"I would think you, of all people," Dan replied, slowly and quietly, noting both her teeth on her lip and the hooded look she was shooting him with due attraction, "would know just how lonely I got." There was an odd sort of paradox that Ari constantly presented him with. Both driving him mad with desire to be wrapped up in her at all times and driving him - of almost equal measure - to want to offer more than that. 
Just give me a reason: Arianna || Daniel
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"No," Dan countered, draping an arm around her automatically as she shifted closer. It was odd, in a sense, just how much she'd managed to change him. Whereas he might previously have viewed having his arm around a fit bird in public to be a sign of status, having Ari next to him was natural and even reassuring. "What I'm saying is that I hardly 'got my fix' off of anybody. Time away from you got... lonely. Fast."
Just give me a reason: Arianna || Daniel
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Well... no, not really.
Dari Gif chat
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Yeah, but there wasn't exactly any sex to speak of, then, was there?
Dari Gif chat
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So... like us in autumn, basically? 
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Dari Gif chat
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Oh, massive shocker. Weasley's a slag and Malfoy's... Malfoy. Kinda had it coming, didn't they? 
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Dari Gif chat
Weasley and Malfoy broke up and now she’s with Jenson? Big shock there, Dan. *rolls eyes*
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"Probably because I don't like promises. I also make promises I can't keep." Dan replied in an equally as hushed tone, holding her for as long as she seemed to need it. He still wasn't exactly sure what had triggered this sort of reaction in her, but he certainly wasn't about to complain about the excuse it offered for him to hold her. As Ari suddenly pulled away and all but bolted towards her back, Dan stumbled along in her tow, wondering what in Merlin's name could be in need of such immediate attention. Kneeling across from her with a puzzled expression, Dan let out a hesitant sort of laugh. "You looking for something?"
Memory Lane and Alcohol: Daniel || Arianna
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in which Dan is obviously piss drunk
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what do you say when tears are streaming down your face in front of everyone you know? and what do you do when the one who means most to you is the one who didn’t show? 
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"I'm no- I'm not going to leave you." Dan replied with as much conviction as his confusion could allow for. Her tears seemed so incredibly sudden. She'd gone from teasing him, to looking somewhat troubled, to full-on crying and clinging rather desperately to him. It struck him, as it always did when she cried, just how horrible it felt to see her upset, especially when he was even remotely linked to the cause of her tears. "Ari, I promise," he whispered, leaving the end to hang off, indefinitely. He wasn't even sure exactly what he promised, he just... promised. It made no sense, even to himself, but as he held her close and kissed her neck and whispered reassurances to her, he started to hope he was helping at least a bit. "I love you, Ari." 
Memory Lane and Alcohol: Daniel || Arianna
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Dan kept his arm securely around her, smiling internally at the feel of her relying on him, her fingers entwined with his. He savoured the burn of the firewhiskey down his throat for a while longer before lowering the bottle once more. "Six months is a... that's a long..." He paused as he spoke, thinking back for himself as if to try and count the months that had passed. It didn't seem like it had really been that long and yet, he couldn't quite remember how he'd ever functioned without Ari. They'd fallen fast, he knew that, and he'd taken much longer than he should have taken to realise that he had. "Hey," he said, quietly, noticing her close-eyed facade. She didn't exactly seem altogether alright at that moment. "Okay?" he asked her, simply, setting the bottle aside and crooking a finger under her chin. 
Memory Lane and Alcohol: Daniel || Arianna
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Dan smirked a bit more to himself, watching as Ari knocked back an amount that was sure to have a decently potent affect on her. "Oh, I know I am." he returned, dropping his arms to his sides and abandoning his post at the wall. "Proof that I'm straight?" he asked, dubiously, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her to him as he nicked the bottle from her hand. "Is there not the possibility that restraint is my proof? Trying to be a good guy and all that? Impressing the girlfriend?" He asked with a grin, kissing her once before taking a long sip from the bottle.
Memory Lane and Alcohol: Daniel || Arianna
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"You're just a little minx, Arianna Nott." Dan grumbled, teasingly once she'd kissed him - if that could even be called a kiss - and ducked out of reach. Not bothering to pursue her for the time being, Dan turned around and leaned against the wall he'd had her up against, watching her saunter on over to the bottle with a flickering smirk. "You know damn well you've caught me, good." he added after a moment, folding his arms across his chest. 
Memory Lane and Alcohol: Daniel || Arianna
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What's your biggest regret?
Breaking up with Ari and being so slow to fix things.Oh, and punching a brick wall but being too proud to get my hand healed. I think it healed wrong or something. Still fuckin' hurts.  
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