawing them talking. The tall one was writing words that I couldnt see. So, I started with his hair. It was somewhat short with a little length in the front. I could also tell that his hair was naturally curly. He just fixes it to where you couldn't tell. I finished the tall one and started on the shorter one. He had very purse and pale pink lips. So, I started with them. He smiled quite often so I quickly drew his smile before he could return into a normal lip posture. I quickly finished their faces and the desks and all of the other small details. I signed my name in the bottom right and wrote the date. /10-29/ I moved my drawing to in front of me and started rearranging my papers. Click I dropped my pencil. Before I could grab it the tall boy grabbed it and handed it to me. His hands were very soft but cold at the same time. "Hi, I'm Benedict. This is Martin, he pointed to the blonde boy I was observing 2 minutes ago." He said looking into my bright grey eyes "Hi I'm Alice" I said smiling at them both. "I really like your shirt" Martin said smiling at me They both have really timid and smooth voices "What class do you have next?" Benedict asked with his head cocked "Umm, I'm not sure. Let me look" I said back thinking back to my schedule I quickly tucked my drawing back into my binder and looked for my schedule. I found it and handed it to him "You are really smart. You have the same classes we do." Benedict said pointing to them both "Who is this sexy lady" The boy in front of me asked turned towards me but his back them. "Leave her alone Jeff. She is way out of all of our leagues, and especially yours. Now leave her alone. She isn't a girl you can fuck and leave. Now turn around before I kick your ass." Ben said angrily Jeff looked at my binder with my name on it. "Alice. I'm sorry all you have to talk to are the gayest fucking assholes in the world" Jeff said laughing "Leave her alone Jeff, She isn't interested" Martin said glaring at him "Come on Baby, let's go talk in the bathroom" he said touching my hair and then my face My heart froze. What was I going to do? Push his hand away cuss him out? Or just let him do whatever and then leave later?
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