daniamedicare · 6 days
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment In India
What is pancreatic cancer treatment?
The development of tumors in the pancreas or the areas next to it is what causes pancreatic cancer; hence, treatment for pancreatic cancer consists of surgical removal or medical management of its symptoms.
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What are the benefits of the treatment?
Surgery may alleviate symptoms or prevent problems in people with pancreatic cancer.
Investigations required to diagnose the procedure
Various ways to find out if someone has pancreatic cancer are:
Ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and computed tomography (CT) scans are all ways to diagnose pancreatic cancer.
Who needs this treatment?
When the tumor grows to a size where Doctors can’t treat it through therapy, then the doctors need to remove the tumor surgically.
How is the treatment done?
During surgery, all or part of the pancreas may be taken out, depending on where the tumor is and how big it is. Most of the time, a piece of healthy tissue near the tumor is also taken out. Many different surgeries, such as Laparoscopy, Distal pancreatectomy, and Total pancreatectomy, are used to treat other conditions.
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daniamedicare · 8 days
Prostate cancer treatment in india
One of the most prevalent forms of cancer in men, prostate cancer, develops in the male body’s prostate gland. The production of the gland’s sperm-nourishing serum is impacted by the expansion and growth of malignant cancer cells inside the gland. It spreads to certain other parts and develops gradually within the gland. There are no obvious signs of it. It is essential to find prostate cancer early on in order for therapy to be both successful and efficient and for that matter Dania Medicare solutions have proved themselves among the best offered treatment for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India.
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Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Prostate clinical manifestations initially resemble those of non-cancerous inflammation of the prostate (BPH). Nevertheless, when it progresses, other symptoms could appear. Typical signs include:
Urination Frequently
having trouble starting or stopping when urinating or trying to urinate
constant urge to urinate, particularly during night
an uncomfortable or scorching feeling when squirting or urinating pee or sperm with blood
erection problems
altered bowel behaviour
Unaccounted-for weight loss
Pain in the back, hips, or pelvis
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Proactive supervision may be suggested by the doctor if malignant cells are growing slowly. Depending on the patient’s state and the extent of the malignancy, the doctor may, if necessary, recommend any of the following treatments:
Surgical resection involves the surgical removal of the prostate and some nearby structures.
High-energy rays are used in radiation therapy to eliminate cancer cells. External beam radiation and internal methods are both possible (brachytherapy).
Because testosterone encourages the growth of cancer cells, hormone treatment (medicines) seeks to lower the amount of testosterone produced by the body.
Chemotherapy, or the use of medications to eradicate cancer cells physiological treatment in which the body’s natural defense cells are primed to combat cancer a lab before reintroducing them into the body. There are various factors determining the prostate cancer treatment cost in Indian states, but it has been observed that along with success rates Dania Medicare solutions is also known for affordability.
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daniamedicare · 12 days
Bladder Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Bladder cancer occurs in the body due to abnormal growth of the cells present in the inner lining of the bladder that ultimately split up and becomes out of control. As the disease grows, it tends to spread into the wall of the bladder and sometimes breaks off to travel to different parts of the body.
The bladder cancer treatment depends on the growth of the disease in the bladder layers and other intrusive factors. So, it is also crucial to check whether the disease has spread out of the bladder to determine the treatment.
Investigations Required to Diagnose The Bladder Cancer
The doctor asks the patient about their symptoms and takes general information, including family history and medical history, to get an idea of the condition. Then the doctor suggests undergoing some tests to diagnose the disease.
Urine Test: A urine sample is collected to examine the existence of abnormal cells, bacteria or blood.
Physical Examination: The patient needs to undergo a physical examination of the vagina and rectum to detect if there are any bladder cancer lumps present pressing the organs.
Other tests performed to detect the presence of bladder cancer
MRI and CT scan
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daniamedicare · 20 days
Lymphoma Treatment cost in India
Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that affects the lymphatic system. The disease develops in the lymphocytes, which are a kind of white blood cells. These blood cells play a key role in boosting the immune defence of the body and fighting against diseases. It is about 54 per cent of the total blood cancer cases found to be lymphoma.
 Lymphatic System
A web of thin lymphatic channels, organs including the thymus and spleen and lymph nodes make up the lymphatic system.
Besides, it forms a vital part of the body’s immune system. Lymph, along with the lymph nodes, comprises white blood cells known as lymphocytes that help to defend against diseases. Most importantly, lymphocytes develop in the bone marrow that is discharged into the bloodstream after maturity. These cells go into the lymphatic system.
Types of Lymphoma/ Hodgkins Lymphoma (Hl)/ Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Nhl)
There are basically two types of lymphoma – Hodgkins Lymphoma (Hl) and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Nhl).
Hodgkin Lymphoma: Hodgkin lymphoma, also known as Hodgkin’s disease, is a rare category of lymphoma. In simple words, it is a cancerous disease that develops in the lymphatic system. This type of lymphoma usually develops in the B-lymphocytes of the bone marrow. It begins when there is a drastic change in the lymphatic cells of the lymph system and leads to uncontrollable swells. Consequently, it turns into a tumour.
The Reed-Sternberg cells’ existence interprets Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The RS cells are abnormally bigger cells diagnosed in the blood samples of patients dealing with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: The most common lymphoma type found, especially among older people, is Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), which refers to several types of lymph system cancer different from Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This cancerous disease indicates the absence of the Reed-Sternberg cells.
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daniamedicare · 21 days
Blood Cancer treatment in India - Cost
Blood cancer, also known as hematologic cancer, occurs due to the abnormal increase in the size of the blood cells. This abnormality begins from the blood cells that produce in the bone marrow and further hinders the normal functioning of blood cells.
Thus, it is typically associated with the defective production of blood cells and/or blood component dysfunction in the lymphatic system and bone marrow. Blood cancer can impact any organ of your body.
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Kinds of Blood Cancer
Blood cancer can be divided into multiple kinds depending on the affected tissues or cell origin.
Acute leukaemia: Acute leukaemia originates in the bone marrow and produces aberrant white blood cells. This further interferes with the ability of bone marrow to create normal red blood cells. Acute leukaemia can be divided into two types – acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Both of these blood cancers are aggressive that can quickly become deadly if left untreated.
The diagnosis part depends on bone marrow tests, including flow cytometry, molecular testing and microscopic examination.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: This kind of blood cancer develops in the lymphatic system and interferes with the normal functioning of the body to provide immunity against infections. Lymphoma can occur in any organ of the body, from the brain to even the skin. However, it usually affects the lymph nodes.
Lymphomas comprise a large group of blood cancers, among which some grow slow while others are very aggressively fatal. To diagnose lymphomas, doctors recommend undergoing a lymph nodes biopsy or the affected organ biopsy. Based on the biopsy report, the therapy for lymphoma blood cancer is decided.
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL): Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia has a close association with lymphoma. This is actually slower lymphoma that mainly affects the blood and bone marrow and sometimes impacts the liver, lymph nodes, spleen and several other organs. Its diagnosis relies on the flow cytometry of blood samples and lymph node biopsy.
 Myeloma or Multiple Myeloma: Myeloma or multiple myeloma are actually the same kind of blood cancers that emerge from plasma cells. Plasma cells are an extremely important component of the immune system present in the bone marrow of the body. This kind of cancer is dangerous as it can cause broader damage to the body, including infection, anaemia, bone weakness or cracks and kidney dysfunction. The doctor advises undergoing bone marrow tests or a biopsy along with several other blood tests to diagnose this blood cancer.
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daniamedicare · 26 days
Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India
Presently, bone marrow transplant cost in India is a surgery that is in its golden phase. All credit goes to the advancement of Indian medical science, the use of modern technology, and efficient medical professionals. Moreover, Dania Medical Solutions can help you find the best overall treatment from the best medical team in India.
Bone marrow is perhaps a soft and spongy tissue in the bone, especially in the thighs and hip area producing blood cells. Bone marrow transplant or BMT is a medical procedure used to transplant either the damaged or destroyed bone marrow with a strong and healthy one. The damages can occur due to several factors, including infection, diseases, and chemotherapy.
Hence, this surgery is also known as a stem cell transplant. It involves adopting the cells in the bone marrow and providing them to the patient or any other person.
The bone marrow contains immature cells in the tissue. These cells are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The red blood cells (RBCs) work to transmit oxygen and nutrients to the whole body. White blood cells (WBCs) provide immunity by fighting the infection. Platelets effectively form clots which further helps to prevent excessive bleeding. <<<READ MORE>>>
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daniamedicare · 28 days
Liver Tumour Treatment Cost in India
Liver tumour
A liver tumour is usually treatable but depends on several conditions. Also, it can sometimes be hard to treat.
The treatment of the patient depends on the following:
cancer began in the liver (primary)
spreading of cancer from another area (secondary)
the size of the tumour
type of liver cancer
position of the tumour
the extent to which it has spread
general health condition
Based on these factors, the treatment may include targeted medicines, chemotherapy, thermal ablation, surgery, and radiotherapy.
How to diagnose a liver tumour
Several tests and medical procedures may include diagnosing liver tumours.
Blood tests- Blood tests provide a clear report of abnormalities in liver function.
Imaging tests- Imaging tests include CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds.
Liver tissue sample tests- Sometimes the doctor may recommend removing a sample of the patient’s liver tissue for testing. Laboratory testing of liver tissue samples provides a definite diagnosis of a tumour in the liver.
Determining the Stage of the liver tumour
After diagnosing the liver tumour, the doctor examines the reports to determine the stage of the liver cancer. Staging tests detect and understand the size of the tumour and its location. Also, it helps to determine the extent to which it has spread.
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daniamedicare · 1 month
ASD/VSD closure surgery in India
The septum is a wall between the heart’s chambers separating them so that the blood with rich oxygen content from the left side doesn’t mix with the lesser oxygenated blood on the other side. When there is a hole in this region, it could prevent the blood from flowing into or out of the heart normally. This is why you need the help of experts in Dania Medical Services to assist you.
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daniamedicare · 1 month
Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) Surgery in India
Aortic valve replacement (AVR) surgery in India is among the fine line of treatment for severe aortic stenosis. Aortic stenosis is usually diagnosed by an electrocardiogram of the heart or transesophageal electrocardiogram which gives even clearer results. An Aortic valve replacement (AVR) Surgery is a medical procedure by which a surgeon removes the dysfunctional aortic valve with a mechanical or biological tissue valve from a human or other animal.
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daniamedicare · 1 month
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery in India
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, more commonly known as CABG surgery. This surgical procedure stands as a beacon of hope for individuals suffering from severe coronary heart disease. It involves the creation of new pathways around blocked or narrowed arteries, ensuring that the heart receives the vital blood supply it needs to function effectively.
This involves the removal of a healthy blood vessel from the chest, arms, or legs and then using it to create an alternate pathway around the blocked area. This helps in improving the flow of blood and is one of the services offered at Dania Medicare Solutions.
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daniamedicare · 2 months
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in India
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, more commonly known as CABG surgery. This surgical procedure stands as a beacon of hope for individuals suffering from severe coronary heart disease. This helps in improving the flow of blood and is one of the services offered at Dania Medicare Solutions.
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daniamedicare · 2 months
Liver Transplant Cost In India
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Liver transplant in India is presently in their golden phase. There has been a steady increase in the number of liver transplants over a decade. Though the development was not very smooth in the early days, there has been an upswing in the transplant performance with the introduction of new programs.
With this phenomenal increase in liver transplantation activity in the country, there is a good prospect of facilitating programs with the other nations of the world.
Typically, a liver transplant is a surgery where the ill liver gets replaced completely by a partially or whole healthy liver. This new healthy, transplanted liver belongs to another person who donates it. Dania Medical services take care of the whole treatment of patients undergoing a liver transplant in India.
Apart from this, liver transplant in India is also carried out by live donation of the liver. However, not everyone is eligible to become a liver transplant donor. The living liver donor can be a family member or an outsider. The blood test reports of the liver donor should match with the receiving patient.
With the remaining portion of their liver, the organ donor can still lead a healthy life. The liver is that single organ of the human body that can regenerate injured or failed tissues. After the liver transplant surgery, the receiving part of the new liver will grow up within some weeks into its natural size.
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daniamedicare · 2 months
Coronary angiogram treatment cost in India
Coronary angiogram treatment cost in India starts at INR 12000 and varies depending on a number of criteria. The best treatment is suggested to be done in Dania Medicare solutions. They have the best team of the experienced doctors
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daniamedicare · 3 months
Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in India
Knee replacement surgery in India is a common surgical procedure that helps relieve pain and restore function in individuals suffering from severe knee joint damage. Knee replacement surgery is known as arthroplasty, and it helps in relieving knee joint pain. Also, it improves the flexibility of your knee, and you will start moving freely. Due to continuous wear and tear knee may get damaged, and surgery restores the normal function of your knee. First, you need to know Dania Medicare Solutions Knee Replacement surgery costs in India. Once you learn the cost, you can eliminate all confusion.
Looking for Knee Replacement surgery in India. Get estimated costs for knee replacement surgery from top Knee replacement hospitals in India.
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daniamedicare · 3 months
Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in India
Hip replacement surgery is a procedure under which the surgeon replaces the deteriorated part of the hip joint with an artificial joint. The artificial joint can be made of ceramic, metal and harder plastics. Are you looking for Hip Replacement surgery in India? Dania medicare provides the best hospital for Hip surgery. Please feel free to book your appointment with us. https://www.daniamedicare.com/treatment/hip-replacement-surgery/
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daniamedicare · 3 months
Liver Cancer Treatment in india
Dania Medicare has multiple hospitals that are providing Liver Cancer Treatment in India. the cancer specialist identifies and provides the best treatment. https://www.daniamedicare.com/treatment/liver-cancer-treatment-in-india/
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daniamedicare · 3 months
Liver Donor Transplant in India
Living Donor Liver Transplant cost in India are as follow ; Treatment, Cost Starts From ($), Hospital Stay ; Living Donor Liver Transplant, 32000-36000, 8-10 Days. https://www.daniamedicare.com/treatment/living-donor-liver-transplant/
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