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Thanks for sending in asks, you guys! We still have a couple to answer, but for the most part we got ‘em all done! I think this was a great way to make a comeback after not answering asks for a couple weeks... haha... 
Since we have about 20+ normal requests to do, I’ll be closing the ask box for a bit. I’ll open them up again when I feel like we’ve got a decent amount done. 
I’ve already got another special event planned, but that one won’t happen for a while. If anyone would like to tell me what engine danganronpa is made on, that’d be great. google isn’t yielding any results. HAVE A LOVELY DAY!!
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💓👀☮ for korekiyo, ouma, and shuichi and their s/o
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I combined two requests again!! Also, everything is under a read more because there’s pictures again. It really spices up the dialogue. 
- mod i👻ki
Korekiyo Shinguji
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“Oh, my S/O? They’re adorable, really. Kukuku...” 
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“They’re clearly a shining light in my life... No one else could ever hope to become as bright as them in my eyes. Of course, like any other normal human, they have their moments where they... dim... Specifically, when they decide to be a little mischievous. But I adore them all the same. They make my heart ‘flutter’, so to speak.” 
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“Guilty pleasures? I’m... not sure I would like giving that information away to some stranger so easily. Some guilty pleasures include eating sugary or greasy foods when I shouldn’t be, but that is normal. That’s all I have to say on the matter.” 
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“As for what makes me feel peaceful, I would have to say that research does. While field work is important in many aspects to truly understand a culture, I prefer sitting at home, reading. When I have tea at my side, a blanket over me, and a book in my hand, I feel content.” 
Kokichi Ouma
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"Here we go with all the questions, again! Nishishi~. My S/O is the most precious thing in the world to me, y’know? They do whatever I tell them to, whenever I want them to and they’re constantly telling me how great I am! Now that’s something. They could technically be my guilty pleasure, couldn’t they?”
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“In truth, my guilty pleasures include skiing down the hills in Quebec, drinking expensive wine, and robbing a bank or two to de-stress.” 
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“What, that doesn’t sound like the truth~? Aw~. Well, here’s my answer for the final question.”
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“I take naps to feel peaceful. That’s the truth. Or is it a lie~?” 
Shuichi Saihara
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“M-my S/O is really special to me. They make me feel happy when I’m down, they inspire me when I don’t have any motivation... I-I feel disappointed with myself sometimes, because I feel like I’m not the romantic person they want me to be, but if they were standing next to me right now, they would tell me I’m perfect anyways. They’re the perfect one, honestly.”
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“Guilty pleasures, huh? Um... Well, I like to sleep in longer than I should. I, uh... I really like... drama tv shows. You know, t-the...”
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“The ones that show people in their day to day lives. I don’t know why I like watching it. I usually feel relieved when I do, though. Like I’m glad that I don’t have that kind of life. It’s not bad for me to enjoy it because of that, is it?”
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“As for what makes me feel peaceful, it’s being inside my own home. I wouldn’t mind if my S/O was with me, but anyone else and I feel like I can’t do much anymore. If it was just me and my S/O, I could still do the things I do when I’m alone. I really enjoy cooking dinner with them, if I were to name a specific activity.” 
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All symbols for Gonta, Nagito. X Byakuya
Oooookay, anon. There’s a couple things here that I have to mention. 
1. There’s two posts with symbols. 
2. Even if you meant both of the posts, that is a lot to do. That’s asking way too much of us at one given time, especially with 3 characters. I usually let the requests with a lot of characters slide, but this one is not something I can accept. 40 symbols with 3 characters? That’s 120 headcanons to do. 
Feel free to pick a few specific symbols and request something again, anon. We’re not writing machines. Please remember that. 
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kokichi’s is pretty much just this video lol
☠ for Shuichi, Nagito, Ouma, Keebo and Togami if it isn'T too many characters? x_x thanks for your time anyway ^_^
This was very interesting to write, ahah. Thank you for the request!
- mod kiibo
Shuichi Saihara
☠  - “One time I was at a My Chemical Romance concert and I almost got crushed in a mosh pit. I somehow managed to get out of there… Almost died that day, though.” (thanks mod ibuki for this idea l o l)
Nagito Komaeda
☠  - “I’ve almost died a lot of times. But one time, I was just walking through town and I was almost stabbed by this guy. Turns out he was trying to stab the guy walking behind me. I guess you could say I was pretty lucky that day.”
Kokichi Ouma 
☠  - “There was this one time where I was out with my DICE buddies and we were playing some pranks, y’know, the usual, and this guy we were pranking got so mad when we showed him the camera, he pulled a knife on us. Or did he?” 
☠  - “Vending machines are the worst. Y’know why? Well, one time I was with my friend and they wanted something to drink. I don’t know why they wanted something from the demonic machine, but I didn’t say anything and just went with it. They tried getting a beverage and the machine wouldn’t give us it! So I had to fight for my friend. I stuck my arm into the machine and my arm got stuck! I was so… What do you call it? s-scared. Yes. I was scared that it was going to take my body. Some people had to come and get me out…”
Byakuya Togami
☠  - “I’ve never had a near death experience. I’ve given near death experiences.”
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😳&💓 for Ryouma? (For the 💓 it can be about his s/o like relationship headcannons.) Thank you!!!
I also love writing for Ryoma, like what the heck. Ahah, thanks for the request, anon!
- mod kiibo
Ryoma Hoshi
😳 - “An embarrassing moment? Ah... I suppose I do have one. Well, one time I was at an amusement park with a couple buddies of mine and we were gonna go on the roller coaster. Fun, right? Wrong. When we were about to get on, this guy stopped me and told me, ‘Sorry, but your child is too small to go on this ride.’ I didn’t even know what to say. I tipped my hat over my eyes a bit and walked away, while my buddies were trying hard not to laugh.  I never went in a roller coaster line ever again. Also couldn’t face my buddies ever again.”
💓 - “My S/O? Well, they’re nice. Super kind to me. Sometimes I wonder why they’re so kind to me. I’m... A criminal. But... It’s nice to know that someone cares for me. So in that case, I will hang onto them and never let go. They’re the most important person to me and I will love them until the day I die.”
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😳 with Hinata, Chiaki, Ouma, and Maki!!
Talking With the Characters V 1.2
Update Log:
- added pictures because they’re nice
- attempted to make them the same size but gave up pretty quickly
- ended up hating the quality of images so i edited the post
(mod i-bu-ki-mi-o-da)
Hajime Hinata
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“I… Do I really have to talk about this? I guess the first memory that comes to mind is when I was really little, maybe six or seven? I was walking in a marketplace with my mom and I ended up getting lost. It doesn’t stop there, though. In the middle of it all, I ended up having to go to the bathroom, and I… Uh… Couldn’t… find the… restroom… But like I said, i-it was a long time ago. More than a decade has passed since then.”
Chiaki Nanami
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“Well, I once fell asleep where I wasn’t supposed to! Although, I suppose I do that often. Um…”
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“I also once lost in an MMORPG to a player that wasn’t being very nice… I was more upset that I let him get away with being mean, but he ended up being banned pretty quickly for cheating, anyways. I didn’t know that when I lost, though, so it was a little embarrassing at the time.”
Kokichi Ouma
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“Me? An embarrassing memory? Alright! Once, I ended up confessing to this girl in front of an entire class. My face was totally red and everything~! It was crazy how everyone was staring at me too, like I was totally insane for asking her. Then she rejected me! Just like that.” 
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“After that, I walked up to her boyfriend and asked him out instead. I thought it would’ve went really well, but wouldn’t you know it? I got rejected by him as well.”
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Maki Harukawa
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“I once ended up telling my friend at the orphanage that I thought an actor on tv looked handsome. I really had no feelings for him and was just stating an opinion about a stranger, but she teased me about it for days.” 
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“Other than that, I can’t really think of anything. I don’t get embarrassed easily. Or at all.”
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☠ for Shuichi, Nagito, Ouma, Keebo and Togami if it isn'T too many characters? x_x thanks for your time anyway ^_^
This was very interesting to write, ahah. Thank you for the request!
- mod kiibo
Shuichi Saihara
☠  - “One time I was at a My Chemical Romance concert and I almost got crushed in a mosh pit. I somehow managed to get out of there… Almost died that day, though.” (thanks mod ibuki for this idea l o l)
Nagito Komaeda
☠  - “I’ve almost died a lot of times. But one time, I was just walking through town and I was almost stabbed by this guy. Turns out he was trying to stab the guy walking behind me. I guess you could say I was pretty lucky that day.”
Kokichi Ouma 
☠  - “There was this one time where I was out with my DICE buddies and we were playing some pranks, y’know, the usual, and this guy we were pranking got so mad when we showed him the camera, he pulled a knife on us. Or did he?” 
☠  - “Vending machines are the worst. Y’know why? Well, one time I was with my friend and they wanted something to drink. I don’t know why they wanted something from the demonic machine, but I didn’t say anything and just went with it. They tried getting a beverage and the machine wouldn’t give us it! So I had to fight for my friend. I stuck my arm into the machine and my arm got stuck! I was so… What do you call it? s-scared. Yes. I was scared that it was going to take my body. Some people had to come and get me out…”
Byakuya Togami
☠  - “I’ve never had a near death experience. I’ve given near death experiences.”
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💓 with Nagito and Hajime with their s/o?
mod kibbles and i decided to write this as the character speaking. when i told her she could reblog it, i ended up not reading the post itself all the way so i didn’t see the part where the characters themselves have to talk about these experiences... So, these aren’t technically headcanons, but I hope you enjoy! ;9
- mod ibukee 
Nagito Komaeda
“Well... S/O is one of the few people in the world that really embodies everything a person should be. They’re hopeful, loving, and such a kind-hearted person! I don’t get why they would love a piece of trash like me, but they say that they do, and... I-If... they would still allow me to, I want to love them too. I can’t imagine a world without them.”
Hajime Hinata
“Ah, S/O? They’re the apple of my eye, as the saying goes, I guess. It’s a little embarrassing to talk about this, but... I really do love them. They’re smile is one of my favorite things, even when it’s after they’ve just told a really crappy joke. *chuckle* Even though I tend to keep my feet on the ground anyways, they really help me keep my head out of the clouds. It’s nice being the one who’s looked after.”
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Can I have 💋 and 💞 for Ouma?
I wouldn’t be honest if I said I never disliked Kokichi. However, because of how enigmatic he is, he’s ended up becoming one of my favorites. anyyyyyways, enjoy!!
- mod ibooki
Kokichi Ouma
💋 - What he lacks in skill he makes up for in excitement and spirit. His kisses may not be the best, but it’s his favorite way of showing his S/O he cares and if his S/O admits the truth, it’s their favorite way too. He likes to kiss them on the cheeks, lips, hands, forehead, neck, literally anywhere. It’s usually quick pecks too, but whenever he does this it’s like a barrage of them. Slower, more passionate kisses are rarer, but they do carry a lot of weight to them as it’s more intimate. 
💞 - He’s the best at hiding his feelings because he’s a harder book to read than Shuichi is. He’s always lying and avoiding the truth, so even his actions help him cover his tracks. It’d take a very smart and observant person with a lot of time on their hands to really figure out what makes Kokichi work the way he does, and even then he can switch things up as quick as a flash and leave them confused. Sometimes it’s best to just leave his tricks be and just be as honest as you can with him. Perhaps then he’ll express a little bit of his honest feelings. 
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🍛 for Nagito, Ouma and Keeboi?
Thanks for the request, anon! 
- mod kiibo
Nagito Komaeda
🍛 - Nagito is good at cooking but he’s very insecure about his food. He usually cooks for himself a lot for that very reason and whenever he has to cook for someone, he often tells them that he’s sorry if it sucks (even though it doesn’t). 
Kokichi Ouma
🍛 -  Ouma is OK at cooking, though he doesn’t usually do it. He would rather go out to eat and mess with the waiters at restaurants (which results in him getting kicked out). If someone asks him if he can cook, he’ll just say that he can’t, and if someone asks him to cook with them, he’ll obviously accept, but only to mess with them. 
🍛 - Kiibo doesn’t quite understand how cooking works. Where do you even start? It makes him sad, though, knowing that he can’t do some things that humans can, and asking someone to teach him how to cook makes him insecure and embarrassed. But if he did attempt to cook with someone, his food would probably turn out to be decent.
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💋🍻🙊😠💞 for Korekiyo, Rantaro, Shuichi please? Thank you! Sorry if it's too much.
this........this was a long one...... but that’s okay anon!! thanks for sending this in!!
- mod ibuuuuuuki
Korekiyo Shinguji
💋 - He’s a bit of a wild card. In the end, I’ll say he’s good at kissing, but only because he switches it up often enough to not really get the chance to figure out the truth. In the same day, he’ll kiss his S/O gently and roughly, with his fingertips ghosting against the side of their face or with his hands holding them close enough to nearly become one person. He’s got a lot of variance. 
🍻 - I’ll say that he’s a little tolerant of it. He’s probably ended up drinking some traditional beverages for the sake of learning about cultures and their traditions and such, but he never gets too much. He can hold his own, but the moment he crosses the line into tipsy-ville, he has to really try his best to hold himself together. It’s only through some slips of the tongue and a bit of out of character actions that give him away. 
🙊 - He’s pretty good at keeping secrets, so long as it never really gets brought up. He won’t necessarily lie to keep things hidden away, he just won’t ever mention them. If someone does happen to question him about anything, he’ll sneakily move on to a different topic or get them distracted momentarily. He doesn’t want to be manipulative, but what he doesn’t want to be revealed won’t be. 
😠 - He won’t let his anger make him say something that he knows he’ll regret later, but goodness gracious is it easy to tell when he’s upset. Even with his mask you can tell that he’s mad. His eyes will seem to darken and his eyebrows will look perpetually furrowed together. There’s also an iciness in his voice that makes a chill run down your spine, even if he says something nice. 
💞 - Sometimes he can purposefully hide his emotions, other times he doesn’t necessarily care if they’re shown or not. It all depends on the context of the situation. With emotions that run strong, he can’t help but show how he feels (like with anger), but if they aren’t that big of a deal, he’ll hide it easily like he does with his secrets. In the case of romantic feelings, he shows them through words and actions equally. Compliments and words of affection are easy for him to speak. 
Rantaro Amami
💋 - He’s a gentle kisser. Not necessarily because he’s romantic, but because he likes to treat his S/O this way and he would like the same. He likes casual kissing most of the time; a quick peck on the cheek, a chaste kiss on the lips after greeting his S/O, and a soft kiss to the top of their head when cuddling. It’s really only in private when he’s feeling the mood to really show how loving he is and how good he is at kissing. He’s naturally good at it too, but he doesn’t really care for the ability. 
🍻 - He’s not much of a drinker, but when he does, he usually only goes for the stuff with a low alcohol content. His tolerance is better than Korekiyo’s, but other than that, it’s pretty average. However, because of his choice of beverage, he usually ends up being one of the last to get drunk. When he is drunk, he ends up being mostly silent.
🙊 - He’s decent at keeping secrets, but sometimes little things about it will slip from his mouth. He’ll try a lot harder if his secret is a friend’s secret, but he’s prone to thinking out loud sometimes. He doesn’t feel bad about lying to keep these secrets safe, but he also doesn’t want to create a huge issue about it either. Depending on the situation, Rantaro will hesitantly reveal whatever it is he’s keeping to himself. 
😠 - He’s got that disappointed mother look down-pat. Even if you didn’t do anything, he’ll carry that look as long as he’s upset and end up making you feel bad. He doesn’t take his anger out on anyone physically, nor does he ever really sound angry either. However, he will huff and sigh every once in a while. Eventually, he’ll wise up and try to talk out his anger with whoever caused it or leave to be by himself for a while if it can’t be solved that way. 
💞 - He has no issue talking about his feelings as long as they don’t get too personal, but he also won’t force anyone else to listen if they don’t want to and he also won’t make anyone talk about it either. He’s a good guy, and he’ll listen to any friend that wants to talk. I don’t actually think of him as the super romantic type, but when it comes to that stuff, he does like to tell his S/O how he honestly feels. He’s better with words, as they do end up coming out sounding poetic half the time even when he’s not even trying. 
Shuichi Saihara
💋 - ‘I don’t know what I’m doing...’ is played on repeat inside his head whenever he’s kissing his S/O. It even plays every once in a while after years of being in a relationship. Shuichi is a smart guy, but there are a lot of moments where his active brain and his nervousness makes him think too hard about things. Is the angle of my head okay? Am I kissing too forcefully? Should I hold them? Etc,etc. He isn’t the best kisser, but he isn’t the worst either. It takes time for him to learn how to kiss his S/O, but that’s because he takes note of what they specifically like in a kiss. 
🍻 - Surprisingly, he’s pretty good at holding his own. He’s not sure why, honestly. After a few drinks, he only just begins to feel a little warm in the face. It takes a few more for him to get decently tipsy, but by this time most of his friends are already drunk and he’s playing the role of babysitter. 
🙊 - He’s good at it, but he doesn’t like it. He would rather not keep secrets and tell the truth, but he knows when it’s necessary to keep a secret and when to tell a lie. He only does it for good, and never for bad, however. In the end, the only reason why Shuichi would ever want to hide something from someone would be because it will help everyone in the end. He would mostly only do this for his line of work, but sometimes it comes into play in his day to day life. 
😠 - He’ll keep his anger bottled up inside, not really showing how upset he is. It may show when he talks, as he might sound just a tad bit snarkier than usual or maybe he’ll just silently ignore the cause of his anger and only give them an upset look every once in a while. If he’s really angry, he may end up bursting and saying how he really feels, but that’s once in a blue moon. Shuichi is usually the first to apologize too, even if whatever’s going on isn’t his fault. 
💞 - He has a hard time expressing his feelings and emotions. Neither his actions nor his words really give him away, so he’s a hard book to read. The only emotion that any person can really pick up from him easily is happiness and nervousness, as they are the most common look on him. The only time he really shows how loving and caring he feels is in the privacy of his own home and even that is done with some amount of hesitance. 
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Send a symbol for my muse to talk about...
…💓 their crush/partner. … ☠- a near death experience. … 😳 one of their most embarrassing experiences. … 👀 their guilty pleasures. … 💲 their ambition. … 👿 a pet peeve. … 💬 a memory they wish to share. … 👍 their best friend. … ☹  something that scares them. … ☮ what makes them feel peaceful. … 🖋 their hobby.
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👼, 🍻 ,💞 for Hajime?
Hajime is honestly great. It’s so fun writing stuff for him. Thanks for the request, anon! 
-mod kiibo
Hajime Hinata
👼  - Hajime is pretty OK at babysitting. He’s probably not the best person you can ask to babysit for you. Not in the sense that he might not watch the kids carefully enough or that he’ll let one of the kids injure themselves, but in the sense that he gets annoyed easily and can excessively worry over the smallest things. He’s trustworthy though and that’s mostly why people ask him to babysit. When the kids ask him to play, he’ll do so (as much as he doesn’t want to) and whenever the kids do something that he thinks is going to hurt them, he’ll freak out and tell them to stop (he’s a big worry wart).  
🍻 - He’s pretty tolerant of his alcohol, so he doesn’t easily get tipsy. He’s actually not that much of a drinker. If he goes to the bar or a party, he usually goes with his friends, and he’s often the one that looks after them. If they drink too much, he’ll let them know that they need to stop or when they’re done, he’ll drive them home. 
💞  - Expressing how he feels can be easy, but it’s kind of hard sometimes. In some situations he’ll come across as sarcastic and snarky, and in other situations he comes across as super careful and skeptical, so it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling sometimes. But he’s a good guy. Deep down, he just wants the best for everyone. 
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💃🎤😂 🎁 - Souda? Sorry if it too much
I cracked myself up making this, ahah. Thanks anon for the request! 
- mod “kibbles”
Kazuichi Souda
💃- Souda is... really not good at dancing. He can never really match the rhythm to a song. He’s very confident with himself though. He thinks he’s the bomb at dancing. Whenever he’s at some party, he always tries to start a dance off. He’d let the other person go first and then he will go, and it’s kind of like this:
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🎤 - Souda is pretty decent at singing. Not too good but not too bad! Whenever he’s working on something he’ll hum a couple of tunes. Maybe sometimes actually sing out loud. He also likes karaoke. It’s one of his favorite party games. He’s very confident with his singing (just like with his dancing...) 
😂 - He is all about telling jokes. But they’re mostly dirty jokes. I mean, SOME are clean, but the majority is just really, really inappropriate. He can’t really help it though. It’s just in his nature. 
🎁 - Souda is good at making mechanized(?) gifts, since he is the ultimate mechanic! Other gifts he’s not too good at... Whenever someones birthday is approaching, he’s already on top of making a cool gift for them, even if they aren’t very fond of mechanical things. Souda likes to make things by hand for his friends though, because he thinks they have a more personal feel to them. 
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💋 and 💕 for Nagito please
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I’m combining these since they’re asking for the same thing. ;0
- mod ibuuuki
Nagito Komaeda
💋 - He wants to be good at it for his S/O, but he’s had little to no experience with it, so he’s pretty average at kissing. He’s got the passion, but since he doesn’t know what he’s doing, it’s just quick pecks at first. Eventually, since he is a smart guy, he’ll pick up on what he has to do to make his partner weak in the knees. It’s the silent devotion and passion he has to for S/O that really makes his kisses spectacular in the end. 
💕 - I’m not gonna lie, he really sucks at this. His S/O has to be really understanding of him to try and decipher what he means. It’s not that he’s completely secretive or dishonest, it’s just that his means of expression are odd and he has trouble ‘reading the air’, so to speak. It’s really through his actions that show what he’s feeling. Snarky comments when he’s angry, ignoring the person he’s mad at when he feels betrayed by them or annoyed, and pulling you close or kissing you when he feels romantic or saddened. 
Kazuichi Souda
💋 - Ouch!! He’s a bit of a painful kisser. He’s got sharp teeth, so if he accidentally chomps down in the middle of kissing or making out, there’s a chance that you’ll be bleeding. Not only that, but he’s kind of aggressive with kissing because he’s either too nervous or getting too into it. He’ll bump noses, practically punch your lips with his, and maybe hold you a little too tight because he wants you to be closer to him. What he lacks in gentleness he makes up for in his extreme passion. His S/O will at least know that he is interested in kissing them for hours.
💕 - He has trouble expressing what he’s feeling through words sometimes, but for the most part he’s actually pretty open about his emotions, whether he wants to be or not. He’s a terrible liar, so it doesn’t take an observant person to really get what he’s feeling at any given time. He’s an open book, and his actions are always a dead giveaway to what he really thinks. 
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👼 for Shuichi??? (Am I doing this properly???????)
yes, anon!! you are doing fine. in the case that you asked for shuichi because he was the example i gave in that one post, you can ask for other characters. 
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Shuichi Saihara
👼 - Shuichi is pretty decent at handling kids, but he won’t necessarily go above and beyond, as he gets nervous when things start to get too much for him. He’s more comfortable when it’s just a baby that he’s taking care of because all they do is cry, eat, and defecate. When it comes to older kids, he’s a bit on edge because they are a lot more high-maintenance. He doesn’t really know what to do to keep their attention or to make sure they stay out of trouble. He likes to hover around the kids to make sure that they’re safe, so he ends up getting pulled into whatever their doing, whether it be video games, playing house, etc. The kids end up loving Shuichi in the end despite his lack of confidence!!
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So does the event starts?????? I'm sorry I'm confused lol
yup it just started. I said it would whenever I reblogged any of the headcanon things and I just did so ٩( ᐛ )و
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