daniel7153-blog · 6 years
Poster - ME DESIGNER - Final
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The six lines are represented by the the 3 primary colors and the 3 secondary colors, the work of LeParc was a big inspiration for this choice. The 3 colors above are also the colors of the brazilian flag and they are placed with their opposite colors. The 6 colors are also a representation of the pride flag, which is a political symbol for respect for diversity and equality.
Each color has a representation:
Yellow with the camera represents my interest for movies, music and arts in general.
Green with the book represents my knowledge and education.
Blue with the globe represents my trips, my understanding and respect for diversity and other cultures. And also how I am a result of the globalization: I was born in Brazil, my parents are Japanese and I am living in Australia.
Purple with the heart represents the people that I love and how I grow with each relationship.
Red with the kanji (japanese word) for Hayashi, represents my surname and therefore my family and heritage.
Orange with the two rings together represents friendship. All the people that I met in my life and what each on of them taught me.
I used a few Gestalt Principles: similarity, continuity, closure and proximity. And for the composition there is a combination of bilateral, radial and modular.
For the typography I chose “Potra” by Alejo Bergmann, a font available at DaFont website (www.dafont.com). It is an intricate font that has a futuristic and spacial look, it is formed by lines and dots, which is totally compatible with the visual language that I was using in the poster.
To give a sensation of depth and space I created a background with stars. I used the Sprayer Symbol Tool with 3 different sizes.
As a result I created a poster that represents my journey to become a designer.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
Poster - ME DESIGNER - First Version/Feedback
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The work from Kamenov, gave me the idea of a human body being made of this connections, the organic chemistry, the synapses, the cells, that visually also reminded the constellations and the data visualisation. So I created this poster with the idea that all my experiences are connected and they had built who I am as a designer.
The teacher supported the idea, however the first version wasn’t working well, the face had too much information, it was confusing and not appealing. I had to simplify the drawing focusing in the main lines and giving a lighter feel. The circles with the colours were interesting, but there were too many and the sizes weren’t harmonious with the overall idea. The colours also had to be more direct of their meaning so the teacher suggested the idea of the icons.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
Poster - ME DESIGNER - Mood board
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With this concept in mind, I had the word “connection” as a main idea. For the moodboard I was attracted to data visualization through graphics, it was the bridge between my previous graduations to this new design knowledge,. How to connect data to make it understandable, appealing and even beautiful. After that I started looking at astronomy images, how each planet and star affect each other, their light, heat, gravity, how they move, it is all connected. And also how people try to make sense of constellations, give them new meanings, make connections between them.
To have an artistic inspiration, I remembered the work of some of my favorite artists: the argentinian, Julio Le parc; the brazilian, Kiko Farkas; the japanese, Yayoi Kusama; and the Bulgarian, Kamen Kamenov.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
Poster - ME DESIGNER - Idea/Mindmap
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The “Me Designer” assignment starts with questioning what being a designer means to you, and then it challenges the student to express that that in a poster.
In the first step of this assignment, the mindmap allowed me to liberate all my ideas related to the theme and then try to make sense from the confusion. I realized that being a designer was always a dream that I had, but that I never had the chance to pursuit it before. Although sometimes I feel I’m starting late, with an age disadvantage, everything that I experienced is actually a box full of tools that I can use as a designer. All the movies that I watched, all the people that I met, the places I visited and all the classes that I took, it doesn’t matter if was economics, calculus or physics, they all gave me knowledge and a repertoire to be used as a designer.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
Week 9 - TASK 2 - Research - Milton Glazer
"The role of design is not to persuade, it’s to inform. If you try to persuade people to do something that is not in their own good, you’re committing a dreadful act against the culture and against civilization.” - Milton Glaze
Milton Glazer is one of the most important American graphic designers to date. I selected 3 of his works and made a short analyses. 
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Dylan, 1967 for Columbia Records
This artwork by Milton Glazer was made to Bob Dylan Greatest Hits.
This image uses the Gestalt Principle of Figure and Ground to create the silhouette of the man’s face and it works especially well because Bob Dylan has a very recognisable nose shape, the viewer immediately recognizes that the man is Dylan himself.
The hair is made of similar rounded shapes utilising the proximity Gestalt principle and are positioned almost in a radial composition giving a sensation of movement to the image.
The white background with the black silhouette makes a great contrast and the hair is painted in analogous colors, in an almost surrealist way. It doesn’t immitate a real hair color.
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For this project the airline company Jet Blue wanted to associate its brand with the “I love NY” LOGO. Glazer allied the letter B with the same blue tone used in the Jet Blue logo, that was recognizable. The heart shape that substitutes the word ‘love’ in the ‘I love NY’ is also very iconic. So the designer made it simpler and used just those to elements to create this new logo. The letter B is overlapped by the heart, but because of the closure Gestalt principle we know that it is the letter B. In the right side of the image it uses the similarity and proximity principles with the repetition of the logo. It is also visually structured in a grid.
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Mostly Mozart Film Festival
This poster uses the image of a man that we can associate to Mozart because of the hair and the clothes. As a visual structure it has a very defined grid. And the designer used the Gestalt principle of repetition with the sequential images of Mozart. The colors are in compound harmony.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
WEEK 9 - TASK 1 - Visual Structure
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Above there are 6 examples of visual systems to compose and organise elements in an image:
AXIAL: all elements are organised on either side of an axis or line. This compositional strategy organises the elements and creates a negative space on the opposite side. 
RADIAL: the elements are arranged as rays coming from a central focal point. It gives a dynamic action to the image. 
DILATATIONAL: it has a central focus point like the radial, but instead of rays the elements are arranged in rings that expand from the centre. 
RANDOM: in this type of composition, the arrangement doesn’t follow any particular visual structure, it is not aligned or have a receptive pattern.
GRID: the system that is structured by a network of lines. The elements are placed following this lines creating relationship between them. Those lines are usually invisibly in the background, they serve as guides for the composition. This system is often used in layout of magazines and websites. 
TRANSITIONAL: it is a structure were the elements are positioned next to each other creating an layering look, but are not aligned to each other. 
MODULAR: it group similar elements in modules and this modules are placed in a larger structure or system. It can be organised in a grid, but can also be placed more freely. 
BILATERAL: it is based in an axis with a mirrored organisation. 
Hass, Alex. Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals. Viewed at 13/09/2018. https://opentextbc.ca/graphicdesign/chapter/3-3-organizational-principles/
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
WEEK6 - TASK 1 - Geometrical Abstract Forms
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
WEEK 6 - TASK 2 - Color Theory
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
WEEK 5  - TASK 2 - Examples of Gestalt Principles
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
WEEK 5 - TASK 1 - M. C. Escher and the Gestalt Principles
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FIG. 1 - “Sky and Water I” - M. C. Escher (1938)
M. C. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist known by his work of fantastical images based on impossible objects and regular divisions. Although he creates fantasy scenarios, his art is extremely precise geometry and applies complex mathematical theories.  
Escher artworks are excellent examples of some of the Gestalt principles. One of the most prominent is the ‘Figure and Ground’ principle. According to this principles, the human mind tend to identify our visual world into two different segments: figure and ground. Figure is the main subject in our visual field, usually a person or an object, the ground is the background.
We can see this principles being used in the ‘Sky and Water I’ artwork. In the central area is very clear that the white area and the black area create different animals. If we consider the white area the figure, we can see the fish, and the black area is the ground. However if we consider the black as the figure area, we can notice the shape of the bird. As we look up in the picture we can see the black areas more distinct, becoming a clear image of the bird while the white becomes the background. If we look down, the same happens to the fish representation.
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FIG. 2 - ‘Day and Night’, M. C. Escher (1938)
In the ‘Day and Night’ artwork, the principle of ‘figure and ground’ is also used to create the images of the birds. In this work we can identify other Gestalt principles such as ‘similarity’, ‘proximity’ and  ‘continuity’.
The ‘similarity’ principle occurs when objects similar to each other form patterns and groups. If we look to the bottom center part of the image, the field is formed by squares and inside the squares there are parallel lines that creates patterns.
The ‘proximity’ principle is also an important factor to make this artwork impactful, there are three major areas where proximity happens and one central point where the images blend. First the bottom area has the field squares, second there is the white birds in the right area, and third there are the black birds on the left.
The ‘continuity’ principle is noticeable as the white birds compel our eyes to follow them to the right and the black birds to the left. This use of the principle creates the idea of movement in the image.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
TASK 2 - The Golden Ratio
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The Golden Ratio is also known as the perfect proportion or the pattern of life. 
It is a repetitive proportion that can be found in nature, such as the petal patterns in flowers or even the human anatomy. 
The number of this proportion is 1,618... (infinite). It is the larger side of the rectangle divided by the smaller side. 
This number is a derivation of the Fibonacci sequence: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 and so on. That is made by the following logic:
0+1 = 1 
1+1 = 2
2+1 = 3
3+2 = 5
5+3 + 8
and so on.
This proportion is known for being effective functionally (for example, it fits more seeds in a sunflower) and also pleasing aesthetically, as it is frequently used in architecture since ancient civilisations such as the the Greek buildings and the pyramids.
Nowadays it is very important in design. The use of this proportion makes an image more balanced and pleasing aesthetically. One example is the logo of Apple or Twitter, both of those logos use the Golden Ratio as base for their designs.
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daniel7153-blog · 6 years
TASK 1 - Typography - Likes and Dislikes
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The “Caviar Dreams” is a sans serif geometric font. I like how it uses the circles as a base for most of it letters, like the “C”, the “D” and the “e”. It is very clean and readable, the lowercases and the uppercases are very different sizes and it follow the descender lines and ascender lines in an consistent way. It also is fun in a subtle way, like the “e” that has an angle or the “B” that is smaller in the upper part and larger in the lower part..
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The “Rielsing” is a sans serif font, it is possible to notice that there is no “legs” (serifs) in the letters A, E, F and X for example. However it has long tails and many lowercase letters decent down the baseline like the letter “s” and “g”. But it makes the letter “g” for instance” look really sexy and curvy, almost like a wine glass. The name instantly makes you think about wines (Riesling is a type fo white wine) and it brings this luxury feeling to it. It can be great for labelling a wine or other luxury food items that can be related to wine tasting like a new brand of cheese. However I wouldn’t use this font in a large text, specially if it is for a digital media because it wouldn’t be very readable. There are some letters that overlaps it other.
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The “Raleway Light” is a sans serif geometric font. I like how it is very symmetric, for example the “A” and the “H”, or also if you look to symmetry in the vertical of the letters “B” and “E”. It is also very versatile because it can be made bold or italic and still be readable.
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The “Amita” font is an old style serif font. What I don’t like about it is that many of the uppercase letters are “shorter” than the lowcase letters, they don’t follow the ascender line, it is the case of the “B” “D” and “F”. That makes the text more confusing to read and it looks like the text was written in different font sizes. 
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The “Anagram” font is a geometric sans serif font. It can make an interesting title, but it wouldn’t work in a text. I don’t like font that doesn’t differentiate the lowercase letters, it make the font very limited. I also don’t like font that has letters that have a size that is too different from the other like the “M”, the “N” and the “A”, because it draws to much attention to them.
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The “1942 report” is a serif font that simulates an old typewriter. I don’t particularly like fonts that try to simulate a handwriting or a typewriter, because most of those fonts looks really fake and make the whole design less professional. The attempt to make an ink effect to it, makes it less readable and confusing.
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