danganronpa-tng · 3 years
hey!! just finished reading up till ch.6, so thought i'd do some fanart (does it count as fanart? oh well)
it's super duper good so yeah, just letting you know i rlly like the story so far!!!
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
I decided to use the last 2 hours by drawing some of my OCs in those outfit drawing meme things
And honestly I'm happy with the result :}}
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Outfits used:
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(Images found on google)
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Hey soo
I'm just gonna say this because I'm barely posting anything atm
This blog is basically on hiatus
Not sure if or when I can continue because I'm stuck on mobile so I can't format anything right
So that's fun
Sorry for the inconvenience! If it goes too long before I can post again I'll just explain the ending
But for now we'll see what happens
Have a good day :)
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
11 for aeja! if anything happens to her we riot
Oooh Aeja and hobbies?? Well she likes things like reading and stuff
But I feel like after she met Estrella she started copying her little doodle styles and listening to records
She doesn't do these in front of anyone, especially not Estrella, but it’s comforting
Especially during chapter 4 and their whole fight this chapter just gone
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
11 for Vera! She's one of the ones I hope survives so it'd be nice knowing more abt her 👉🏼👈🏼
Oooh Vera!! I haven't been able to cover her much but she is one of my favourites too lol
She’ll never admit it but action animes really grip her, she likes the techniques behind them
I feel like she’d hide it to seem more serious around the others 
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
20 for Estrella? I think she would like having a super power so idk!
Oooh a superpower she’d hate to have? I feel like maybe something like mind reading she’d hate, because although she can hear other people’s thoughts, others could hear hers as well and that wouldn’t be good for her whole lying thing
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Pls have Estrella, Aeja and Aspen answer 1! :Dc
Oooh ok so
This is an interesting one 
I can’t answer this perfectly because shhhhhhh the last motive may have something to do with fears 
But what I’ll say is
Estrella has developed a slight fear of people/has gotten trust issues over the game, both from Yaretzi framing her and Katelyn suddenly attacking her
Aspen also may have a slight fear of heights after seeing Katelyn drop like that
Aeja’s main fear will be revealed but she also has trust issues that developed over her childhood from a traumatic event and some bullying 
Not really irrational fears but some insight into the characters ;)
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
ok well after making a bunch of tag your oc questions i went and made a (somewhat wordy) oc ask game
you know the drill. when someone reblogs this, send them an oc and a number, or a few numbers if you can’t pick!
1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
2. Is your oc picky about food? What kinds of foods do they like and dislike? What do they consider a comfort or “safe” food?
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
8. What’s it like inside your oc’s mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.)
9. What are your oc’s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can’t stand? What if it’s a situation where they’re forced to work with this person?
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
20. What’s a superpower or magical ability that this oc would hate having?
21. What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc?
22. What’s your oc’s dream job? Is this similar to what they’re doing now? Do they believe they could ever achieve this dream?
23. Who would this oc consider their family? What is their relationship with these people?
24. What is one thing that, no matter who it’s coming from, would anger your oc?
25. How does your oc handle sadness?
26. How does your oc handle anger?
27. How does your oc handle fear?
28. What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
29. What’s your least favorite thing about this oc?
30. Tell a random fact about this oc!
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
tag the oc who was going to be a side character/backstory character but you got attached
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Happy birthday Aspen!! Robot boi got older
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Underground Travels; Finale
We walked through to the next room, letting go of each other’s hands as we arrived. We found Nezerra waiting for us, arms on her hips. She grinned upon seeing us.
“Took ya long enough!! Welcome to the next challenge, where you both gotta participate! Sorry, unclefucker.”
“S-stop calling me unclefu-L
“Now!! Let me explain how this is gonna work.” She cut me off, stepping to the side. I saw a big sorta obstacle course, laid out and stretching a good distance. I still had to wonder how they set all this up.
“It’s pretty fucking simple, at least simple enough for you pissbrains to understand. Whoever gets to the end first, wins!! And as I’m sure you've guessed, this follows the same rules as last time. Whoever doesn't win, loses. I’ll give you a minute to prepare!” She explained, stepping backwards.
Me and William looked at each other anxiously.
“I don’t wanna do this, William...” I said. “I don’t wanna die, but I don’t want you to die either...”
He smiled sadly. “Me either, Ryo. But I think we gotta.” He sighed. “Either way, we can do this, alright? We have to, if not for this maniac, then for Kailyn.”
“Kailyn...” I sniffed. “Ok. Let’s... let’s do this. G-good luck.”
“You too.” He gave me a quick hug, before stepping away from me. Nezerra walked back over.
“Are ya done with the homoeroticism? Because if you are, it’s time to start the challenge! I would say good luck, but I really couldn't care less! Now, start on the count of three.”
I nodded, fiddling with the fluff on my jacket.
I was never good at gym class in school. I’m not unfit, per say, I’m just... weak. I'm not really fast, or agile, but I can hold my own enough I suppose. I could bet that William was fitter than me, considering his body. In a word, he was kinda toned. He clearly worked out, even if only lightly.
I gulped.
I was about to die.
William looked over at me. He looked sad through his ever present smile.
“Yeah, William..?”
“I’m really gonna miss ya.”
And suddenly, we were off, dashing through the maze of obstacles. We were on two almost separated courses, so we could see each other as we went. William didn’t seem too bothered, jumping and crawling like it was nothing. I could feel myself begin to sweat as I progressed, the adrenalin being the only thing keeping me moving.
I had a bit of an existential crisis as I ran. Why was I even trying to survive? William has a loving family to go home to. I have a dad that hardly cares about me and a mom that left to be with some other girl. If I died here, neither would even bat an eye.
I slowed down, catching my breath for a sec and giving William a chance to overtake me. I was scared of death, but he was too. We both wanted to live, and someone had to fail.
I stood up, watching him get closer to the goal. He was almost there, he was gonna live.
But then he looked to where I should be, up beside him, and he realises I’m not there. He turns and sees me, a good ten or so metres away from him. His face creases as he looks between me and the goal, the goal being a box. I nod, smiling as best I could. He looks between me and the goal one more time, before shakily stepping over the finish line. My heart sank, but I cheered.
“Y-yay..! Good job!” I called. I meant it.
“R-Ryo...” I heard him say. Nezerra walked over to him, grinning with those sharp teeth of hers that still scared me. Everything scared me.
“Congrats! You win again, Willy! But this time, your prize is a choice!” She says. I walk up to them now, climbing over obstacles slowly as she opens the box. Me and William stand side by side, William putting his arm around my shoulders. I lean into him instinctively. She pulls something out of the box.
A gun.
“What-?!” William starts.
“See, you have two choices! Either shoot Ryo, or shoot yourself! A very simple dilemma, I’m sure.” She smiles, the sadism in her soul shown in her eyes. I gulped again. I knew what he’d choose. I prepared for it.
I stepped away from him and spread my arms outwards.
“O-ok, William! I’m open. G-go ahead. Just, uhm... make it quick.” I said, my voice trailing off. William looked... why did he look conflicted? This was an easy choice. Just shoot me already!! The suspense is killing me. Well, that isn't the only thing that'll kill me.
“Ryo, I...” He laughed sadly. “Remember when I said I’ll miss you?” He asked.
“Well... you better miss me too, got it? And Kailyn. Don’t forget us.”
“...what? What?!”
And suddenly, he raised the gun to his head.
I covered my ears as the bang resonated in the corridor, his body crumpling to the ground, lifeless. I screamed, a sob mixed in with it.
“William! William no!! What- what the hell is wrong with you?!” I cried. I knew he couldn't hear me. I was just... 
“You- you should have chosen me... Why didn't you choose me?!” I sobbed, clutching his jacket. Nezerra was silent.
“...huh. That didn't go to plan.” Was all she said. I turned to her slowly.
“...what do you MEAN it didnt go to ‘plan’?? What the hell WAS the plan?! For me to die?! Why not just kill me then?!” I exclaimed, standing up and standing right in front of her. She shrugged.
“I mean, yeah. I assumed that whoever won would shoot you, even if you won, considering you’re... well, you know. You.” She said.
I hardly ever get properly angry. I was now.
“Wh- I- that’s so stupid!! If you wanted me dead then you should have just shot me yourself you- you- grrahhh!!” I was so mad. Why did they have to die if the plan was to kill me?!
“Well... here’s the issue. We can’t have you leaving here. So, I’m gonna have to... well, finish the job, ya feel me?” She said. She produced something from n’ behind her back. A knife.
I panicked, I had been ready to go earlier, but now?
“Well... you better miss me too, got it? And Kailyn. Don’t forget us.”
I couldn't die here.
I stepped back towards William’s body, and I grabbed the gun from his hands. It still had three bullets. I aimed it at her.
“D-don’t come any closer!! I-I’ll shoot!” I cried. She smirked.
“You don’t have the balls.” She said smugly, stepping forward with the knife in hand. I took a step back.
“I-I mean it!!”
One more step.
“S-stay back!”
“You trying to be intimidating is almost cute, unclefucker-”
“...I told you not to call me that.”
I dropped the gun as I watched her body crumple to the ground. I had actually shot her. The daughter of the great Junko Enoshima, dead.
As tears rolled down my cheeks I slid off my jacket. Pressing my face into it one last time, I lay it on top of William carefully.
“Rest in peace. I swear, you won't be forgotten.”
And with that, I opened the door to the next room, stepping in.
- - -
Well, it was more so a corridor, but whatever.
I walked for a bit, fuelled by the determination I had to escape. If I found another stupid challenge, I was skipping it. Not like that freak was here to enforce it anyway.
After what had to be half an hour or walking, I finally found a door. An exit.
I smiled weakly. I pushed it open, stumbling inside.
I looked around. I was in... a class trial room?
...oh goodness. I’d walked right from one death challenge into another.
It was empty. I saw an elevator still on, the lights inside still flickering. I sighed shakily to myself, stepping inside. I thought to myself as the elevator rose.
Where was this place? Who was gonna be in the upper area? Hell, what time was it. Was everyone asleep?
Once it stopped, the doors slid open. I stepped out, looking down at my feet, then back inside the elevator door. Once it shut, I was saying goodbye to Kailyn and William forever.
“...goodbye, guys. I’m gonna miss you.”
And they slid closed.
I sighed, letting another tear or two roll as I stood there, reminiscing.
My thoughts, however, were cut off as I turned around and saw someone standing there, staring at me. They had light brown sorta hair with... what are those, tattoos? We’ll say tattoos, on her cheeks. She looked tired, but shocked.
“Who the hell are you?!”
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(End of Spinoff; Underground Travels.)
(So! Ryo survived. So let's give it up for the newest member on’f the TNG cast, Ryo Togami! He is now a part of the official killing game, minus the fluffy coat :(( Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this spinoff sorta thing at the end of these chapters! There won't be another of this, but there's gonna be one more chapter where a death and trial occurs, then the finale! Woah, not too much left now.
Hope you've enjoyed so far! See you in Chapter 6.)
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Chapter 5 - Trial Aftermath
Aspen, still leaking oil, reached forward and slowly grasped Katelyn’s jacket in his hands, hugging it close. He fell to his knees with a clank, crying into it.
Kassidy walked over and kneeled beside him, patting his back.
“Hey... I’m here for you. It’s ok.” She said. He sobbed (very real sounding for a robot. Almost scarily so) and sank into her touch.
Sara and Vera looked at me, then at Aspen, then walked over and kneeled down too. Me and Karma looked at each other.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” She murmured to me. I knew what she meant, and honestly, I didn’t feel up to comforting anyone tonight. I was exhausted, mentally and physically.
“Could we go..?” I asked. She nodded.
“No problem. We can help them out tomorrow.” She said, grasping my hand. I held it, squeezing it as we walked towards the elevator. I looked back at it came down. Aeja and Estrella were still at their stands. Aeja liked at Estrella, who glanced at Aeja, tentatively reaching up to touch her own neck. She then looked away.
“Do you think Estrella really saw the killing?” Karma asked me. I shrugged.
“I honestly don’t know. That case felt... kinda quick compared to the others. But everything checks out, especially since she admitted it.” I was kinda wondering aloud now, but Karma still hummed thoughtfully.
“Well, not much we can do now. C’mon, we need some sleep.”
“It’s only 6:30pm-”
“Still. Napping exists! C'mon. Get in loser, we’re going napping.”
I laughed tiredly as the elevator pulled in. We stepped in, leaving the others to themselves.
- - -
As we got back to the surface, we were still holding hands. Neither of us were uncomfortable, so nobody said anything. 
“So, which room do you wanna stay in?” Karma asked me.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m crashing with you tonight. I-I mean, unless you don’t want me to.”
“No, no, that’s fine! I was just confused. Umm, how about my room?”
“Sounds good.”
We walked back to my room, the elevator pinging in the distance. I recognised the distant voices as Estrella and Aeja. At least they were speaking again.
We got to my room and collapsed on the bed, barely standing long enough to lock the door. Karma didn’t mention a different sleeping arrangement, so again, I didn’t say anything.
“...you ok, Hayden?” 
“Yeah... I’ll be OK. Just a bit stressed, you know? Between my whole talent thing, Aspen being so upset, Estrella and Aeja being pissed...”
“Yeah... we should probably talk to Aeja at some point too. Did you hear what Estrella said?”
“Yeah... it didn’t sound like she was lying either...”
“...well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. See you in the morning, Hayden.”
“See you in the morning.”
And with that, I closed my eyes. I faintly heard the others going back to their rooms as I drifted off.
I heard what should be the last person coming out...
Then a yell.
“Who the hell are you?!”
- - -
Chapter 5; Complete!
Rooms opened: Movie Theatre, Observatory.
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8 Remain..?
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
8 Remain.
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Happy birthday Alexander! I can't post much right now but happy birthday to our favourite referee :))
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Chapter 5 - The Trial Of Kamron Naegi
*Trigger Warning; brief mention of hanging later in the trial. Read at your own discretion*
- - -
Kamron was found collapsed out in the hallway of the dormitory corridor. He had a couple of bruises on barely visible areas, such ad his stomach or legs. His sunglasses were missing. Due to the fact four people encountered the body at the same time, one out of the four could still be a suspect, hkwever this is not certain.
Cause of death was blood loss. He was found with his right hand severed, laying several feet away from him. The weapon used to sever the hand is unknown, but the cut makes it look like a sharp blade. There were clear signs of a struggle, including blood splatters in the middle of the hallway. It seems he was propped up against the wall rather than collapsing against it.
The victim was killed at approximately 1PM. He was discovered at approximately 9AM that day.
- - -
“So, he died at 1AM?”
“Yep... anything on your mind, Sara?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing really. I just find it odd he was still fully clothed at 1AM, that’s all. Well, bar his sunglasses, but you know.”
“That’s true, actually... thanks, Sara!”
“Anytime! Good luck.”
- - -
“I-I can’t believe this... Kamron... as s-soon as I learn we’re related...”
“Hey, hey Kass... it’s gonna be OK. We’re gonna find his killer, no matter what! Ok?”
“Yeah... yeah, I know you can. We all can. I just can’t let this slide. Someone’s- someone’s gonna pay!”
- - -
“Greetings, Hayden.”
“Oh, Katelyn! You ok? You look panicked.”
She’s smoothing out her clothes and panting.
“No, not panicked per say... more so, kind of nervous. I was chatting to Aspen last night, and we talked about how we were sure nobody else would be killed from now on... I suppose we were wrong.”
“Anyways, I did my usual check to the weapons room, as I tend to do.”
“I, surprisingly didn't see anything out of place. Nobody had moved anything since the masquerade.”
“Really? That’s odd... anyways, thanks Katelyn.”
“Anytime. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
- - -
“M-morning, Aeja...”
“Hello, Hayden. Apologies for my message earlier, please disregard it.”
“Huh? I mean, we can still talk if you want-”
“No, it’s quite alright. Now, what did you come over here for?”
“Ah, well, I just wanted to see what evidence you had.”
“Is that it? Hm. Well then, all I’ve found so far isn’t properly solid evidence, but I noticed that almost everyone came out of their room in their pyjamas, as you can see. However, three people didn’t. Aspen, Katelyn and Estrella. Not proper evidence.”
“Well, it’s still worth noting! Thanks, Aeja.”
“You’re welcome. Now, please leave me be. I’m thinking.”
“Ah. Ok.”
- - -
“Hm? Hmm? Is that a voice? No, must have been the wind.”
“Oh, there it is again! It sure is drafty in here.”
“Estrella please, I just wanna talk about evi-”
“Ugh, a leader as supreme as me shouldn't be putting up with a cold room. I’ll be taking my leave now.”
“Wait-! Aaaaaaaand she’s gone.”
- - -
“Hm? Vera? Oh, you can write it down. Cool.”
Yes. Well, I was just wondering, has anyone checked the kitchen to see if all the knives are still there? It might be a worthy idea.
“Oh, no actually! I didn’t even think of that. Thanks, Vera!”
- - -
The Trial
- - -
“So, does anyone have a solid alibi?”
“For 1AM?”
“Ah... fair point. So let me rephrase that; was anybody in someone else’s dorm last night? As in, sleeping over?”
Yes, I was staying in Sara’s room last night.
“Ah, ok! So, we can pretty safely assume those two are clear then.”
“Nice! Thanks, Vera!”
“Was anyone else with another person? For any amount of time?”
I looked over at Estrella and Aeja. They were looking anywhere but at each other, avoiding eye contact like it was the Black Plague. I pitied the two. I debated whether or not I should admit I saw them. But before I could, the conversation topic changed.
- - -
“So, I don’t suppose anyone checked the weaponry room, did they?”
“Yes, I did, in fact.”
“Oh! See anything, Katelyn?”
“No, actually. Nothing was out of place, so it seems nothing has moved since our last investigation.”
“Oh, that’s odd...”
“...hey, Vera? Didn't you say you thought about checking the kitchen?”
She nods.
“Did you get a chance to?”
She nodded again, starting to write. I suppose writing is easier then having everything translated.
Yes. One knife was in the rack still, but bloodied, so we can assume a kitchen knife is what severed his hand. And I also noticed a glass while I was there, one that still had ice in it. Which means...
“Someone only put it back this morning?”
She nods.
- - -
“Estrella, you’ve been pretty quiet.”
“Hm? Oh, sorry. I just didn’t feel like wasting my breath on you.”
“Wow, rude.”
“Really? Quite honestly Sara, I hadn’t cared to notice.”
“What’s up with you? You’ve been in a pretty good mood since the whole-”
“Yeah, well, things change, People change. Or rather, they don’t. See, I was trying to be a but nicer, but after a certain incident I realised that- well, who am I kidding? I’ve built this role for myself, and I’m never gonna be able to shake it off, so might as well live up to it.”
She folds her arms.
“I’m the evil leader that’s only here to confuse and irritate people. I’m the walking embodiment of a bad joke! So, if you plan on figuring out who stabbed Spy Kid over there, I suggest you shut the fuck up and keep going with the trial.”
Sara just looked away, slightly disheartened.
“I thought we’d become friends now... Aren’t we friends?”
“Do you really want to be friends with someone like me?”
- - -
“Well, let’s get back to alibis, since we don’t have much to go off. Where was everyone? Alone, or with someone else?”
“I- like I said earlier, I was with Vera.”
“Right. Karma?”
“I was alone. I stayed up a bit late though, so I only woke up when the body announcement went off.”
“Ok. Kassidy?”
“I-I said goodbye to Kamron and then went back to my room... I went asleep pretty quickly.”
“Alright. Katelyn?”
“Unlike almost everyone here, I have an alibi. I stayed in Aspen’s room last night, then went back to mine and got changed. I was up before the announcement, so-”
“Wait a sec.”
“Hm? Something wrong, Aspen?”
“Katelyn... you never came to my room last night.”
- - -
“Katelyn..? Care to defend yourself?”
“Wh- oh, shut up, copycat. Have you not even considered your dear girlfriend over there? You should have seen her face when we saw the body! She didn’t even look surprised, she looked like she already knew! She-”
“That’s because I did.”
“Estrella, what do you mean by-?”
“Isn't it obvious, Mr No Talent? I saw the murder happen. I was on my way back to my room when I heard a fight, so I went to check it out, and... well, I simply decided to not give him a hand, haha!”
“Really?! You're serious?”
“Most likely.”
“Well, who did it?”
“I thought that was obvious, too. I decided not to tell you because I’m pissed off! I’m a petty bitch, as you know, and as such I decided to let this play out.”
“Estrella, stop being childish-”
“DON’T talk to me about childish, Aeja! I’m not the one who tried to hang them self when they got scared!”
The room fell horribly silent. Aeja looked away, and Estrella reached up to her own cheek, where her cut was. Something started to click into place.
“Wait, Aeja tried to-”
“Fine then, Estrella. If you're going to be like that, shut up and dont disrupt this trial. This isn't about our business, it’s about finding Kamron’s killer. So, now that we’re back on topic and abandoning that last conversation... Katelyn? Aspen?”
Aspen looked at Katelyn, who didn’t meet his eyes.
“K-Katelyn? Kate? Please, please tell me you just got mixed up. You got mixed up, right? Yeah. Yeah!”
“...no. No, no, no, please don’t say it.”
- - -
“Why? Why did you do it, Katelyn?”
“I- Hayden. You have to understand, I hold my parents in... very high regard. He was insulting them, insulting me! I-I couldn’t just let that stand. I got mad, so I- I got a knife from the kitchen and went back, just to threaten him! I never planned on actually hurting him... but I guess he panicked, and he lunged at me. So I panicked, and- I accidentally-”
“...chopped his hand off.”
“...If I could go back in time, I would change what I did. But, it’s in the past now. I... this shouldn't have happened, I know.”
“...you can’t be serious, right Katelyn? Right?! It was Estrella. Yeah, it was! You’re just covering for her because- because- you don't wanna watch the same execution again!”
“...this doesn’t compute. There’s something wrong here, right? RIGHT?!”
- - -
“Well, Hayden, I do not wish to put up a fight. Care to unravel this case?”
That quickly? Hm...
“Ok. This- *sigh*.”
This all starts... Last night, I believe. The killer was out in the corridor with Kamron, with whom they hadn't interacted, until the killer made some off-handed comment about their parents, which caught Kamron’s attention. He started talking about the parents of the other participants, including the killer’s. They seemed to have a particular distaste for their parents, particularly their deceased father, for reasons unknown, as they started to slander them, insulting them and the killer. The killer, enraged by this, leaves Kamron there and goes to the kitchen. They grab a knife, which they must have thought was blunt, to threaten him. However, when they got there, Kamron saw the weapon in their hand and panicked. They tried to lunge for the killer, but was swiftly cut off- literally- as the killer also panics and swings the knife with unusual force. This blow, to their dismay, manages to cut off Kamron’s hand. He stumbles backwards and collapsed, bleeding out. The killer, panicking, returns to their room. They stash the weapon and go straight to bed, trying to act natural. 
They wake up slightly earlier than everyone else to hide the evidence. They wake up a bit too late though, and don't have as much time as they thought to clean the weapon. They simply slip it back into the knife rack and grab a quick drink, before heading back to their room. Five minutes later, they hear me scream and run outside, ‘finding’ the body along with me and two others.
That’s what happened, and our killer is...
Katelyn Momota, the Ultimate Psychiatrist!
“...it sounds so horrible when it’s repeated back to me. But, I must face the facts. I’m-”
- - -
“Aspen? Did you say somethi-”
“ ! ”
“I told you not to get mad! I told you not to hurt anyone, and look what you did! You’ve... you’ve gone and killed someone, and now I’m going to lose you. I’m gonna lose you, Katelyn!”
“Aspen... Aspen, no. You can’t be upset over me, ok? I’m a killer now. I’m a bad person here.”
“No you’re not! I don’t care what you’ve done, you’re still special to me! I-I can’t lose you! Please don’t go... please...”
Aspen was doubled over on himself, and... I think he was crying oil? 
“I didn’t know the robot could cry-”
“Shut up, Estrella.”
Katelyn looked genuinely confused and concerned. She shook her head.
“No, you... you’re not supposed to be upset over me. You... you shouldn’t be upset over me. You can’t.”
Aspen and Katelyn finally locked eyes. Neither said anything for a moment. Eventually, Katelyn sighed.
“I... I know there is no escaping my fate. But... I wish to do one more thing before I am killed. Monokuma, may I? I will make no attempt to escape.”
Monokuma shrugged.
“Sure, knock yourself out. ...wait, what are you doing?”
And suddenly, Katelyn was running. Not to the exit, not to Aspen, but to...
“...Eh-?! GAH-!”
Katelyn was on her knees either side of a now toppled over Estrella, with her hands around Estrella’s neck. Estrella was grabbing at Katelyn’s Arms, trying to free herself. She was being strangled.
“You BITCH! I should have wasted my damn murder on you!”
Two people ran over; Aspen and Aeja. Aeja reached them first, full on jumping at Katelyn and pushing her off Estrella. Aspen helped Estrella sit up, the girl in question being purple in the face and gasping for air. Aeja had Katelyn pinned by her wrists.
“Hah... hah...” 
Estrella looked over at the girls, panting. She looked between them, and I couldn't tell which person confused her more. She nodded at Aspen, trying to stand herself up.
“Katelyn... the fuck?!”
“You... you know what you did to me, you bitch!”
After a moment, Estrella took a deep breath and grinned, placing her arms behind her head.
“Of course I do! And I don’t regret it either, you know. I’m glad I did!”
Katelyn literally growled, and suddenly she shoved Aeja off her, standing up. Estrella jumped a bit, backing up. Aeja looked at Monokuma.
“Monokuma- MONOKUMA!”
Even Monokuma looked surprised at the whole outburst, but he quickly resumed normal behaviour.
“I have a very special punishment for Katelyn Momota, Ultimate Psychiatr- SHIT-!”
With Katelyn quickly approaching Aspen, Monokuma slammed his hammer down on his button.
“Wait- Katelyn!”
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Chapter 5 - Body Discovery
I woke up the next day, tired and slightly stressed. I wasn’t entirely excited to deal with those two. I figured I’d just stick around with Karma or Sara during the day and hope everything blew over.
Well, I got a message from Aeja. I opened it, just seeing ‘I’d like to talk to you at breakfast. Sit alone with me, would you?’
In a weird way, I could sense the tone behind it. It wasn’t a polite request, it was a distressed order.
‘Sure, see you then.’
There goes my plan of avoiding this.
I sighed and put my pad away, going to open the door. I walked outside, yawning. When I opened my eyes again, I screamed.
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I instantly saw three doors slam open; Estrella’s, Katelyn’s and Kassidy’s.
“Hayden! What’s wro- AAAAAHHHH!!” Kassidy screamed, stumbling backwards. Katelyn looked shocked, and Estrella looked...
She didn’t look surprised.
Bing bong, bong bing!
“A body has been discovered!!”
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9 Remain.
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Night FTE - Estrella, Aeja
(As I mentioned on main blog I'm dizzy and sore rn so Im just copy and pasting this in without checking much. This was an RP me and Stxrryy did a while ago to establish the fight, way before we had everything planned, so plz just ignore and plot holes for now. Ill come back and check over it when I feel better)
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Hayden spots a note crumpled beside the bin. He picks it up to toss it in the bin, as he thinks someone has missed it, but stops when he sees Aeja's signature written in pencil. Opening it up, he reads the message inside and darts to Aeja's room, hoping whoever read it first was ok.
Aeja wasn't capable of killing someone, right?
He finds out that no blood has been spilled as he reaches her half open door. Thinking to leave, he turns to head back to his own room when he hears a higher-pitched voice.
He decided to take a look through the crack the door has left room for.
Hayden sees Estrella with one hand pinching her nose, a frustrated look on her face. Not the fake sort she'd put on for trials, pure frustration. Peeking in a small bit further, he saw Aeja's expression wasn't too far off Estrella's.
"Honestly, I cannot believe you right now. You're usually so 'calm and collected', what happened to that, huh?"
Woah, were those two actually fighting? Since the fourth trial where Aeja accidentally confessed her (what we thought were non-existent) feelings, the two have been practically inseparable. This really must have ticked the two off.
"I just- I was thinking about it, you know? No-one knows we're stuck in here, apart from our parents, and I doubt they can do anything about it."
So that's what they had their minds on. Hayden knew he should've left once he heard the two's conversation, but something in him was intrigued. Where would it go from there?
Admittedly, it wasn't a good decision to make, but he stuck around a bit longer to see the argument unfold.
"They can't do anyth- what the hell are you saying?! My dad's have barely slept since this started, Pops hasn't been off the phone since I was taken! Like hell they can't do anything!"
He'd never seen either of them so tense. Aeja was usually the one to calm people down, not get in the fights. And although Estrella usually started her little fights with the other students, she was never serious about them. Now she looked ready to murder.
God, this better not lead to a murder.
"You think he's gonna be able to do anything?! A couple of phone calls aren't gonna change anything at all! Stop being so naïve and face the truth for once, Estrella."
He could feel himself tense up with every word. God, they were screaming at each other.
Hayden could've sworn Estrella looked him dead in the eyes for a split second, yet she kept talking- no, shouting at Aeja, and likewise.
"Oh please, you know who Pops is, who I'LL be one day! He's got connections everywhere, someone's bound to be able to help us! Not that you'd want to know, would you?! I'm trying to keep up hope but you ain't exactly helping in that department!"
He had to wonder why Aeja would have sent her that note if they were only going to get in a fight. Estrella scrunched up the paper so she wasn't happy about it. If they cared about eachother so much, why would they go out of their way to start a fight?
Or maybe that's not what happened. He's probably missing a few of the pieces.
He kept listening.
You're not trying to keep up hope, you're trying to avoid the inevitable."
It hit like bricks. There was a small silence after that, until she continued.
"No matter how much he tries, no matter how much you try, we're never gonna get out. Shut up with your 'hope' speech for once so I can actually have some peace."
The room fell silent again for a moment. Eventually, Estrella spoke again.
"Well, I'm sorry. Sorry I came back, sorry I survived literal TORTURE to see you again just to be told me trying to keep up morale isn't enough. I'm trying to live with the hate of all the others and for a while I was trying to be a bit nicer, but now? What's the point. I'll always be the same in your eyes, in ALL of your eyes. The annoying, sociopathic evil leader that's never going to change."
She stopped to take a breath. Her voice had gone from mad to sad to practically monotone, but the angry expression remained.
She spoke again.
"You know what the inevitable is? One of us falling into despair. What'll you do then? What if it's you?"
She turned away from Aeja.
"What if it's me?"
"...will you stop being so selfish for once?! You created that image yourself, of course you'll stay the same! Just because you don't wanna fall into despair doesn't mean you can rant about it to me!"
As Hayden, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the two. One part of him wanted so badly to run in there and stop them, to tell them to be ok and none of them would fall into despair, but he knew he couldn't. Not right now, when they couldn't look each other in the eyes.
With a sigh, he decided enough was enough. He felt horrible after hearing their conversation. Maybe he shouldn't have heard it at all.
As he headed on his way, he heard Aeja's voice again, without a hint of anger.
"And you'll always stay the same, even after these... outbursts. You'll stay mine, whether we get out or not. Whether we fall into despair or not..."
"...I never wanted this. To be like this. I'm trying to make them proud. For years, I haven't had anyone to talk to, so I apologise if I let a bit too much out. Quite frankly, I'm not sorry, but I apologise."
Hayden couldn't see what was happening, but he heard someone making their way to the door, which he assumed was Estrella.
"I see why you keep your guard up. I hate this feeling in my chest. With everything I have."
And with the click of the door, the hallway fell into silence. He could see Estrella now that she was in the hall. "I don't even have the energy to ask why you're here." She said, before walking back to her room.
He couldn't get the words out before she had walked down the hall. Great.
He had just intruded on their very private conversation, listening in secret, and at this point they both knew it.
What a waste of time it was, listening. If he had known, maybe he would have done something useful, like work on making new palettes or something. But no, I guess he just had to be nosy. 
Maybe this is what he deserved. Instant karma for his actions.
Well, at least no one had been killed.
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