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The war (me polishing up the last few parts of the remake before its release) rages on! Here's another meme in the meantime!
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The remake's so close to releasing, I can almost taste it! Outside of some external facets I need to make for this blog, some small functionality changes for Chapter 2's trial and maybe some changes to certain visual aids for my own peace-of-mind, I have a set release date in mind and plan on hitting it! A more celebratory post will likely end up being made a little further into the year, but in the meantime, have another alignment meme to celebrate!
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And so we reach our final Art Fight attack, which just-so-happens to mark the start and end of the Hibiki Era! I'm so happy this guy ended up getting art of him, considering he has my favorite design out of the entire cast.
Our final artist being highlighted is the user gavinnersroadie! Ending off on them is incredibly apt, as they're the creator of Apex Academy, a personal favorite fangan of mine that proved very influential writing-wise: it inspired some major quality-of-life changes in the remake, and provided some accidental character inspiration for a few of my sequel characters. As per usual, give 'em some love if you can!
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We reach the end of the Tsukiko era with Attack #5! This one's by the Art Fight user EssixTheFalcon, and holds a special place in my heart due to being the only time when someone attacked me first, rather than vice-versa! Outside of being an absolute beast at Art Fight (rip me and my measly ten attacks), they also have a pretty rocking Toy.House page with fan-wiki-like pages for their characters, so please check them out!
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Moving onto Attack #4, we have this really cool piece by the user @mathes0n! I've been following their blog dedicated to their fangan campaign Camp Totis Viribus for a while now and, while it's been ages since it updated, the character designs / concepts hold a special place in my heart. As per usual, I ask for you to check out their stuff, and give their Art Fight profile some love, too!
Also, as a quick bonus:
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Let's just say fun's definitely one way of describing Tsukiko 😉
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Artfight 2024 week 2
Not as much attacks this week as god decided to smite me with the common cold, but I'm happy with these!! Personally I feel like I've peaked with the Devil Janai Mon attack sdkjghksjdhk
Characters in order under the cut!!
Eto by @hanatatami
Dawn by MicheMarshmellow
Anala Skylla by Heartsbot
Masumi Kato by mxffins
Tsukiko Masayoshi from @danganronpa-rejuvination
Ranmaru Tokuse and Ikuo Heiru by @cross-armageddon (also featuring Ennosuke and Kiyoshi teehee)
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We move onto the next era with Attack #3, which just so happens to involve Tsukiko! Surprisingly, she was the big Art Fight winner, something I'm very happy about since she's my second-favorite character from Rejuvenation's cast.
Anyways, this magnificent piece is by @mewmewchann, who I had to attack due to my love for their fangan Hope's Chains. Likewise, they have two other Ao3 fics under their belt I'm less familiar with, with those being the Danganronpa 52 fic Despair From The Heart and their fic about their personal Project Sekai unit titled Memento Rosa! Check out both their stories and their Art Fight profile if you get the chance!
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We move onto Attack #2, and reach the end of the Misao era with this lovely piece by vlt! Outside of just generally having a bunch of super-cute characters worth drawing, they're also working on a game titled "Bloodstains", so be sure to give them plenty of love!
Also, as a quick bonus:
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Roger that! 🫡
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It's Attack #1, baby! Hilariously enough, the three characters attacked were posted in what I'd like to call "eras", so the first few pieces of art I'll show will only be consisting of one character. And to start off, that's Misao!
This piece is by @tsunanami17, who I'm super grateful for giving me this super-cute full-body art of Misao, which just-so-happened to be a convenient wallpaper size for my tablet! They're probably best known for their upcoming fangan Driven Betrayal, but they also have several Cyberpunk 2077 OCs and an in-production magical girl series called "Heart Guardians". Check out their Art Fight profile here if you get the chance!
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After chickening out of doing it last year, I finally crossed off an Internet-related event off my bucket list and participated in Art Fight! The theme was very much "fuck around and find out", which ended up with me falling in love with lineless digital art, pixel art and mixed media. And despite being plagued with art block and general insecurity about my pieces, I had a blast!
Only a handful of my OCs got posted to the site, since they were the ones I either liked the most, had a design I enjoyed, or were Nakami, with at least three of these losers getting attacks back! I'll be posting those six attacks sporadically, so take my refs under the cut in the meantime!
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Very specific playlist ideas for your OCs
a playlist of only 80s songs
a playlist of only ABBA songs
a playlist of only songs from musicals
a playlist where the first letter of each song spells out your OC’s name
a playlist of songs your OC would sing in a karaoke bar
a playlist of songs your OC would put on a mixtape for another OC
a playlist of songs your OC would want played at their funeral
a playlist of songs your OC would listen to as guilty pleasures
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TSUKIKO - The Midway Queen™️, cleaning out prizes in any shooting gallery she comes across, and usually ending up being banned from them as a result. Otherwise, she'll want to go on the most thrill-seeking rides, and regrets it every single time.
NAKAMI - Will ride the occasional ride or two, but is mostly there just to hang out with his friends. He knows which midways are rigged, and is happy to either warn people who ask or give them tricks to win.
SAORI - Sees the amusement park as a potential trap, since the entire area is monitored by security cameras, and will never end up going as a result. Still, she knows all the midway secrets, and smugly refuses to tell anyone them.
NOBORU - From the crowds to the noise to the general atmosphere, Noboru despises the place and will suffer every second he's stuck there. Dragging him along to one will ruin your relationship with him so. Don't do it.
KOTO - Hates amusement parks, since they're a cesspool of annoying children, and will turn down going if given the chance. If he's forced to attend, he'll just go watch the live shows that are going on.
HARUTO - Doesn't have nearly as much fun as he should: since he's so small, he's stuck going on the baby rides despite always wanting to go on the terrifying ones. Will also not shut up about gory amusement parks casualties.
ICHIKA - Monopolizes every second she has at the park, trying to hit up every single thing she can before she has to leave. The sole exception: live performances, which she'll turn down seeing if asked.
CHIE - While she'll try to seem unamused, she's actually one of the bigger fans of the amusement park: she enjoys going on the rides to marvel at other people's architectural exploits, and otherwise spends her time trying (and failing) to win prizes at the midway.
YUUNA - Isn't particularly interested in going on any of the rides, mostly going on the tamer ones because her friends dragged her along. However, she's a sucker for any live shows, and will have the time of her life watching any.
MISAO - Will spend her entire day rotating through the park's thrill rides, going through them without a single trace of fear. And, since she's not a fan of waiting around in long lines, she'll try to drag along a fellow thrill-seeking friend for someone to talk to.
BENJIRO - Despises the place for the crowds and potential hazards to his health, refusing to go unless he needs to for ZTM. Assuming you can get him on a ride, he's a complete wimp who'll find even the tamest ones overly-thrilling.
ASAMI - Despite her glamorous appearance, Asami has the time of her life at the park, going on everything she possibly can, and dragging all of her friends to each ride. Will take thousands of photos, although none will inevitably wind up on her social media accounts.
NORIKO - She mostly just prefers checking out the shops that are set up around the area, but refuses to buy anything due to the inflated prices. Otherwise, she'll check out any gimmicky booths that are around, like a fortune teller, to see how they run a business.
YUTAKA - Sees spending time at an amusement park as a massive waste of perfectly-good dance practice time, and will try not to go if given the chance. Will help his friends with DDR if the park has an arcade, but will otherwise complain about being there.
RYOU - Will talk a big game about going on the thrill rides, but will come up with an excuse to chicken out every time. He'll also inevitably be too short to ride a couple of rides, something his friends will be quick to tease him about.
HIBIKI - Since he doesn't get out much, Hibiki's completely enamored by the park, even if his germophobic nature has him sanitizing himself after every excursion. He mostly prefers moderate-to-somewhat-thrilling rides, but he's surprisingly fearless when it comes to riding the scariest rides there.
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Your OC comes across a post that's very obviously a rickroll. do they:
not realize it's a rickroll and fall for it every time;
not click on it because they've figured out it's a rickroll;
or realize it's a rickroll, but click on it anyway?
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We've officially hit the halfway point on the remake's development process! All chapters and FTEs have been written out in full and got the first stage of editing done. All that's left is one final editing sweep, and we're smooth sailing.
However, since that part's going to be much longer than the first half, I figured I'd give something to help tide people over. And what better way for me to show one production aspect than give some snippets of what's to come?
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Since we're about halfway through Rejuvenation's remake's development, I figured it's time to show the second set of character references I ended up making!
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For those confused by the amount of blank space to the right of each character, I planned on making small references for each character's personality, Wonderland-style. But since these were mostly traced from pre-existing bases, that was an incredibly hefty feat for young me. At the very least, though, most of these are super close to the current designs being used!
Also, here's a quick bonus: sometime after these were made, I remade Yutaka's since the old design was terrible. Enjoy!
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Happy Valentines, everyone! Here's a bunch of love-related alignment charts I did of the cast over the years to celebrate!
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*Insert Inception noise here*
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