#bypass surgery
drforambhuta · 10 months
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The following approaches can help reduce the risks associated with pre-existing medical diseases on heart bypass surgery:
Collaborative Healthcare Approach: Addressing pre-existing medical conditions post bypass surgery demands teamwork among different medical specialties. Cardiologists, anesthesiologists, pulmonologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, and geriatric experts collaborate to enhance patients' overall well-being and minimize surgical risks.
Thorough Preoperative Evaluation: A comprehensive preoperative assessment involves reviewing a patient's medical history, conducting thorough physical examinations, and performing relevant diagnostic tests. This evaluation guides surgical planning and helps anticipate potential difficulties.
Personalized Risk Assessment: Segmenting patients based on their individual risk profiles enables tailored treatment strategies. High-risk patients might benefit from alternative grafting methods, minimally invasive procedures, and focused attention on intraoperative hemodynamics.
Medication Considerations: Deliberate management of medications is crucial. Drugs affecting blood pressure, blood sugar, and electrolyte balance need careful oversight to ensure stable perioperative conditions.
Real-time Intraoperative Observation: Advanced monitoring techniques, like transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), allow continuous assessment of heart function and graft viability during surgery. Continuous monitoring of blood pressure, oxygen levels, and other vital parameters guarantees prompt action if complications arise.
Careful Postoperative Management: The immediate postoperative phase requires vigilant care, including precise monitoring of vital signs, fluid equilibrium, and organ functionality. Prompt mobilization, effective pain control, and rehabilitation significantly contribute to a smooth recovery process.
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions and are recommended a heart bypass surgery, it is best to undergo the procedure under an experienced healthcare team in a well-equipped hospital to reduce your chances of developing complications after the bypass surgery. Apollo Hospitals Greams Road Chennai is one such hospital where you can find the best healthcare facilities to increase your chances of a successful surgery and reduce your risk of developing complications.
The cost of heart bypass surgery in Chennai will generally be more in cases of patients having pre-existing medical conditions.
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abheartcare · 11 months
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Cardiologist Surgeon – A doctor who specialises in surgical procedures for the heart, lungs and other organs in the chest is a cardiothoracic surgeon. This involves cardiac surgeons, lung surgeons, general thoracic surgeons, and congenital heart surgeons.
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pluneshealth · 12 days
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For accurate bypass surgery costs in Delhi, consult Plunes Healthcare. Calculate expenses, connect with specialists, access 1100+ hospitals, and benefit from personalized guidance. Call 7011311900 for transparent and tailored healthcare assistance.
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daniamedicare · 12 days
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery in India
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, more commonly known as CABG surgery. This surgical procedure stands as a beacon of hope for individuals suffering from severe coronary heart disease. It involves the creation of new pathways around blocked or narrowed arteries, ensuring that the heart receives the vital blood supply it needs to function effectively.
This involves the removal of a healthy blood vessel from the chest, arms, or legs and then using it to create an alternate pathway around the blocked area. This helps in improving the flow of blood and is one of the services offered at Dania Medicare Solutions.
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drbrijmohansingh · 21 days
Best Bypass Heart Surgeon In Bhavnagar - Dr. Brajmohan Singh
In the realm of heart surgery, where precision, expertise, and compassion intertwine, Dr. Brajmohan Singh stands as a beacon of excellence. Renowned as one of the finest Best Bypass Heart Surgeon In Bhavnagar, his journey is an inspiring narrative of dedication and proficiency in saving lives.
The Genesis of Excellence
Dr. Brajmohan Singh's journey towards becoming a distinguished cardiac surgeon was marked by unwavering commitment and relentless pursuit of knowledge. His academic prowess coupled with a passion for healing led him to excel in the field of cardiology. After completing his medical education with distinction, he honed his skills under the mentorship of renowned cardiac surgeons, imbibing wisdom and techniques that would shape his illustrious career.
A Beacon of Hope
In Bhavnagar, where access to advanced cardiac care is crucial, Dr. Brajmohan Singh emerges as a beacon of hope for patients grappling with heart ailments. His expertise in bypass heart surgery is unparalleled, earning him the trust and admiration of both patients and peers alike. With a compassionate approach towards patient care, he ensures that each individual receives personalized attention and comprehensive treatment.
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Unmatched Expertise
Dr. Brajmohan Singh's proficiency in bypass heart surgery is underpinned by years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of cardiac anatomy and physiology. Whether it's a complex coronary artery bypass grafting or a minimally invasive procedure, his surgical finesse and attention to detail have consistently delivered exceptional outcomes. Patients entrust their lives to his skilled hands, knowing that they are in the care of a surgeon who combines technical mastery with empathy.
Compassionate Care
Beyond his surgical prowess, Dr. Brajmohan Singh is revered for his compassionate bedside manner. He understands the emotional turmoil that accompanies a heart disease diagnosis and strives to alleviate patients' fears with empathy and reassurance. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, he fosters a nurturing environment where patients feel supported and empowered on their journey to recovery.
A Legacy of Healing
Dr. Brajmohan Singh's contributions to the field of cardiac surgery extend beyond the confines of the operating room. As a mentor and educator, he shares his knowledge generously, grooming the next generation of cardiac surgeons to uphold the highest standards of excellence. His commitment to advancing cardiac care is reflected in his active participation in research and innovation, constantly seeking new avenues to enhance treatment modalities and improve patient outcomes.
In the realm of bypass heart surgery in Bhavnagar, Dr. Brajmohan Singh Best Cardiac Surgeon Bhavnagar reigns supreme as a paragon of skill, compassion, and dedication. His unwavering commitment to excellence and patient-centered care has touched the lives of countless individuals, offering hope and healing where it is needed most. As he continues to push the boundaries of cardiac surgery, Dr. Brajmohan Singh stands as a testament to the transformative power of expertise and empathy in healthcare.
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drpriya · 23 days
Managing blood pressure to prevent heart attacks involves several lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medication.
Here are some key strategies:
Healthy Diet: Adopt a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. Limit salt intake and avoid processed and high-sodium foods.
Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling, for at least 150 minutes per week. Exercise helps lower blood pressure and improves overall cardiovascular health.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Aim for a healthy weight by following a balanced diet and staying physically active. Losing excess weight can help reduce blood pressure.
Limit Alcohol: Limit alcohol consumption, as excessive drinking can raise blood pressure. Men should limit themselves to no more than two drinks per day, and women to one drink per day.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, quit smoking. Smoking damages blood vessels and increases the risk of heart disease.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or hobbies that you enjoy. Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure.
Regular Monitoring: Monitor your blood pressure regularly at home or through regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. This allows for early detection of any changes and prompt intervention if needed. Get full body health checkups at the best hospitals in India.
Medication: If lifestyle changes alone are not sufficient to control blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe medications such as ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics, or calcium channel blockers.
Heart attacks can manifest in various ways, and some symptoms may be noticeable before the actual event.
Here are some signs and symptoms that may indicate a heart attack:
Chest Discomfort: Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
Upper Body Discomfort: Pain or discomfort may spread beyond the chest to the shoulders, arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
Shortness of Breath: You may experience shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
Other Symptoms: Other possible symptoms include nausea, lightheadedness, cold sweats, and fatigue. ( Know more about- What is a Heart Attack? )
Some people are at higher risk of heart disease and may benefit from at-home monitoring devices such as blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, or wearable devices that track heart rate variability.
These devices can provide insights into heart health and potentially detect abnormalities early. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, and any concerning symptoms should be evaluated by a cardiologist. Get the best treatment for heart diseases, heart attack and heart surgery like heart bypass surgery at the best hospitals in Mumbai, like Jaslok Hospital Mumbai. Also get to know the cost of heart bypass surgery in Mumbai at this hospital.
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cardiologist-1589254 · 4 months
Bypass Surgery and Cardiac Rehabilitation: Optimizing Recovery
Bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), is a common surgical procedure employed to treat coronary artery disease. While the surgery itself is crucial for restoring blood flow to the heart, the journey to recovery extends beyond the operating room. Cardiac rehabilitation plays a pivotal role in optimizing recovery and ensuring a healthier future for individuals who have undergone bypass surgery.
Post-bypass surgery, patients are often encouraged to enroll in cardiac rehabilitation programs. These programs are comprehensive, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of recovery. Exercise regimens tailored to individual needs aim to strengthen the heart, improve cardiovascular fitness, and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, educational components help patients understand risk factors, adopt heart-healthy lifestyles, and manage stress.
Supervised by a team of healthcare professionals, cardiac rehabilitation provides a structured and supportive environment. It fosters a sense of community among participants, offering emotional support and guidance during the challenging recovery process. Dietary counseling, medication management, and psychological support are integral components that contribute to the holistic approach of cardiac rehabilitation.
Compliance with cardiac rehabilitation recommendations can significantly impact the long-term success of bypass surgery. Regular exercise, coupled with lifestyle modifications, aids in preventing further cardiac events and improving overall quality of life. The support and guidance provided during rehabilitation empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their post-surgery lifestyle. For those seeking the expertise of a heart specialist in the Police Linetakli area of Nagpur, 440013, it is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals nearby. Access to specialized cardiac care ensures ongoing monitoring, necessary adjustments to the recovery plan, and expert guidance on maintaining heart health post-bypass surgery. Timely intervention and a commitment to cardiac rehabilitation contribute to a smoother recovery journey and a heart-healthy future.
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vaishnavi88 · 6 months
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Explore the benefits and procedure of Natural Bypass of heart. It is an advanced treatment used to treat heart blockages for those who don’t wish to undergo surgery
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edhacaresblog · 7 months
Life-Saving Heart Bypass Surgery: What You Need to Know
Heart health is a matter of utmost importance, as cardiovascular diseases continue to be a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have paved the way for innovative treatments and surgeries, offering new hope for patients with heart conditions. In this blog, we will explore three life-saving procedures: heart valve repair, robotic heart surgery, and heart arrhythmia treatments, and provide valuable insights on what you need to know about them.
1. Heart Valve Repair
Heart valve problems can be life-threatening, and they often require surgical intervention. Heart valve repair is a procedure designed to fix or reconstruct damaged valves within the heart. Traditionally, this surgery was done through open-heart procedures, but newer, less invasive techniques have emerged. Surgeons now have the option of performing heart valve repair through minimally invasive approaches, reducing the recovery time and complications associated with the surgery. It's crucial for patients to consult with their healthcare providers to determine the most suitable approach for their condition.
2. Robotic Heart Surgery
Robotic heart surgery represents a significant advancement in cardiac care. With the help of cutting-edge robotic systems, surgeons can perform intricate procedures with higher precision and reduced invasiveness. This technology allows for smaller incisions, less pain, and quicker recovery times. Moreover, robotic heart surgery is particularly beneficial in complex cases, such as mitral valve repair. Patients interested in this procedure should consult with experienced cardiac surgeons to assess its suitability for their condition.
3. Heart Arrhythmia Treatments
Heart arrhythmias, irregular heart rhythms, can be life-threatening if left unaddressed. There are various treatments available, including medications, lifestyle changes, and implantable devices like pacemakers. Additionally, catheter ablation is an advanced procedure used to correct certain arrhythmias. It involves threading a thin tube (catheter) through the blood vessels to the heart and using radiofrequency energy to eliminate abnormal electrical pathways. This treatment is often effective in restoring a normal heart rhythm and preventing further complications.
It's essential to understand that the choice of treatment for heart arrhythmia depends on the specific type and severity of the condition. Your cardiologist will evaluate your situation and recommend the most appropriate approach.
In conclusion, advancements in Heart Bypass Surgery and treatments have revolutionized the way we address heart-related issues. Heart valve repair, robotic heart surgery, and heart arrhythmia treatments offer hope for patients with life-threatening conditions, providing more options and improved outcomes. If you or a loved one are facing heart health concerns, consult with a qualified cardiac specialist to discuss the best treatment options and ensure a healthier, happier life. Remember, early detection and intervention are key in preventing heart complications and improving your quality of life.
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flawsomeawesome · 10 months
Clinical Experienced : Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
(discl : this article written on Sept 2022, but I just had the guts to upload it in here today lol) Happy hello semua !
Jadi hari ini aku mendapat kesempatan untuk belajar tentang salah satu jenis tindakan Bedah Jantung, yaitu CABG, atau Coronary Artery Bypass Graft yang secara simple sering disebut dengan operasi Bypass Jantung. Aku bersama beberapa rekan menjalani diskusi tentang CABG ini dengan pakarnya bedah jantung yakni dr. M. Alfa Fery Santoso, MD, FRCS, FCF, FIHA, Sp. BTKV bersama dengan dr. Rudy Yuliansyah, Sp.An, KAKV dari Jakarta.
First of all, aku akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang CABG secara umum. Jadi CABG adalah suatu prosedur bedah jantung terbuka yang bertujuan untuk mengembalikan aliran darah normal pada jantung yang terganggu akibat adanya sumbatan/obstruksi. Bahasa kerennya itu untuk Revaskularisasi. Caranya adalah dengan mengambil sebagian pembuluh darah arteri yang sehat dari area lain tubuh kita (mostly menggunakan Saphenous vein di area kaki) untuk nanti digunakan sebagai jalur baru aliran darah di jantung. Jadi yang awalnya jantung kita itu sirkulasinya nggak bagus karena pembuluh darahnya tersumbat, setelah dibuatkan jalan baru tadi, harapannya bisa lancar lagi. Sehingga jantung kita bisa dapat nutrisi dan oksigen yang cukup untuk bekerja keras memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh.
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It was exciting, of course. Karena belum ada Rumah Sakit Swasta di Kota Malang yang bisa sampai melakukan prosedur ini. Terlebih lagi aku dan tim General Wardku akan bertanggungjawab dalam proses perawatan pre dan pasca operasi pasiennya, bersama dengan tim dari Operating Theatre  dan Intensive Care.  Takut pasti, khawatir kalau-kalau ada yang terlewat dari banyaknya list yang harus kami lakukan. But, it’s quite  challenging, yet so fun, at least buat aku pribadi.
So, wish us luck !
Semoga operasi bedah jantung ini bisa berjalan dengan sangat lancar, dan kedepannya makin banyak pasien-pasien yang membutuhkan intervensi ini, datang ke rumah sakit kita. Hehehe. It’s not always about money, tapi semakin banyak pasien yang ditangani dengan berbagai macam kondisi, tentunya semakin memperluas pengetahuanku dan juga teman-teman disini. Hail to the long-life learning !
p.s : Dokter BTKV nya, super keren dan buwaaiikk banget. I adore him so much xixixi
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bypass surgery - Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital
If you're looking for a top-tier cardiology hospital in Hyderabad, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad may be the end of your quest. With a distinguished cardiology department, this hospital emerges as an exemplary choice. It is known far and wide for its cadre of highly qualified cardiothoracic surgeons who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions and disorders.
Cardiac surgeries, also referred to as heart surgeries, are intricate medical procedures aimed at treating heart-related issues. These surgeries, performed by a team of adept cardiothoracic surgeons, have profoundly enhanced the prognosis and significantly boosted the quality of life for a myriad of patients dealing with heart ailments. In the realm of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) and open-heart surgery, the hospital offers cost-effective solutions, thereby making these life-saving procedures more attainable for patients.
Additionally, the hospital is the practicing ground for some of the finest cardiologists in Hyderabad. These supremely talented professionals, armed with the latest medical technology, maintain their dedication to deliver superior cardiac care, demonstrating unwavering commitment and unparalleled expertise.
At Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad, each undertaking in the field of cardiology is driven by a noble purpose – to keep the heart, the lifeline of the body, pulsating robustly.
The most prevalent type of heart surgery, CABG, is employed to treat patients with severe coronary heart disease. This procedure uses a healthy artery or vein from the patient's body to create a bypass around the blocked coronary artery.
Heart Valve Repair or Replacement surgeries are performed when any of the heart's four valves malfunction. Depending on the severity of the condition, the defective valve can either be repaired or replaced with a prosthetic one.
Arrhythmia treatments include a range of procedures designed to rectify irregular heartbeats, encompassing surgeries such as pacemaker and defibrillator implantations.
In conclusion, every effort within the domain of cardiology at Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad is guided by a noble mission – to guarantee that the heart, the very pulse of existence, continues its strong and steady rhythm.
Address: 8-16-1, Nagarjuna Sagar Rd, Laxmi Enclave, Bhagya Nagar, Bairamalguda, L B Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana India
#Best cardiology hospital in Hyderabad #CABG surgery
#open heart surgery #bypass surgery
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abheartcare · 10 months
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parthnaik16 · 10 months
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trustednewstribune · 11 months
Arrested Tamil Nadu minister Senthil Balaji to undergo bypass surgery on June 21
Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian has said arrested state minister Senthil Balaji will undergo a bypass surgery on June 21.
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Arrested Tamil Nadu Minister V Senthil Balaji will undergo surgery for heart-related ailment at a private hospital here on June 21, Health Minister Ma Subramanian said on Thursday.
Balaji, arrested by the ED in a cash-for-jobs scam last week, was initially admitted to a government hospital and later shifted to a private facility following a court order.
"Since the surgery has to be mandatorily performed on Senthil Balaji it will be done tomorrow," Subramanian told reporters here.
He said the minister was not aware of the "critical blocks" before they were diagnosed last week by the government doctors.
On June 14, Balaji underwent Coronary Angiogram and has been advised bypass surgery at the "earliest", Kauvery hospital, which is treating him said.
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kaichedrrahul · 11 months
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Dr. Rahul Kaiche has been working diligently for the last 2 decades and has become the best cardiac surgeon in Nashik based on his expertise and reputation for performing procedures with a high success rate. He has successfully treated more than 8500 paediatric and adult cardiac diseases patients, as well as more than 200 patients with heart function less than 20% ejection function, with a success rate of more than 99.44 percent. He has successfully performed multiple cardiac surgery in Nashik, with a 99.44 percent overall success rate in the CABG group. He is dedicated to his profession and always gives it his all.
Dr. Kaiche has worked with some of the world’s greatest hospitals, including Kings College London, the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, and the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, making him the best cardiac surgeon in Nashik. For his contributions in the sector, he was also awarded the Dr. Vasantrao Gupte Memorial Service Award (2011) and the Maharashtra Bhushan in 2011 by the Social Welfare Trust Mumbai. He has also contributed to society by striving to improve the lives of rural people and Adivasi. He is the Director of Shri Gurudatta Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha Karanji, Dist Nashik, an educational trust for Adivasi and rural kids.
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wiseedition · 11 months
Doctors advise bypass surgery for Senthil Balaji
The minister was arrested in connection with the cash for jobs scam when he was the transport minister during AIADMK regime in 2011-15.
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CHENNAI: A medical bulletin from the Omandurar hospital said that Minister for Electricity, Prohibition and Excise duty Senthil Balaji (47) underwent a coronary angiogram at 10.40 am on Wednesday. It revealed triple vessel disease, for which CABG-Bypass Surgery is advised at the earliest, it added.
The minister complained of chest pain while being taken for investigation by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The medical report will also be sent to All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) by the ED to ask their opinion, said sources.
The minister was arrested in connection with the cash for jobs scam when he was the transport minister during AIADMK regime in 2011-15. CM MK Stalin visited Senthil Balaji at the hospital. Ministers PK Sekar Babu, M Subramanian and Udhayanidhi Stalin are still in the hospital.
According to the doctors, Senthil Balaji complained of chest pain and discomfort and there were variations in his ECG.
When Senthil Balaji was taken in a car probably the one used by the ED officials, initially, it was believed that he was being taken to the ED office in Nungambakkam for further interrogation. But within a few seconds, the situation changed as Balaji was seen screaming in pain holding his chest. He was seen in the very same dress he wore when he returned to his home on Tuesday morning after hearing the news about ED officials were searching his house.
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