Bye, Bye, prude city
Sex. Sex is a word that you’re taught from a young age is a “bad word”. Sex is something you don’t discuss out loud because it’s dirty. We’re told to keep your intimate affairs on the down low; so discussing your down low affairs out loud puts you at risk of being shunned. We live in a world where we coddle each other and hide in the shadows believing that sex is never to be spoken about. I’m here to end that insane mentality and speak freely of sex, oral, and any relationship situations that you might not know how to handle. Sex is a natural instinct that has been present since the beginning of time. We all get horny. We all masturbate. We all enjoy sex and there’s nothing wrong with that. We should’t be afraid to discuss a sexual situation for the fear of being shunned to the dirty island of blow jobs and orgasms. Sex is a wonderful thing. Two people getting close enough to allow someone to physically enter another. Besides, sex stories are the best stories. We all have that one partner that just didn’t do the trick and we also have that one partner that knew many tricks.
Sex? Sex. Everyone has sex. I’m here to share stories, answer questions that you’ve been told you must never speak of, and I’m here to spread advice I’ve gained through my years of experience. Wave goodbye to prude city in the rear view mirror and welcome, my friends, to the modern world. 
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
has a fever: i'm ok
coughs out lungs: i'm ok
throat on fire: i'm ok
is hungry: death, despair and chaos has entered my life
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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We can’t decide if Chris Evans or Betty White is more adorable.
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
All I wanted was to receive the love I gave.
(10 word story)
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dandelionwine-darling · 10 years
Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn’t lie.
(via peeerfectt)
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